Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 736: 736: Situ Tomorrow: Don't panic, the seventh world is safe

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Li Nianfan put down the newspaper and asked, "Xiao Daji, what do you think of the situation outside when you are out this time?"

Daji pondered for a moment, and said: "Masters come out frequently, undercurrents are surging, and there are many races, I'm afraid there will be many changes."

Li Nianfan nodded, as expected, as expected.

Several different worlds are connected, but now it is just a little trouble, and it is estimated that it will become more and more lively in the future.

Although he is a sage of merit, he has many masters around him, and his safety factor is very high, but it is still necessary to maintain relations with various forces.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "You call Nun Nun and Long Er over, I have something to explain."

Daji nodded obediently, and immediately went to the backyard.

Soon, 囡囡 and Long Er ran over and said: "Brother, are you looking for us?"

Long Er saw the landscape box at a glance, and his eyes were filled with curiosity in an instant. He raised his hand to hold it in his hand, and then began to sway up and down.

Among the ice cubes, the gray mist was like a stream of water, changing its shape as she swayed.

The ‘sky’ in it has been rounded up to seven and eight elements, and my heart is aggrieved.

viciously secretly said: "Damn bear boy, wait for me! I will definitely make you regret it!"

"It's fun, let me try it too."

囡囡 looked at the side with eager eyes, took it from Long Er's hand, and began to shake more severely.

'Heaven' roared, "Ah, I hate bear kids! Wait, wait for me!"

Watching them play around for a while, Li Nianfan said: "And the little fox, come here, the meat of the three donkeys last time is enough, let's make more donkey meat today, and wait for you to give the heavenly palace, the demon court, The underworld still has the various big sects that have been acquainted with each other to send, and it is good to deal with interpersonal relationships."

囡囡 and others immediately nodded and said: "Hmm, yes, brother."

Time is like water, slowly passing by.

As several worlds pass through, many masters have begun to travel, either to see the future world, or to find opportunities in other worlds, or to find a good place for cultivation, or to avoid hunting and so on.

The third realm was broken, the fifth realm was severely injured, and the fourth realm was also in poor condition. Only the seventh realm was thriving and full of the atmosphere of the great avenue, so the seventh realm undoubtedly had the most people.

In the seventh realm, God’s Domain is undoubtedly the center.

The powers and masters of all parties entering the realm of God, like the crucian carp who crossed the river, either directly dominate one party, or are carefully investigating the reality of the seventh realm.

As time goes by, many people have become eager to move.

At this time, above the void, a huge cloud of auspicious clouds was passing through.

Above the auspicious clouds, there were more than a dozen monks standing, all with cold complexions, and the whole body shone with an icy breath, majestic.

The leader is an old man holding a whisk and a young man wearing a crown jade.

They did not conceal their aura, making the whole Xiangyun exude a strong aura, extremely domineering, and not easy to mess with at first sight, so that other Xiangyun had to take a detour.

One of the cultivators held a large flag high in the hand, with a golden and huge "Dragon" printed on it!

The word    carries traces of spells, shining in the sun.

If there are people from the Third Realm here, they will recognize that this is the banner of Long Taozong!

Although Long Taozong is not a large sect in the third realm, there are also two great sages in it. Moreover, in the hands of its sovereign, there is also a treasure that is contaminated with the origin of the third realm, which can be easily suppressed. Supreme Avenue!

Now stepping out of the Third Realm, the existence that was at the bottom of the Third Realm immediately became a big sect that cannot be provoked, and is rampant in God's Realm.

This young man is the son of Sect Master Long Tao, Zhao Feng.

He stood on the auspicious clouds, stared at the mountains and rivers below his feet, and smiled arrogantly: "I was born in the broken world of the Third Realm. I never expected the outside world to be so wonderful, it's really good!"

The old man smiled lightly and said: "The outside world is not only wonderful, but opportunities are everywhere. In the future, my Long Taozong will develop well, and this wonderful river and mountain will naturally belong to the son!"

Zhao Feng is domineering and sneered: "Hehe, we walked out of the third realm. We have a natural advantage in strength. The powers in this gods' realm can become vassals of my Longtao Sect. Those who don’t know will have to bear our anger. !"

The old man said: "What the son said is extremely true, now in this area, there are already nine sects willing to become our vassals."

Zhao Feng asked: "Where are we going to the next stop?"

"Royal Beast Sect."

