Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 691: 691: A moment to witness a miracle

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The **** fortune began to prepare with a solemn expression.

He is grand and majestic, and Gu Yuan is only the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he is extremely cautious, because he clearly knows what kind of existence is behind Gu Yuan.

This is the avenue of the Seventh Realm!

In entering the mortal world, even his master would not dare to be hard-headed.

Such existence hides cause and effect and cannot be seen clearly!

However, because of this, he has to mobilize the teachers and use these methods to better understand the people behind him, so that he will be overwhelmed!

"Imperial wood, dream flower, year grass, enchanting jade..."

The fortune teller was chanting the names of various materials, and at the same time the whole body's mana was invigorated, leading to the endless laws to come, and it was surrounded by the atmosphere of the great road, suppressing this space.

The terrifying power made Lei Teng and Ye Qingshan stunned for a while, looking at the sky full of visions in horror, in awe.

At the same time, even more puzzled.

"What the **** is it, the fortune teller actually wants to be so formal."

"I'm afraid that behind the Seventh Realm, there is really a big secret we can't imagine."

They looked at each other, their eyes gleaming.

With the passage of time, a strange formation has been engraved in this hall, and Gu Yuan is at the center of this formation, a heavy stream of light surrounds Gu Yuan, as if to swallow it.

The space is distorted around him, making the time and space there seem to have an unreal feeling.

Ye Qingshan suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened and said in amazement: "This... is this the breath of time?!"

Lei Teng was also stunned, "Going back to the source, the fortune teller is not ready to trace the traces of the years, to explore the information?!"

"Not bad!"

The fortune teller smiled slightly, surrounded by Guanghua, showing unpredictable depth.

He opened his mouth and said: "I will escape into the long river of years with a secret method, go back to his years, and see his past! This is much more stable than searching for souls."

It's really time!

Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng couldn't help but tremble.

It is indeed the Tianji Pavilion, even this kind of secret method.

Even though it is the power of the realm of Heavenly Dao, you can't grasp the breath of time at all. This is a sky-defying technique, which can be touched by non-magical people, and if you are careless, you will be crushed by the road mill.

Although the fortune teller only looked at the past with the help of the years, it was also extremely terrifying.

Gu Yuan's heart was flustered, his face flushed, and he struggled desperately, his eyes were cracked and roared: "Kill me! You guys don't want to get any information from me!"

"Hehe, this is not for you, I have to start."

The fortune teller smiled contemptuously, slightly raised his hands on Gu Yuan's head, and said indifferently: "Next is to witness the miracle, I will escape into the long river of years, don't let anyone disturb me!"


The words are over.

The majestic atmosphere of the avenue came crashing down, like a tide, converging from all directions. The terrifying coercion made Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng no doubt that if they were out of control, they would be easily annihilated!

"Wow, wow!"

In the void, there was a sudden sound of river water, the water was rushing, slapping the reef, it seemed to come from eternity, and it was full of the breath of time.

In the center of the formation, brilliant brilliance enveloped Shen Daozi and Gu Yuan, and a river seemed to be looming between them.

In the long river of years, the figure of Shen Daozi gradually manifested.

He stood on the surface of the river, looking at the endless river under his feet, his face could not help showing obsession.

"Is this the power of time? What a desirable power!"

He raised his hand, trying to touch the years that seemed to be close at hand, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

He came back to his senses, his eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze went upstream, looking at Gu Yuan's experience, "Let me see, the so-called courtyard, and the so-called expert, what secrets are there? Right!"

at the same time.

In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan was sitting in the middle of the courtyard with a picture frame in front of him, holding a brush while drawing.

Situ Qin stood behind him, watching quietly.

"It is necessary to draw figures to understand and study the basic shapes, proportions, structures, etc. of the human body, as well as the changing laws of human movement, so as to accurately shape and express the figures and gods."

Li Nianfan was painting while pointing casually, "I am teaching you to draw the head of a character. First of all, you have to pay attention to the outline of the character. The most difficult part is the filling of the facial features... There is no camera here, but you follow my painting method well. Practice, it will be more realistic than a camera."

Situ Qin stared unblinkingly, her mouth slightly opened, shocked.

