Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 709: 709: Devil: I'm bald

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"Ah! You are so cruel!"

The brilliance is dazzling, illuminating the long night, but it contains the most terrifying destructive power, and even the Supreme Dao has no resistance.

In the Fifth Realm, those supreme lords who shot towards the old man have all become the target of Guanghua, white light lasing, all magic weapons and mana are nothingness, and soon, there will be another five great Dao supreme falling!

There are still a few Dao Sovereigns who did not attack the old man and did not become a target. After seeing them, they were terrified and shivered.

"Get out! Get out of me!"

The evil spirit roared wildly, he instigated his wings and retreated quickly. He is the second step supreme, with a lot of life origin.

The armor of the God of War gleamed with golden light, transforming into a golden giant, sheltering him, and fleeing with him.

Under this brilliance, in the entire fifth realm, no one is one general!

Because...this is the power of the origin, the source of power in the fifth realm, and the peak power!

The body of the evil spirit bounced to pieces again, re-solidified, and said loudly: "Lord of the blood clan, when do you want to watch the show until?"

"Don't worry, always prepare!"

The Lord of the Blood Race's gloomy voice came out, "He helped us kill the other supreme, and saves us from doing it ourselves, anyway, we will definitely not give it to them!"

The God of War said in a deep voice: "Oh? Then do you even want me to die too?"

While speaking, he had already come behind the Lord of the Blood Race, and at the same time, a white light blasted towards him, and the Lord of the Blood Race became a light shield.

"I will do it now!"

The Lord of the Blood Race grinned with a grin, and slowly raised his hands, "Blood refines the light!"

In an instant, the sky of blood clouds formed a blood-colored tornado, soaring into the sky!

The river of blood above the earth is like a dragon sucking, gathering in the sky.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge blood cell!

This is the aggregation of countless blood-colored powers, the red blood has almost become the essence, and an incomparable tyrannical atmosphere radiates out, containing despair, resentment and killing.

When Guanghua shot above the blood cell, for the first time, it failed to penetrate and was actually blocked!

"You guys really **** it!"

The old man’s face changed for the first time. From this blood cell, he could feel the cry of all spirits. This is the blood of many creatures in the Fifth Realm. The blood qi in it is almost monstrous, enough to shake the entire Seven Realms!

"How is it? How is my blood of all souls?"

The Lord of the Blood Race smiled triumphantly, "Since I dare to attack the original source, I naturally know some ways to deal with it, gather the power of sentient beings, and resist the original source!"

Although he is not voluntary by sentient beings, he can be regarded as gathering the power of sentient beings.

"Huh! I will kill you!"

The old man snorted coldly and put his hand on the bracelet.

The bracelet flew out immediately, turned into a golden ring, surrounded by the light of the source, and came out with unparalleled power!

At this moment, both Demon Sha and God of War felt tremendous pressure.

It's like fighting the whole world with one's own power. The pressure of one world is all suppressed on one's own body, and their power is almost dissipated!

However, this ring still failed to break through the blood-colored sphere. The endless blood and brilliance stalemate, the two intertwined, twisting everything.

The blood and brilliance carry the heavens, and it does not seem to have much momentum, but the danger in it even the Dao Sovereign dare not touch it. This is the resistance of the pinnacle of the world.

"Hahaha, old stuff, you should have died a long time ago, why should you continue to live? Die early and live longer!"

The Lord of the Blood Race laughed. Under his control, the blood-colored sphere began to roll, sometimes like an angry dragon swallowing the sky, sometimes like an eagle hitting the sky, surrounding the golden ring, to suppress it!

At the same time, everywhere in the Fifth Realm, there is a steady stream of **** auras transmitted from them. The blood aura in the whole realm is so great that it can make the sea of ​​bloody clouds stronger.

On the other hand, the old man, he was already half-dead, and with his last breath, he used his origin to launch a strong blow, his strength will only get weaker and weaker.


The old man spouted a mouthful of blood, and his withered face looked extremely pale and exhausted.

The God of War said: "Teacher, give up. Since you know that it is impossible to stop us, why not be beautiful?"

The old man said hoarsely: "You don't understand what the source represents. Once this power reappears in the world, it will inevitably provoke unknowns. You are looking for death!"