The old man paused, and continued: "According to the news I have received, this Royal Beast Sect has a somewhat extraordinary background. It seems that there is a big figure in God's Domain behind it. It is the number one sect in this neighborhood and is deeply awed by the surrounding sects."

"Oh?" Zhao Feng raised his brow slightly, and curiously asked, "How strong is it?"

The old man replied: "The power of the Sect Master is the pinnacle of the realm of Heaven, and there is also an elder in the gate who is also in the realm of Heaven."

"That's it?"

Zhao Feng chuckled, shook his head and said: "It seems that there are not many masters in the seventh realm. From this point of view, the big figures behind them are probably not much stronger, at most they are Dao Zhizun."

The old man said: "The virtual reality in God's Domain, let's start with this Royal Beast Sect. It is also the first step for our Long Tao Sect to conquer God's Domain!"

at this time.

In the Royal Beast Sect.

Suzerain Situ is receiving guests tomorrow.

This is an old man who came to visit with a beautiful girl. They are a pair of grandparents, also from the Third Realm.

After coming out of the third realm, they traveled in the seventh realm. They did not have the heart to fight for hegemony. They just regarded it as traveling, and at the same time made good relations everywhere.

The old man was a little worried and said: "Sect Master, I have been walking in the seventh realm during this period and found that there are very few masters in the seventh realm. They are connected to the third realm, I am afraid it will be the source of disaster!"

He has seen too many **** storms in the third realm. The seventh realm is not strong enough to protect himself. It is very likely that he will follow in the third realm. I am afraid that the peaceful days will be gone.

"The source of disaster?"

Tomorrow, Situ shook his head and smiled and said calmly, “You don’t have to worry about fellow Taoists. My Seventh Realm is definitely the safest. Whoever dares to go wild in God’s Domain will inevitably go far!”

There is an expert in the realm of God, and he is not at all empty.

If those people are more well-behaved, it’s fine, but if they think they can do whatever they want with their strength, then they’re done.

Although he doesn't know how powerful an expert is, but...the word invincible should be quite suitable for an expert.

The old man curiously asked: "How do you say this?"

"In my god's realm, but a person who thought he was a big man, there really is a disaster, you will naturally know."

Situ smiled mysteriously tomorrow, paused, and then he proudly said: “It’s true that my daughter will follow the big man and learn to write and paint. It’s a small accomplishment.”

When Situ Qin was mentioned, he was naturally extremely proud and his face was flushed, and his dad also followed behind. Even the people of Tiangong should be polite to see him.

A big man?

Writing and painting?

Small achievements?

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

The old man and the girl looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Where did his fascinating self-confidence come from?

The high probability is that the vision is not enough, I don't know how terrifying the group of people in the third world is.

However, they also politely did not demolish Situ Tomorrow’s station. The old man followed his words: “So it seems that Sect Master’s daughter is really a young talent, Qing Xuan, you have to study well.”

Qing Xuan nodded and said: "If you have the opportunity, you must communicate with Senior Situ's daughter for advice."

Situ laughed tomorrow: "Hahaha, easy to talk, easy to talk."

at this time.

A terrifying coercion suddenly fell from the sky, like a heavy hammer, slamming straight into the Royal Beast Sect.

The coercive force was as real as it set off a gust of wind, breaking some trees.

Immediately afterwards, a loud voice came, "Long Taozong Zhao Feng is here to visit Imperial Beast Sect!"

Situ's face sank tomorrow.

Directly give someone a disagreement, is this a visit?

"Zhao Feng?!"

The expressions of the old man and Qing Xuan changed at the same time, and a ray of hatred burst into their eyes.

Situ asked tomorrow: "Do you know this person?"

Qing Xuan red eyes, gritted her teeth and said: "Kill your father and enemy!"

The old man sighed and said: "In the third realm, Zhao Feng saw Qing Xuan's beauty and tried to grab it. Qing Xuan's parents desperately resisted it, and I took Qing Xuan to escape."

Situ snorted coldly tomorrow: "This Long Taozong is really not a good thing!"

As they spoke, their faces changed at the same time, and the magical powers of their bodies circulated out and turned into shields.

The next moment, a terrifying force suddenly came, and a huge palm phantom suddenly fell on the hall, shattering the entire hall and turning it into dust.

Situ rose into the sky tomorrow, and said furiously: "Too much bullying!"

"What about deceiving you?"

