Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 750: 750: Will so many people have this supernatural power?

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The seven hundred and fiftieth chapter so many people will have this supernatural power?

The movement of Wang Teng here immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The hearts of the people on the Wang family's side were uplifted, while the others sank in their hearts and gave rise to a hint of chill.

There were many monks hiding in the dark, and no one dared to help. They only dared to watch the excitement, and their hearts trembled.

"Come on, Wang Teng is finally about to make a move!"

"Also Zhu Yiqun and Si Dekuai, they are also dispatched!"

"It seems that there is no suspense about the outcome."

"Originally, Tiangong was at a disadvantage. How can they fight when the three of them join the battlefield?"

Countless people sighed in their hearts.

"Ye Canglan, this time you lost, and you lost completely! Hahaha"

The strong man was holding a huge sword and was still launching a fierce attack on Ye Canglan. The strong attack was like rain, and he madly attacked Ye Canglan, making him tired of defense.

Ye Canglan's face was calm, without a word, his eyes were still bright as stars.

Suddenly, the mana around him soared into the sky like a rainbow, his spear was like a dragon, roaring in the universe, and the bright white dragon surrounded the void, illuminating the fields.

"Heroes, even if you die, don't regret it!"

A deep voice came from his mouth, revealing an unparalleled perseverance, which made the hearts of everyone on the battlefield suddenly fixed.

"Heroes, even if you die, don't regret it!"

"Heroes, even if you die, don't regret it!"

"Heroes, even if you die, don't regret it!"

Countless voices converged into thunder, shaking the earth, forming an indomitable momentum.

"His grandma's, don't hide it, it's a big deal!"

An unruly old man suddenly walked out of the dark, holding a jug in his hand, gushing into his mouth madly, then raised his hand, and a big knife went straight to Wang Teng!

"Wang Teng child, can you stop Lao Tzu's one-million-year cultivation base?"

The fierce momentum converged into a mad knife phantom, slashing the void, allowing the road to retreat and heading straight to Wang Teng's front door.


Wang Teng smiled contemptuously, showing contempt for the common people, raised his hand and blasted the sword!


This fist traverses the sky and the earth, containing the origin of the sky and the earth, turning into a terrifying vortex to shatter the crazy knife, and at the same time tearing away towards the old man!

The old man shook his body, exploded a **** mist, and shot straight from the air upside down.

"I'll come too, **** them!"

"Pan Dao loves freedom all his life, and is a hero today!"

"Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the suffering of living!"

Suddenly, there was another figure walking out of the dark place again, and they coincidentally used their strongest magical powers to kill the three of Wang Teng.

This time, Wang Teng didn't make a move. It was Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun who stepped out, raising their hands to suppress these people, blood flying in the sky like red clouds.

The footsteps of the three of Wang Teng were not affected at all. They descended on this battlefield like masters, desiring to suppress all enemies!

"has it ended?"

Someone saw Wang Teng raising his hand, and his eyes showed grief and anger.

The fourth world will eventually follow in the footsteps of the third world.


Wang Teng spoke indifferently, his eyes fell on Nuwa, and he pushed out mercilessly!

Nu Wa was originally fighting the two second-step supreme, even more reluctant, at this time, how could it be able to stop Wang Teng's attack.

However, in the face of this blow, Nu Wa's face did not show panic, like a plum blossom in the snow and ice, standing proudly.

The devastating attack was added to her body, but a powerful aura suddenly rose from her body.

Her movements also changed accordingly, putting on a strange starting position, and then slowly making moves.

The moves are not hurried or slow, but there is a pulling force around them. The endless avenue is pulled by her, and even the opponent's offensive seems to be in her grasp.

This seemingly soft force formed two breaths of black and white between Nuwa's palms, but it restrained Wang Teng's attack and the other two second-step supreme attacks, changing the trajectory.

Wang Teng's face changed for the first time, and he asked in disbelief, "What magical power is this?!"

"Impossible, our supernatural powers will be out of our control!"

The other two Dadao Supremes also changed their faces.

Not only them, but the other people on the court also had their faces shocked, as if they had seen and unbelievable things, like dreams and illusions.

