Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 668: 668: Furukawa crosses the boundary

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"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, the star cliff road becomes empty when you see it."

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, the star cliff road becomes empty."

Xingya kept repeating these words in his mind, his eyes were dull.



How could there be such exquisite words in the world, this is simply born for pretense!

He has always felt that his compulsion is high enough, but now he has discovered that he is too small and too small compared to the superior.

In his mind, the importance of Sao words is too high and too high, all because, as long as there is no one or two representative Sao words in Daozhi, it is definitely a failure, which is equivalent to a business card, Sao. Words are directly related to whether others can remember you.

The Gaoren's two casual words of Sao are a thousand times more terrifying than his original words...tens of thousands of times.

Is this the realm gap?

But... how can my star cliff be moved by it?

Standing with his hands behind him, he was full of arrogance and loneliness in the moonlight, with a layer of moonlight attached to the surface, and raised his head to the sky, motionless.

Li Nianfan said, "Hey, nothing, Xiaobai, please pack Daoist Xingya and let him take it away."


Will this let me go?

Is it too arbitrary?

Xingya's eyes burst with light, and his body became stiff.

What about the back?

There must be more!

Don't you say a few more words? Maybe I changed my mind!

He stood in place, unwilling to lift his leg to leave for a long time, and finally couldn't help but stare at Li Nianfan eagerly.

"That... Lord Shengjun, do you have any more?"

Li Nianfan nodded, "Yes, and more exciting than the previous two sentences, but..."

He smiled at Xingya, showing an expression that you understand.

Xingya's IQ was indeed not good, but Li Nianfan understood what he meant. He raised his hand... and took off his mask.

What appeared in front of everyone was a plain face.

This face has one of the most common titles of popular faces.

How ordinary is it? When Xingya put on the mask again, everyone had forgotten what he looked like.

"It's too long!"

Li Nianfan suddenly knew why Xingya needed a mask. If he didn't wear a mask, with a dragon face, Xingya probably wouldn't survive two chapters.

The admiration of everyone for Li Nianfan is even more overflowing. It is too strong. The expert really made Xingya take off the mask, and he did it in just a few words. This is definitely a miracle.

"Hehe, you are all dumbfounded."

Xingya continued to be proud, "It seems that my appearance has shocked you all."

Xiao Chengfeng opened the mouth and said: "Xingya, you can still pretend to be so calm when it's like this. I have to say, I really have to admire you. How do you do it so ordinary and confident?"

Xingya said in a calm tone, "I can understand your sentence as jealous, I accept it frankly, after all, not being jealous is mediocre."

Then, he looked at Li Nianfan expectantly, "Master Shengjun, I wonder if there is any other formula?"

The others also looked at Li Nianfan, their eyes full of curiosity.

Those two sentences just made Xingya shocked the heavens and everyone present was also shocked by the audacity.

As the saying goes, the heart is as big as the sky is. Sao words also reflect the realm of a person. This kind of words makes people excited just by listening. There is a feeling that the world cannot tolerate such powerful words. I'm afraid that an expert can speak out.

Even when they hear these words, they are greatly beneficial to their Dao Mind, and to comprehend them will have incalculable benefits to their future cultivation.

Li Nianfan did not sell the key, and directly said the third sentence, "If I want to have it, the sky cannot be nothing! If I want nothing, the sky can't have it!"


What kind of domineering words are this.


Only the real master dare to say such words against the sky!

Everyone's hearts jumped wildly at the same time, if they hadn't heard the expert say it, they would not have dreamed of the existence of this sentence.

What is the pattern? This is the pattern!

Everyone present was washed by these three sentences, and felt like an ant peeping into the sky.

As for Xiao Chengfeng and Xingya, they were even more excited. If they got the ultimate treasure, they were directly caught in the magic proof, and they burned these three sentences in their minds, for fear of forgetting half of them.

Next, everyone was eating barbecue and drinking dragon blood wine on the terrace of the Hall of Merit and Virtue. The scene was very lively. Everyone looked at each other and had a good time.

After eating and drinking, they went home and went to rest.

In the next few days, Li Nianfan took Daji and others to play in the Tiangong like a vacation, occasionally to see how the Tiangong manages the Three Realms, and also participated in some Shiyunbuyu, which was quite interesting.

