Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 737: 737: The confidence of Situ tomorrow

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The seven hundred and thirty-seventh chapter Situ's confidence in tomorrow


Yun Mofeng's old face stretched directly, his body was like a spring, and he shot out directly, and a string of blood rushed out along the way.

He clutched his butt, convulsed all over, and screamed.

In disbelief, he said: "How could it be possible that I was actually broken by an ant in the realm of heaven?!"

The others were also shocked.

"He actually hurt Mr. Yun?"

Qing Xuan's eyes widened in surprise, and when she noticed Yun Mofeng's wound, she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

The gap between the realm of Heavenly Dao and the Supreme Dao is impossible to tell in words, and there is almost nothing that can fill this gap.

However, it is clear that the branch in Situ's hands tomorrow did it!

What an artifact this is, it's incredible.

Situ stood up tomorrow, looking at the branches full of apologetics: "Sorry, I just couldn't help but stabbed that dirty place with you. I'm really sorry."

"you you!"

Yunmofeng chrysanthemum tightened, stopped the flying blood, tremblingly pointed at Situ Mingri, his face turned into pig liver color.

You stabbed me and even said that the branches were dirty. I don't want face?

Murder and punish the heart!

"Old Yun, this branch is so extraordinary, it must belong to my Long Taozong!"

On the side, Zhao Feng stared at the branch very greedily, wishing to imprint his eyeballs on it, and shouted anxiously: "Everyone will take action together and suppress this person, regardless of life or death!"

Immediately, a dozen other members of Long Taozong raised their hands together, toward Situ killing tomorrow.

Their mana gathered in the void into a vast ocean, which was actually a joint attack formation method. A dozen mighty powers of the realm of Heavenly Dao joined forces at the same time, and the power was terrifying.

Yun Mofeng was also crimson, and shot again with full of anger, "Die to me!"

In the face of the siege, Situ will not be surprised tomorrow. The branches in his hand will turn into countless afterimages, blooming in the void like flowers, resisting numerous offensives.

In his hands, the branches are enveloped by a layer of emerald green light, surrounded by a source of power, just like a baton, and every time it is shot, it can easily drive the power of the bright road and exert an incomparably powerful force. .

Both Qing Xuan and the old man looked silly, and they didn't even go up to support them for a while.

Qing Xuan exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "With the power of one person, this step can be achieved. The Sect Master of the Royal Beast Sect is really terrifying."

The old man took a deep breath and said in horror: "He said that there is a big man behind him. From this point of view, the seventh realm is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, I am afraid it is very deep! "

The battle continues.

Situ holding a branch tomorrow, but surpassing any magic weapon, he is unmatched in power. Although it seems a little difficult to support, but before the counterattack, the opponent has already started to be shot down to the ground by him.

In a blink of an eye, five of Long Taozong's dozens of Heavenly Dao realm powers have been suppressed and vomiting blood. On the other hand, Situ tomorrow, only his face turned pale.

"Evil sect, this Royal Beast Sect is too evil, this is not the strength that the Heavenly Dao realm should have!"

"This branch is so unusual, even if it's just a light blow, I feel that the whole world is killing me!"

"How can this precious treasure fall into the hands of the realm of heaven and earth, the pearl is covered in dust!"

The more people fight, the more deeply they can realize the horror of this branch.

Yun Mofeng sullen his face and yelled eagerly: "My son, hurry up! Call the Sect Master to come over in person! This branch definitely comes from the depths of its origin, and we must not let this old thing run away!"

He is most worried now that Situ won't fight them tomorrow. He turned around and ran away. It is definitely a great regret in his life to miss such treasures!

"Lao Yun is right!"

Zhao Feng's body shook, he didn't dare to neglect immediately, he raised his hand and took out a jade talisman and smashed it suddenly!


The space shattered by the jade talisman is also shattered!

The aura of the mighty avenue turned into a vortex to gather, and a strange power bloomed in this space.

"No, he's calling someone!"

Qing Xuan's grandfather's face sank, and he took a quick step, raising his hand and bombarding the space, wanting to send the space to destruction.

However, from the space, a thin palm slammed out, and the same palm slapped towards Qing Xuan's grandfather, shaking Qing Xuan's grandfather back.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe appeared there, his eyes were like stars, his whole body was majestic, and he scanned the surroundings.

