Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 661: 661: Unexpectedly, the corpse draws a sword

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Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng raised their brows when they saw the miserable situation of the people behind them, their expressions a little heavy.

Yang Jian solemnly said: "Old Xiao, what do you think?"

"This thing is really strange."

Xiao Chengfeng paused, and analyzed: "These black qi didn't notice much strangeness at first, but when everyone entered it, it would burst out suddenly. Once the cultivation level is not enough, it will be swallowed directly. This is fishing!"

Yang Jian nodded and said: "It is very likely that it is not a dead thing that caused this situation."

They are daring and daring, they are not worthy of art. Surrounded by the light of mana, they soon came to the center of the black energy.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the faces of the two of them became extremely ugly, and their hearts were heavy.

This piece of heaven and earth has completely turned black, like ink, full of despair, unwillingness, and violent.

It can be clearly seen that this piece of the world was originally a peaceful little world, full of all kinds of living beings, but never imagined that it had encountered this unwarranted disaster.

The bodies of these creatures did not dissipate. Instead, they were dyed black by the black air. Many mortals didn’t even know what happened. Before they died, their faces were still living in their own way. Some were smiling, some were on the farm, and still Some are drinking.

Many monks fled with horror, and they could see the despair and pain before their death.

There are animals, plants, everything, all deprived!

This is a deadly world, where the resentment of thousands of creatures converged and almost turned into substance, howling in the void, under the gaze of Yang Jian's third eye, it even condensed into hundreds of millions of resentful spirits, entwined on the black knife. Shocking resentment broke out.

And the number of killing air and wraith spirits on that black knife has reached a terrifying level, and its terrible level made Yang Jian's eyes tingling and his scalp numb.

Yang Jian was shocked, and said hoarsely: "This is an unknown knife. It turned a world into purgatory in an instant, contaminated with endless killing!"

Xiao Chengfeng cursed: "Kill sentient beings and condense resentment, this kind of sword shouldn't exist in the world!"

When they saw the tragic situation of this world, they inevitably felt sadness and empathy.

Because the previous prehistoric was a weak world, not even as powerful as this world, if this change fell on the head of the prehistoric, then the entire prehistoric world would no longer exist, and they would be extremely scared just thinking about it.

At this time, seven figures have gathered here, and seeing this scene, their complexion can't help but change drastically.

"What a terrible knife, it was born to kill, how could it appear here?"

"This sword actually killed a world with its killing intent, and it also condensed resentment, turning the killed creatures into resentful souls, and being enslaved by them for eternity, life is not as good as death. It is simply shocking."

"This is a peerless weapon, it is against the heavens."

Without exception, those who can come here are the powers of the Heavenly Dao realm. However, even if they are close to this knife, they feel a pressure, breathe hard, and feel that mana is being lost.

"Everyone, I have a proposal."

Yang Jian stood up and said: "This sword is unknown, and the killing air is still spreading out. If it is not contained, it will cause lives to be disgraced. Its existence is definitely not a good thing. It is better to join hands to seal it and isolate it forever! "

"I agree!"

As soon as Yang Jian's voice fell, someone immediately responded, but he was a middle-aged man. He hugged Yang Jian with a fist and smiled and said: "I have seen the heavenly justice god."

Yang Jian recognized him. He turned out to be a force stationed in God's Domain, and immediately hugged his fists in return.

Another old man opened his mouth and said: "I also agree with the old way. This knife creates boundless killing. The law of heaven is unbearable. Those who use this knife will definitely be spurned and even affected by the killing intent. So the seal is good for everyone! "

Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng looked over and laughed immediately. They turned out to be an elder of Bai Yunguan and also old friends.

The others thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Someone suggested: "This place is shrouded in slaughter grievances, and people who are not below the realm of Heavenly Dao are not allowed to enter. In order to prevent more deaths, it is better to seal this area!"

"Very good!"

Just as everyone was preparing to do it, a majestic breath suddenly came from a distance, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and it came!

Before everyone could see the incoming person clearly, they saw a huge golden fist roaring from a distance, wrapped in boundless power, pushing all the way, killing intent, and overbearing.

Above this golden fist, surrounded by laws, blasted the chaos through a hole, shattering the void all the way, containing the might of heaven, suppressing everything.