A mere Second Step Supreme actually blocked the offensive of the three Dadao Supreme, and even one of them was named Wang Teng!

You know, in the attacks of the three of them, they all contain the power of origin!

What kind of power is this, is there a power above the source? !

"The magical powers that can suppress the original source, it turns out that this is the card of the seventh realm!"

"Powerful, terrible, unbelievable!"

"Weird, the Seventh Realm really contains weird things that ordinary people can't think of. This method absolutely surpasses the Seven Realms!"

"Okay, great, it seems that the seventh world is not without a chance, it really scared me to death just now."

"You are too naive, this is not enough, not enough..."

There were exclamations everywhere, which is really subverting the three views.

"It's a good one to defeat the strong with the weak, and then add me enough!"

Heavenly Demon King Zhu Yiqun raised his brows, said with a sneer, and then also raised his hand and bombarded Nu Wa!

"Hehe, these many people are not ashamed to bully a weak female stream!"

Yang Jian's whole body was shining with brilliance, and he rushed forward and opened the same starting gesture, which also began to play tricks.

In every move, the power of heaven and earth was twisting, kneeling in his palm.

"It's amazing, more than one person knows such supernatural powers."

Si De was very surprised, then his face sank, and he also shot.

However, at this time, Taoist Jun Jun also came.

"This is the moment you are waiting for!"

The same move reappeared, and the attack was once again resolved.

"Everyone, come together!"

The next moment, Jade Emperor, Xiao Chengfeng, Ye Liuyun, including the huge giant spirit god, all posed on the spot.

Subsequently, the people in the Tiangong, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals also did the same action.

These actions are exactly the morning exercises Li Nianfan led them to do last time!

The black and white two qi suddenly appeared like a tide, covering the sky, and there was a strange aura floating in the entire void.

Under this force, all of Wang Teng and their supernatural powers seemed to have lost control, and they began to wander along the black and white, even being directly suppressed!

"What? How is this possible?!"

Wang Teng couldn't wait to stare out his eyes. Under this breath, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness and felt that he was insignificant.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? Why do all the people in the Tiangong have it?!"

"Impossible! Such supernatural powers must be made of heaven and earth. Anyone can do it. This is unscientific!"

"Even a small heavenly soldier is capable of such magical powers, so what is my magical powers? What is the point of my cultivating magical powers? Not true, this is not true!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

"Kill, I want to kill you all!"

Everyone on the side of the king's family was in despair. They launched an attack frantically, only to find that everything was in vain.

In the morning exercises of the people in Tiangong, this place seemed to be an ocean, and they were drowning in the ocean and couldn't struggle!

At this moment, Wang Teng was shocked to see that his supernatural powers had turned a corner and attacked him.


He flew straight upside down, spraying a stream of blood along the way.

Not only him, Zhu Yiqun and Si Dekuai were even more miserable, black and white spirits surrounded them, like a cage, suppressing them.

Let them crack apart, screaming in pain.

The others also backed away madly, their faces full of horror.

"Wang Teng actually... was defeated?"

The onlookers stared blankly, and even couldn't believe this fact.

A moment ago, the three of Wang Teng appeared on the stage with invincible posture. What a power it was, people thought that the battle could be ended by raising their hands.

The battle is indeed coming to an end, but the ending is a bit reversed...

The brawny man who was fighting Ye Canglan was equally dumbfounded, "What happened?"

He suddenly felt like a fool.

A second ago: "Hahaha, Wang Teng is here, and he is finally about to make a move."

The next second: "No, Wang Teng is stepping back, he lost..."

What's the matter with you guys?

If you don’t join the battlefield, you still have to fight. Once you join, you lose directly. Are you sure it’s not the opponent?


He was also affected by the black and white air, his supernatural powers were suppressed, and then Ye Canglan shot through his chest!


He roared, dragging the badly wounded body back.

The people in the Tiangong were still doing morning exercises, and the invincible aura sealed off the sky, shooting around like clouds and mist, exerting great pressure on the people of the royal family!

"It's too strong, even the power of the origin must be under their suppression!"

"The Seventh Realm is too terrifying, it is beyond description!"

