Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 690: 690: Remember to let Yang Jian walk more decently

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In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan and everyone are grinding glutinous rice together.

By grinding glutinous rice into glutinous rice flour, you can make a lot of snacks and add a lot of food.

At this moment, everyone was around the stone mill, watching Da Hei with a rope tied to his body, pulling the stone mill with difficulty, moving around the stone mill step by step.

Li Nianfan couldn't help saying: "Da Hei, you can't do it, you're a demon, why are you still so weak? I knew it would be better to raise a donkey."

"Wang Wu, Wang Wu"

Da Hei was about to leave, sweating profusely, whimpering in his mouth, and rolling his dog's eyes.

Is this an ordinary stone mill?

Every time you roll, it will absorb the power of the avenue.

Where is glutinous rice grinding? It is clearly grinding avenues.

Even with its strength, it has to use the power of the whole body to push the stone mill.

Moreover, around this stone mill, there seemed to be an endless avenue, making Da Hei seem to be submerged in the avenue, pacing hard.

On the side, Nun Nun and Long Er were shouting, "Big black dog, come on!"

At the same time, while continuing to add glutinous rice to the stone mill.

Under the stone mill, a wooden barrel has been prepared long ago to catch the glutinous rice that has been ground into a liquid, and it can be made into glutinous rice flour after it is dried.

"Boom boom boom."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, Lord Shengjun is home?"

Li Nianfan ordered: "Xiao Bai, go and open the door."

Soon, the Jade Emperor and the Lord Tongtian walked in and bowed to Li Nianfan: "I have seen Master Shengjun."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "It turned out to be your majesty and the leader, sit down."

He went on to the big underworld who was tired and said: "Da Hei, you can grind slowly here, don’t be lazy, wait until the bucket is full before you rest."

Both of Da Hei's dog ears were pulled down, and he said weakly, "I see, Master."

Although it looks like this on the surface, it is very firm in its heart and must not let the owner down!

It gritted its teeth, its muscles straightened, and moved its limbs to continue pushing the grinding disc bit by bit.

The power of the great avenue runs under its impetus, nourishing its body, allowing it to clearly feel that its physical body is rapidly becoming stronger.

This is to use the power of the Great Dao to temper oneself. It is a cultivation method specially prepared for me by the master. I have to work hard, I want to become stronger, and I want to become the strongest dog around my master!

Li Nianfan laughed and said, "Although your strength is not good, but you have a high level of consciousness, yes, work hard."

After speaking, he got up and greeted the Jade Emperor and the Master Tongtian.

The Jade Emperor and the Master Tongtian couldn't help but glance at Da Hei. Seeing it looked like this tired, their hearts trembled, and they were shocked when they heard Li Nianfan's words.

What kind of existence is Uncle Dog, it's not comparable to ordinary Dao Sovereign, but he can't even push a stone by the expert, and he is too weak to be rejected by the expert.

Terrible, terrible.

They were shocked, and they felt a sense of inferiority.

Li Nianfan looked at Jade Emperor and Tongtian curiously, and asked, "Why are you here?"

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, sorrowful in his tone, and said straight to the point: "My Lord Shengjun, Yang Jian...It's going to die soon."


Li Nianfan thought he had heard it wrong, and his face was shocked.

This is the true monarch of Erlang, he is not bad, and he is also a character that he has always liked. He had a meal together not long ago, so why is this... not working?

He looked at the Jade Emperor and felt unbelievable.

"In the end what happened?"

Tongtian sighed: "Hey, Yang Jian was originally guarded at the entrance of the two realms and was attacked. Now his life is dying, I am afraid he will live soon."

The Jade Emperor also sighed: "It's not just Yang Jian, Lord Sage still remember Gu Yuan? He fell into the hands of someone from another world, I'm afraid it's too much fortune."

"Gu Yuan, I naturally still remember."

Li Nianfan was silent, with a trace of sadness in his heart.

He turned his head and looked at the flock of chickens in the corner with a trance.

The scene of my visit to Qingyun Valley is vivid. The grandfather of Qingyun Valley’s patron, Changqing, is Gu Yuan, and the first chicken in this courtyard was sent by Gu Yuan.

After that, another group of chickens were sent, so that they could realize the freedom of eating eggs.

A good person, how can I say nothing is gone?

He opened his mouth and said: "Where is Yang Jian, let's go and see, Xiao Daji, you all quickly clean up and go together."

