Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 727: defying Man and the Seven Realms Fighting Soul

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Yun Qianshan and others are feasting.

Eating happily.

But at this moment, a powerful breath is like artillery fire, and it is pressing here!

This breath is too strong, forming a suppressive force, as if it has become a substance, like a sky curtain, pressing on the top of everyone's head, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Yun Qianshan's expression suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "Who is it?!"

"It's me, Gu Debai!"

Above the void, the people of the ancient race slowly emerged, surrounded by avenues, and breathed like a dragon, looking down at the people condescendingly, with amazing aura.

Guai, Gu Debai, and Guxue, three of them are the second step supreme, plus there are seven Dadao supreme, this lineup is too terrible, it is enough to dominate the world!

"Ok...what a terrible power!"

"The great way is manifested, surrendered to the body, is the second step to the supreme!"

"It's over, it's a member of the ancient race, how should we fight against the Fourth Realm?"

Everyone in the fourth realm showed fear. The mana surged in their bodies, flushed, and resisted the oppression of the ancients with difficulty.

"You are back?!"

Yun Qianshan's face sank, and then he said, "Where are the other people in my fourth realm?"

He was puzzled.

How could this group of people go to the Third Realm happily, come back so soon, just for a day trip?

And the group of monsters in the fourth realm, have they entered the third realm to find their ancestors? If there is an ancestor, then the fourth realm is not afraid of the ancients.

"You mean that group of monsters?" Gu Lie shook his head, taunting: "They are too disappointed. They took their ancestors and went to the seventh realm as game game. I'm afraid they will end badly."

It's the seventh world again!

Yun Qianshan was taken aback for a moment, thoughtful.

Since the ancients dared to come to the fourth realm, but let go of the group of people in the seventh realm, it shows that he thinks the fourth realm is better than the seventh realm!

He sneered: "What do you mean when you come to my fourth realm? The power of my fourth realm is enough to suppress you!"

Although the ancient tribe has three second-step supreme, but they have him in the fourth realm, as well as the lord of angels, and the mysterious person in the Tianji Pavilion, they are not necessarily afraid of the ancient tribe.

Gu Ai didn't speak, his gaze swept away, fixed on what was in the hands of the people in the Fourth Realm.

Raising his hand and sweeping, the power of the great avenue flowed and turned into irresistible force, pulling the thing in front of him.

He opened his mouth and said: "This is the origin of the Third Realm? It is indeed full of the aura of the origin, but the taste is a bit more irritating than expected, and it is also strange."

Then he opened his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

Close your eyes and feel it carefully.

"It's really a good thing!"

After a while, he opened his eyes and raised his hand again with a wave, and the Source Devourer was caught by him again.

Domineering: "Unexpectedly, the legendary source insects will appear in the fourth realm. Where did you get these insects? From now on, they will belong to my ancient clan!"

Yun Qianshan laughed angrily, "Are you kidding? If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Ridiculous ignorance, what are you fighting against me?"

Gu Ai smiled disdainfully, he slowly raised his hand and opened his palm.


The sky roared with his palm. At this moment, Gu Ai seemed to have the power to control the universe, and the entire fourth realm was trembling because of his breath.

And in the void, a giant hand covered the sky, enveloping the entire heavenly secret pavilion, and a terrifying shadow penetrated down, causing everyone to stand upright.

"This breath is... the origin? His body actually contains the origin!"

Yun Qianshan's eyes widened, staring at Gu Ai's hand in horror.

That hand, surrounded by a strange breath, has the power of a avenue of commands, exuding a heart-palpitating power.

He actually refines the origin in his own hand!

How much origin has been gained!

The realm of Guai is already close to the third step of supremacy!

Gu Debai was also taken aback, surprised and delighted: "Friend Gu Ai, are you actually so strong?"

Gu Ai smiled slightly, "In the past countless years, I have acquired a lot of origins in the Third Realm. Is it rare to have this kind of strength?"

"Then when you were in the third world..."

Gu Lie said half of his words and swallowed it back.

He originally wanted to ask why Guai didn't take action against the people of the seventh world when he was in the third world, but thinking of the scene of that day, he finally felt that the group of people in the seventh world seemed much better than Guai, and he was right...

Gu Ai took control of the audience and said leisurely: "If you don't hand it over, then I can only take it by myself!"

