Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 667: 667: The new night view of Tiangong, the ultimate enemy of Xingya

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Days pass day by day.

The news that the ancient supreme is about to attack is naturally unknown to most people, but it has been faintly spread among some large sects and forces.

Some of these forces mobilized all their disciples to prepare for a desperate fight, while others were looking for a suitable secret in the chaos, preparing to find a place to stay together in an attempt to avoid this catastrophe.

Tiangong is uniting some forces in God's Domain, stepping up inspections of Chaos, and paying close attention to the traces of Furukawa crossing the boundary.

In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan was enjoying tea while he was enjoying his tea. He looked at Huo Feng and Da Ji who were practicing yoga, and at Qin Manyun and Situ Qin who were addicted to playing piano and calligraphy. Even Da Hei was sweating on the treadmill.

Can't help but raise his eyebrows.

What are these people doing? How come you suddenly become so diligent?

Drinking tea here alone makes me embarrassed, like a waste.

During this time, Li Nianfan saw their efforts in his eyes.

He couldn't help coughing, and said: "Um...Xiao Daji, although yoga is good, but it also has to be a degree. Combination of work and rest is the most suitable. You must know the truth that it is too late. There are also girls Situ Qin and Man The same goes for Miss Yun. Actually, she only needs to take one hour a day to practice, and more will hurt her body."

No one is practicing yoga and fitness all day long, isn't the body just abolished.

Daji stopped, and said: "My son, we are just obsessed with it and can't get out of it."

Li Nianfan shook his head and said: "This can't be done. We have been bored in the courtyard for a long time. We should go out to gather and gather. Let's take a walk. Proper relaxation is good for physical and mental health."

For Li Nianfan's words, Daji would naturally not object, and said: "Okay, I listen to the son."

She was moved in her heart. The son must be afraid that we would be under too much pressure, so she proposed to let everyone relax.

Huo Feng curiously asked, "Where are you going, son?"

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, and said, "Well...or just go to the Temple of Heaven. I remember I still have a suite there, so I just went to live in."

What he called a house naturally refers to the Palace of the Holy Monarch of Merit. It has to be said that more mansions are better.

Everyone would naturally have no objections, nodded and said: "Well, good."

Immediately, Da Ji went to the backyard and called Long Er and Nun Nun over. After everyone cleaned up, they accompanied Li Nianfan to the Tiangong.


Guarded by the giant spirit god, two heavenly soldiers wearing golden armor, standing on both sides of the gate, tall and serious faces.

At this time, Xiao Chengfeng was coming to work together, sitting not far from the Nantian Gate with the Giant Spirit God, but they were playing against each other.

Chuhe Hanjie opened.

The generals stood opposite each other.

They were playing chess, and the two had a great time.

Xiao Chengfeng's little **** took a step forward and said: "The chess invented by an expert is really interesting. A small chess game that seems simple but contains the ultimate killing. The two armies play each other with their own strengths and their own advantages. Forget it, it's really interesting."

The giant spirit **** vaulted horse, nodded and said: "Yes, this is much easier to learn than that of Go. Even me, a big boss, is very active, and an expert is amazing."

Xiao Chengfeng shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, if the catastrophe was imminent, I would have had a good life."

The giant spirit god’s eyes were full of memories, and he said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going. Even in the original prehistoric times, I, as the **** general of the heavenly court, will never disappear as a demon. Not much, not to mention the entire universe is now involved."

Xiao Chengfeng admired and said: "That's right, the giant spirit **** is worthy of being a **** for many years. I heard that Furukawa has killed at least two supreme beings. It is simply horrible. Does the giant spirit **** think we can stop it this time?"

"Haha, Old Xiao, let's talk about it, what are you doing with my gun? Can't you afford to lose?"

At this time, a heavenly soldier guarding the gate hurriedly came, his face flushed, revealing anxiety and excitement.


"Two gods, there are golden auspicious clouds on the horizon, and they are suspected to be high...the expert is here!"

Because of his excitement, he spoke a little uncomfortable.

This is a monstrous thing.

The expressions of Xiao Chengfeng and Ju Lingshen also changed drastically. Without thinking, they stood up with a "wow".

At the same time, they looked at the distant sky, and they could already see that the auspicious cloud was much closer, and the figures on it appeared.

"Superior, it's really an expert coming, hurry up, hurry up, come with me to meet the expert!"

Xiao Chengfeng and the Giant Spirit God walked quickly to the Nantian Gate, looking forward to it.

When they saw Li Nianfan and others, they respectfully saluted: "I have seen Lord Sage, Fairy Daji, Fairy Fire Phoenix."

