Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 707: 707: The Fifth Realm is turbulent, planning the origin

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Zheng Shan also flew over and comforted: "Tianhua, don't be sad, don't be sad, although your hair is gone, but the meat and wings are not bad, it's pretty good-looking."

The Lord of Angels looked at them quietly, using great perseverance to hold back a laugh.

Of course I am not sad, of course I am not sad anymore!

Are you still here to comfort me?

I ate the fermented rice made by an expert. The taste is something you would never dream of, but what do you eat?

I feel sick when I think about it!

It's rare for you to eat so happily, and I can't bear to tell you the truth.

Sometimes, ignorance is really a kind of happiness.

"Stop, don't come here!"

The lord of angels smelled a stinking odor, and hurriedly scolded them, covering their mouth and nose and stepping back.

The smell of this group of people is too strong, and it makes people feel better.

"Oh, ignorance! This is the smell of the source, you actually dislike it."

Yun Qianshan shook his head, and said with pity: "Being a master in the midst of suffering, it seems that you are destined to be drawn further and further by us."

Zheng Shan sent out an invitation again, "Tianhua, are you really not with us?"

"Thank you! I don't want this origin!"

The lord of angels immediately led Alena towards the distance without looking back.

Zheng Shan shook his head, "Well, he is destined to not have this blessing."

"Everyone is ready, the sixth wave begins, and the new origin is beckoning to us!"

"Quickly, quickly, I can't wait."

"Don't rest, hurry up, good luck waits for no one!"

After a while, the lord of angels and Alena returned to the temple.

Many angels saluted at the same time, and said respectfully: "Welcome to the deity!"

Their eyes were filled with enthusiasm and expectation. After all, they all knew that the Lord of Angels and Alena had visited the mysterious master with Angel Feather.

I don't know what the result will be, will the angel's feathers really enter the eyes of an expert?

They are a little nervous.

Especially the ten angels in the front.

They are all showing their wings and anxiously awaiting Tianhua's announcement.

The lord of angels flew high above the sky, his face full of majesty, the fleshy wings on his back waved, and he said loudly: "Everyone, you guys have also seen it, and all the hair on my wings is stripped off!"

"This is not shame, but glory! Our Mao... was admired by an expert!"


The angels were in an uproar, and they all showed excited smiles.

"Great, our Mao finally has a place to use it!"

"To be valued by an expert, we must work hard to grow hair and not let the expert down!"

"I am valued by an expert, and my angel family should rise up. Does the expert bestow any gods this time?"

"Is an expert still lacking angel feathers? I can! I sign up!"

"I also sign up!"

The Lord of Angels raised his hand and suppressed the crowd's comments.

"The expert is naturally feathery, but he also said that our feathers are not perfect! So, you have to work hard!"

He gave a wave of morale, and then said: "Next, ten angels who plucked hair come to me."

The bodies of the ten angels trembled suddenly, their complexions flushed instantly like congestion, faintly guessed something, and walked forward quickly.

"It's up to me to give you awards personally!"

The Lord of Angels smiled approvingly at them, and with a wave of his hand, ten headbands appeared in his hands.

"Put on the headband, you are the arrogance of my angel family!"

He put on the headbands one by one.

This scene caused other angels to show envy and was stimulated.

They made up their minds one after another, "I must wear a headband too!"

At the end of the award ceremony, the face of the Angel Lord suddenly condensed.

Solemnly said: "The headband bestowed by an expert is so powerful that it is not necessary to say that it is an honor, and it is also a responsibility! But the expert has orders and we need to pluck the fallen angel hair. What do you say? "

Many angels roared together, "Pull, pull, pull!"

"Very good! If you get the head ring, you get the protection of an expert. We are deep in the seal and we will definitely be able to return in triumph!"

The Lord of Angels looked at the ten angels and continued: "Would you like to go with me?"

They said firmly together: "The subordinates are willing to go!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, under the leadership of the lord of angels, they made some preparations, and they all headed towards the seal.

The lord of angels and Alena, plus ten angels, a total of twelve people, inciting fleshy wings, slowly flew into the abyss.