The Jade Emperor and the Master Tongtian were shocked at the same time, "Master Shengjun come with us."

Immediately, everyone left the courtyard and headed towards the palace.

At this time, the temple was silent, and there was a sense of depression, and the gods gathered around Yang Jian to make Yang Jian strong.

Li Nianfan was really taken aback when he saw Yang Jian at this time.

Yang Jian's appearance is really too miserable. The flesh is split up and down, and his air is like gossamer, and he doesn't know what he's contaminated, his skin is dark and lifeless everywhere.

Even if you look at it from the perspective of a doctor Li Nianfan, it is safe to die so that you can no longer die, and it is a miracle to be still angry.

Yang Jian spit out a few words with difficulty, "Holy... Your Lord Shengjun..."

Li Nianfan couldn't bear to look, and said hoarsely, "Is there really no cure?"

Nu Wa shook her head and said, "As far as our heavenly palace can do."

Li Nianfan stared at Yang Jian blankly, finally sighed and stepped back aside.

He did not expect that one day he would experience life and death with Erlang Shen.

He sighed: "What are you going to do?"

Junjun said humanely: "Buy it."

Li Nianfan said, "Remember to help Zhenjun Erlang clean up before burying, get dressed, and walk decently."

Taoist Junjun nodded and said, "Don't worry, Lord Shengjun, this is for sure."

Everyone couldn't help sighing in their hearts, even the experts said so, it seems that Yang Jian is indeed hopeless.

On the side, Daji's eyes shone slightly, and her fine taste revealed a thoughtful look.

Li Nianfan didn't like this kind of scene. After staying with Yang Jian for a while, he planned to return to the courtyard.

Seeing Li Nianfan leave, the only hope in everyone's hearts also shattered.

Yang Jian could see clearly, and said in relief: "I can die now, right?"

In order to wait for Li Nianfan to come over, it was not easy for him to hold on to the present, completely reaching the limit.

"and many more!"

However, at the moment when he was about to close his eyes, Nuan ran over quickly and said excitedly: "Sister Daji just told me that my brother has a way to cure Yang Jian!"


"Really? Why didn't the expert just say?"

"How to save it?"

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"Yang Jian, did you hear that, don't die first, hold on for a while!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they were excited.

The daughter said: "Didn’t my brother just confessed that he should be washed clean, but he was infected with unknowns, and the usual methods certainly did not work. It happened that my brother made a kind of bath water when he was making fermented rice, and my brother said It can be whitened, and I think it should work."

"It turns out that it is bath water, which can be used for whitening. Doesn't that mean to wash away the unknown?"

"That's it, it turns out that this is what an expert said to wash Yang Jian clean."

"Completely makes sense, this is unknown in the eyes of an expert, but it's just the dirt on it."

"Fairy Daji is the one who understands the superior! If you fail to comprehend it, Yang Jian will be cold!"

"The bath water made by an expert is definitely extraordinary!"

Everyone's faces were filled with joy, and even Yang Jian's desire to survive directly exploded, looking expectantly at Nunnun.

The daughter said: "The bath water just happens to have a little more in the courtyard, and wait for Sister Long'er to send it."

Everyone in Tiangong immediately said with gratitude, "Thank you, Fairy Nun."

After a while, Long Er ran over with a big bucket.

Her face was still a little bit reluctant, and she said in a dull voice: "Originally, this was used by my sister and sister, forget it, let's throw in Zhenjun Erlang."

The last time I heard about the experience of Daji and the others in the bath, Nunnan and Longer were naturally full of longing for it, and then they bothered Li Nianfan to make another pot. Unexpectedly, they encountered this kind of thing before they had time to soak.

I heard that soaking in it is more comfortable, and it can also make the skin smooth and delicate. Hey, I can only wait for the future.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and immediately picked up Yang Jian carefully, put him into the big bucket, and then looked at him nervously.

As soon as he entered the vat, Yang Jian's body was shocked, and he felt a strange breath, like a worm, penetrated into his body and moved continuously.

At the same time, a sharp pain struck, making his soul tremble.

However, Yang Jian laughed, and said excitedly: "I feel it, I feel it!"

Originally, he was equated to death, and naturally there was no pain. Now that he has pain, it means that the situation is improving!

Daoist Junjun's eyes widened suddenly, and he trembled: "Look at it, the water...the water has turned black!"

