Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 712: stained stele, backyard metamorphosis

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Under the watchful eyes of the creatures of God's Domain.

The old man's body slowly lifted into the air, bathed in the light of the source, and his body began to turn into a little starlight and dissipated.

The power of a heavenly power can open up a small world, and the power of the Great Dao is far beyond the power of the heavens, not to mention this old man is the second step to the peak of the Supreme!

He voluntarily dedicates everything he has, so that the origin of the fifth realm can directly shape countless star fields and create new worlds after another.

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning, mountains, rivers and lakes, birds and beasts...

One side after another small world began to be born.

Let the originally broken Fifth Realm rejuvenate.

Originally existed like the old man, this life body has fallen, and he can still live out the next life. If the source of life is not dispersed, he can be reborn. However, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself alone, greatly saving the Fifth Realm from developing from destruction. time needed.

The black-haired young man's eyes were red, and he knelt down on his knees with tears, and said loudly: "Gongsong...old man!"

The other creatures also knelt down and worshiped, saying in unison: "Send the old man respectfully!"

"Old man, go all the way well."

The lord of the angels also watched the old man disappear with emotion. In the end, the origin of his life also turned into dots and dots, leaving no more traces.

No, there are still traces, those new worlds!

Alina couldn't help but admired a little: "It is great perseverance and grandeur to cultivate to his level, but to be able to dedicate everything."

The more you get, the harder it is to give up.

This is like a person who finally became the richest man in the world, standing on the top of the world, and you let him voluntarily contribute all his money, which is almost impossible.

"If it wasn't for the origin of the world, why would one world fall to this point?"

The Lord of Angels couldn't help but sighed softly, he couldn't help but began to think about when the power of the origin began to spread in the seven realms.

First, the ancients plundered all circles, and then the seven worlds plundered each other, and the third realm was even broken as a result, creating countless killings, and even the Dao Sovereign personally ended...

Not to mention plundering other worlds, even the origin of one's own world will do everything possible to plunder, even if it destroys the world.

This is crazy.

If no one knew the origin of the world, would it cause so many disasters?

At this moment, his expression violently moved, and he heard the voice of the old man at the end of his dissipation.

"The origin of the seven realms will be contaminated and will cause catastrophe!"

The pupils of the Lord of Angels shrank suddenly, and his heart felt a little cold. He was keenly aware of a trace of conspiracy!

Someone deliberately spread the news of the origin of the world, wanting to cause a catastrophe in the seven realms!

Is it ancient?

No, the ancient clan is probably just a sharp sword in its hands!

Thinking of this, he quietly collected the many angel feathers. It seems that the water in the Seven Realms is very deep. Fortunately, I have the thighs of an expert to hold.

You have to hug tight!

He couldn't help but said: "Alena, after going back this time, hurry up to organize the second Mao Election Competition. This time there will be more of them, and fifty angels will be selected!"

Alina nodded solemnly, "I see, my father."

Then, they did not stay in the Fifth Realm, but immediately turned back.

As for the origin of plundering the Fifth Realm.

They silently touched the willow branch, and then thought about the war spirit that the old man said, he would never dare.

at the same time.

In the first realm, the deepest part of the ancient race.

There is a stone monument with a blood-red big character town engraved on it!

In the corner of the stele, there is blood overflowing!

This is blood, not blood stains!

It seems that some kind of existence is left on the stone tablet, and it will never dry up, and it is possible that the stone tablet itself is bleeding!

Suddenly, a tyrannical aura rose from the stele, full of unwillingness with the pressure of destruction.

The stone tablet vibrates, and it seems to want to break through!

A dark gray breath surrounds him, which is extremely strange and unknown.

"Only a little! Only the fifth world is broken!"

"Ahhhh, the origin of the Fifth Realm is clearly present, why has it retracted again?!"

"It's this nasty breath again. After so many years, has this breath reappeared? How could you still be alive?!"

"Even if I live, I can kill you again! Hahaha..."

At this time, a figure emerged next to the stele.

This figure seemed to travel through time and space, appearing without warning, possessing power that overrides everything. Even if it is the Lord of the Blood Race who has entered the third step, it is no more than the gap between the ocean and the dripping water in front of him.

