Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 662: 662: Eternal Palm Star Pavilion

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Within chaos.

A torrent of black air full of tyrannical emotions was boiling. From a distance, it seemed as if countless black smoke was dancing wildly, and finally condensed into an extremely rich black vortex, pouring back towards the center.


The wind was violent, and the emotions of tyranny and death were overflowing, and everyone seemed to be able to hear the wailing of countless resentful spirits, which made people upset.

Yang Jian and the others stared solemnly at the center of the storm. Gu Zhan maintained the posture of holding a black knife. The whole body was dyed black. The original blue-faced fangs became black-faced and black-faced, a wave of powerful destruction. The breath came from his body, which was shocking.

The black knife was trembling and humming softly.


When the black energy was completely poured into the ancient battle and the black knife, a crack suddenly opened in the ground where the black knife was inserted.

Subsequently, the crack spread rapidly, and at the same time a black and bright light overflowed from the crack, but in a blink of an eye, the world began to shatter, rubble on the ground soared, and the whole world was turned upside down in a blink of an eye.

Yang Jian's face sank slightly, and he hurriedly said, "Go back, this world is going to explode!"

"How can this be? Just holding the handle of the knife, can it have such a powerful force?"

"The destructive power of this knife is too great, who can resist it?"


Afterwards, a violent roar resounded throughout the world, and the horrible light of destruction turned into aftermaths overflowing to the surroundings. The small world that had already exhausted its vitality, now it is directly exploded and turned into countless meteorites, chaotic. Shuttle in the chaos.

When everything was gone, Gu Zhan stood there silently holding a black knife, no emotion in his eyes.

"Hahaha, shatter one world with one knife, good knife!"

"This will be the strongest **** corpse in my corpse chasing world!"

The two elders in the corpse chasing world were overjoyed and laughed out loud.

Afterwards, an old man pinched Fa Jue, pointed towards Gu Zhan, and ordered: "Go back to the copper coffin and lie down!"

However, Gu Zhan just turned his head to look at him, motionless.

The old man's brow furrowed, his whole body mana was mighty, and he said majesticly: "Chaos Promise, Royal Corpse Tuning Order, give me up!"

Between raising his hands, there was a strange spell in the void rushing towards the ancient war.

But the next moment, the ancient war moved.

He suddenly raised his hand, and the black knife in his hand slashed forward!

It was just an ordinary slash, but it caused a terrifying black sword light, which contained the might of destroying the sky and the earth, easily shattering the spell, and fell straight towards the people who drove the corpse world.

"Bold, even the mere corpses dare to eat the Lord?"

The two elders in the corpse world looked gloomy at the same time, shouted, and stepped up to meet them, "Get it down for me!"

Two old men and two corpse emperors shot at the same time, this is the power of the four heavenly realms, the world is turbulent between raising their hands, the chaos roars, the powerful force provokes a terrible vision, and goes toward the suppression of the ancient war!

"I want to destroy the world! Kill, kill, kill!"

Gu Zhan's mouth suddenly heard a wild roar, and the extremely fierce aura burst out into a billowing wave of air and rushed into the sky.

Holding a black knife in his hand, he was completely covered by the tyrannical killing intent and swept out toward the surroundings!

The horrible blade light rushed out to the surrounding area, annihilating all the attacks of the four people in the corpse chasing world, and at the same time forcing them to retreat.

Gu Zhan's actions suddenly became swift, and as soon as he lifted his steps, he already appeared in front of an old man in the corpse chasing world, and the black knife slashed straight down!

The terrifying force of oppression caused the old man's face to change tragically, and he raised his hand to induce the power of endless laws, and displayed his magical powers and pointed out to the black knife, "A finger!


Obviously it is a simple slashing action, but its powerful destructive power is even more powerful than magical powers. It is cut out with a single knife, and it actually provokes a long black sword light, and many stars are all annihilated, which is a bit unlucky. The monk eating melon was directly erased!

The old man flew upside down, his entire arm was shattered, and his face was unspeakably shocked.

This arm of his can't recover in a short time!

Seeing Gu Zhan continue to come towards him with a grim face, he quickly exchanged for the corpse emperor to stop him.

"It's so strong, who is the one with the knife? He can fight the four great powers of heaven alone."

"What a strong aura of destruction, this is the killing aura that shakes the world."

"It's horrible, is that person caused the so much black energy just now?"

Many monks felt a tingling scalp just seeing Gu Zhan, as if they had seen a killer.

Not to mention that just a trace of the overflowing breath in the fight made them feel the breath of death.

Yang Jian said solemnly: "This black knife is full of killing and tyranny. It can control people's minds and reduce them to monsters who only know how to kill!"

