Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 687: 687: Bath water for the five girls

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Although it is in the place where good fortune is everywhere.

But they panic.

It's so extraordinary here.

They appear too inexplicable.

What terrible power is it that sucked them into such a terrifying secret realm?

The big unknown, the big horror!

They stayed in place and did not dare to move.

The grass under him is the root of chaos, and a single grass seems to contain boundless power, which can cut the sun, moon and stars.

In the distance, clusters of vegetables are colorful, carrots, green cabbage leaves, and Chinese cabbage are neatly arranged, and they are all chaotic roots!

Farther away, those big trees, covered with delicious fruits, seemed to be glowing, surrounded by boundless aura!

This is so visually striking!

What terrible world did he come to?

At this time, one of Ye Xuan's source-eaters noticed the soil under his feet, and the power of the original source flowed, and the smell of the soil was actually the atmosphere of the great road!

It took a breath, and its body was trembling wildly!

This soil is the source of the earth, one grain can fill the sea, and a handful can shape a small world!

The origin of the avenue is under him!


Swallow, I want to swallow enough!

Greed has overwhelmed its sanity. At this time, it doesn't care about others at all, as long as it wants to bite it!

However, just when it opened its mouth, a little ant suddenly burrowed out of the soil and glanced at it faintly.


With just this glance, Ye Xuan felt that his whole body was frozen, and a boundless fear enveloped him. This was a tremor from the deepest part of the soul. The two are not at the same level. It seems that this ant's single thought is enough to make it. Extinct!

At this time, the other source worms also got feedback, but without exception, they were almost directly scared to death.

"Oh my god, what kind of existence is this cabbage bug? I seem to see death when I see it!"

"No, I'm dying! There is a nest of ants next to me. They treat me as food, and they want to divide and eat!"

"Ah, what's the matter? My magic methods have been inexplicably suppressed!"

"Run, run! There is a big weirdness here!"

Nuan and Long'er, who were watering the backyard, couldn't help but change their small faces when they saw so many insects suddenly appeared in the backyard.

The girl was surprised and said, "Ah, why are there so many bugs suddenly in the field? It's so high."

Long Er thought for a moment, and said, "I see, these are pests, which can eat bad vegetables, catch them!"

They immediately raised their hands and began to run across the yard, raising their hands to catch the Source Devouring Insect.

The source worm flies around the backyard like headless flies, trying to find an exit and escape.

"Niu Niu, block them, don't let them run!"

"Sister Peacock, bite the bug, go bite the bug!"

Nun Nun and Long Er shouted loudly and ran across the yard.


"call out"

Soon, the whole backyard was jumping up, and the two cows began to spread joy on the grass. The peacock fluttered its wings, its pointed mouth was open, and it pecked at the source insect.

Bees and butterflies also danced wildly, flying all over the sky.

"Fortunately, the existence of the great horror in this yard did not work, and it is not that we have no chance to escape."

"The two little girls, the cow and the bird are only in the realm of Heavenly Dao, how can they be eligible to appear in this yard?"

"If the spells weren't suppressed here, how could we be chased by them."

"The Seventh Realm is too terrifying, and it hides a great secret, but the chance is also unimaginable, so I hurried to escape and discuss the long-term plan!"

at the same time.

In the inner courtyard, Li Nianfan is making fermented rice with glutinous rice.

Jiu Niang, this is definitely the favorite thing to eat in childhood memories, and it is also a kind of wine that children can rarely eat, and the memory is naturally deep.

Especially in the summer, go to the street vendor to buy a bowl of iced fermented fermented rice, it feels so cool.

When Li Nianfan saw glutinous rice, he thought of the delicacy of fermented rice. Although it is also a wine, it is not too exciting. The taste is sweet and mellow, and it is suitable for all ages.

In the rice retort in front of Li Nianfan, a dozen or so SAIC holes were blowing green smoke, accompanied by the aroma of glutinous rice floating in the courtyard.

Daji and the five little foxes were surrounding them, their beautiful eyes widened, and they watched Li Nianfan operate curiously.

Daji asked curiously: "My son, is this steaming glutinous rice?"