"It's really dark, the ignorance on Yang Jian's body has really been washed away!"

"Hey, this is too amazing, this is the destruction of the Great Dao Sovereign, it's actually washed away!"

"It's worthy of a bath water made by an expert, it's too powerful."

"Since the master made the move, Zhenjun Erlang is really saved this time."

Everyone was delighted and shocked, and was deeply convinced by the means of the superior.

However... this is not the end!

Under everyone's gaze, the flesh and blood on Yang Jian's body began to regenerate, and the power in his body was reborn as a withered bud.

The vigorous vitality awakens the sleeping power in the body, like a flood that opens the gate, burst out!

The powerful breath began to surge from Yang Jian's body.

In the void, the atmosphere of the avenue began to emerge, and the endless laws formed colorful brilliance, like a huge rainbow, flickering and uncertain, coating Yang Jian's body with a layer of brilliance.

At this time, Yang Jian, soaking in the bathtub, only felt that the body he had just recovered was frantic, as if he was excited by the recovery, and as if he was drinking the supreme avenue.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a feeling, as if he could master the endless laws by raising his hand, suppressing any gods and magical powers!


At this time, the power in his body roared and rushed straight into the sky!

Dao Junjun and the others were frightened, and they felt like they were invincible.

Master Tongtian opened his eyes wide, his eyes flushed with jealousy, "This...this is, a breakthrough?!"

The crown on the Jade Emperor's head was crooked, and he stared at Yang Jian, "No way, no way, just take a bath and break through?"

"Nima, wouldn't it be the supreme avenue to break through? Yang Jian became the top master of the heavenly palace?!"

"The injury is healed, and the cultivation base has broken through. This is too beautiful!"

"It seems that we still underestimated the power of the superior, too capricious!"

If we were sympathetic and sad to Yang Jian before, now everyone is full of envy and hatred.

This is the Supreme Dao, a realm that I can't even think of, the entire seventh realm is one of the few, but it's just a bath?

The bath water of the expert is so awesome that it bursts! This is beyond the imagination of everyone...

If I knew it, I would be willing to suffer this injury too!

The passer-by silently cast his gaze into the bathtub.

It was found that the water in the entire bathtub had become dark and completely contaminated by unknown, which dispelled the idea.

If he can, let alone take a bath with Yang Jian, he is ready to drink this basin of bath water!


Yang Jian suddenly opened his eyes.

A dazzling halo shot out from both eyes, like thunder and lightning, as if to cut the sky with holes.

He said silently, "I'm alive."

Everyone stared at him with red eyes, "How do you feel? Did you break through?"

Yang Jian smiled and said, "It's a pity that the treatment of the injuries has lost too much, it's just a half-step away."


"Yang Jian, if you are less expensive, you still sell well! This is a half-step road, I will cry with envy!"

"You really got a blessing in disguise this time, an expert is so kind to you."

"Look at the good things you did? What a precious bath water, it was soaked by you, you animal!"

Everyone gathered around Yang Jian, talking sourly.

Yang Jian got up from the bathtub, looked very solemnly in the direction of the Luoxian Mountains, knelt on his knees, and said sincerely: "The little god, thank you Lord Shengjun for his life-saving grace!"

Then, he got up and said gravely: "The fourth world knows the existence of an expert, and seems to be plotting something, and Gu Yuan falls into their hands, maybe he will be searched by the other party! Guard your master!"

Taoist Junjun nodded, "This is natural. You must be careful about this matter, and you must find a way to explore the situation of the Fourth Realm!"

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and said: "The expert knew that Gu Yuan was arrested, and he was in a bad mood. If we can, we must rescue Gu Yuan!"

at the same time.

The fourth realm.

Somewhere in the secret room of the Ye family, this place was empty.

God fortune teller, Ye Qingshan, and Leiteng are all here.

In the middle of the hall, Gu Yuan was lying there, restrained all over, unable to move.

"God fortune teller, this person is just a mere ant, is it worthy of our invigorating people so much?"

"We have collected so many precious materials, what are we going to do? Are you paying too much attention to it?"

Both Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng were puzzled.

Gu Yuan is a mere trifle, nowhere is it worthwhile for them to inspire so much.

"Hehe, you know what a shit! To deal with such existence, you can't pay too much attention to it!"

The fortune teller sneered coldly, and then said: "When I find the memory, you will know if it's worth it!"

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