Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 711: 711: The soul of war, dedicated to the world

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"Hahaha, wowhahaha"

The Lord of the Blood Race laughed proudly, and his aura became more and more full. The entire sky, the red sun was in the sky, and the red clouds covered the sky, full of the aura of the end of the world.

"Can't hold it anymore, you all die for me!" His cold and stern voice caused an immense chill in everyone's hearts.

The old man looked at the twelve angels who were holding on, with sadness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and wanted to take a breath again, but he spouted a mouthful of blood. There was no more intactness in his whole body. .

Two lines of clear tears slipped, and he couldn't help crying out in grief, "The Fifth Realm...the general situation is gone! After the ancients, the Seven Realms will give birth to a devil again!"

Just as the Lord of the Blood Race said, most of the power of the Fifth Realm now converges in his own body, and no one can suppress him at all.

Originally, if the God of War could repent, he would still have a chance to fight against the Lord of the Blood Race, but now, it is too late.

"Everyone, together support this sky! We are the last hope!"

At this time, the black-haired young man who first stood up wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and stood up.

He raised the saber again, condensing all the power of the whole body, the bronze skin glowed brightly, and the atmosphere of the avenue revealed a colorful vision, surrounding him.


The Sabre Sabre was embedded on the ground, swelling constantly, and finally turned into a sword that stood above the ground, piercing through the world, and stabbing the huge blood-colored giant hand in an attempt to prop up this side of the sky!

Immediately afterwards, countless mana rose into the air with great strength and gathered into a dazzling vision, surging towards the blood-colored giant hand.

"Unity is strength, let's cheer together!"

"Gather all the forces that can be gathered together to guard our world together!"

"Fight with him!"


At this moment, the light of the origin gradually became richer in the opening, pouring down to this group of people, giving them more fighting spirit and hope to protect this world together.

Facing the catastrophe, they all became the protagonists of the Fifth Realm at this moment!

The Lord of Angels also blushed, a pair of fleshy wings desperately incited, and said solemnly: "Holy light burns the sky, give me the top!"

"Give me the top!"

Alina and ten other angels also gritted their teeth and displayed their strongest strength.

At this time, the sky full of brilliance and the monstrous blood light formed two diametrically opposed forces. One was to condense the despair and destruction of the Fifth Realm, and the other was to gather hope and new life.

The world freezes.

There is no shocking vision, and no bursting sound. You can only see that the brilliance and blood are melting at the same time, constantly being reborn in destruction.

Under the tense gaze of countless people, wounds began to appear on that giant **** hand, which was eventually taken back by the Lord of the Blood Race.

However, before everyone cheered, the sarcastic sneer of the Lord of the Blood Race came again, "Oh? Only a little bit of ant power is left that you want to shake the sky?"

After the words were over, the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds was surging, and a huge blood-colored foot was lifted out of it, and then stepped on to everyone!


With one foot falling, the Guanghua gathered by the crowd trembled violently, and countless people were hit by the force of the counter shock.

The Sabre Sabre also uttered a mournful scream, followed by a crackling sound, which was folded in two on the spot, and the halo was lost.

"Hahaha, that's it? Next comes a stronger second kick, can you stop it?"

The icy words of the Lord of the Blood Race recalled in the void, raising his leg... the second foot that covered the sky and the sun crashed down!

Everyone was shrouded under this giant foot, and there was a sense of powerlessness in the eyes.

Under their gaze, the bodies of the twelve angels floating in the air were also smashed down, embarrassed.

The twelve apertures on the top of the head also turned bright and dark, and then... with a "wow", the head ring seemed to be broken, and the angel's feathers floated and scattered.

"Do not!"

The lord of the angels waited for the angel's eyes to split, and his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

This is a divine object bestowed on them by an expert, and the material is made of their feathers. How can it be broken like this.

The eyes of the old man Qi Yi also went out, is there still no hope?

"Die to me!"

In the audience, only the wild laugh of the Lord of the Blood Race was left, his thigh continued to be pressed down, like stepping on an ant, he wanted to trample everyone to death!

However, the next moment, his feet were still floating in the air, making it difficult to fall.