He is the ancestor of the ancient clan, Gu Hui.

"what happened?"

His spiritual consciousness began to communicate with the stele.

It was with the help of this stele that he knew the secrets of the seven realms, found a way to break through the supremacy of the world, and suppress the origin of the first realm!

The origin of the entire First Realm has been plundered and refined by it!

The stele said: "The origin of the Fifth Realm is about to be broken, but it has been prevented."


Gu Hui's face sank, and a look of despair appeared on his face, "Who the **** is doing my good deeds?!"

It is not easy to make the origin of a world manifest.

Now that the origin of the third realm is broken, many people of the ancients are plundering the origin of the third realm, and they have gained a lot.

If the origin of the Fifth Realm is also broken, the realm channel will be directly opened, and he can let people go to the Fifth Realm, and then plunder the origin of the Fifth Realm.

By then, he will have the power of several worlds alone, and his strength will definitely reach a height that he can't even imagine!

The stele said angrily: "Isn't it because your people are unfavorable? It has been so long, and even the boundaries of all circles have not been opened. If you reach the Fifth Realm early, then the origin of the Fifth Realm will not be at your fingertips!"

Gu Hui explained: "Recently, there was news from the seventh realm. It seems that drastic changes have taken place there. My ancient people have gone and never returned, so the focus is on entering the seventh realm."

The stele said coldly: "I don't care what you do. I might as well tell you one more thing. If you can refine the origins of the three worlds, then you can leave the first realm!"

It has a low tone and tells a big secret.


Gu Hui's heart shook wildly, and there was ecstasy between his eyebrows.

He suppressed the origin of the first realm, and at the same time he was restricted, unable to leave the first realm.

Now he has the origin of the first world and the origin of the third world, that is to say, as long as he gets another world origin, he can leave the first world!

"It's only one world away, only one world away!"

Gu Hui was very excited, "I'm going to take action personally, and I will do everything possible to let them plunder the origins of other worlds sooner!"

"When I seize the origin of the seven realms, it will be the co-lord of the seven realms. At that time, I will definitely enter an unprecedented realm. I have already thought about the name of this realm, so I named it after me, called Gu Hui-level. !"

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His eyes lit up, as if he had seen the scene of his suppression of the Seven Realms, and his body slowly disappeared, hiding in time and space.

Only the stone stele was left, flowing with a strange dark gray air current.

The third world.

This world is already fragmented, ordinary creatures are all dead, flowers, plants and trees no longer exist, only scattered and dead stars hanging in the sky.

Even the power of the original source began to overflow, overflowing.

Here, there are masters from all walks of life, wandering in infinite chaos for countless years, looking for the source of brokenness.

On this day, a small team entered a dense star field.

They randomly landed on one of the stars and walked aimlessly on the desolate earth.

Originally, they didn't expect to find anything. However, when they inadvertently looked up, their pupils suddenly shrank.

Just a hundred meters away, there was a huge rhizome in that piece of land!

In this decadent third realm, all vitality is annihilated, and plants that can still exist are definitely extraordinary!

Everyone's hearts jumped at the same time, and then they walked over quickly.

Soon, they came to the front of the stem.

This is an unknown tree that has been chopped down. On the soil, only the broken trunk is left, and the surface is charred. It has a powerful thunder force spilling out, and it is obviously cut by a terrifying divine thunder!

The whole tree has no vitality, it has the appearance of a trunk, and the bark is already dead, as if it has been weathered.

"What is the origin of this tree? Why does it appear here?"

"In this star field, I don't know how many powerful people are coming and going, but countless gods can't perceive the existence of this tree. We just discovered its existence with our naked eyes."

"Countless years have passed, and the thunderous breath at the break still makes me feel like a heartbeat."

"The origin of this tree must be too big for us to imagine."

Everyone was horrified.

You know, in the third world today, there are quite a few supreme contacts, and even the second step supreme!

However, no one has found this broken tree, which is enough to explain its extraordinary.

One of the people in the team couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched it towards the broken tree.

Immediately someone shouted and reminded: "Stop, stop!"

However, it was a bit late.