The Lord of the Blood Race smiled disdainfully, "The old thing is quite able to support, then I will give you more strength!"

"Swish swish swish!"

With a thought in his mind, the bodies of the many blood creatures shook at the same time, and then they rushed towards the old man without hesitation inciting blood wings!

In the whole body of the old man, the air of destruction surrounded by the confrontation of brilliance and blood is enough to shatter any existence!

However, these blood creatures are like moths to the fire, still rushing madly!

Slightly rubbed against the air of destruction, it was immediately stirred into powder, and the smoke disappeared.

It’s just that there are too many of them. From a distance, they are like countless scarlet bats, covering the old man. There are countless bats coming from all over the Fifth Realm.

This world has become the world of blood creatures, flying everywhere, terrifying.

"Puff puff!"

They are annihilated at a speed of millions, and seem to pose no threat to the elderly.

However, the state of the old man is really bad, he is like a candle burning to the end, only the last few drops of lamp oil are lighting the candle, no matter how small the consumption is, it is fatal to him!

With the passage of time, the golden ring has been completely enveloped by the sea of ​​bloody clouds, just like something in the palm, it will be crushed at any time!

The whole body of the old man, coerced and weakened, unexpectedly began to have blood creatures penetrating through, leaving wounds on the old man's body!

Wounds appeared on his body, but no blood came out.

Because his blood was drained in the last battle of the Great Tribulation!


at this time.

Between the heavens and the earth, a gap was actually cracked!

A breath of profound mystery suddenly emerged, overflowing from the mouth, and at the same time, there was a colorful brilliance falling down, just like a newborn sunrise, poking out his head.


The magical power manifested, although it was only accompanied by a faint breath, it made everyone's mana tremble, like joy and awe.

The Lord of the Blood Race stared at the opening, excitedly said: "This...this is the origin of the Fifth Realm! It really appeared!"

The God of War stepped forward, approaching the opening, with obsessive eyes in his eyes, and trembled: "Hahaha, come on, come on, the origin must be mine!"

The spirit of the evil spirit locked on the God of War, and said coldly: "The origin of the Fifth Realm...is mine!"

There are other supreme beings alive, feeling the breath of the original source, their eyes become fiery, and their minds turn sharply.

The old man said sorrowfully: "Each realm has bred countless creatures, and many strong men have been born. It was originally for protection, but in the end, it has become annihilation. Can there still be guardians in all the seven realms?"

The God of War comforted: "Teacher, it's not that there are no guardians, but... the guardians are not strong enough, so they have been killed!"

"Oh? Are you sure they are all killed?"

Abruptly, a joking voice came from a distance.

But I saw that in the distant sky, there are twelve streams of light with a huge momentum, lasing, and before people arrive, there is an endless holy light pouring down, sweeping away all the blood creatures around the old man!

Mosha frowned suddenly, and said in surprise: "Huh? Is it a nasty light?!"

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He raised his head, staring at the incoming person coldly.

The Lord of Angels floated above the void, his eyes were cold and stern, and he said with majesty: "Mosha, you are really here! Unexpectedly, we will also come to the Fifth Realm!"

"Tianhua, it's you! You are here! Why did you think of entering the seal?"

Tianhua's appearance was beyond Mo Sha's expectations, but the next moment, he couldn't control his expression anymore, opening his mouth and let out a mocking laugh.

"Hahaha, wow, hahaha, what kind of look is this?"

The evil spirit couldn't control himself at all, pointing to Tianhua and said, "Your dignified angel lord is actually bald! Also, all the people who brought it are also hairless. Did the angels become a bald clan? Or, This is the bald squad you brought?"

For the ridicule of the evil spirit, the Lord of Angels and others looked calm, and there was no fluctuation in their hearts.

Heh, ignorance!

You know what a fart, this is a symbol of honor!

Tianhua said indifferently: "Don't laugh, I have a good news and a bad news for you now, which one do you want to hear?"

Masha sneered: "Oh? What's the good news?"

Tianhua said: "There is a big man who has fallen in love with you."

"What about the bad news?"

"We are going to pluck your hair!"

"I think you are looking for death!"

The evil light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the evil spirit, the wings behind him spread out, holding the sword of the evil spirit, he rushed towards Tianhua!