When it was almost time to play, he returned to the courtyard with unfinished talent.

Tiangong is really a good place. When you come back next time, it will be much higher than the punch-in points of the Internet celebrities in the previous life.

However, Li Nianfan has had a lot of fun recently, but the oppression in other people's hearts is getting stronger and stronger. Some cultivators are so nervous that their blood vessels burst out, and they are practicing all the time.

The day of Furukawa’s arrival is getting closer and closer. This is the real Dao Sovereign, and it is the monarch level in the Sovereign. Everyone has no bottom in their hearts, how can they not be nervous.

In chaos.

Yang Jian led a small team of Tiangong who was patrolling.

They no longer just stared at the surrounding areas of God, but began to come to the edge of the Chaos Sea, here is the most likely entrance of Furukawa.


Suddenly, in one direction of the Chaos Sea, a roar suddenly spread into Yang Jian's ears, causing his pupils to shrink violently.

His third eye immediately radiated a strong light, and it locked towards the source of the sound.

In his field of vision, the aura at that location has already rioted and formed a turbulent flow of the aura, erupting in all directions irregularly. In addition, a spatial crack seems to be forming, as if it is about to be propped up. Like a black hole.

"Appeared, the direct passage entrance of the realm has appeared!"

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Yang Jian roared, his scalp was numb, and his limbs were cold, but he didn't dare to neglect at all. The third eye shot a brilliance towards God's Domain, releasing an emergency call for help, and then he arrived at the fastest speed. Cracks in space.


The space here is being torn apart, and the surrounding lightning flashes and thunder, the chaotic divine thunder is like rain falling, madly smashing into the cracks in the space, the sky is rolling, and the punishment is mighty.

Yang Jian took a deep breath. He clenched a three-pointed two-edged sword, and the mana around his body suddenly gathered, and the powerful aura condensed to a point, turned into his own strong blow, and bombarded toward the space crack!

He wanted to close the gap in this space and prevent Furukawa from coming.

This is also the safest approach in the current view.

Furukawa is really too strong and too strong, there are countless rounds that can be played against in the chaos, everyone needs time to grow, and it is a blessing to be able to prevent it from coming.

However, when Yang Jian's attack landed on the space crack, a palm suddenly stretched out within it!

At the same time that the palm of his hand appeared, a terrifying aura woke up like a sleeping beast, and a powerful wave of aura burst out directly, easily turning Yang Jian's attack into nothingness.

This hand grips the space crack tightly and pushes it away bit by bit!

"It's over, it's too late."

There was horror in Yang Jian's eyes, he gritted his teeth, displayed all his best, and continued to attack the space crack.

The surrounding heavenly soldiers and some cultivators all came up, solemnly said: "Everyone shot together, don't let him come out!"

However, at this moment, within the space crack, a burst of powerful suction suddenly broke out. This force separated the power of the two realms, but it was still tyrannical. Those heavenly soldiers and monks did not even resist. Inhaled it.

Then came the voice of devouring.

Yang Jian's mana was rolling around, so that he could barely stand his figure, his eyes were suddenly red, he let out a scream, and launched an endless offensive against the crack in the space.

It just has no effect.

In the space crack, a leg stepped out of it.

At the same time, God's Domain naturally received Yang Jian's signal. Immediately, everyone's hearts were raised to the extreme. They were ready for everything a long time ago. They didn't need to say anything at all, and they sprinted towards there without hesitation.

The Jade Emperor looked solemn, his speed increased to the extreme, and worried: "Is this day finally here? Speed ​​to support Yang Jian!"

Xiao Chengfeng's face was full of fighting spirit, and he said coldly: "This is the first cross-border battle of the Great Tribulation. I can't wait for my sword long ago!"

"The ancients supreme, let us go there for a while, we can't let people look down upon it!"

"I hope that there will be nothing wrong with Yang Jian!"

At this time, the realm of God was at night, but there were countless streams of light flashing across the sky, illuminating the night sky.

In the courtyard, with a soft "squeak", Daji and Huofeng quietly pushed out the door, and at the same time they looked up in one direction of the chaos, their beautiful eyes filled with coldness and solemnity.

"The supreme of the ancients is here, it's time for us to take action."