This punch, but to include all the people present, it can be said to be extremely rampant.


Tian Dao Da Neng present at the same time frowned slightly, and then shot together, easily defuse the punch.

The next moment, I saw four figures stepping forward. Their breath was full of death and resentment, but it was somewhat similar to black air, giving people a cold feeling.

The four figures are headed by two old men with thin bodies and drooping eyebrows. They look a little lingering, and they seem to fall as soon as the wind blows. However, they are true heavenly powers!

The two behind them were tall, with blue-faced fangs, their skin turned over with black and gold-like metallic luster, and the joints of their limbs had green hairs.

These are two zombie emperors.

And they also carried an ancient bronze coffin, exuding a weird aura.

For this lineup, Yang Jian is naturally no stranger, frowning and saying: "It's a line of corpses, what are they doing?"

Xiao Chengfeng worried: "I'm afraid that things will happen for no reason. I would have called more people over if I knew it."

The corpse chasing world can fight against the original world alliance, and...the corpse of the Supreme King of the Great Dao has been refined!

Although Wang Zun ran off, it was enough to see his perversion.

Someone’s eyes turned red immediately, and he shouted angrily: “Drive the beasts of the corpse world, quickly return the corpse of my ancestor!”

People in the corpse chasing world have the ability to refine corpses. They robber tombs in the chaos all year round. They especially like the corpses of the strong, and at the same time they like to commit killings. It can be said that it is notorious, and it is an existence that everyone shouts and beats.

But it is undeniable that the corpse chasing world is too mysterious and powerful. It has been active in the years and has a profound background. Although everyone hates it, they are quite jealous.

An old man in the corpse chasing world sneered: "If you want, take it yourself! If you succeed, you can reunite with your ancestor's corpse. If it fails, you can still reunite with your ancestor's corpse. It's a good thing."

"It's as rampant as ever. Now that you have appeared, please stay!"

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"Everyone, I don’t need to say more about what the corpse chasing world did. Now that I met you, why don’t we join forces together?"

Someone present couldn't see it, and immediately stood up and proposed.

The old man in the corpse chasing world did not pay attention to the people at all, but his eyes burned and said: "Unexpectedly, it was a knife that caused such a big movement in the chaos. This time, it is the right thing to bring the corpse out of the gods! We want this knife. Up!"

"I want Nima, Xiao Chengfeng will never allow anyone to pretend to be in front of me! Give me death!"

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help it directly. With a long roar, the long sword in his hand was already bursting out of the air. A gleam of sword light extinguished the space, bringing a ray of light to the black world, and the power was like a slashing bamboo. To the old man.

Behind the old man, the corpse emperor stepped out, facing the sword, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and greeted him with the might of the world.

Although it is a corpse, the law of the whole body is dead, its strength is unparalleled, it contains the mana in front of it, and its combat power is extremely powerful.

After smashing the sword light with a punch,    continued to explode and launched a counterattack towards Xiao Chengfeng.

Xiao Chengfeng held a long sword, and also turned into Changhong to meet him, shouting: "Come well, I will never give birth to Xiao Chengfeng. Swordsmanship is like a long night! Sword light poisonous dragon diamond!"

"Everyone in the corpse world will be killed, die!"

Other people also attacked the people in the corpse chasing world. For a while, the magical brilliance bloomed in this void, causing a violent vibration on this land, and the roar continued.

There are only four people in the corpse chasing world, and Yang Jian has nine people here. Although only six people have taken action, the corpse chasing world is still four to six, especially the corpse king, the fighting is extremely violent. Overwhelm the general realm of heaven and power.

Yang Jian and the other two choose to watch the changes, prepare to cope with the changes, and support them at any time.

Because they can feel a hidden breath in the copper coffin.

Sure enough, an old man in the corpse chasing world suddenly pinched a magic trick, pointed at the copper coffin, and then a strange light burst into his eyes, hoarsely said: "The **** corpse wakes up!"

In an instant, the wind was surging, and the ancient bronze coffin trembled violently, and the strange lines on it glowed blood-red, which made people upset.


The lid of the coffin flew in response, a black air current rose from the ancient coffin, and then a tall black and gold corpse stood upright!

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from its body, suppressing it in the world, making everyone's movements stagnant and frightened.