The old man of Long Taozong smiled presumptuously, and then coldly shouted: "I have just transmitted the sound, you didn't come out to greet you in the first time, what a big air!"

The aura of the supreme avenue burst out, sealing off this space, and the avenue aura revealed a vision, making everyone in the Royal Beast Sect tremble and breathless.

"Qing Xuan, it's really you!"

Zhao Feng's eyes brightened, staring at the girl, with desire in his eyes, and excitedly said: "Hahaha, I have been looking for you for so many years. The fate of coming to meet, you are destined to be my Zhao Feng's woman!"

Situ cursed directly tomorrow: "Fuck, are you illiterate? Do you know how to use words, you are obviously a friend!"

With his vision, naturally he would not be afraid of Zhao Feng, and directly started the ridicule.

Zhao Feng's eyes sank, staring at Situ Mingri, "Old stuff, you are looking for death!"

The old man said: "Situ tomorrow, we do not want to do anything with you today, as long as you promise to surrender to my Long Taozong, then your sect can still keep safe."

Zhao Feng was full of killing intent and said: "Old Yun, what nonsense with him? You don't even have the cultivation base of Dadao Supreme, please kill him directly!"

Old Yun’s aura locked Situ Mingri, and said indifferently: "Well, since the son speaks, then your death is approaching!"

"Sect Master Situ, be careful!"

The old man stepped forward quickly, staring at the old Yun with cold eyes, "Yunmofeng, I will kill you!"

Zhao Feng smiled shamelessly: "Grandpa, although we have killed your son by mistake, when I marry your granddaughter, we will be a family. Why did you kill?"

As soon as he raised his hand, more than a dozen people behind him stepped out together. The whole body was full of momentum, and they were all in the realm of heaven, surrounding everyone!

smiled wildly at Qing Xuan: "Don't let them run away. Since I met you today, I will be the bridal chamber tonight!"

Qing Xuan was trembling with anger, and said firmly: "I won't let you do what I want to die!"

Just when the old man wanted to rush out and fight Yunmofeng desperately, Situ strode forward tomorrow.

cursed: "I! Pooh! What kind of thing does Long Taozong want to let us take refuge in? You still want to play Girl Qingxuan's idea? You are really ugly, but your ideas are more beautiful than the other!"

Zhao Feng pointed to Situ Mingri, and said angrily: "Lao Yun, quickly kill him for me!"

Lao Yun didn't say much, and with a cold face, he raised his hand and patted Situ tomorrow with a palm, mercilessly.

Under this palm, the power of the avenue is like a galloping river and sea.

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Facing this palm, Situ didn't even have any intention of shrinking tomorrow. Instead, he raised his leg to greet him.

This action not only stunned Long Taozong, but also stunned Qing Xuan and the old man.

The strength between the Great Dao Supreme and the Heavenly Dao Realm is like a cloud and mud difference. This Situ is really too strong tomorrow, it can be described as a bit different.

Just when that palm was about to fall on Situ Mingri, he suddenly raised his hand, but a branch suddenly appeared in his hand.

Take the branch as a sword and stab forward!

actually pierced this palm and dissolved it into the invisible!

"How can this be?!"

Yun Mofeng’s pupils suddenly widened, he stared at the branch, and then said in shock: “No wonder, that branch must have been infiltrated by the origin all year round, and it is actually contaminated with the aura of the origin!”

"Original breath?"

Zhao Feng's eyes immediately turned red, and he greedily said: "If you get this branch, you will definitely be able to refine the source of the treasure! Quickly, grab it!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to have such unexpected gains when I came out this time, my Long Taozong really has great luck, and I will add another piece of original treasure!"

Between the clouds and the ink and the wind laughed, the shot was even more fierce, all kinds of means were used, and the magical powers were manifested, and he wanted to suppress Situ tomorrow.

However, Situ holding that branch tomorrow, as if holding a magic sword, between raising his hands, full of power, unexpectedly resolved the cloud-mo-feng offensive one by one.

As Situ Qin’s father, he is naturally a bit welfare.

These twigs were sent by Situ Qin to him for self-defense. They were made by Li Nianfan before making tables and chairs, and they were produced in the backyard.

"What a scary branch!"

The more and more the cloud and ink wind hit, the more and more frightened, all the goose bumps were all up, surprised and happy.

The origin of the contamination of this branch is far more than he imagined!


At the moment he was distracted, the branch actually cut off his magical powers again, and then bitterly pierced into his ass...

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