Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 728: 728: A new round of defense of Jinkela

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"Welcome to Daoist Shi Zhenxiang, but you don't need to bring the whole family over. Those who are not enough in the realm are not eligible to participate in our kind of dinner."

Yun Qianshan, as the host, stood up to welcome, but did not show mercy.

Shi Zhenxiang smiled slightly, and said proudly: "Hehe, I am born with a clan of heavenly eyes, gods and donkeys, and are born invincible. Now there are only three people in the whole clan, which is not comparable to other **** races!"

Beside him, a middle-aged man with a third purpose on his head walked out, his body roared, surrounded by road visions, and said coldly: "Heavenly Eye God Donkey Shi Tainong is here, am I qualified?!"

Then, another old man with an older face slowly walked out, and said calmly: "Heaven Eye God Donkey Clan Shi Kelang is here, can this party be without me?"

The three of them stood together, the world was turbulent, the breath roared, and the power of the Great Dao Supreme was rolling. Although they did not step into the second step of the Supreme, they were also good at the Great Dao Realm. Standing together at this time, even Yun Qian Shandu was shocked.

Yun Qianshan hurriedly said: "It turns out to be Brother Shijia, forgive me for the offense just now, please hurry up inside."

Shi Zhenxiang coldly snorted, and said, "Huh! Where is the source of the promise? If you let us know that you lied to us, then you will be unable to eat!"

Someone said: "Yes, yes, we came from the third realm, you know the third realm, we can come out alive, it's not something you can tease!"

Yun Qianshan smiled and said: "Don't worry, everything is ready, and a large number of Source Biters can be dispatched at any time!"

Shi Tainong smiled slightly: "Original Devourer? It is said to be incompatible with the Seven Realms. It can swallow the original alien species? It's interesting."

Yun Qianshan said: "Everyone, there are already many fellow daoists in the hall. Let’s go first and communicate together. A delicious meal is waiting for us!"

"Hahaha, yes, counting, I haven't had a dinner party for countless years."

"I like gatherings the most, it's lively."

"What is the origin of the seventh realm, look forward to."

And in the depths of the Tianji Pavilion, in a secret room.

Gu Ai, Gu Debai, and Gu Lie stood together, and opposite them was the old pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion.

At this time, the three members of the ancient tribe were asking for information about the seventh realm.

After all, the seventh realm is too mysterious. The group of people seems not high in strength, but the methods are extremely terrifying. In short, there is someone behind them!

Such a terrifying seventh realm, this mysterious man can actually steal its origin, he must have some understanding of the seventh realm.

Although the mysterious people are powerful, they represent the ancient race, so they are not virtual.

Gu Ai said: "This fellow Taoist, as far as I know, the seventh realm is very extraordinary. Do you know what the situation is?"

He needs to know information so that he can report to Gu Zu.

The old pavilion master didn’t conceal it, and said frankly: “It’s okay to tell you, there are strong people in the Seventh Realm!”

Gu Debai's face suddenly changed, and he said in a condensed voice: "Originally transformed, enter the world and forget the way!"

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Gu Ai took a deep breath and said, “It’s no wonder that the growth of the Seventh Realm is beyond our imagination. The reason comes from this!”

Ancient Hunter also said: "Entering the world and breaking the game, this is a life and death gamble!"

"Hehe, it is indeed a life and death gambling!"

The old pavilion master sneered, and then said: "It turns out that he lost the bet because he met me!"

Gu Debai laughed and said: "Hahaha, it is true, the seventh world is over! Hurry up and swallow all the origins with the source worm!"

"The way that fellow Taoists can breed source-biting insects is amazing."

Gu Ai glanced at the old pavilion with profound meaning, and then walked out.

He took Gu Debai and Gu Lie to a no-man’s place, and said in a deep voice, "The recent matter is of great importance, Gu Debai, take out the magic mirror of the legend and contact Gu Zu!"

Gude nodded his head without saying much, raised his hand and turned it over, and the magic mirror of the legend appeared in his hand.

Then, the mana was mighty, and the atmosphere of the great avenue began to float on the mirror, and it began to connect with the ancients.

The depths of the ancient race.

Gu Hui's complexion was a bit ugly, he had been waiting for Gu Debai to teleport back to the origin of the seventh realm.

