Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 749: 749: War rises

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In a blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

This is the period of the ultimatum given by Tiangong, and countless people are waiting for the storm to come.

After Tiangong issued the battle book, the trilateral forces of the Wang Family, Si Family, and Sky Demon King did not converge. Instead, they recruited disciples, intensified, and absorbed the origins of all circles at a faster speed, which was extremely arrogant.

Many monks did not heed the admonition of the heavenly palace, and chose to join these three forces, become one of their pawns, and fight against the heavenly palace together!

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Tiangong.

In the Fourth Realm, even if the distance is endless, everyone can still feel the waves of terror coming from the direction of the Wang family.

This kind of fluctuation is the power of condensing the original source, and even the whole world is following a wave of pressure that shakes, causing the sky to scream and the earth to tremble.

"Do you think the heavenly palace really dare to come?"

Someone couldn't help but asked.

"It's hard to say that the Wang Family, Si Family, and Sky Demon King have joined forces, and they have gathered too many masters. In the second step, the Supreme has reached as many as sixteen people! This force is too strong, and it can be easily pushed horizontally. One world!"

Someone analyzed that he was obviously not optimistic about Tiangong. Faced with this power, even if Tiangong gave up the attack, he would not be ridiculed.

Another person added: "You have also said a little less. In addition to the number of masters, they have also absorbed the origins of all walks of life, and they have the power of ‘God’ behind them, and their combat power is even stronger!"

"Grandpa, I hope Tiangong can win!"

On the side, a child suddenly opened his mouth.

"They absorbed the origin, making my cultivation extremely slow, and natural disasters continued, the whole world was scarred and ugly, and that group of people are bad guys!"

His grandfather said bitterly: "The world's origin is missing, and it will eventually be broken. This is a catastrophe."

What children see is only what they see. In fact, as the origin is pulled away, the avenue of the fourth realm has fallen into chaos, the space has become thinner, and space cracks have appeared from time to time, and even swallowed a small world. .

However, the human heart is the most complicated. As long as one can benefit oneself, what's the harm in ruining the whole world?

The child continued to say innocently: "Furthermore, Tiangong said, this is a conspiracy, and Tiangong will not lie!"

The old man touched the child's head and said kindly, "Hehe, if the heavenly palace really comes, grandpa, I will join and beat the bad guys with the heavenly palace!"

at the same time.

The Heavenly Palace of the Seventh Realm is located.

The Jade Emperor, Junjun Taoist, Nu Wa and others stood at the Nantian Gate, behind which gathered a group of celestial soldiers and generals.

This time, it was an unprecedented bitter battle. The Jade Emperor and the others were not prepared to stay, but cross-border battle together!

Taoist Junjun turned around and looked at the celestial generals behind him, suddenly raised his hand and turned over, and a wine jar appeared in his hand.

The tone solemnly said: "This is an altar of wine given by the expert when he visited the expert last time. This wine is brewed with the blood of the deer, the black dragon and the blood of the gods and donkeys from the supreme realm of the Great Dao. It brings together the essence of the world. The breath of origin is collected, and now it is used as the wine of war before the expedition...to drink together!"

Yang Jian stood up and said loudly: "Drink this wine together, fight for the Seven Realms, and fight for the master!"

"Drink this wine together, fight for the Seven Realms, and fight for the Supreme!"

"Drink this wine together, fight for the Seven Realms, and fight for the Supreme!"

The heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals yelled together, the sound was like thunder, and the momentum was magnificent, making the sky silent!

Daoist Junjun waved his hand, the wine jar flew into the void, and then it was broken directly with a "bang!"

The endless divine wine spilled down like rain, covering everyone's heads.

At the entrance of the drink, everyone's expressions were the same, and the aura on their bodies was ignited like a flame, blazing, and the aura was like a rainbow!

"Set off!"

The giant spirit **** widened his eyes, yelled in a loud voice, and then raised his hand to beat the drum.


Endless auspicious clouds, surrounded by divine light, accompanied by thunderous drums, forward!

The fourth realm, the Wang family.

Wang Teng, Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun stood on the top of the mountain.

Under their feet, there are countless monks, waiting for the arrival of the heavenly palace!

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, the setting sun was already like blood.

"Hehe, it seems that Tiangong dare not come."

"Unsurprisingly, in the face of such a strong lineup of ours, didn't they come here to look for death?"

"That is, what does Tiangong think he is? What does our cultivation origin have to do with them?"