Here, their old enemy is sealed, even though endless years have passed, they still haven't been able to obliterate it, but they have to beware of him breaking the seal.

No one knows what is hidden in this seal.

However, as he moved forward, the brows of the Lord of Angels could not help but frowned, and there was a suspicious look in his eyes.

How does this seal feel weird?


Where is the evil spirit?

It's a small seal, it should be very small, why hasn't it been seen for so many years, the passage has become so loose?

It was obviously tight before.

Also, it becomes unfathomable.

"There is something about this evil spirit. It can be developed to this level without making a sound. It's powerful enough." The Angel Lord couldn't help but speak.

However, as they continued to move forward, the faces of everyone became more and more weird.

Are there any mistakes, where does this go?

But the next moment, a strange breath circulated, and the front suddenly opened up. It was a deep black hole, the breath of the avenue became chaotic here, and the law receded.

"This, this...this is the realm passage?!" The Angel Lord and Alena were shocked at the same time.

The Angel Lord's face sank, "So, it's no wonder that the power of the evil spirit will suddenly increase. It turns out that there is a realm channel hidden here!"

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Alina also said: "I don't know which realm that end is, but it is certain that the evil spirit must have a terrifying conspiracy."

"I understand!"

The eyes of the lord of angels flashed suddenly and exclaimed.

"All this must be expected by an expert!"

He took a deep breath and continued: "The master asked us to pluck the fallen angels. In fact, is it not guiding us to find the entrance to this realm!"

If it weren't for the guidance of an expert, how could they have entered the seal, then this boundary channel would certainly not be discovered, and it would inevitably lead to a catastrophe in the end!

Alena also said with a deep impression: "Yes, the expert really has hands and eyes open to the sky, no wonder the group of people in Tiangong said that they should carefully study the words of the expert, obviously knowing that every move of the expert is bound to have Deep meaning."

At this moment, they once again refreshed the power of an expert.

The Lord of Angels solemnly said: "Well, everyone cheer up and enter the realm channel with me!"

Then, they crossed the boundary channel together and entered the fifth realm.

"The breath of this world... so sluggish!"

As soon as he entered the Fifth Realm, the brow of the Angel Lord frowned, revealing a look of surprise.

Compared with the fourth and seventh realms, the fifth realm is like an old man who walks with the dead wood, his body is fragmented everywhere, there are problems all over his body, and various organs are exhausted.

Alina also said: "The aura of the avenue has shrunk and is full of impurities. The laws are messy and broken. This world seems to have come to an end."

An angel said: "The gods, the seven realms have all been plundered by the ancients, and the situation in all realms is actually not good. It is not unusual for this realm to become like this."

The Lord of Angels nodded, "Yes, when the ancients descended, if my Fourth Realm were not born in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, I would suppress the catastrophe, I'm afraid the end would not be any better than this realm."

Speaking of the Tianji Pavilion, his heart moved slightly, thinking of the mysterious figure who had suddenly appeared in the Tianji Pavilion recently.

Behind the Tianji Pavilion, there must be some unknown big secret hidden, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

He shook his head with distracting thoughts, and said eagerly: "Breakdown often also contains great opportunities. The evil spirit is acting, and we must also hurry up."

Alena pointed in one direction and said, "Father, the power fluctuations over there are quite violent."

Immediately, everyone set off together and headed in that direction.

Soon, a broken star appeared in front of everyone.

The creatures above this star are already dead seven or eighty-eight, and the entire star is covered by a blood-red creature.

This creature seems to have no flesh and blood. Its whole body is made up of blood. It has two wings on its back, which are the wings of a bat.

The blood creatures are cruel and powerful, and their speed is extremely fast. When they see the creatures, they open their mouths and bite, draining the blood in their bodies.

And the blood drawn out will come back to life, condensing a new blood creature.

Because of the existence of blood creatures, this star also seemed to be blood-red.

Alina frowned and said: "What a weird thing, born of blood, tyrannical and cruel, but spread like a plague, it is simply a nightmare for countless creatures."

The lord of angels said: "It's a pity that the wings of these things don't grow hairy, otherwise, maybe an expert would like **** feathers."