When the person's hand touched the tree, there seemed to be a layer of dust falling off the originally dried bark, and then it fluttered with the wind, looking like a layer of dust.

"Back, fast back!"

This group of people roamed in the third realm, and after countless lives and deaths, the sense of crisis was naturally extremely keen, and almost immediately, they all retreated together!

However, this gray air is extremely strange, it seems that the speed is not fast, but it is close to everyone, the distance between the two has not been able to be pulled apart!

And the person who first touched the broken tree stood in place, and layers of white hairs quickly grew out of him...

Others saw their eyes cracked, their hearts and livers trembled, and they said in horror: "This gray air is full of unknowns, and it must not be contaminated!"

"Ah! Run, run!"

"What happened in the Third Realm, and why was it broken? There is absolutely a shocking secret hidden here!"

In a blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

Siheyuan, backyard.

Li Nianfan, Nannan and others wrapped their mouths and noses with towels to shield them from the odor in the air.

In the middle of the field, Jiang Liu is holding a dung spoon and is working hard to fertilize the field.

The work of pouring manure is really an indecent job.

Of course, Li Nianfan couldn't let Xiao Daji, a group of female generations, do it. Of course, he could not do it without doing it, so he thought of the woodcutter river stream under the mountain.

Jiang Liu was also righteous enough, and he agreed without saying a word, and started to work happily, hardworking, and extremely dedicated.

He didn't know how shocked Jiang Liu's heart was.

Not only the river flow, but the hearts of Daji and others are also shaking day by day.

With the fertilization, they can clearly feel that the entire backyard is undergoing earth-shaking changes!

After fertilizing, the aura of the land has improved too much, and there is a feeling that it is beyond the scope of the chaotic spiritual soil. The soil contains the atmosphere of the great road, and it is evolving toward the great spiritual soil!

At the same time, all kinds of plants that are growing have also been promoted. A strange force surrounds them, and the avenues appear, seeming to celebrate them.

Although the air is full of odors because of the Yoneda Cong, but under this odor, it is clearly a kind of aura that is more advanced than the Chaos Aura!

Even the atmosphere of the avenue has become extremely rich, and the power of the avenue is ups and downs in the entire backyard!

In this entire backyard, the chaos aura has become a low-end existence, but is full of the aura of the avenue, and even has its origin in the nurturing!

The entire backyard... unexpectedly is evolving, is changing!

This is what the expert said by fertilizing to increase the nutrition of the land.

However, this nutrition is too appalling!

"This is an unimaginable new world! Thanks to the expert for giving me this opportunity to pour manure, and let me pour out this world. What an honor it is!"

"Let the people in Tiangong know, I guess they will die of envy and jealousy."

"In the future, my river will be recorded in the history of pouring manure!"

Jiang Liu's heart trembled wildly, and his excitement was beyond him. What's more, he felt that the strength he had gained by pouring manure recently was much faster than his own cultivation.

Can not help but poured harder.

Li Nianfan focused on the crops in the backyard.

After this period of fertilization, the condition of the crops in the field has obviously improved a lot, but... it has not completely improved.

He looked at it seriously, but his brows became deeper and deeper.

I couldn't help but sigh softly: "It's been several days, but it still doesn't work."

The girl immediately said: "Brother, is the quality of these rice fields not good? I will teach the game!"

Li Nianfan shook his head, "It has nothing to do with them. It is still a nutrient problem. The nutrients in the fertilizer are still not enough, but how can this be? Why is there so much nutrition suddenly lacking?"

He felt helpless, and did not find any negative factors affecting plant growth. Moreover, he deliberately arranged good food for game and allowed them to produce fertilizer, but it was still not enough.

So edible, these plants want to go to heaven!

Not to mention the crops, even the willow tree by the pond has a feeling of loss, and the leaves have lost their luster.

Da Ji and others were slightly surprised and shocked.

The expert is still dissatisfied with today's backyard, and still wants to continue to improve!

To what extent is this going to be promoted? Does it condense the origin?

It's too cruel!

Daji asked with concern: "My son, what should I do?"

Li Nianfan casually said: "The most effective way is naturally to find more nutritious fertilizer."

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