He opened his mouth and said, "Feng'er, what is it worth using the jade charm I gave you?"

Zhao Feng said excitedly: "Father, look there quickly, the boy found a big baby."

The middle-aged man looked at the battlefield, then his eyes constricted sharply, his pupils constricted greatly.

"Only relying on the realm of Heavenly Dao, can actually fight against the elite Longtao team of my Longtaozong alone!

"No, that's... the original treasure in his hand!"

The middle-aged man's heart thumped and thumped, and he looked at it again to confirm.

Surprised and delighted: "It's such a rich source of power. I can't imagine that there is such a source of treasure in the seventh realm, and the grade even exceeds the source of treasure in my hands!"

Zhao Feng opened the mouth and said: "The child discovered that this baby is of great importance. He was afraid of accidents, so he dared to disturb his father."

"Hahaha, my son is great! You are so right to call me!"

The middle-aged man laughed and stared fiercely at the branches, "This is the unexpected joy God gave us Long Taozong. Those who are not lucky can not meet it!"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to raise his hand to Situ Ming.

Qing Xuan's grandfather immediately got up and moved forward and said coldly: "Stop! Zhao Longtao, your opponent is me!"

"Hehe, someone who doesn't even have the most treasure of origin is not worthy of being my opponent!"

Zhao Longtao smiled disdainfully, and between raising his hands, a whip shadow shot out like a poisonous snake, cutting off the road along the way, and directly hitting Grandpa Qingxuan.


Qing Xuan's grandfather's supernatural powers were directly wiped out, and the whole person was taken away, leaving a deep whip mark on his body, blood flowed across, and the origin of life was severely injured and convulsed.

"The origin of the Seven Realms, you can control the main road, and you will die if you don't know what you can do!"

Zhao Longtao laughed triumphantly, and then his gaze fell on Situ Mingri again, sneered: "But the original treasure depends on who will use it. Obviously your strength can't exert all its power. Bring it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his whip again and drew it towards Situ tomorrow!


The whip was directly wrapped around the branch in Situ Mingri's hand with the original aura!

The original auras of the two treasures were in a stalemate, and Situ's actions were immediately blocked. The other members of Long Taozong saw the opportunity and directly stamped his palm on his back, and suppressed Situ tomorrow on the spot!

"game over!"

Zhao Feng laughed, looked at Qing Xuan jokingly, and said: "Qing Xuan, you will be mine tonight!"

Qing Xuan gritted her teeth and said: "You are dreaming!"

Zhao Feng proudly said: "You can't count it. If you don't follow me, I will kill your grandfather!"

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Qing Xuan's delicate body trembled with anger, her face was desperately pale, helpless and sad, and she didn't know where to go.

Yunmofeng did not give up, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he immediately stepped out and came to the top of Situ Mingri's head, "He who insults me will die!"

Just as he was about to take a palm to wipe out Situ tomorrow, suddenly, a cold breath came quickly, but he saw a figure quickly coming across the space.

It was a woman with dim light all over her body, long hair fluttering, exuding the breath of being far away from the world, calm and indifferent.

It happened to come back to Situ Qin.

Li Nianfan made a pile of donkey meat and burned it among the major forces. Naturally, she would not lose her share of the Royal Beast Sect. As the young master of the Royal Beast Sect, she naturally came in person and went home by the way.

I just never expected that before I got home, I sensed a few strong auras fighting against each other, and rushed over quickly, seeing this thrilling scene unexpectedly.

She immediately came to Situ Mingri's side and said with concern: "Father, are you okay?"

Situ breathed a sigh of relief tomorrow, and then said with fear: "Daughter, fortunately you are back, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to see me. These people are not good people."

"I know, leave it to me next." Situ Qin nodded, looking at the people of Long Taozong with cold eyes.

"What a pretty chick!"

Zhao Feng's eyes are about to protrude, looking at Situ Qin greedily, and excitedly said: "I can't imagine that Situ tomorrow's daughter is so beautiful, my Yan Fu is really superficial! Hahaha"

Qing Xuan's grandfather sighed inwardly, Situ Sect Master's daughter came back at an untimely time, sending the sheep to the tiger's mouth!

Tomorrow, Situ stabilized his injury, his confidence was immediately sufficient, and he cursed: "Dog thing who knows nothing about life and death, dare to talk to my daughter like this!"

How can one's own daughter be humiliated if she follows a master?