"Girl Man Yun, Girl Situ Qin, Nun Nu and Long Er, after we go out, the safety of the son is left to you. During this period, don't let anyone approach!"

Daji and Huofeng solemnly ordered.

When an expert enters the mortal, it is the strongest time and the most vulnerable. This is a way of giving up defense and advancing without retreating. If it is not because Furukawa is too strong, Daji and Huofeng are absolutely nothing. Will leave Li Nianfan half a step.

Qin Manyun solemnly said: "Fairy Daji and Fairy Huofeng, don't worry, we won't die, the son will be fine!"

Daji and Huofeng nodded, and immediately stepped out together, straddling the void. Two figures, one red and one white, flickered in the void, and quickly dissipated above the sky...

The chaos at this time has already been shaken by the aura overflowing from the cracks in space. A terrible coercion forms invisible ripples, causing a terrible storm. I don’t know how many stars there are directly. Obliterated.


Even Yang Jian couldn't hold back this kind of remaining prestige at all, his body flew upside down like a broken kite, blood spurting from his mouth.

Originally, he thought that Furukawa's coming across the boundary would definitely consume a lot, and would encounter the suppression of the Seventh Realm. He might have the opportunity to close the space crack.

It turns out that he thinks too much.

Furukawa is too strong and too strong, before people show up, he has set off a boundless momentum, enough to suppress everything.

Being in a vortex of pressure, Yang Jian felt that the bones of his whole body were about to break. He opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the cracks in the space.

There, a tall figure has already stepped out of it.

He stood there like a black hole, absorbing everything in time, and aura poured into his body. At the same time, he gave people a feeling of being above everything else, and Heaven could only crawl under his feet.


The endless chaotic divine thunder fell on him, as if he was in a thunder and lightning bath, and the silver coat plated on his body was terrifying and spectacular.

He glanced at Yang Jian plainly, and in the next instant, Yang Jian's brain directly lost consciousness, and his body moved towards Furukawa, about to be swallowed.

However, just when Yang Jian was less than three feet away from Furukawa, a layer of frost suddenly appeared on Yang Jian's body, which then turned into an ice sculpture, and quickly pushed back towards the rear.

In the chaos, two beautiful shadows, one white and one red, stepped on the void, one burning like the fire of the avenue, and the other freezing everything like the profound ice of the avenue.

Furukawa looked at Daji and Huofeng, and said in a little surprise: "I didn't expect that two Dao Sovereigns were actually born in God's Domain, and they are all women. This makes me unable to help but think of the Spirit Lord. It is a pity, you guys. There is still a big gap from the spiritual master."

"Enough to deal with you!" Both Daji and Huofeng were mobilizing their aura and colliding with Furukawa.

Furukawa stood tall on the void, smiling coldly, "Ignorance, I am the first supreme, the rise and fall of the seven realms, only my thought!"

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, the star cliff road becomes empty when you see it."

At this time, a misty voice suddenly sounded. Not far away, a man in a white robe with a mask came by the wind to control the light, exuding an extraordinary aura.

He just uttered a word, and then stood there, standing with his hands holding hands, looking up at the sky.

The compulsion of this sentence is really high, even Furukawa has been suppressed.

His face was very bad, because he found that his compelling words were a lot worse than the opponent, and he had a feeling of sorrow that he pretended to be suppressed by others.

He said solemnly: "Who is Xingya?"

Xingya's heart was slightly overjoyed, whether his compulsion has risen to this level, even Dao Sovereign has to ask.

He was still cold and arrogant, and said calmly: "It's just the difference."

"Then you go to die!"

Furukawa's killing intent was like a knife, he didn't talk nonsense at all, and he couldn't wait to point towards Xingya, trying to obliterate this pretender.

This refers.

Vibrating the chaos, igniting endless laws, turning it into a shocking blow.

Although it was just a random finger from Furukawa, the power of terror has far surpassed the strongest supernatural powers of the peaks of the heavenly realm that I have seen before, and a single breath is enough to kill Xingya.


With a cold snort, Daji's eyes turned to a blue color, and a piece of snow flew in the void, the strange ice and cold power spread, and even the law was frozen, and Furukawa's finger also turned into an ice sculpture. In the void!

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