Yang Jian, who was always paying attention to the ancient coffin, saw the figure, but his pupils suddenly shrank, and he breathed quickly: "That's...Ancient battle?!"

Although the appearance of the corpse has changed a lot, Yang Jian can still vaguely recognize it, because the fight in the ancient battlefield was too fierce. The ancient battle was very strong, and he also led a large group of ancient energy bodies to him. The impression is extremely deep, it is the existence of the well-deserved peak of the realm of heaven.

It’s just that the corpse chasing world actually refined the ancient war into a **** corpse? The corpse world can also refine the corpses of the ancients!

Yang Jian thought of Wang Zun’s body rushing over when he was on the ancient battlefield.

It must be the people from the corpse chasing world who sought Wang Zun’s corpse and went to the ancient battlefield. They happened to find the corpse of the ancient war and took it back for refining.

The strength of the ancient battle is no longer in the ordinary realm of heaven. After absorbing a lot of energy in the ancient battlefield, it can be said that it is already a half-step road. The corpse he refines is naturally not to be underestimated.

He couldn't help but reminded: "Be careful, everyone."

No need for him to say, everyone can feel the endless pressure from Gu Zhan.

The old man in the corpse chasing world ordered: "Go and pull out the knife!"

Immediately, Gu Zhan stepped out with a cold face.

"Boom boom boom."

His foot stepped on the ground, and he walked straight toward the black sword step by step, and his boundless aura spread out, turning into a gust of wind, and swept in all directions.

"Block him!"

Yang Yan's face was solemn, and he was the first to make a move. The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand pierced the void, brought bursts of bright light, and stabbed a huge blade towards Gu Zhan.

The other two great powers of the realm of heaven did not dare to neglect. Between one of them raised their hands, an almost illusory flame was transformed, and the law was used as fuel to burn out the void. This is the fire of heaven, transforming and sinking a huge rhinoceros towards ancient times. The war rushed away.

The other person took out a purple-golden long sword, condensing thousands of purple sword energy, like thousands of stars, shrouded on the head of Gu Zhan, and then smashed down!

The three heavenly realms teamed up to explode a strong blow, which caused the universe to die, and the surrounding scenes were all annihilated. Except for the black knife, everything was turned into a dream bubble and was razed to the ground.

Gu Zhan took a step forward, raised both hands, made fists together, and then bombarded out!

His whole body, a powerful force rushed out in an instant, turning into a wave of air and rippling around, unexpectedly relying on his own strength to resist the combination of the three.

He roared wildly, the light of mana around his body was dazzling, and the ultimate power broke out, shaking the power of the three of Yang Jian, and the light of destruction overflowed.

Yang Jian's body was shocked, and when they recovered, Gu Zhan had already come before the black sword.

He raised his hand without hesitation, and held it straight on the handle of the knife!


Between the heavens and the earth, the black energy covering the endless area trembles at the same time, and the killing air and endless resentment are boiling, and everyone's ears seem to be spreading the roar of countless resentful souls.

Everyone couldn't help but stop the fight, staring at Gu Zhan with wide-eyed eyes.

Black knives are definitely not so easy to take, because they contain the power of tyranny to the extreme.

Ordinary people will be sucked out of life even if they are close, let alone holding the handle of a knife, for fear of being sucked up instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The endless black energy made the sound of thunder, and then Ruwanchuanguihai began to converge towards the black knife. The place of the ancient war became the center of the whirlpool, with endless black energy rolling.

The two elders in the corpse chasing world were suddenly ecstatic, "Hahaha, is this done? This kind of despair and killing can be controlled by the corpses of my corpse!"

"Obtaining this knife, the combat power of the **** corpse can definitely be greatly increased, comparable to the supreme!"

The last time the corpse of the corpse world was finally refining, the corpse of Wang Zun escaped, which brought a major blow to the corpse world. After all, this was the corpse of the Great Dao Sovereign.

The Great Dao Sovereign is really extraordinary. After death, a corpse can be transformed into a corpse, which is really hard to prevent.

But now the desperate black sword descended from the sky, the monk may not be able to control it, but the weapon used as the **** corpse is just right, enough to make the battle power of the **** corpse soar and become the peak combat power.

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