Moreover, he believes that his daughter must be strong enough to deal with this group of people after practicing for so long.

Zhao Feng's face sank, and he felt unbelievable, "Old man, dare you talk to me like this when you die?"

Qing Xuan and her grandpa were also shocked.

Sect Master Situ has just started again, always filled with a fascinating self-confidence. Is it possible that he thinks his daughter can save himself?

"Shut up your eyes and your mouth!"

Situ Qin looked at Zhao Feng indifferently.

"Close your eyes, seal it!"

The four-character ink marks flowed like water in the void, and the power of the great avenue slammed into motion. The blessing and the four characters formed a rule of heaven and earth and fell on Zhao Feng's body!

"You dare!"

Zhao Longtao shouted angrily, and immediately raised his hand to block Situ Qin's attack, but he rushed into the air.

In the next instant, an irresistible force made Zhao Feng feel trembling, and he suddenly panicked, as if he had become extremely small.

"What are you going to do? What power is this?"

"My eyes can't be opened! No, I'm blind!"

"Ah I…"

His voice stopped abruptly, because his mouth was already permanently closed!

His body was trembling, and he kept spinning around in place, and the whole audience was exuding panic.

The pupils of everyone in the audience widened at the same time, looking at Situ Qin who looked calm in horror.

"The Great Dao, you are the Great Dao!"

Zhao Longtao looked at Situ Qin angrily, his heart fluctuating.

My daughter is so young that her cultivation level actually surpasses her Lao Tzu, which is really strange.

Yunmofeng stared at Situ Qin's pen, and said in a trembled voice: "Sect Master, her pen is definitely not ordinary, and it is definitely the treasure of origin!"

"Magic pen, there is such a magic pen in the world!"

Zhao Longtao was also aware of this, and his expression couldn't help changing, "What an imperial beast sect, it can be hidden deep enough, there is more than one original treasure, but everything belongs to me!"

He waved the whip in his hand and slapped Situ Qin violently!

Facing this whip, Situ Qin just stood there quietly without any movement.

However, just when this whip came to her, it stopped like this.

Zhao Longtao tried to manipulate the whip, but was surprised to find that the whip had lost control.

Under everyone's eyes, the whip seemed to have become a well-behaved snake, looking up at Situ Qin's pen.

Then, without saying anything, the whip immediately turned his head and headed towards Zhao Longtao who was still stunned!

Like a rope, Zhao Longtao was tied tightly round after round.

Zhao Longtao was strangled into a line, still with a dazed face.

Yunmofeng was silly.

Qing Xuan was stupid.

Qing Xuan's grandfather was also stupid.

Only Zhao Feng couldn't see what happened, and Fali anxiously condensed into words in the void: "What happened?"

Situ Qin chuckled and said, "If you know what you know, you know that you will give up in time."

Zhao Longtao blushed and couldn't accept it. "No, why is it like this? Does Origin Treasure still bring rebellion? Who are you?!"

No matter how stupid he is, he realizes that he has provoke a person who he can't afford!

Even his original treasure rebelled on the spot, what else can be said? No fight at all.

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Yunmofeng almost frightened his soul out, shouted loudly, and started to run away without looking back.

He burned everything he had, and his speed flew out in a straight line, his scalp was about to explode in horror!

It was terrible and terrifying. The surface of the Seventh Realm looked unremarkable. I didn't expect the water to be so deep. I thought it was just an ordinary sect, but I will give you a super abnormal.

Isn't this a player?

The other members of Long Taozong were also a bit dissatisfied with their speed, and dispersed in a rush.

"I want to run? Can you run?"

Situ Qin slowly raised the pen, and gently drew a few strokes in their direction, seeming to just outline a frame.

Immediately afterwards, the space she drew was peeled off, like a piece of white paper!

And what is printed on the white paper is actually the figure of Yun Mofeng and others running away!

She stripped this space, and even this group of people, into the painting!

"Spare, fairies, spare your life! This son is cheating, I don't want it, it's me who is obsessed with my heart, I am willing to surrender!"

Zhao Longtao had never seen such terrible means before, so scared that his liver and gallbladder were splitting, tears came out, and he kept begging for mercy.

Situ Qin paid no attention to it, and raised the pen again, sending Zhao Longtao and his son neatly into the painting.

Then he handed the painting to Grandpa Qing Xuan...

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