In the beginning, Gu Debai was able to send him back some of the Seventh Realm on a regular basis, a few meals a day, and a lot of it.

He felt extremely gratified. Gu Debai deserved to be my capable man. He had just entered the seventh realm and got the roots of the seventh realm in his hands, and then began to send me a large amount of teleportation, which made me feel refreshed.

Just keep eating, and sooner or later, he will be able to condense enough of the origin of the third realm, and then he will be able to cross the seven realms!

However, just when he started to eat, and when he got used to eating every day, he suddenly stopped...

Who can stand this?

Gu Debai did not work well, anticlimactic!

At this moment, with a thought, he raised his hand and took out the Magic Mirror of the Passing World, finally showing a smile on his face.

Gu Debai called, it seems that a new product has arrived.

He raised his hand and waved, the mirror flashed, and a video of Gu Debai appeared on it.

Gu Debai immediately respectfully said: "Meet Master Gu Zu."

Gu Hui frowned, and said majesticly: "What's the matter? Why haven't you sent me the source for so many days?"

Gu Debai said: "Master Gu, a major event has happened recently. I went to the Third Realm and at the same time, I learned the big secret about the Seventh Realm!"

"The Third Realm?!"

Rao is Gu Hui, who was also taken aback and dared not say anything: "Is this true? How could the Third Realm appear?"

Gu Debai said: "It is true! At the same time, I also picked up fellow Gu Ai!"

Next, Gu Ai stepped forward and appeared in front of the video, "Gu Ai worships Gu Zu."

"Guai, it's really you!"

Gu Hui was surprised and delighted, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what happened?!"

Immediately, Guai told what happened.

He not only talked about the seventh realm, but also explained the situation of the fourth realm. Gu Hui was surprised as he listened.

After listening to the experience, Gu Hui took a deep breath and sighed: "I didn't expect the third realm to open in the seventh realm. Moreover, the seventh realm actually appeared in the seventh realm. It is no wonder that it is so mysterious. The Source Devourer actually appeared in the Fourth Realm. It seems that the changes are not small, interesting, really interesting!"

paused, he couldn't help but glanced at the stone tablet beside him, and said: "As for the broken tree and the ‘sky’..."


Suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded, and the stone tablet shook violently. A violent breath suddenly emerged, and endless visions gathered into an illusory figure.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Seventh Sister is absolutely impossible, she will never break!"

The figure was like a rainbow. After appearing, the surrounding avenues were silent and retreated. He stared at Guai and said in a low and cold voice: "You are lying!"

The icy eyes penetrated the magic mirror of the legend with an unspeakable aura, straddling the realm directly and fiercely, pointing directly at Guai, causing Guai's heart to jump wildly, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

just like, a look is enough to kill him!

He was so scared that he couldn't speak.

At this time, a cloud of gray mist emerged from the stele, turned into tentacles, one by one around the illusory figure, proudly said: "Jie Jie Jie, don't deceive yourself, you die if you die. The second world, that willow tree was destroyed in the third world, so stop struggling!"

The illusory figure was full of breath, ripping off the gray mist tentacles, and shouted: "Impossible, your body has been locked in the second world by us, how can you hurt Seventh Sister?!"

The stele trembled, and the figure began to entangle with the gray fog.

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Aside, Gu Hui said to Gu Ai: "Gu Ai, you can let out the scene at that time."


Guai nodded, he raised his hand and waved, and immediately reproduced the scene of the battle between the willow tree and the gray fog.

Finally, the willow tree breaks and silences in the third realm with the gray fog, and then jumps directly to the white hair monster, and then, it is the scene of being dug away by the seventh realm.

He naturally heard the meaning of the ancient ancestor, so he deliberately omitted the process of the seventh world and the broken tree.

"No, no!"

The illusory figure wailed, and the momentum was shaking, "Who is that group of people, why do you want to poach out Qimei’s broken body, ahhhhhh!"

Gu Ai said: "They are the people of the seventh realm. They said that they would burn the broken tree and make it into plant ash."

The illusory figure trembled, and said desperately: "Damn it, Seventh Sister, it's the brothers who didn't protect you!"

The gray mist engulfed him here, covering his whole body, and said with a strange smile: "The battle spirit is already over, don't struggle anymore. It doesn't make sense for you to suppress me. Just die and get rid of it soon!"

It entangled the illusory figure, suppressing him every bit and entering the stele.