"Well, it's just for making wine."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "This wine is mixed with rice and is called Jiu Nian. It has the aroma of wine and the sweetness of rice. It is definitely a unique delicacy."

While talking, he started to cook, put the rice retort on the prepared wooden stand, and evenly sprinkled a few tablespoons of cold water to cool it down, so that the rice would not continue to become cooked and rotten.

Li Nianfan suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, bring a big wooden barrel over."

Huofeng immediately drew a wooden bucket.

Li Nianfan's dripping water all fell into the wooden barrel, and explained with a smile: "I tell you that this water is also a good thing. It is called drenching water. It is very good for the skin. It can moisturize the skin very well. If you take a bath with this water, you will definitely feel that your skin is very smooth."

The water is milky white, with the scent of glutinous rice.

"Really?" The five girls' eyes lit up suddenly.

No woman will refuse to be beautiful, there is no most beautiful, only more beautiful.

"Ah, brother-in-law, I want to take a bath, I want to take a bath!"

The little fox couldn't wait to shout. In addition to becoming beautiful, she also found it fun, and asked expectantly: "When can I soak?"

Li Nianfan didn't think much, and said casually: "The water just happens to be hot right now. Scientifically speaking, it is naturally the best at this time."

"Brother-in-law, here I am!"


Hearing a puff, the little fox has jumped directly into the barrel, with only his head exposed, protruding above the water.


She moaned happily, and her slender jade hand came out of the water, rubbing her body.

The snow-white jade skin was soaked in the milky white liquid, as if glowing, extremely dazzling.

Li Nianfan was dumbfounded.

What should I do if there is a beautiful sister-in-law who does not shy away?

"This water is really slippery! It's a bit sticky, but it's very comfortable."

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The little fox's face was flushing, and he looked very excited, and invited Daji: "Sister, come on, come in too, let's wash together."

Wash an egg!

I am filtering water in the wooden barrel, and then you will take a bath in the wooden barrel...

What do you think of me? Have you considered how I feel?

It's so exciting.

He secretly glanced at Daji and Huofeng, but saw that their eyes were showing emotions, even Qin Manyun and Situ Qin were eager to try.


Isn't this going to be a bath for five women?

So should I stay and watch you take a bath while making wine, or should I stay and watch you take a bath while making wine?

"Da da da!"

At this time, the sound of jumping in the backyard came into Li Nianfan's ears.

Li Nianfan said, "Ahem, why don't you soak here, I'll go to the backyard to have a look?"

Afterwards, he walked slowly towards the backyard pretending to be calm, and vaguely heard the sound of falling into the water behind him...

Qin Manyun glanced at Li Nianfan's back secretly, shyly took off his clothes, and also entered the barrel.

As soon as she entered the barrel, her beautiful eyes widened, and she said in surprise: "Wow, this water is really slippery, so comfortable, I really like it."

Situ Qin also nodded and said, "Well, I feel that my skin has become smoother, Sister Man Yun, let me touch your skin to see if it has become slippery."

"Yeah, you are dying!"


The sound of water in the bucket suddenly became intense, and there were bursts of gasping and sweet laughter.

However, after the fight, they could clearly feel the endless aura in the void beginning to converge towards them.

At the same time, even the illusory atmosphere of the road seemed to linger in his heart, around his body, stroking his skin.

They clearly felt that their pores all over their bodies opened up, breathing in the water, absorbing the rhyme between heaven and earth.

"This... our body has become a peerless Taoist body, perfectly fitting with the Dao?"

"I can feel the breath of the avenue, the pulsation of the avenue, and the trajectory of the avenue!"

"The bath water that the son made for us is really precious. Take a bath, let's hurry and concentrate on the bath!"

The five girls stopped fighting immediately, but became concentrating on their feelings.

Situ Qin only felt that the world he was in suddenly became a picture scroll. He was in the painting, drawing out the whole world one by one, and he could be the master of the world, and he could draw random graffiti.

Every stroke she makes is the composition of the world and the trajectory of the great road.

Not long ago, Li Nianfan saw that her calligraphy had improved a lot, so she began to teach her to draw, but she had no foundation before, and it was always difficult to get started. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she saw the nature of the world and knew what to do. Draw it out.