There was an indescribable force blocking him, and it actually gave him a feeling that he couldn't compete.


The Lord of the Blood Race was taken aback, he lowered his head and looked at the soles of his feet.

But I saw that the place where the twelve headbands were broken, although the angel's feather was not there,...there were twelve willow branches still floating there quietly.

The twelve willow branches gleamed with emerald green light. Although soft, they gave people a sense of incomparable holiness. Even looking directly at them would give rise to awe.

The Blood Lord exclaimed in disbelief, "Impossible! This...what kind of branch is this? Can actually stop me?"

"Stop it for me!"

He gritted his teeth, the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds set off a huge wave, exhausted all his strength, but he seemed to be stepping on an iron plate, motionless!

A sharp chill suddenly surged from the depths of his heart, making him horrified.

Not only him, but everyone else looked stupid, looking at the wicker twigs one by one, and fell into a sluggishness.

The lord of angels had a layer of goose bumps all over his body, and murmured: "It turns out that the most powerful part of this ring is not our hair, but the branch!"

Alina nodded in agreement, and took a deep breath: "To be precise, our hair limits the power of the headband and lowers the taste of this wicker!"

The old man stared at the wicker, trembling violently, and muttered to himself like crazy: "This, this feeling is... Yes, it must be the one in the legend!"

At this time, the twelve willows moved, they were connected to each other, and finally connected together, forming a complete willow branch.

at the same time.

The backyard of the quadrangle.

A gust of wind blew quietly, and the slender branches of the willow tree by the pond moved with the wind. One of the branches passed through the pond, and some rhizomes seemed to shuttle through the space and entered another space.

The fifth level.

A branch broke through the air and connected with the willow branch.

In an instant, a sacred breath suddenly descended on the entire Fifth Realm!

At this moment, even the origin of the world has fluctuated, seeming to be trembling, and it seems to be cheering.

At this moment, time and space no longer have meaning, everything except thoughts is frozen!

"This...what is this?!"

The Lord of the Blood Race was so frightened that he screamed, horrified to the extreme.

Looking at the willow branch, he actually had a feeling of incomparable insignificance, as if he was not at the same level as it, that was an instinctive fear.

"How is this possible? Where does it come from? Why does it exist in the world?"

The Lord of the Blood Race trembled, and the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds trembled. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't move at all!

In an instant, the wicker was tied to his body and locked him tightly.

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly, thinking that they had hallucinations.

"Lord of the blood clan, this... is this tied up?"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

The Lord of Angels swallowed a mouthful of water and felt his head explode.

Especially when he thinks of how awesome the Lord of the Blood Race just now, this kind of dream feels even deeper.

This is too awesome!

"Terror, invincible!"

Alena's heart and liver trembled for a while, and she tremblingly said: "Anyone would use this kind of branch to make a headband for us, right?"

The other angels also said in awe: "Thinking about how I actually put that headband on my head, I feel a faint feeling..."

But at this moment, their eyes condensed, and they noticed that the wicker was swaying towards them, as if... beckoning to them.

Is it calling us?

The angels' hearts suddenly bulged, and they almost were scared to tears.

Wouldn't it be for the headband to ask us to settle accounts?

However, Alena flashed in her mind and said, "Father, does it mean...let us pluck the head of the blood family?"

Pluck... pluck?

The lord of angels was taken aback for a moment.

His eyes fell involuntarily on the blood-red wings of the Lord of the Blood Race.

The blood-red feathers were very beautiful.

The Lord of the Blood Race swallowed the evil spirit, and this body naturally retains the characteristics of an angel. This pair of wings can become the wings of a blood angel!

Experts must like these feathers!

The Lord of Angels nodded hurriedly, "Yes, pull the hair, go and pluck him!"


Alena nodded, then picked up the hair removal stick and walked towards the Lord of the Blood Race.

Seeing Alena's unkind gaze and the big stick, the Lord of the Blood Race immediately tightened his heart and said coldly, "What? I tell you, don't mess around!"

"This hair removal stick is just a toothpick relative to your body shape, so don't panic, it won't hurt too much. I will try to be faster."

After the words, Alena spread her wings and came to the back of the Lord of the Blood Race, and the big stick swiftly attacked!



