Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 688: 688: The new calculation of Tianji Pavilion, a dangerous situation

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It turns out that I am the new calculation of Tianji Pavilion, the eldest master Xiu Xian. In the backyard of the crisis, Li Nianfan is showing great power.

"Wow, my brother is amazing, my brother is amazing!"

"Hurry up, brother, come on."

The eyes of   囡囡 and Ryuuji were full of excitement, and they kept shouting from the side.

But I saw that Li Nianfan was holding an insect-catching net and ran after the locusts in the field. Every time he waved, he could catch some locusts.

At this time, more than 30 locusts have been captured, but a dozen are still struggling.

Listening to the screams of Long Er and Nun Nun, Li Nianfan’s vanity was greatly satisfied, and he worked harder.

"Have a good look, be precise, and move quickly. Once the net is out, the locusts will have nowhere to hide, they can only catch them with their hands!"

Li Nianfan laughed and raised his hand, the speed was like wind.

Nun Nu and Long Er looked at Li Nianfan earnestly. In their eyes, Li Nianfan followed a certain avenue trajectory between raising their hands. Even time and space were under control, and the avenue was stroking along with it, forming a force of suppression. The locusts are of extraordinary origin, but they can't get out of the cage at all, so they can only be caught obediently.

This is clearly a kind of magical power, like painting the ground as a prison, the net is a cage, even the avenue must be suppressed obediently!

Next, four more locusts circled the net without any suspense.

"No, not just the net, the man is also very weird!"

"It's terrible, what is this place, I want to go home!"

"What happened in the seventh realm, and what kind of existence does this man exist? Great horror, great weirdness! Forgive me"

Ye Xuan and Lei Bao were desperate and scared to death. Seeing that most of their clones were arrested, once they were all arrested, they would be over!

"God fortune teller, you pit me! As long as one escapes, it won’t die. The problem is that none of them can escape!"

"Step on!"

Li Nianfan stepped forward, holding an insect-catching net in his hand, and the momentum suppressed the heavens, making people afraid to look straight.

"Brother's actions are so handsome!"

"Catch pests, don't let them go!"

囡囡 and Long Er continued to cheer in front of the team excitedly.

"Hahaha, look good, my brother will perform a few more difficult moves for you."

Li Nianfan was extremely proud, and once again rushed towards the remaining locusts.

Soon all those locusts will be wiped out.

"Okay, finish the work."

Li Nianfan smiled, tapped to harvest, and found that there were close to fifty locusts, which was quite a lot.

囡囡 and Long Er also came around, looking at these locusts, their small faces were full of disgust.

囡囡 frowned and said, "These pests are so ugly."

Li Nianfan said: "They are indeed pests, but their names are locusts."

Long'er suggested: "Locust? Or give it to peacocks or chickens, they all eat insects."


On the side, the peacock flapped its wings and flew over, full of expectation.

It looked at this group of locusts, with longing eyes in its eyes. It could feel that this group of locusts contained powerful power in their bodies, which was of great benefit to it.

Li Nianfan shook his head and said, "Peacocks can eat some, but we have to eat too."

"Huh? Do we eat too?"

"This bug can also be eaten? It's disgusting!"

囡囡 and Long Er's eyes widened, stunned.

Li Nianfan laughed and said: "Let me tell you that locusts are a rare delicacy, especially when eaten deep-fried. The taste is definitely far beyond ordinary delicacies."

囡囡 and Long Er are still a little unacceptable, and they doubted: "Really?"

"Locusts have high protein content but low fat content. They are not only nutritious, but also not easy to gain weight. They are much healthier than ordinary meat."

Li Nianfan carried a bunch of locusts, "Follow me, it just so happened that Xiao Daji and the others should be about to take a bath. Let's have this big meal together!"

Bombing locusts is very simple.

Just raise the oil pan, remove the head, wings, and internal organs of the locust, pour it into it, fry it for a few minutes, and then sprinkle with cumin or chili powder.

The taste is crispy, the meat is soft, easy to eat, suitable for drinking.

Li Nianfan ordered: "Xiaobai go and clean up these locusts."

"Okay, my honorable master." Immediately, Xiao Bai carried the pile of locusts and headed to the chopping board.

The locusts struggle and panic.

"No, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

"I saw it, it was a kitchen knife, it's over, we are going to be chopped!"

"Tianji Pavilion, what kind of **** bitter insect, in the eyes of others, is a dish, are we here to deliver the dish?"


Soon, the sound of deep-frying sounded in the yard, and at the same time, there was a fascinating smell of meat wafting out, permeating the yard.