"Shen general Xiao, great spirit general, how are you."

Li Nianfan smiled in return, his aftermath couldn't help falling on the chessboard beside him, immediately showing a trace of clarity.

Oh, I can't tell, it turns out that you can fish in the heavenly palace, and it's okay to mix.

Both the Giant Spirit God and Xiao Chengfeng noticed the joking in Li Nianfan's eyes. They scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks, their heartbeat accelerated, and they quickly picked up the mess in embarrassment.

The giant spirit **** said: "I don't know what the Lord Sage is here?"

"It's nothing, it's just been a long time since I have come to the Hall of the Holy Monarch of Merit, so come and take a look if it is abandoned."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "You are free, I can just go by myself."

Xiao Chengfeng immediately said sincerely: "If we have nothing to do, let's accompany Master Shengjun over."

It is rare to have the opportunity to serve the superior, and if they are willing to let it go, they will immediately open the way for the superior.

Li Nianfan didn't matter, so they talked and laughed towards the Palace of the Sacred Sovereign of Merit. Listening to Xiao Chengfeng and the Giant Spirit God talking about some changes in the Tiangong, he recruited many new gods to enrich the Tiangong a lot.

But at this moment, on the roof of a large hall not far in front, a figure suddenly appeared like the wind, with a white robe fluttering and vague, and an unpredictable word came from his mouth. , "After the sun and the moon die, sitting and watching the years pass, I will be eternal!"

These words made Li Nianfan stunned and surprised, feeling that this guy was a person.

Li Nianfan looked at Xiao Chengfeng, "Is this also a new recruit from Tiangong?"

Xiao Chengfeng's face was ugly, it was green as if he had eaten shit, "No, his name is Xingya, Lord Shengjun ignore him."

Li Nianfan asked casually: "Why do you wear a mask?"

But Xingya said proudly: "His looks are only the lowest level of appearance, and it is a blasphemy to me to make it public. I disdain to show others!"

"Sorry, Lord Shengjun, this guy..."

Xiao Chengfeng's hair stood up with anger, and he finally managed to bear it, and pointed to his head, indicating that this guy was a fool.

The giant spirit **** said directly: "Just ignore him, let's go."

Everyone passed straight by Xingya, Li Nianfan whispered: "What is the situation, how long has he been with this symptom?"

Xiao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "Hey, this is a pretending offender. He is dying and has no cure."

The giant spirit **** said, "It's true that we wanted to use force to remove his mask, but later we learned that he actually spent countless years and years and created a technique. With this technique, you can put the mask on your face, and you can never take it off unless you voluntarily."

Li Nianfan was shocked, "Is there such a wonderful technique?"

The giant spirit **** said: "The most important thing is that this technique has no effect except this ability..."

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Li Nianfan suddenly had nothing to say.

Time is definitely very precious, and it is directly related to the improvement of strength. However, there will be people who spend countless years to create such a useless exercise. Should they be so capricious?

In order to highlight the compulsion, the price paid is too great.

Long Er curiously said: "It's so weird, I'm really curious about what he looks like."

Li Nianfan asked, "Do you all want to know?"

The girl nodded again and again and said: "Think and think, brother has a way?"

Daji also looked at Li Nianfan, "Is the son really okay?"

Li Nianfan's eyes flashed, and he smiled mysteriously, "It's difficult, look at me tonight!"

He sold it, and everyone was looking forward to it.

The expert shot, now that pretended criminal must be unable to escape.

Especially Xiao Chengfeng is very excited, Xingya is waiting for the expert to break your pretense!

Talking and laughing, everyone has come to the Palace of the Holy Monarch of Merit.

After the primordial emperor was upgraded to the realm of the gods, the Tiangong naturally also got a great expansion, the changes were great, the fairy aura was like a tide, a heavy fairy aura shrouded the surrounding like a white mist, with the sky full of auspicious clouds, it is really fairy aura , It's amazing.

The Hall of the Sage Monarch of Merit is located on the star-gazing platform, which has the best view, next to the galaxy.

Compared with the beginning, the galaxy has also expanded several times. There are dots in it, and the stars are flowing like river water, like countless jade shimmering, which is beautiful.

Standing here and looking into the distance, the mountains and forests are densely covered underneath, and the vastness of the world is quite different than before.


However, Li Nianfan's gaze was a stop, looking into the distance, he found several very strange scenery.

There is a mountain range like the Optimus Pillar, towering into the clouds. From the perspective of the Heavenly Palace, he can clearly see this tall pillar. Although it does not reach the height of the Heavenly Palace, it can definitely be said to be connected. The sky and the earth are immeasurable in height.