In her eyes, I can feel Li Nianfan’s pens, thousands of roads are as meek as a puppy, cleverly flowing with the tip of his pen, and the outlines are unimaginable power, if it weren’t for her cultivation. For diligence, he has become the supreme of the Dao, and he is not even qualified to look directly!

The most important thing is... Li Nianfan is too casual, too free and easy.

Each stroke is extremely natural, as if it is integrated with the world, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Situ Qin also tried to paint, but she couldn't draw the charm at all. She always felt that countless pressures suppressed her pen, making her lines not perfect.

Simply put, the eyes will do, but the hands will not.

Before you know it, a painting has been completed.

The person in the painting is Gu Yuan.

Like a black and white photo, printed on paper, it is a portrait painted by Li Nianfan specially for Gu Yuan.

Although everyone did not say clearly about Gu Yuan's end, it was 80% cold, so Li Nianfan painted this portrait for him. When Yang Jian passed away, Li Nianfan planned to paint Yang Jian as well, which was regarded as a farewell between friends.

Situ Qin couldn't help saying: "Young Master, you paint so fast and so natural, it seems that there is no pressure at all."

"Practice makes perfect."

Li Nianfan looked at Gu Yuan's portrait with his eyes, and said casually: "Don't rush for success. Don't touch complicated paintings. I suggest you start with eggs first."

This is the method of the previous super painter Leonardo da Vinci. He painted tens of thousands of eggs and finally became a master.

Situ Qin was taken aback for a moment, "paint...paint eggs?"

"Why? Look down on it?"

Li Nianfan shook his head and said, "This is a compulsory course! Only by learning how to paint eggs can you have a proficient technique and brushwork, so as to lay a solid foundation. Remember that it is not easy to paint eggs. You need to observe it carefully and learn from different angles. Draw it."

Situ Qin seemed to understand, "My son, I know, I'm going to paint eggs."

"By the way, take the time to send this portrait to Tiangong."

Li Nianfan gave a simple confession. He looked at Gu Yuan's portrait, and suddenly it was as if he was still sitting in front of him, feeling sad.

"Tomorrow and accident, I really don't know which one will come first."

He couldn't help but sighed, turned and walked silently towards the backyard, preparing to fish to relieve his sadness.

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Lifting the fishing rod, sitting on the edge of the lake, with a light flick, the hook shimmered in the sun, fell into the pool water, rippling waves on the surface of the water.

Under the lake, all kinds of fish were still frolicking, but all of them stopped for a moment, looking at the hook and dared not move.

Here again, the expert is fishing again.

I don’t know if you are going to catch us or whom? In short, don't catch me, someone must stop the hook!

I can eat, but I don’t want to be eaten!

On the other side, years are in the river.

The fortune teller is like a bystander, following the years, watching Gu Yuan's past.

At this moment, Rao was already mentally prepared, and his face couldn't help showing shock.

"It turns out that the former God's Domain was called Honghuang, it was so weak and terrifying!"

"Turning the mortal into the Dao, turning the decay into the miracle, but seeing all spiritual things as mortal, this kind of strength is really terrifying."

"It's too powerful to be able to turn the primordial land into the realm of gods, and the divine objects are endless. They can be created easily, even the master can't do it."

"Huh? It turns out that the ancient clan has already reached out to the seventh realm, but the Great Dao Sovereign is also dead."

"The Long River of Years? You deserve to be a tribe of ancient times. He actually made hands and feet in the River of Years and Years, and was finally caught by that high-level person?"

Seeing this scene, inexplicably, the heart of the fortuneteller suddenly jumped.

How do you feel...somewhat familiar?

He was uneasy inside and couldn't help but continue to look down.

At this look, I saw a picture of a man fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

The man sat by the lake, his complexion calm, his whole body was not visible, and he looked ordinary.

But... the fortune teller took a breath, and the cold hair all over his body burst into flames.

Because this person is an expert!

And the picture freezes here, and it doesn't move anymore!

"This is not Gu Yuan's past, this picture is definitely not Gu Yuan's past!"

There was a monstrous coolness in the whole body of the **** fortune, and the goose bumps were all up, and he was terrified to the extreme.

"Where did this picture come from? This is the picture currently in progress? The expert is...fishing?!"