Xiao Chengfeng said in horror: "This knife is too powerful, but where did it come from? Do we want to do it too?"

At this moment, Gu Zhan suddenly uttered a long roar, and the black knife slashed straight down at a corpse emperor, as if torn the sky and the earth, the black light flashed, the corpse emperor was cut in two directly, and everything was absorbed by the black knife.

"The combat power of a heavenly realm is so gone?"

"It's horrible. Although there is no magical power, as long as you hold this knife, then every knife is magical."

"It's too cruel. This is a big killer. I felt terrified. I can't watch the excitement. Run!"

"No wonder it will slaughter a world, this is a real killer!"

Everyone was terrified and didn't dare to look at Ancient Zhan directly, and they could also feel the madness in Ancient Zhan, which was to kill everything in the world.

Another old man in the corpse world is flying with white hair, his eyes are shining with strange light, his palm is shining with gray air currents, he pats on the chest of Gu Zhan, and said: "The corpse enters the dream technique, give me a deep sleep!"

However, Gu Zhan was not affected at all. He raised his hand and waved the light of the sword before beheading him suddenly!

The old man didn't even make a scream when he escaped, and the mana and vitality of his body, including the spirits, were all sucked into the black knife and became one of the resentful souls within.

This is the great power of the realm of heaven, and it was killed by a single blow!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Around the black knife, the roar of the resentful soul became even more crazy, visible to the naked eye, they were entangled together, resentment was overwhelming, forming a terrible vision.

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The old man in the corpse world is really stubborn. This black knife is extremely weird. He dare to lean in and do some corpse dreaming, it is almost death."

Yang Jian frowned and sighed: "This is all greedy."

What he is more worried about is how to clean up this endgame?

Only one old man with a broken arm and one corpse emperor remained in the corpse chasing world.

The old man with the broken arm was already scared to death. He sacrificed the corpse emperor to hold the Gu Zhan, while he wiped the soles of his feet and ran fast.

In this wave, the corpse world rushed over excitedly and fled in blood loss.

At the scene, Gu Zhan was still showing great power, and once again slashed the corpse emperor.

He roared more and more, his murderous aura became stronger, and he said tyrannically: "I want to destroy the world! God's Domain, I want to slaughter God's Domain!"

His gaze swept towards everyone present, the kind of murderous aura that shocked everyone and involuntarily backed away.

Just now, with his own power, he brutally abused the power of the four heavenly realms, even killed three people, and severely injured one person. This record is simply appalling.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

The point is, this guy is a lunatic at all, who wants to fight him?

However, Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng condensed at the same time, preparing to fight.

"He is actually going to slaughter God's Domain, why did he have such a will? Absolutely not let him succeed!"

God's Domain is where an expert is located, how can such demons be presumptuous!

Yang Jian folded his hands and said: "Everyone, the evil spirits are powerful, please join hands together, you can't let him do whatever he wants!"

The old man in Bai Yunguan nodded and said, "That's natural."

A middle-aged man from another force in God's Domain also solemnly said: "This black knife is too weird, everyone should be careful."

However, there were still a few people who didn't answer the call and silently retreated.

Gu Zhan is too strong, it is very likely to die when fighting against it, they don't want to go desperately, feel unnecessary.

"God's Domain, slaughtered God's Domain!"

Gu Zhan's mouth whispered again, then he looked in one direction and started to walk away!

Yang Jian said sharply: "Stop him!"

As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead, and as soon as he lifted his wrist, the immortal rope was separated, turned into a stream of light, and bound towards the ancient battle.

Gu Zhan raised his hand with a wave, and the black knife slashed straight on the streamer, and the immortal rope was split into two immediately, and the aura was lost.

The killing aura of Gu Zhan recognized Yang Jian, and came violently.

Just as Xiao Chengfeng and the others gathered their mana and prepared to take action together, a gorgeous halo suddenly shot from a distance and fell straight on the surroundings of the ancient battle, turning into a cage, trapping the ancient battle in it. .

"After the sun and the moon die, sitting and watching the years pass, I will be eternal!"

A misty and majestic voice sounded, making Yang Jian and the others slightly startled. When they looked up, they saw a figure walking in the distance.

Everyone's expressions were condensed, and they didn't dare to be careless. Judging from the tone, this person should not be underestimated.

The meaning of this is that it is older than the years, this is definitely an old monster!

Maybe it came from before the ages!

Gradually, a person wearing a white gown slowly entered everyone's field of vision. The white gown was fluttering, filled with immortality, and glowed with a halo, giving people a sense of unpredictability.

He wears a peculiar mask on his face. A smiling doll is shown on the mask. The doll has red cheeks and smiles with squinting eyes.