Pieces of red feathers fell off and were carefully collected by Alena.

"Good hair, really good hair, beautiful and special."

Alena praised her, and she couldn't help but work harder.

The Lord of Angels watched comfortably from the side, and said with emotion: "The Lord of the Blood Race is still very acquainted. He knows that he can integrate with the evil spirits and provide a different feather to the master, which is really good."

As for the others, including the old man, they were all dull, with their mouths wide open, and became statues.

"Crazy, sensational, they are actually depilating the Lord of the Blood Race..."

"This style of painting has changed abruptly. I was prepared for death not long ago."

"It's too powerful. What is the origin of this group of people? It's so powerful that it's outrageous!"

"What kind of existence is that wicker? Is it the expert behind this group of angels?"

"Is this the Lord of the Blood Race who almost wiped out my Fifth Realm? It feels like a dream."

After a while, Alena respectfully saluted the wicker and said: "This... this senior, the plucking is finished!"

The wicker laid out its branches and motioned to Alena to withdraw.

Then, it released the Lord of the Blood Race and pulled it straight down like a whip.

"Ah! No, please forgive me, please."

The Lord of the Blood Race screamed in horror, he felt a life and death crisis, and the wicker was pulled down, enough to completely kill him!


With a crisp sound, the Lord of the Blood Race directly exploded, and the huge body was broken into blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, the wicker lifted up again and beat it down!

The target is really that **** sea of ​​clouds!

The sea of ​​blood-colored clouds trembled, the blood was surging, and roared as if resisting, but everything was destined to be in vain.


There was another crisp sound, and the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds melted like spring snow. This was like an order from heaven and earth. No one could resist it. Even though the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds was boundless and spreading all over the Fifth Realm, they had to melt at this time!

Pieces of blood-colored clouds disappeared, and the entire Fifth Realm, blood-colored faded away, and returned to the whisper.

The red sun is no longer, the sun is coming again!

The warm sunlight poured down, dispelling the previous shadows, and made all the surviving creatures feel like a world away.

"The Lord of the Blood Race is dead, our world...saved!"

"Great, see the sun again!"

"Ah, I survived!"

All of them showed joy, each of them trembling with excitement, screaming and venting, and some were crying bitterly, remembering the dead.

The wicker retreated quietly, leaving only the twelve broken willow branches, and returned to the angel family.

The angels shook their bodies and hurriedly said respectfully: "Thank you, senior!"

As for the old man, he stared at the place where the wicker had left, like a pilgrimage, and whispered in a trembling voice: "The legend is true, they are back!"

The lord of angels flew over and curiously said: "Dare to ask the old man, who are'they'?"

"It is the battle spirit of the Seven Realms! It belongs to the oldest legend of the Seven Realms."

The old man’s eyes were full of awe, and he continued: “It is rumored that there is a guardian of war spirits in every realm. People from different worlds are never allowed to shuttle. They are the strongest force that maintains the balance of the seven realms. Exist, the origin of the Seven Realms will not be chaotic!"

"It's just that no one has seen them for countless years, let alone when they disappeared, and even become legends until they are forgotten."

The Lord of Angels was slightly startled, "Seven Realms Fighting Soul? Unexpectedly there are such secrets."

It seems that the Battle Spirit of the Seven Realms has something to do with the Supreme, and the Supreme is the balance of the Seven Realms!

It really is big-minded.

"Thank you for your help. I hope you can restore the order of the Seven Realms."

The old man naturally regarded the angels as the subordinates of the war souls, and then said: "That's it... Farewell."

He opened his arms and faced the opening of the Fifth Realm, and the brilliance of the source shone towards him.

Calmly said: "Only with my remains, dedicated to the world."

The lord of angels was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but say: "Old man, why are you doing this?"

"I don't know people, and I have no way to teach my disciples. This has caused a catastrophe, causing the Fifth Realm to fall into a state of shattering, and the lives are disastrous."

"I am willing to dedicate everything that I have, to transform into the stars of the heavens, to condense thousands of small worlds, to nurture endless creatures, to be eaten by the beasts, to be trampled on by all souls, to fill the brokenness of this world, and please complete the origin!"

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