When the voice fell, the giant hand came to suppress the Tianji Pavilion!

"Too underestimate our Fourth Realm. Do you really think that the origin of the Third Realm that we have eaten for so long was eaten for nothing?"

Yun Qianshan roared, mana rushed out, among them, there is also the original aura floating.

"Many arm as a car." Gu Ai smiled disdainfully.

However, just as the two forces were about to confront each other, another force suddenly appeared in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, as if a breeze had blown by, but it dissipated the two forces and turned them into invisible.

"who is it?!"

Gu Ai's eyes condensed, and the ancient people withdrew instantly back, his face full of vigilance.

An old man phantom slowly appeared in his sight, with a simple and unpretentious tone: "Although we are not in the same world, we are not going to fight and kill when we meet."

It was the old pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion who turned out.

"third step?"

Gu Ai's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he shook his head again: "No, this breath... a rich source! It's definitely contaminated with the fourth realm source!"

There was a gleam in his eyes, revealing a trace of greed, but soon disappeared.

He naturally wanted the Fourth Realm Origin, but he was not the opponent of the person in front of him.

The old pavilion said: "In fact, we don't need to fight to death for the time being, we can cooperate first to steal all the origin of the seventh realm."

Gu Ai was silent for a moment, and said: "Yes."

He didn't ask why, it didn't make sense, mutual benefit, each had its own conspiracy.

The most urgent task is to steal the origin of the seventh realm first!

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After all, the Seventh Realm is really peculiar.

Guai paused, and then said: "Since the seventh realm is going to be destroyed, then the efficiency can't be slow! I have a proposal to call more people together. The passage of the third realm opens and many people come out. I You can call them!"

The old pavilion nodded and said: "This method is good. In this way, there will be more Source Devourers that can be dispatched, and a super large amount of Sources can be stolen in a short time!"

Yun Qianshan also said: "If this is the case, then I will call some fellow daoists in the fourth realm, and let them come over and share the origin of the seventh realm! Especially the Lord of Angels, he actually dislikes the origin stink? I must have Enlighten him and let him defeat the demons."

A smile appeared on Gu Debai’s face, “It’s too lively this way. Let’s eat together. Is this a dinner party?”

Gu Li laughed and said: "Hahaha, with the origin of the seven realms, only we can be so extravagant in the entire seven realms!"

"If that's the case, then go and call someone to share the delicious food!"

"I told them to enjoy the origin together, and this group of people must be moved and cry."

Siheyuan, backyard.

Long Er and Nun Nun were sitting next to the willow tree, holding their heads, listening to the willow tree talking about the past.

Long Er curiously said: "Sister Liu, is that weird gray mist really the sky? What realm are you, even the sky can be defeated!"

A gust of wind blew, the branches of the willow tree swayed with the wind, and a gentle voice came out, "It is indeed the sky, but it is just an incarnation. As for the realm, I had passed the third step of the supreme at that time, and I was considered the master of the avenue."

Long Er exclaimed: "Sister Liu is so amazing after exceeding the third step."

The second step of the supreme is enough to suppress the avenue, the third step of the supreme power is already unimaginable, and the willow tree is actually above the third step, no wonder it is so scary.

Nun Nun was surprised and said, "Is the incarnation of heaven so powerful?"

Willow said: "It is the strongest inborn master, and I can't predict the strength of the real body."

Long Er and Nun Nun couldn't help but admire: "That person who is against the sky is too powerful."

"The people who are against the sky are a group of people, all of them are amazing, brilliant and earth-shattering super powers. They have rebelled nine times. Even if they fail against the sky, they will reincarnate again and become stronger. Here unbelievable!"

Willow opened slowly, telling a secret luck.

Then he said: "Nine times against the sky, exhausting endless years, setting up the overall situation of constant pressure for eternity, and finally succeeding against the sky, and in order to completely suppress it, the whole world is divided into seven realms, as long as the seven realms do not fit. , Then the sky will never reappear!"

Long Er said: "Why do you want to guard against the sky?"

"Because I want people to live!"

The willow tree said leisurely: "Back then, no matter what the strong person, no matter how genius, even if he is not old and immortal, but one day, he will still be contaminated with unknown, become a white-haired monster and fall into silence! At the same time, the sky will die. In this world, annihilate all the creatures, and then start all over again, it’s like playing a game."

