Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 708: 708: The gods are not righteous, the supreme is not benevolent

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The blood of the Fifth Realm is still expanding.

The world of stars is falling one by one, and more vitality is growing.

"The time is almost there, my blood has spread all over the Fifth Realm!"

The Lord of the Blood Race made a strange laugh.

He was like a lumps of blood, with various shapes and facial features manifesting at will. At this time, the whole face was only left with a big mouth full of fangs.

"Blood sacrifice to the whole world, this is an unprecedented feat, and now, you will witness it!"

Its voice accompanies the whole world's blood, covering the entire Fifth Realm, making countless creatures desperate.


next moment.

The river of blood rolls.

Blood clouds rise.

They turned into the most terrifying monsters and opened their mouths to all beings.

Clouds fell from the sky, turned into the ocean, poured down from the sky, and came galloping!

It looks like an endless river of blood, which surrounds the whole world, and after falling, it is enough to swallow the world!

In the Fifth Realm of God's Domain.

The eyes of the trapped creatures were filled with panic and helplessness. The blood of the sky turned their faces into blood red. As you can see, there is blood in all directions, flowing down from the sky!

"Wow wow wow"

"Twee, twee, twee"


Countless children cried, little beasts screamed, and little birds cried.

They are short in the world, but they are keenly aware of the danger of life and death.

"Who will save us?"

"Pray for God to protect us!"

"This is a catastrophe of the world, why don't you care about it?"

"Isn’t God’s Realm the place of the Supreme? Heavenly Gate Supreme, Xiaoyao Supreme, Ming Dao Supreme, Demon Suppression Supreme..."

Countless people chanted the Supreme Name, trying to wake them up.


However, not only failed to get a response, the river of blood above the earth turned into countless **** tentacles, crushed to the crowd, and in an instant, millions of creatures were penetrated by the tentacles!

Those creatures trembled all over, and the meridians of the whole body were violently protruding and manifested through the skin.

The blood was quickly drawn away!

A drop of blood, like water seeping, slowly overflowed through their skin, just floating in front of them, condensing into a blood creature!

The blood creatures and the scarlet tentacles launched a slaughter on the creatures of the entire gods.

"No, let go of my child!"

"The Fifth Realm is over! This blood demon is going to kill all of us!"

"Where are you, Tianyang Sect, Temple of War, Tingdao Pavilion..."

"Stop shouting, we are here, but our cultivation base is not enough, and it seems to be treated as cannon fodder."

"The supreme is not visible, the gods retreat, we have been abandoned!"

"Why? Why does this evil thing survive? Do the Supremes want us to die?!"

"Who can come and save us!"


In the entire Fifth Realm, wailing sounds came from every corner, and every second, hundreds of millions of creatures were annihilated.

The terrible breath of death enveloped, making the Fifth Realm gray.

The sea of ​​blood transformed by the blood cloud has already come, and if you want to pour it down, it will overwhelm the entire God's Realm in an instant!

The **** seascape was reflected in countless pairs of desperate eyes, and they trembled.


At this moment, a huge palm stood up from the ground, covering the sky, and stabbing straight into the sky!

Like an Optimus Prime, holding up the sky!

On this palm, there is the aura of the great avenue, the powerful avenue power overflows, forming an invisible barrier, supporting the pouring blood waves!

All the creatures opened their eyes wide, looking at the giant hand that lifted the sky, excited, showing the desire to survive.

"My cultivator, between life and heaven and earth, should kill demons and eliminate demons, and protect my right way! You group of supreme, let the demons rule the roost, with shameful deeds, are not worthy of cultivating! It is the supreme!"

A black-haired young man rushed out of a mountain. He was wearing armor, holding a horse-cutting knife, with long hair flying, pointing at the sky and cursing!

Above the void, there is no response.

The black-haired young man smiled sadly, looked at the Lord of the Blood Race, and said coldly: "Evil demon, I will suppress you!"

He stepped out, like a black whirlwind, rushing towards the Lord of the Blood Race.

The horse-cutting sword is raised high, and a horrible blade light is gathered to cut the blood cloud ocean in the sky in half!

He held the sword light, and slashed towards the Lord of the Blood Race!

He knew that he would not be the opponent of the Lord of the Blood Race.

Therefore, with this knife, he condensed everything, mana, blood, and soul, and he wanted to die with the lord of the sea of ​​blood!