Gives people and animals a sense of harmlessness.

Yang Jian immediately saluted and said, "Now, Yang Jian, thank you senior for helping me."

The man nodded and said: "I am the master of Star Pavilion, Star Cliff. I came here specially because of the aura of Demon Slayer. I didn't expect it to come a step too late and let it manipulate the killing."

Xiao Chengfeng said in surprise: "That sword is called Demon Sword? It's really an overbearing name."

Xingya opened his mouth and said: "This is not a treasure without a master, but a weapon belonging to the Dadao Supreme. The owner is the ancient supreme named Guhe."

Everyone was shocked, "The supreme weapon of the ancient race?"

It's no wonder that this magic knife will create boundless killings, it turned out to be for the destruction of the world!

At the same time, they were surprised at Xingya's erudition, even the ancient supreme knew that he was indeed an old monster, maybe he was a... supreme.

Yang Jian said more respectfully: "Senior, why did the Demon Slayer come here?"

Xingya said: "The Devil's Blade is only a pioneer. It comes to Chaos, which means that Furukawa is also coming soon. He is writing a battle book for Chaos and provoking it."

"We haven't arrived, the weapons will arrive first. It's too rampant. It doesn't put us in the eyes at all."

"This is supreme, he has such confidence."

"Oh my God, just a knife is so powerful, how terrible is the Furukawa coming?"

Everyone was terrified, and felt a pang of horror.

Xingya opened his mouth and said: "The Demon Sword was born in the boundless killing. Once the weak gets close, it will be swallowed by its murderous aura. If the strong gets close, he will manipulate his mind and become a world-destroying machine. Furukawa also wants this The handle knife adds trouble to Chaos."

Someone rejoiced and said: "Fortunately, seniors will take action, otherwise, who can stop it will surely be overwhelmed."

However, as soon as his voice fell, there was a sudden "click".

Then, I saw that the cage that held the ancient war cracked open.



The blade of the World Devil Sword shot out from the crack, and the terrifying aura of destruction forced everyone to retreat, and then saw the cage directly exploded, and Gu Zhan ran out frantically.


He was holding the Devil's Knife in his hand, slashing at everyone.

Someone hurriedly roared: "Senior, World Devil Sword has broken free from your cage."

Xingyayun said lightly: "I'm not blind, and my cage can't trap him."

"you you……"

Xiao Chengfeng suddenly realized, staring at Xingya, "You just pretended to be? I thought you were really awesome!"

Nima, when he comes on stage, he comes with such a powerful opening remarks, and he also makes an unpredictable appearance. Then he talks about some secret luck, and the bulls will blow them up, and finally I will directly give you a stretch.

Good fellow, Xiao Chengfeng called the good fellow directly.

This pretend to be a perpetrator knows better than himself.

The others were also dumbfounded, originally thinking that the wave had stabilized.

Yang Jian took a deep breath and solemnly said, "Don't be distracted, we all join hands."

Everyone shot together, the light of numerous laws impacted the ancient war, the power of supernatural power spread, and turned into a lot of shocking visions, and they wanted to suppress the ancient war.

However, Gu Zhan holds the Demon Sword of the World. With a single blade, he possesses the power to destroy all kinds of magic. The attack is even more powerful. Often a single blade is enough to be comparable to any magical power, and people have to avoid its edge.

Moreover, this knife not only has the horrible light of destruction, but also has endless resentment spirits, ghosts crying and howling, biting and swallowing at everyone.

This is the weapon of the Supreme Dao, contaminated with the atmosphere of the Dao, it is so powerful that it is incredibly powerful, and it makes people desperate.

Soon, the people joined forces and did nothing but the ancient battle, but some of them were injured, and the battle was extremely difficult.

Xingya's body lit up, and there seemed to be thousands of stars shining behind him, bursting out endless sparks, shooting towards Gu Zhan, "The stars are shining!"

The veteran of Bai Yunguan held a whisk in his hand and stroked in the void. History has a surging thunder, and the purple light soars into the sky, "Heaven's absolute thunder!"

"Palm out the universe!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and used their magical powers together, causing the endless void to twist and collapse, and bombarded the ancient war.

Gu Zhan held a knife in both hands and swept constantly, the dark blade of the sword swallowed everything, and kept sweeping out.

"A full house of flowers drunk three thousand guests, a sword of frost and cold fourteen states."

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were dignified and he held a long sword in his hand. The sword aura rushed like a tide, and in a flash, it overflowed the entire sky. The dazzling cold light covered everything, dyed the surrounding bright white, and cut through the sky.

The endless sword light swallowed the ancient war from all directions. With so many terrifying supernatural powers, he could not defend them all, and the terrible sword light swept past his chest!

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