"Thanks to the gift of the Wang family, this allowed me to access the source. These three days are more effective than my 3,000 years of cultivation! Hahaha."

"I really got stronger, and I also said that it is a conspiracy to absorb the origin.

"It seems that the Seventh Realm is nothing more than this!"

For a while, sarcasm began to sound gradually.


At this time, a drum sound suddenly came from a distance.

It is like a rolling thunder, and it is like a wave raging on the shore, one after another, without stopping, and it is getting louder and louder!


A high-spirited momentum came with the sound of drums, containing a kind of supreme coercion, which made many people's hearts beat faster, blood flowed faster, and upset.

The next moment.

In the distance between the heaven and the earth, a ray of glow finally appeared.

Under the auspicious clouds, there are rainbows circulating, and the quadruple vision of wind, fire, thunder and lightning flashes, as if even this world is welcoming their arrival.

Countless people trembled, their eyes staring like copper bells, staring blankly.

"Come on, they are actually here in Tiangong!"

"At this time, if you dare to fight'God', what is the confidence of the Seventh Realm?"

Some were sluggish, and some were enthusiastic.

"Hahaha, what a heavenly palace, if you dare to come, then count me!"

"Ask in the heart, deserve to be worthy of the world! In this battle, the Seven Realms should remember me, Ye Canglan!"

"My cultivator, take it so! I'll come too!"

"And I!"

"Repair my war sword and defeat the sky!"

One figure after another appeared, some came together, some alone, stepped into the camp of the heavenly palace, and came to the royal family together with the heavenly palace!

Taoist Junjun and others stood at the front end, and would salute every time someone joined. This phenomenon has been happening along the way. Along the way, regardless of the level of cultivation, the number of people fighting has more than doubled!

Among them, there are even two second step supreme!

And in the camp of the Wang family.

The previous ridicule has long since disappeared, all staring at the direction of Tiangong, revealing horror.

"They... actually dare to come!"

Among them, many people looked at some people who had joined the palace in dismay, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

A young man and an old man faced each other far away, with complex colors flowing in his eyes. The old man was calm and disappointed, and the young man was anxious.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

They were mentors and apprentices, but now they are on the opposite side.

Different road non-phase plan.

In addition to this old man, there are other people who want to bring back those who are lost in power!


The drums are louder.

The giant spirit **** was murderous and struck hard, seeming to stare at the enemy to death.

The avenue is like the wind, covering the sky and the hearts of all people.

Wang Teng still stood on the spot, looking up at the Heavenly Palace, watching the drums descend, and watching the many monks joining the Heavenly Palace camp, his eyes remained calm as water.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, just a word spit out from Wang Teng's mouth, revealing endless coldness and killing.


Following his order, the many cultivators who had already prepared to the side suddenly stepped out, punching in the direction of Heavenly Palace.

The 13th place, the second step supreme, shot together, directly shook the drums, even a simple punch, but also gathered into a terrifying power of the Great Dao, and went toward the annihilation of the heavens!

The sky split open.

The terrifying space cracks are like the ocean, turning into a terrifying behemoth to swallow everyone up.

"Hahaha, I like to fight directly! I don't give birth to Xiao Chengfeng, kendo is like a long night!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed, raised his hand and pointed, the long sword burst out of the sky, and went straight to the second step supreme. He said arrogantly: "The one next to you, don't go, I want to pick one. two!"


The sharp sword light tore the crack in the space, revealing an indomitable momentum.

"Brothers, kill with me!"

Yang Jian's face was dignified, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and charging first, his third eye shot out brilliance, containing the power of destroying the avenue, and shot straight at the opposite second step supreme.

"Wow, eat me!"

The giant spirit **** put down the drum, held an axe in both hands, turned his body into a mountain, and rushed into the battlefield as well.

Taoist Junjun, Nu Wa and Ye Liuyun also sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and they chose the second step supreme as their opponents without fear.

In addition to the Tiangong, the two second-step supreme who joined in the middle are also slaying, their bodies are flowing, and their eyes are shining with their adherence to the Tao.

"Ye Canglan, my old enemy, let's fight again! Hahaha"

Opposite, a big man with a black giant sword on his back roared, and came straight to Ye Canglan with a grin.

He held the hilt of the sword, holding the sword behind him as if holding a giant axe, and the void seemed unable to bear the weight of the giant sword, and was collapsing.

"Since you forcibly absorbed the origin, you are not qualified to be called my old enemy!"