A trace of the power of the avenue is integrated into her body, and at the same time, the body is filled with aura, pushing her to a whole new height!

A powerful breath burst out from her body, exploding the invisible shackles on her body!

Since then...the bottleneck is no longer, step into the avenue from heaven!

Aside, Qin Manyun's eyes were closed tightly, and in her ears, there were waves of low noises.

There is the sound of wind, the sound of water, and the sound of insects and birds...

These voices whispered in her ears, forming a unique melody, which is the sound of the great road.

She slowly raised her hand and placed her hands in the void. At her fingertips, there seemed to be an invisible string, a string composed of avenues!

She fiddled with the strings of the avenue, playing a silent tune of the avenue.

At this moment, the sky is silent and everything is silent.

It turns out that the melody of the avenue is this sound.

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Manyun's mouth, her whole body, enveloping light flickered, and the holy breath overflowed, breaking through the heavens and entering the realm of the avenue!

The little fox just broke through to the realm of heaven. At this time, he enjoys soaking in the water. On his extremely beautiful face, a layer of ultimate charm is enveloped. This is a charm that can not help but can turn all souls!

Nine tails sprang out from behind involuntarily, wagging.

Endless laws and spiritual energy wrapped it into colorful light, forming an egg, allowing her to advance by leaps and bounds. Although she couldn't step into the realm of Dao in one fell swoop, she had caught up with Taoist Junjun after taking a bath.

On Daji's body, dazzling white light soared into the sky, and the extreme ice and cold had frozen time and space, and the power of the great road that had originally flowed around her was also frozen, standing still!

Huofeng's body was gorgeous and fiery red, and even the avenue was ignited.

At this time, if they were encountering Furukawa, one-on-one, even if Furukawa really held the Demon Sword, it might not be without the power of a battle!

At this time, Li Nianfan was already standing in the backyard.

Although his people came here, his heart still stayed in the inner courtyard, his brain filled with the picture of the five women taking a bath, and he wandered beyond the sky.

"Brother, brother, hurry up, catch the pests."

"These bugs are so nasty, so many!"

The voices of Nun Nun and Long Er pulled Li Nianfan's thoughts back, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

Frowned and said: "What's the situation? Why are there so many locusts suddenly in the backyard? There is an insect plague?"

"I'm very gutsy, dare to come to my backyard to steal food!"

As a farmer's name, Li Nianfan naturally has no affection for the locusts that destroy the fields. If these locusts are not destroyed, then his own backyard will be eaten up properly!

Seeing that even the cows and peacocks became manic because of the locusts, Li Nianfan immediately turned back.

When passing by the barrel, I glanced at the clothes that I took off next to the barrel, and finally resisted not looking much.

Such an old-fashioned behavior is absolutely impossible to do, and it damages the image.

He walked straight into the utility room, and when he came out, he had taken an insect-repair net in his hand, and walked quickly toward the backyard.

The head of the insect replenishing net is a small net supported by bamboo, which is a sharp tool for catching all kinds of insects.

"Nun, Long Er, look at me!"

Li Nianfan rushed into the field with the insect net in his hand, raised his hand to face the locust and covered it.

"No, what kind of net is this? I can't even evade!" Ye Xuan yelled in his heart, horrified, and then he was covered by the net, unable to move. "

"Who is this man, why can't I feel the slightest fluctuation in mana from him?"

"The net in his hand is our nemesis. Where is the exit? How should we leave?"

"It's over, this courtyard wall has restrictions, we can't fly out at all!"

"God fortune teller, think of a way, we are going to be killed by you!"

Ye Xuan and the three people were struggling in the yard in a panic, jumping wildly.

The courtyard walls of the quadrangle courtyards are not high, however, letting their bodies contain great mana, the courtyard walls are like five-finger mountains. The height cannot be assessed, and they cannot leap at all!

"Escape, as long as I have a bug to escape and live!"

"Weird, weird everywhere here! What on earth is that net?!"

"Come on, that man is here with a net! Ah, no"

Li Nianfan held the insect-repair net in his hand and walked calmly in the backyard, just like the most professional hunter. With a wave of his hand, a few locusts entered the net.

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