His heart trembled wildly, his complexion changed drastically, and his body retreated quickly. Without hesitation, he was ready to withdraw from the long river of years.

However, at this time, the void was slightly swayed, a fish hook cut through time and space, like the will of heaven and earth, containing irresistible force rushing towards the **** operator!

"Fish hook, this fish hook is here!"

"The expert was fishing for me, no, no!"

"How could this happen? I'm already so cautious, why am I still being targeted, Master, save me!"

The **** fortune was trembling all over, his face was distorted with horror, and his mouth screamed wildly.

He wanted to escape, but found that everything here had been suppressed. He couldn't even move, so he could only watch the fish hook rushing forward.

This is the strongest power between heaven and earth, everything is destiny, and there is no room for resistance!

The fishhook hooked on his mouth without any suspense, and then, a strange force revolved, squeezing it towards him, and at the same time it yanked him.


He turned into a fish, broke out of the pool, and fell into the fish bucket that Li Nianfan had prepared.

In the backyard, the fish in the pond and the peacock whose milking cows have been working hard to lay eggs all sensed the sudden arrival of the avenue breath and looked at the fish.

What happened to the Supreme Dao, was caught by an expert himself.

"This fish is not small, this wave has been a good harvest."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and walked towards the inner courtyard carrying the wooden barrel, thinking in his heart whether it should be made into sauerkraut fish.

And in that hall of the Fourth Realm.

Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng were looking at the fortune teller, and their faces showed longing at the same time.

Dao Zhizun is great, when can I become Dao Zhizun.

Ye Qingshan couldn't help but said anxiously: "Hey, my ancestors of the Ye family went too abruptly. If you can't find opportunities in the seventh realm, your status will definitely plummet."

Lei Teng opened his mouth and said: "Is Lei Yuanzong not like this, not to mention other things, if we can get the source of the third realm lost by the Murong family, then maybe we can all go further! And... judging from the current situation , The benefits in the seventh realm are far greater than the origin of the third realm!"

Ye Qingshan's eyes flashed slightly, and he said: "Nowadays, I can only see what the fortune tellers say, but I said in advance that if it is really good fortune, everyone will be distributed fairly, otherwise, everyone will be embarrassed together!"

Lei Teng sneered coldly, "This is a must!"

During the conversation between the two of them, the aura of the great avenue in the sky suddenly became confused, and the aura of the **** fortune was extremely unstable, and even his body began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, his power was being pulled away alive at an unimaginable speed!

Accompanied by a "pop" sound.

His body split from the middle, and then turned into a **** of yellow soil and fell on the ground.

Everything here dissipated and returned to calm, leaving only Ye Qingshan and Leiteng, froze there with big eyes and small eyes.


"Senior God fortune teller!"

They exclaimed at the same time, rushed over and raised their hands to pick up the loess **** on the ground, blowing gently with their mouths, blowing in the wind...

Gu Yuan lying on the ground was also dumbfounded. He was crying with tears and eyes full of tears because he hated himself.

Suddenly turning despair into ecstasy, his body trembled with excitement.

Expert, it must be an expert!

Hahaha, what kind of **** scheming man is pretending to be arrogant, is it cold?


Ye Qingshan was a little confused, still unable to accept this fact, and said in disbelief: "He, he, is he gone?"

Lei Teng was not much better, and said blankly: "He has been engaged for a long time, making such a big battle, and this is the end?"

The moment of witnessing the miracle of God fortune was still in my ears. I didn't expect to see it, but the price was a bit heavy.

Ye Qingshan couldn't help but said: "I thought that our ancestors of the Ye family had gone abruptly enough, but never expected that the fortune teller would go a little more abruptly."

"What happened? What happened?"

Lei Teng's brows were frowned tightly, and a look of fear appeared in the depths of his eyes, "The fortune teller must have hidden something from us, I am afraid that there is a great horror that we can't imagine in the seventh realm!"

"It's no wonder that he is dignified and supreme, but even a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian ant dare not search for his soul. After preparing for a long time, the end is still so miserable, tusk tusk—"

As Ye Qingshan spoke, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Gu Yuan's body, and a trace of fear flashed through it.

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