The power of horror swept across the sky and the earth, and even the river of blood on the ground began to boil.

This knife urges the power of the avenue to the extreme, surrounded by endless aura of the avenue, is the peak power that surpasses the first step to the supreme!

"I can't help myself!"

The evil spirit smiled coldly, and with his wrist, the Devil's Sword was in his hand, inciting his wings to face the sword's light.

He stood under the huge sword light, as if he was very small.

However, it was just a light wave.

The sword of the devil cut off the blade directly!


A blood spurted out of the black-haired young man's mouth, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked at the sky with a deep resentment.

He wept, "No, am I going to extinct the Fifth Realm?"

"Swish swish swish!"

Several blood-colored tentacles rose from the ground, tied the black-haired young man, and hung between the sky.

"Want to be a hero? Why do you want to be a hero?"

The Lord of the Blood Race looked at the black-haired youth bloodthirstyly, and said with a weird smile: "Since you take the initiative to rush to send it, then don't waste this blood! It is the blood of the supreme at any rate, and can be cultivated into a strong blood."

The **** tentacles began to draw the blood of the black-haired youth, and every pore of his began to leak blood.

Drops of blood seeped out from his skin, suspended in the void, and had already condensed into a blood cell.


The giant hand that originally held the sky collapsed, and the sea of ​​bloody clouds continued to fall down.

"Ah, I... my body!"

Someone started to scream.

Their bodies suddenly swelled, and the blood in their bodies started to flow on its own without any control, and boiled.

Only a moment later, their bodies began to smoke, their bodies were red, and the heat of their blood almost cooked their bodies!

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Finally, someone’s body burst directly, and blood spurted out!

"no no!"

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, who will kill me?"

"Kill, fight with them!"

"The gods are not righteous, the supreme is not benevolent, hahaha, my fifth world is over!"

"You false gods, false supreme! We will respect you and respect you, it turns out that you are the biggest evil spirit!!!"


Countless creatures roared in anger and died in pain.


At this time, a sigh came out abruptly.

At this moment, the void is stagnant, the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds is still, and the world is silent.

The **** tentacles that tied the black-haired youth directly exploded, and all the **** visions disappeared.

But I saw that a skinny old man stepped into the air and walked in the void step by step.

There is no breath coming out of his body, as if an ordinary old man is pacing, but he is stepping on the void!

"The Fifth Realm is about to die, and the monster is about to swallow the sky and destroy the realm, but you are still watching, what use is it for you?"

The hoarse words came from his mouth, resounding through the heavens and the earth, exploding many supreme beings.

"Second-Step Supreme! I used to hide a Second-Step Supreme in the Fifth Realm!"

"The rumor is that in the depths of the extreme cold land, there is a long-term and unparalleled and powerful man, and it is unexpected that it is true."

"However, his breath is sluggish, he is between life and death, and there must be fatal injuries in his body!"

One after another, the supreme manifested, with amazement on his face.

Among them, a middle-aged man in a white robe and long shirt stepped out, came to the old man, and said to him: "Teacher."

The two short words stunned all the supreme like a stormy sea.

"He... he is actually the teacher of God of War?!"

These shocking secrets are only now known to everyone.

The God of War, as the name suggests, became a **** by war, and crossed the entire Fifth Realm. No one can fight against one of them. Outside of the Lord of the Blood Race, he was the only one who reached the second step of the Supreme Realm.

And this old man, as the teacher of God of War, must be so powerful.

The old man looked indifferently at the white-robed man in front of him, and said: "The blood is deceiving the world and looking up from the wall. That's how I taught you?"

The God of War calmly said: "I just want to pursue the highest, and I will ask the teacher to fulfill it."

The old man said: "The world gave birth to us, and the meaning of our existence should have been guardianship. If the origin of the seven realms is chaotic, it will cause catastrophe!"

He was telling something horrible, but his tone was steady, without sadness or joy.

The God of War smiled and said: "As long as I am strong enough, there will be no disaster!"

This answer did not exceed the old man’s expectation. He shook his head and said, "You are not enough! Not enough!"

The God of War opened the mouth and said: "The teacher is out of the barrier, do you want to stop me?"

The old man sighed and said: "You are the child I chose from the catastrophe. I thought that you would have seen the cruelty of the catastrophe, and you would have compassion and know the meaning of guarding. However, I never thought of you. But because of the catastrophe, he will feel indifferent and ruthlessly numb!"