"Wow, I didn't expect this thing to be so ugly, it's so delicious."

"Well, it's **** the outside and soft on the inside. The son said that after eating it, he can add protein."

"It's so delicious, I want it, I want it."

"It's alright, save some for the chickens and peacocks, so that the eggs will be healthier."


The fourth realm, inside the Tianji Pavilion.

Lei Boom, Ye Xuan and Shen Suan’s vitality are rapidly diminishing, and even the soul is diminishing. This is not because of injuries, but because of being cut off!

When    was killed as a clone of the source worm, they were partly cut off accordingly.


At a certain moment, with a soft sound, Ye Xuan's body trembled violently, and then the power of his physical body seemed to be completely drained. His body collapsed, turned into a **** of yellow soil, and fell on the ground.

Everything disappeared and became a cloud of smoke.

Immediately after that, Thunder Blast was the same, and the dignified and dignified Supreme, quietly erased from the world.

"Fortunately, I let them explore the way first, things are really strange."

In the depths of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, a whirlpool appeared in the old pavilion master's eyes like a black hole. He raised his hand and slashed at the void.

This cut seems to cut some kind of cause and effect.


The **** fortune's body shook, spouting a mouthful of blood, there was no blood on his face, and his body trembled as if it had lost strength.

"A lot... Thank you Master for helping me."

He panted heavily and spoke with lingering fear.

If there is no master in time to cut off his connection with the last Source Devourer, his fate will be the same as Ye Xuan and Lei Bang, completely annihilated.

He never thought that being the Supreme Daoist would actually have such a fragile time.

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Death has never been so close to oneself.

There...really terrible!

The old pavilion master’s voice echoed in the void, "What happened? What did you see? Tell me all about your experience."

"Master, there is a big secret hidden in the Seventh Realm. It is so extraordinary to have a courtyard house..."

The fortune teller didn't dare to conceal it. When he talked about everything, his voice was shaking involuntarily when he mentioned the man.

"Master...Master, there really isn't any aura in that man, but it's definitely the most terrifying existence, probably above the Supreme Dao!"

"Hahaha, amazing, it really deserves to be the seventh realm! It is the seventh realm that breeds infinite courtyards, and there are avenues everywhere. This can only be done by the origin of the world!"

The old pavilion master's eyes gleamed, but suddenly he burst into laughter.

"You are right, it is indeed above the avenue supreme, that is the avenue of the seventh realm! That man should be a man."

He spoke faintly, with a quiet tone, "It seems that there is no shortage of amazing talents in the seventh realm. I want to have a premonition of the chaos of the seven realms, and then I can enter the realm of mortals."

The fortune teller was slightly startled, and said in amazement: "The avenue of the seventh realm? That courtyard is where the origin of the avenue is, no wonder."

"Hehe, the restriction of entering the world is too great. Once someone breaks this state, it will be forever! This is a dangerous move."

The old pavilion master sneered and said, "Now that I have learned about it, the origin of the seventh realm is almost equal to being exposed to me. I don’t want to swallow it anymore. I'm sorry for myself, hahaha"

His tone was full of joy. He didn't expect that he used that big seal to actually catch such a big fish. Although entering the mortal path is very strong, once exposed, it will be very dangerous.

As long as you swallow the origin of the seventh realm, then even the ancient race is not afraid at all. At that time, the origins of the other realms will also be in my bag, and I will be the final winner!

"This time exploring the road has been very rewarding. Ye Xuan and Lei Bao are worthy of their deaths. It's worth watching."

The old pavilion master smiled, and then ordered: "God fortune teller, you go to Ye Family and Lei Yuanzong again to implement the new plan."

After a while, the fortune teller left the Tianji Pavilion.

At this time, Ye Family and Lei Yuanzong had already exploded.

It’s all because they felt the aura left by the Great Dao Sovereign dissipated!

As long as the Great Dao Sovereign has mastered the power of the Dao, he can surround his family and sect with the atmosphere of the Dao, which is incomparable by ordinary forces.

There are only two possibilities for the disappearance of the aura of the Dao Dao, one is that the Dao Supreme takes the initiative to remove the breath, and the other is that the Dao Dao is dead!

"How could this be? Go to the ancestor's palace."

The people of the Ye family were completely panicked, led by the head of the Ye family, quickly walked towards the retreat of the ancestor.

Usually this is a forbidden place, and you must never approach without permission, but at this time, you can’t take care of so much.


Pushed the door open, the scene before him made everyone's eyes split.