Ye Canglan has a cold face, holding a silver spear in his hand, like a white dragon, piercing the weight of a giant sword with a bit of cold light!

"I should give you this sentence! Now, you and I are no longer on the same level!"

The strong man uttered a furious rage, and the power on the giant sword surged, and the power of the original source was overwhelming, like a heavy hammer, crushing Ye Canglan!

"Boom boom boom!"

The immense power made them fall from the void like meteors and smashed straight into the ground. The whole earth was deeply submerged like a bubble, and Yu Wei teared the ground through endless horrible cracks!

In a short moment, Ye Canglan was pushed by the brawny man across the earth for a hundred thousand miles, and the mountains collapsed along the way. In the next moment, Ye Canglan was swept out of the ground by the brawny like a cannonball, embarrassed.

The brawny man stepped on the void and walked towards Ye Canglan step by step, smiling proudly: "Ye Canglan, you have defeated me six times, this time I finally won!"

Ye Canglan's mouth is bleeding, his silver gun is like snow, and his body is like jade. He is still proud, "Did you really win? Since you chose this path, you have already lost to yourself."

The burly man's face changed drastically, and he was extremely furious, "How can there be so much nonsense, I will kill you!"

Ye Canglan's whole body is dazzling, his eyes are as firm as stars, but his aura is getting stronger and stronger, and his fighting spirit is soaring: "Under my way, everything is empty!"

Even if he is facing the power of the source, he can use his own way to fight and suppress!

In this world, blood stains the sky, bones and flesh cover the earth, all kinds of spells are as brilliant as fireworks, but it is the sickle of death, harvesting one life after another.

On this day, many weak and weak creatures perish, and there is also the death of the supreme. The universe is silent, seeming to mourn for it.

"The long road to immortality, with many bones, no matter the heart of the Tao or the heart of invincibility, it is like a moth fighting a fire, looking for the ultimate splendor of a lifetime."

Nu Wa looked at the fierce battlefield, suddenly moved.

She fabricated people back then, and had a deep understanding of life and death. Seeing the death of endless creatures, she seemed to be able to feel their will before death, and actually broke through in the battle.

When she ate at Li Nianfan's place, she accumulated a lot of strength, but her mind was uncertain and she was still missing a word of enlightenment. At this time, she was blessed to the soul.

Strange waves radiated out, and the avenue converged like flowing water!

"No, she is breaking through!"

In the second step of fighting her, the supreme face changed instantaneously and exclaimed: "Come on and join hands together, we must stop her!"

"I come!"

With a cold drink, a fist blasted open the space and came directly to Nuwa.

Nu Wa raised her hand, pushed out with a gentle palm, and easily suppressed the punch back!

"The power of the source, why does she have the power of the source!"

The man came close and looked at Nu Wa in shock.

"It's not just her, all the people in Tiangong can use the power of the origin!"

"How is it possible? Could they also extract the origin of the world?"

"No, where did their origin come from? The origin of the seventh realm is not incomplete!"

Between the fights, everyone started to be frightened.

The power of the origin is above everything and can increase the combat power to the extreme. Originally, the group of supreme princes of the Wang family should be able to crush the monks of the same rank.

However, when they fought against Tiangong, they discovered that they were very wrong.

It was them who were skipped and fought.

This is more dreamy.

Taoist Junjun, Xiao Chengfeng, Yang Jian, Nuwa, and Jade Emperor, they all stepped into the second step supreme, but they were able to hold the two second step supreme with one enemy and two!

The remaining celestial generals such as Star Cliff, Ye Liuyun, and Giant Spirit God can also rule the roost in the first step, and even be able to line up with the second step.

They have a source of power that is difficult for others to match, and they are more pure, even surpassing those of the Wang family!

"It's a weird palace, but their failure is already doomed!"

"The Seventh Realm hides a secret, and Tiangong is the key to unlock this secret!"

Everyone sneered in their hearts, full of confidence.

Just because the people in the Tiangong are strong, but the others are not strong, when the others are suppressed, they will be able to free their hands to besiege the Tiangong!

Of course, the more important point is that they still have the three strongest players who haven't shot!

Wang Teng, Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun!

Any one of them joining the battlefield is enough to tilt the balance of victory instantly!

"The origin of the group of people is the method of the people behind the seventh realm, right? Entering the world? It's interesting."

Wang Teng looked at the battlefield indifferently, and said coldly: "But the farce should end here!"

After the words, he finally took his steps, stepping on the void step by step, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, walking towards the battlefield!

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