The God of War smiled and said: "If you are used to seeing life and death, you will naturally become numb. Teacher, you have experienced a lot, but you still can't see through this. It means you are inferior to me!"

The old man looked at the God of War, silently facing him.

In the entire seven realms, how many people can resist the temptation of the source?

The third realm is broken, and I don’t know how many supreme beings stepped into the third realm in order to find the origin.

Human greed is the biggest catastrophe, and I won’t even bother with the cost after greed.

The old man said: "I am, the origin of the Fifth Realm, no one can get involved!"

The God of War said: "Teacher, you only have half your life left, don't force me to kill you!"

"God of War, you are sure to kill this master!"

At this time, the Lord of the Blood Race spoke jokingly, "He was the protagonist in the Fifth World Tribulation last time. He calmed down the Fifth World Tribulation. He must be connected to the origin of the Fifth World. Killing him will Greatly increase the possibility of the emergence of the origin of the Fifth Realm!"

"So this old immortality is also in your calculations."

Yan Mo smiled slightly, spread his wings, and appeared behind the old man, cutting off his retreat.

The **** of war shone with golden light, and said indifferently: "Teacher, you teach my Taoism and make me a **** of war, now... just use your life and help me!"

The old man is just one person.

On the opposite side, there are the evil spirit, the lord of the blood family, and the **** of war.

However, his face was still calm, and he didn't show much emotion since he appeared.

Under his withered body, a terrifying force was roaring and awakening, and the invisible pressure enveloped the audience, making the heart of God of War sink slightly.

"Suppress Prison Fu Mo Fist!"

The God of War's eyes flashed slightly, he acted first, and punched the old man's chest!

The vast divine light is overflowing, converging on endless avenues, forming a black vortex in the center, which can suppress everything in the world.

The fist wind is strong, the light is like a rainbow, and the magnificent atmosphere.

is the Fist of Fumo!

However, at this time, it was used to join forces with demons in an attempt to kill his own teacher!

At the same time, Mo Sha also shot.

In his hand, the sword of the devil was surging with weird black light, absorbing all the surrounding power, and slashing towards the back of the old man's neck!

They are all holding the heart of killing, so they are merciless, and they use the strongest force to attack the key!

In addition to them, the other Dao Sovereigns also attacked the old man.

Although they are only the first step to the supreme, and there is a big gap with the old man, but with the evil spirit and the **** of war at the head, their attacks have become extremely terrifying, enough to cause heavy damage to the old man!

Waves of terrifying great powers came to suppress the old man. This power is close to the limit that a world can bear. The time and space around the old man are distorted, and they are constantly annihilated and reborn.

The old man is in great destruction, the mana light on his body still has not manifested, just raised his hand.

On his wrist, he wears a golden ring.

In an instant, the ring burst out with incomparable brilliance, like the rising tomorrow in the same round, the brilliance blasted toward the four directions.

The fist of the God of War was instantly annihilated, and the demon sword of the evil spirit screamed, trembling and unable to cut it down!

All offensives, like spring and snow after rain, melted directly.

Not only that, according to Guanghua, both the God of War and the evil spirits felt a horror, and both the body and the soul felt a sense of tearing.

"This is the power of the origin of the world! You actually have the treasure of origin!"

"Ah, it's so dazzling, what kind of light is this, don't shine on me anymore!"

"What magical power is this, no! I'm dead!"

"Rewind, rewind!!"

This is a destructive force that even the Great Dao Sovereign can hardly resist. Even though they are the God of War and the Demon Sha, they are the second step Sovereign, but they are the closest to the bracelet, their body exploded directly and was wiped out alive!

However, their source of life did not dissipate, the brilliance flashed, resurrected, and they flee to the distance in horror.

As for the other Dao Sovereigns, they also suffered heavy losses. Five of them exploded on the spot, and the origin of their lives was wiped out!

The surviving Dao Sovereign looked at the old man in fear, but at the same time, endless greed emerged in his eyes.

is worthy of the power of the source, too strong, we must get it!

However, the old man did not give them too much time. He stepped out, like a light source, ruthlessly sweeping!

His time is running out, he must suppress everything in the first place. As for what happens later, it depends on the good fortune of the Fifth Realm.

Those Dadao Supremes were so scared that they fleeed like crazy, "Don't come here! Go away!"

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