The jade bed practiced by the ancestors cracked!

This jade bed has always been baptized by the Supreme Dao, and is connected to the Qi of the ancestor of the Ye family, but now it has cracked inexplicably!

A monstrous chill suddenly flooded all of the Ye Family, making them shiver uncontrollably.

"Old... ancestor!"

"How could this be? This is not true, is it a mistake?"

"No, the ancestor is the Supreme Dao, and there is no possibility of death!"

"What happened, Murong's family was annihilated, what does it matter to our ancestors?"

They could not accept this fact, they lost everything.

Patriarch of the Ye family made a decisive decision, and said in a deep voice: "Go, go to Murong's house to investigate, we must find out what happened!"

However, just as everyone in the Ye family was about to leave the Ye family, the Heavenly Jigsaw Pavilion **** fortune-telling came here.

"Patriarch of the Ye Family, the Fourth Realm has undergone major changes, and I also deeply regret the fall of the ancestors of the Ye Family."

Just a single sentence, it was like a nine-day explosion of thunder, which exploded the last glimmer of hope in the hearts of everyone in the Ye family.

The head of the Ye family’s red eyes and a hoarse voice asked: "Our ancestor is really dead? How is it possible? What happened?"

"Because of the seventh world!"

The **** operator looked solemn, and said in pain: "Not only your ancestors, but also the lord of Lei Yuanzong, Lei Bao, the entire Murong family, and the colorful elk spirit, all died at the hands of the seventh world!"


"The Seventh Realm is here? Damn it!"

"I'm too miserable in the Eastern Desolation, and Dao Zhizun is all gone?"

Everyone was shocked and angry.

The Patriarch of the Ye Family solemnly said, “Can you tell me how the Seventh Realm came from?”

"The boundary passage between the fourth and seventh realms appeared in my eastern wilderness!"

The **** fortune teller faintly spoke, and then he said in a deep voice: "Moreover, there are great horrors and great weirdness hidden in the seventh realm, we need to be careful!"

The hearts of everyone in the Ye family sank slightly.

Killed several Dao Sovereigns so quickly, can it not be scary, can it not be weird?

Patriarch of the Ye family pondered for a moment, and asked, "What is Tianji Pavilion going to do?"

"As far as I know, at the entrance of the realm passage, there are people from the seventh realm. We need to join hands to catch them to get more information."

The **** operator's eyes were faint, and he said, "Don't worry, the strength of this group of people is not strong."

The Ye Family Patriarch nodded, "Okay! Please also Tianji Pavilion to avenge my ancestors!"

After that, the fortune teller went to Lei Yuanzong again, and in the same way, invited Lei Yuanzong to take action.

The atmosphere of the entire Eastern Wilderness suddenly became depressed and solemn, and the atmosphere was surging.

This day, Tiandang Mountain.

Yang Jian, as always, took a group of heavenly soldiers to guard at the boundary passage.

Everyone knows the importance of this matter, so they all have the spirit of twelve points, no one dared to go on a desertion.

On Yang Jian's forehead, the third eye blinked from time to time, sending a signal of restlessness, which was a warning.

It's just that he scanned a few times with his third eye, but he couldn't find anomalies.

Gu Yuan came over and said with concern: "General Yang, what's the matter?"

Gu Yuan was the grandfather of Gu Changqing whom Li Nianfan met in the mortal world when he was still in the wild.

The flock of chickens in the yard was also the first one he gave to an expert.

He brags about this incident when he meets people. He still remembers that when he told the chickens to give them a good luck, the chickens still ignored him. Don't be too grateful to him now.

Because of his relationship with Li Nianfan, the opportunities Li Nianfan brought to the palace will share some of him. Now he has reached the strength of a saint and is Yang Jian's deputy.

Yang Jian frowned and said, “I always feel that something big will happen recently, so everyone stays vigilant.”

As soon as his voice fell, a wave of powerful auras rushed out like a scourge, and instantly locked here, and then, a group of figures shot from a distance, and appeared here in a blink of an eye, surrounding the crowd.

"Unexpectedly, there really is a boundary passage here, you are the people of the seventh realm?"

The Ye Family Patriarch's eyes were like a knife, and he glanced at the crowd sternly, his tone full of killing intent.

Yang Jian and Gu Yuan glanced at each other, both took a slight breath, and said in a low voice: "People of the Fourth Realm? We have been discovered."

Lei Yuanzong’s leader is a blue-faced brawny man. He waved his hand and said, “Dare to kill my master, I will level your seventh realm! Block this place, don’t let any of them!”

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