"Do you think this is the Fourth Realm? You come here and you send it away!"

He is full of arrogance, engulfing unparalleled power.

This is the Fifth Realm. In addition to him, there is also the God of War, the Lord of the Blood Race, and the Lord of the Angel of Light. It is not a concern at all.

Facing the evil spirit, the face of the angel lord was also solemn. He raised his hand, and a huge barbed rod appeared in his hand. It was the depilatory rod.

"This is a big one, please bear with me!"

He gave a cold sigh and greeted the evil spirit.

"Unexpectedly, you have replaced such an ugly weapon, it is ridiculous!"

The evil spirit raises the sword, the sword light rushes into the sky, and slashes towards the lord of the angels.

The Lord of Angels held the hair removal stick high, and did not shine, but he easily shattered the sword light, and then passed by the evil spirit.


With a soft sound, the wings behind the evil spirit were erased without warning, and a long mark protruded.

A neat row of black hairs appeared on the hair removal stick.

"Am I bald?"

Mosha's eyes widened, thinking he was dreaming.

He touched his wings, and did not touch the familiar hair, but touched a piece of warm flesh, really bald!

"Ah, no, my fur!"

The evil spirit screamed up to the sky, his eyes were red, and his manic mood almost made him crazy, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

He stared at the Lord of Angels, but saw that they were giving his feathers to his men one by one, without even looking at him.

"Ah ah, deceiving too much, it is too deceiving! I want to **** you!"

Masha's entire face was distorted, killing intent like a rainbow, and madly killing towards the lord of angels.

"Good job!"

The Lord of Angels once again raised the depilatory stick to greet him.


There was another clear sound, and there was a clearing on the other wing of the evil spirit...

The Lord of Angels said with satisfaction: "Yes, the hair is exuberant!"

Masha: "I'm fighting with you!"




After the big stick, there will be no hairs!

After just a few rounds, the devil's body has gone hairless.

Fans a pair of bare fleshy wings to complement the angels such as the Lord of Angels.

"No, my handsome wings!"

Mosha could not accept this fact, looking at the big stick as if he had seen a ghost, "How can this be, what kind of stick is this, why is it so powerful?!"

"Hehe, this is the great stick of an expert, naturally fierce!"

The Lord of Angels smiled slightly, handed the hair removal stick to Alena, and said: "Take the master's stick, don't let the other fallen angels go!"

Alena nodded with a smile, "My father, don’t worry, this wave of gains will be great."

The old man's breath was dying, but his eyes widened, and he was shocked: "That's not an ordinary stick! There is a breath of origin on it! This...how is this possible!"

The head of the blood clan also said in a condensed voice: "Curious feeling, a big stick, the hair will inevitably fall. This has transcended the law and the road. It is definitely the power of the source. What is the origin of this big stick?"

The God of War was also extremely shocked. He glanced at his body and heaved a sigh of relief after he found that his body was hairless.

"It's a horrible stick, but it seems to be only for hair removal, not a threat to me."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The devil was so angry that his voice was trembling, and the fleshy wings were trembling. He gritted his teeth and said: "Now my hair is gone. See what tricks you can do, die for me!"

He used his peak power and once again rushed towards the lord of angels.

Full of hatred and shame, ready to never die.

His eyes were about to split, and he roared: "Tianhua, light up the sword!"

"Bright sword? What sword is bright?"

Tianhua's face was calm, and a headband appeared in his hand when he swept his wrists, and then slowly put it on his head.

In an instant, the holy light is surging, like a river like a sea.

Seeing the headband, the pupils of the evil spirit shrank suddenly, and the scalp almost exploded. Instinctively, he turned and ran!

However, it was still too late.

The halo swept across his back, and suddenly, a feeling of extreme heat rose up, and even the primordial spirit with him was burning, causing him to scream.

Masha retreated in a panic to the Lord of the Blood Race, his breath languishing.

The wings behind him are now no longer just hairless, they are even more scorched, exuding bursts of green smoke and the smell of meat.

Behind him, the head ring quietly floats on top of the head of the angel lord, shining with a faint halo, turning into a halo, which looks quite strange.

At the same time, the other angels also took out their headbands one after another, put them on the top of their heads, turning them into apertures.

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