Giant Lingshen explained: "Master Shengjun, that mountain is very similar to the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain, so it is still called Buzhou Mountain. It is a sacred mountain formed in God's Domain, and disciples often go there to find opportunities."

"This mountain is really good, it can be described as a wonder." Li Nianfan nodded, and then looked at several other places.

The appearance of these places is also very special, and it feels magnificent at first glance, and it is extraordinary at first sight, with a gathering of fairy spirits, and the temple shone with brilliance in the sun.

"That is the realm of Huahai, where the Hundred Flowers Sect is located, that is the imperial capital of the Luo Tian Dynasty, the Luo Tianxian Hall, and there is the Ice and Snow Sanctuary..."

Xiao Chengfeng and the Giant Spirit God acted as guides for Li Nianfan.

In order for these sects to maintain their own compelling standards, the buildings of the temples are naturally extremely high-end, and even the materials used are carefully selected. Some of them even set up the sects in the sky in order to prevent the heavenly palace from being compared.

From the observatory, one can really see the glory of God's Domain.

Taking a chance, Xiao Chengfeng found a heavenly soldier and cautiously explained to him: "Hurry up and contact those sects, saying that the masters have come to the stargazing platform to watch the night scene, and they know that How to do!"

That day the soldier took the order immediately.

As the sky darkened, Li Nianfan, Xiao Daji and others sat on the large terrace at the top of the Hall of Merit and Virtue, set up a large table, set up a barbecue, and faced the slow evening breeze, in the vast sky, endless Under the shining of the stars, an open-air barbecue began.

Looking around from here, the scenery has been greatly different, and the night scene is a magnificent one.

During the day, all the major gates were lit up, and some of them hung up like flames, bursting into various appearances. Some fire dragons hovered into the sky, some fire lotus bloomed, and the Hundred Flowers Sect had countless flowers and ghosts shining in the sky , Different colors, orderly arrangement...

The light of various spells illuminates the night, making Li Nianfan feel that he is watching a light show in a previous super first-tier city, but this is much more spectacular than the light show, this is a real fairy law!

Li Nianfan couldn't help but exclaimed: "The major sects are also hard at recruiting disciples. The night scene is so grand, it is too eye-catching, and the cultivation level is capricious."

At this time, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother stepped forward and smiled at Li Nianfan and said, "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Afterwards, old friends such as Seven Fairies, Fairy Heng'e, Nuwa, Taoist Junjun, God of Cookery, Ye Liuyun, etc. also came one after another, and came to Li Nianfan with a smile.

When Li Nianfan returned to the Hall of the Holy King of Merit, he naturally asked everyone to have a meal.

He smiled and said: "Come on, I have made a new wine called dragon blood wine. This wine is very strong. It is specially brought for everyone to taste. With barbecue, it will have a different taste. I hope everyone likes it."

Immediately there was a fairy pour the wine for everyone.

Barbecuing is done by Xiaobai. The charcoal emits red sparks, green smoke billows, and the kebabs become skewers. As Xiaobai turns over, it makes a "sizzling" sound.

At this time, another figure floated in the wind under the moonlight and appeared in front of everyone.

Said leisurely: "I am here, thank you Lord Shengjun for inviting me."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Please sit down."

Xingya shook his head, "No, my identity does not allow me to have dinner with them, Master Shengjun will pack a copy for me and take it away."

He looked up at the sky, showing his indifferent temperament.

Xiao Chengfeng blushed and said hurriedly: "Quickly, Brother Juling, hold down my sword."

"what's happenin?"

Xiao Chengfeng gritted his teeth, "It's going to kill Xingya, I can't control it anymore."


Li Nianfan gave a light cough, suppressing the urge of everyone, and then said: "Friend Xingya, can you take off the mask, I can teach you something in exchange."

"Master Shengjun, I didn't expect you to be obsessed with appearance. I'm already detached. How can you change it if you want to, just give up."

Li Nianfan said lightly: "Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no such person as me in the world."


Xingya suddenly opened his eyes, blood pouring all over his body, and his brain humming.

A good show, too pretending, it actually overwhelmed my mantra!

Such words are worthy of my heroism.

You are worthy of being an expert, it's amazing, I recognize you.

Great enemy, this is my ultimate enemy!

Hold on, hold on!

How can I easily take measures?

However, Li Nianfan continued to say: "Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, when I see Xingya Road become empty."

Boom boom boom!

Because the name of Xingya was added to this sentence, it directly made him feel full of substitution, his body shook suddenly, and then trembling violently.


He can't wait to scream.

This sentence is too cruel.

If such pretending words spread...

Xingyaguang felt his scalp numb after thinking about it, almost exploding.

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