Nuan asked curiously: "Sister Liu, are you also one of the heaven-defying people?"

The willow tree swayed its branches and said: "No, after the group of people succeeded in defending against the sky, they couldn't survive, so they turned their will and spirit into the battle spirit of the seven realms, protecting the seven realms forever."

After a pause, she continued: "Since we are divided into seven realms, theoretically speaking, the second step of the supreme realm is the end of the seven realms, and as one of the seven battle souls, our strength is at the peak of the third step of supreme realm. , The seven battle souls, guarding the seven realms respectively, also represent the undoubtedly top combat power of the seven realms."

Long Er nodded and said: "The seven realms each have the strongest fighting spirit control, and the sky is suppressed and the world cannot be destroyed, then the seven realms will be too peaceful."

"Indeed it is."

Willow paused, then sighed: "Unfortunately, it was ultimately defeated by the greed of human nature. Some people will use any means to pursue higher power, and they will even be deceived by the sky and bring uncertainty to the world."

"Sister Liu, where are the other fighting spirits? Are you in your brother's backyard?"

Long Er asked, looking around.

"No need to find, they are not here."

There was a sense of sadness in the willow's tone, and then the branches moved slightly and swiped in the void.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of him.

In the picture, there are seven figures standing, and their faces are unrealistic, but each has a graceful temperament, and there is no doubt that they are outstanding figures.

They stood in front of a boundary passage with faint eyes.

In the passage of the realm, a trace of gray mist was flowing, exuding an extremely unknown and weird. Although it was only a picture, it still made the whole body cold and did not dare to move.

In the picture, a tall man opened his mouth and said: "The Second Realm has fallen into an unprecedented catastrophe and is enveloped by an unknown atmosphere. We must act together to suppress it in the shortest time!"

A figure with golden light all over opened his mouth and said, "If we all enter the second realm, what about the other six realms?"

"Seven sisters stay, and the six of us are going!" Another person stood up, with an extremely decisive tone.

The Seventh Sister was the only woman, wearing a light green long dress, and her figure was like a jade, she was slightly taken aback when she heard the words.

She opened the mouth and said: "The change in the second world is too sudden, will it be dangerous to enter it rashly?"

"You have to enter if you are in danger!"

"If we can't fight, we will let the Second Realm disappear in the Seven Realms forever!"

"Seven sisters, if we don't go back, the other six worlds, I'll work hard for you!"

After the words, they didn't look back, and stepped into the realm passage without hesitation!

Only the only woman was left, looking at the boundary passage, leaving a sigh.

Nun Nan and Long Er couldn't wait to say, "What happened in the second world? Sister Liu, what happened later?"

Liu Shu sighed: "I don't know, I didn't expect them to go back forever. Later, even I couldn't perceive the second world."

The little brows of Nun Nun and Ryu Er were tightly frowned.

Long Er couldn't help but said: "You are all the peak combat power of the Seven Realms. What else can suppress you in the Second Realm? The sky is divided into seven pieces. It shouldn't be possible."

囡囡 said: "In the case of the second realm, I don't know if my brother will open the second realm's boundary channel like the third realm, so that we can go in and see what happened that year."

"Are you an expert?"

There was a wave in Willow’s tone, and respectfully said: "He can pick me up from the long river of years, let me re-grow with a trace of vitality, and reverse the boundary of life and death. This reminds me of the methods of those people who were against the sky. It should be able to reproduce the second world..."

Nun Nun said, "Sister Liu, we should pick up the gold and come over to fertilize the backyard. I don't know if the new group of game has worked hard."

"Hmph, eat it if you don't work hard!"

Long Er hummed, and then said to Willow: "When we are done, we will come over to accompany you."

At the same time, the Tianji Pavilion of the Fourth Realm is located.


Countless people flew from everywhere, with a trace of suspicion and expectation on their faces.

The breath of their whole body is floating, and there is the sound of great greatness all over their bodies, and there are many great great greats, and even the second step greats have several!

"I heard that the dinner here is real, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's still the origin of the Seventh Realm. Is it so extravagant?"

"I am Shi Zhenxiang, the patriarch of the Heavenly Eye God Donkey Clan, and I have brought the whole clan."

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