"Win... won? We won!"

"Hahaha, Tiangong is so good, it actually hides such a powerful hole card."

Countless people showed excited smiles and began to cheer and celebrate.

"What about ‘God’? My heavenly palace said that if I destroy you, I will destroy you!"

Daoist Junjun spoke with dignity, and the endless black and white spirits cruelly crushed towards the Wang family.

"Don't panic everyone, I also have a back hand!"

Wang Teng led the crowd back to the prepared altar, staring at the black and white qi, a gloomy flash in his eyes, and deep in his eyes, there was an undesirable gray mist rolling.

"This is what you forced me to offer me a sacrifice!"

As his voice fell, on him, an unknown gray mist rose slowly like blue smoke. In addition to him, Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun, as well as some other people, trembled suddenly, with the same Unknown gray mist emerged.


The altar shook violently, emitting a black halo, and a devastating aura spread out, but it was like a dark cloud covering everyone on the altar.

"What's going on? My body hurts!"

"Ah, my vitality, my mana is dissipating!"

"No, this altar is a trap. He is depriving us of everything. This is a taboo for sacrifice!"

"Wang Teng, what exactly do you want to do?!"

"No, I don't want to die, let us go out!"

Countless people shouted and screamed sternly.

However, Wang Teng turned a deaf ear, a strange sneer appeared on his face, and the gray mist floated, "I have cultivated the secret method I gave you, and that is a sacrifice. Your destiny is controlled by me, and I am'heaven'!"

"Save me, save me!"

"Master, I was wrong, save me!"

Inside the altar, the group of people struggled painfully, and began to ask for help from the group of people outside the altar, and blood began to overflow on their skins.

Even though it is the second step of the supreme, in this altar is also involuntary, unable to resist.


The brawny man spouted a mouthful of blood, looked at Ye Canglan deeply, suddenly showed a bitter smile, and said, "Ye Canglan, you are right, goodbye, my old enemy!"

He roared wildly, rushed to the edge of the altar, and chose to explode!

The endless mana engulfed the power of the road and exploded!

Flesh and flesh like rain, exuding an incomparable strong blow, enough to overturn the world, but still failed to blast the altar.

A powerful force gathered his flesh and blood and power into the altar!

The entire altar was trembling, turning into red, countless blood flowing along the lines, forming a strange pattern, and the terrifying breath opened a crack in the void!

"Destroy this altar!"

Yang Jian yelled anxiously, and all the black and white spirits were all pressed on the altar.

However, there is nothing to do.

"Hahaha, this is what you forced me, you forced me!"

Wang Teng smiled wildly and screamed, "I want to let the real catastrophe come, so that the entire seven realms will be lost, you will regret it, hahaha"


The gap in the void is getting bigger and bigger, and I don't know where it leads.

at the same time.

The first realm, the ancients.

Gu Hui's face was gloomy, surrounded by mana, and he was struggling to fight the toxins in his body.

"Gu Hongtian, can they do it? They have been there for so long and there is no news at all. This is too disappointing!"

His heart was full of helplessness and anger, and he lost contact just after he passed?

I spent such a high price to send them out, and at the same time I gave them enough, but it was still so unreliable, and it was a wrong payment after all.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the light within them flashed, and excitedly said: "This is the power of space, and there are other realms that are actively opening realm channels!"

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The depths of the ancients.

Above that stone stele, an unknown gray fog also rises!

A gloomy voice came out faintly, "I felt the breath of the other incarnations of'heaven'. They must have met something to pay such a high price to promote the catastrophe. Is it also related to the seventh realm? Fortunately, the pace of coming to the world must be quickened!"

At this time, Gu Hui had appeared somewhere in the void, his eyes filled with excitement.

He laughed wildly: "Hahaha, God helps me too! There are other realms that are actively opening the realm channel, and my ancient race can finally go out!"

"I'll help you!"

Then, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he raised his hand and waved towards the void in front of him, endless power came out mightily, and gradually opened a space crack in front of him!

At the same time, he spoke loudly, and his voice was mighty throughout the first realm.

"Everyone come here, ready to fight!"

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