Gu Hui looked at all this with cold eyes, and when it subsided, he said to Gu Ai: "Since there is a mortal existence in the seventh realm, then be more cautious and use the source-eater to swallow it as soon as possible! But when you are having a dinner together , We must divide more sources!"

Gu Ai respectfully said: "Guzu don’t worry, we will definitely take the bulk and send it to you at that time."

"Well, good, I'll wait, remember to have enough!"

Gu Hui nodded in satisfaction, and then waved: "Okay, go now."

Immediately, the three of Gu Debai took their orders.


At the same time.

Outside the courtyard.

囡囡 and Long Er, as before, walked out with a wooden barrel to feed the game.

"Dangdang stop."

囡囡 knocked on the gongs and drums in her hands, and said: "Come here all, you are all newcomers, I will tell you the rules. From now on, this will be your food."

The group of game was all taken aback, but they still cleverly moved in.

They are actually quite puzzled in their hearts, why the excrement in the big pit can contain the origin.

The expert caught them, the purpose seems to be to pull the gold, but... it is really impossible to pull them out of their origins!

Is there a mystery in that big pit? Can it be contaminated by pulling it in?

Next, under the explanations of Nun Nan and Long Er, they finally understood, and their eyes suddenly became hot when they looked at the barrel.

"It's amazing, this pig food actually contains the origin!"

"The expert is so kind to us, we must live up to the love of the expert!"

"So this is the treatment of game? I love it."

"Let’s say it earlier, did we need you to grab it? Isn’t it hard work for you?"

"Thank you for letting my ancestors be arrested with you, so I have this treatment!"

"I'm out of luck, I'm finally out of my head, I changed from eating **** to eating pig food! Uuuuu..."

"It's delicious, it's so fragrant!"


Many game meats were a pleasure to eat. After a big meal and a rest for a while, they started their first work.

Because it is the first time, they are extremely hardworking, and they have to show themselves well, otherwise, if there is no pig food, they will be slaughtered into meat.

At this time, they are all surrounded by the big pit, doing their own business.

One of the Hunyuan three-legged crows remembered something and reminded them: “By the way, I’m telling you something, Yun Qianshan’s group of guys are likely to come to grab the fruits of our labor, but you can prevent it!”

The game immediately stated, "Don't worry, defend it to the death!"

Hunyuan three-legged crow and crow king sneered: "As long as they dare to come, I will eat them! Don't forget, we are naturally good at eating bugs!"

"Crack, Crow King is right!"

Just when they were fighting high, above the void, the space twisted, a group of Source Devourers showed their bodies, and the goal was directed at the big pit!


The ambition of all the people felt a little bit, and they all looked up suddenly.

At this point, all the scalp was numb, and some hairs were erected, even the King Crow, who had just sworn in, showed shock.

But I saw a piece of black in the sky, and the worms all over the sky, like dark clouds, swoop down.

No one can stand it.

"Fuck, how many source-eaters are there! Go crazy!"

"It's too much to cover the sky and the sun! This is to grab all our achievements!"

"The beast of Yun Qianshan, is this wave of play so big?"

"If the results of our labor are gone, the experts will definitely not like it. They are trying to force us to death!"

"Hurry up, everyone, pay attention, and defend Jinke La!"

"Fight with these bugs!"


Many game tastes roared wildly, each looking for weapons to guard the big pit.

Hunyuan three-legged crows are stirring their wings, and covering the source worms with their mouths is a fright.

However, there are too many Source Devourers, and naturally many have broken through their defense and entered the big pit.

Not long, there was a layer of source-biting insects in the whole big pit, and the game people screamed in a hurry.

The scene is extremely chaotic.

"Ah, no! Return my gold!"

"You robbers, stop me!"

"Yunqianshan, you are eating my Jinkela, don’t you know, stop quickly, I’m doing this for your good!"

"It’s too much to take so much **** at one time!"

Gradually, the first wave of offensive and defensive battles ended and ended with the victory of the Source Devourer. After all, the number advantage was too obvious.

The entire big pit was severely stripped off a large layer, obviously a lot less.

"It's over, how can I explain it to an expert like this!"

"Where did Yun Qianshan find such a large group of people, it is maddening."

"Okay, don't say more, let's continue pulling, even if pulling collapsed, we have to complete today's task!"

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