At this moment, a group of blood creatures felt their breath, roared, and rushed towards everyone in **** glows.

"Holy Light, disperse!"

An angel stepped out and raised his hand casually.

In an instant, a dazzling white light appeared, shining down like the sun, and wherever it passed, the blood creatures unified into steam and dissipated directly.

Not only the part that rushed over, but the places visible to the naked eye were all swept away.

The angel was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised and wondered: "These things seem to have the breath of fallen angels."

"Your perception is correct. Behind this group of things, the fallen angels must have a share!"

The lord of the angels had a cold face, and there was a chill in his tone, "Are they trying to slaughter the whole world?!"

Alena said with a sullen face: "Father, we have to find the evil spirits quickly, we can't let them continue!"

the other side.

The God's Domain of the Fifth Realm.

This is the largest place in the Fifth Realm, and also the place with the most living things.

However, at this moment, the entire God Realm is shrouded in a layer of blood.

Above the sky, white clouds are stained with blood, the earth is red, and even the rivers are gradually reddening.

This makes the entire God Realm seem to be shrouded in a strange **** formation.

And within this formation, there are endless creatures in the Fifth Realm.

These creatures are not only creatures originally in God's Domain, but also many creatures who have escaped from other stars.

Now, the entire Fifth Realm is shrouded in a blood-red nightmare, and their only hope is that the strongest in God's Domain will rescue them.

However, no matter how they called, there was no response.

Above the clouds, the evil spirit stood with the master of the blood clan, staring at the scene below with cold eyes.

The Lord of the Blood Race smiled proudly: "How about my masterpiece?"

"It's really amazing to make the entire Fifth Realm a paradise for countless blood races."

Mo Sha responded, and continued: "But... are you sure this can lead to the origin of the Fifth Realm?"

"Naturally! In fact, I know two ways to lead to the origin of the world."

The Lord of the Blood Race paused and said: "The first type is to destroy the balance of power with great means, like the ancients, to dominate the world and suppress the origin! But this kind of conditions is too harsh, and it requires chance and coincidence. It's hard to do."

"The second type is to put pressure on this realm with the power of another realm! Once this realm encounters a fatal threat from the power of another realm, the origin will show its traces, and then, I will have a way to give the origin to the realm. Pull it out!"

Demon Sha's face showed a trace of suspicion, and he said: "That's why you have to use my power?"

The head of the blood race nodded, "Yes! Among the countless blood races, the body also contains your demon aura, which will make the origin of the fifth realm think that it is the power of another realm, thus revealing its deeds."

Mo Sha asked again: "Will the other Dao Sovereigns in this world take action?"

The Lord of the Blood Race laughed and said: "Hahaha, they must be paying attention here all the time, but...no one will take action! You are a demon, don't even think about this?"

He continued: "They must have guessed that I am motivating the origin of the world, and who of them doesn't want to get the origin of the world? So no matter how crazy I am, they will not care about it. Instead, they will hope that I will print the origin of the world as soon as possible. They are so looting!"

"People don't kill themselves for their own sake! The boring thing of sheltering creatures, do you really think someone will do it?"

Are you ready to seize the origin of the Fifth Realm?

Demon Sha's eyes flickered, and he said in a condensed voice: "When will you do it?"

The Lord of the Blood Race smiled slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, let the blood of the Fifth Realm be richer."

In a glacier in God's Domain.

It was shrouded in profound ice, immortal, and even the laws were frozen.

In the deepest ice layer, lies an old man with a withered face.

He was frozen in the center of the ice, but at this time he slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes were like ordinary old men, but with deep sadness and helplessness.

"From the moment the balance of the Seven Realms was broken, I should have thought of this day when human nature was greedy and plundered. The group of people who fought to defend the world now raised their butcher knife to their own world."

"The ancients plundered the seven realms and made the seven realms angry, but now... among the seven realms, which one is not plundering each other? Where can there be order?"

"The ice has been frozen for countless years, and I kept my last breath against the ancients, but I never thought that it would be used on this world! After I die, will anyone know to guard?"

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