Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 756: 756: Amazing layout

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Gu Hui heard Da Hei’s words, but he couldn't hold back a mouthful of old blood and spewed it out directly.

"Skills can be killed but not insulted!"

His face was distorted, and he opened his mouth hoarsely to defend himself: "Fart, this is not for support! Obviously it is poisoned, you are poisoned in the shit, it is stinking shameless!"

"What kind of poison is this? It can actually corrode the origin. Even the power of the origin can't resist it. The world should never think that this kind of poison should exist. This is unreasonable!"

Gu Hui lay on the ground twitching, his mouth screamed in disbelief.

Among the seven realms, the power of the origin is related to the origin of the world, and should be the strongest power. However, any poison must be born under the world and be born in the world. Therefore, the poison should not be beyond the origin!

In fact, once you become the realm of heaven, you can ignore the situation of poisoning.

However, the current situation is that he has exceeded the limit of the power of the seven realms, but he is still poisoned, and he is poisoned by eating shit. This is simply the number one joke in the seven realms. It can be called the number one joke that can make people laugh. Weird.

If possible, Gu Hui even wanted to kill everyone who knew about it, which would be too embarrassing.

Da Hei calmly said: "There is nothing impossible in this world."

They are not surprised, they are used to it.

The masters are best at creating miracles. There is no failure, but only the imagination. What is it to make Gu Hui poisoned?

Wang Zun said earnestly: "Xiao Gu, although your strength is indeed not weak, but your vision is not as good as ours. After all, weakness limits your imagination!"


Gu Hui spouted blood again, his face turned black.

A group of ants actually call themselves Xiaogu? !

You think who you are!

He has been an ancient genius since he was born. No one dared to call him that way in his life. This is the first time now!

"Ahhhhh! I want you to die!"

His eyes were red, and he took out a desperate posture. The entire first realm was roaring with his power, and the sky was torn apart!

However, no matter how angry he was, the huge momentum eventually turned into a bluff. The blood in his mouth seemed to be free of money, spewing continuously, and his face became pale and fell into an anemic state.

He has been poisoned for a long time, coupled with the fierce battle with the willow tree now, and finally can't suppress it, allowing the toxin to erupt completely.

This outbreak led him to discover that this kind of poison was actually more terrifying than he had imagined. The poison was overbearing and there was no room for relief.

Beside his feet, a cloud of gray mist emerged silently and wrapped around him.

Tian's voice appeared in Gu Hui's mind, "Gu Hui, it seems that the situation today is not very good, let me control your body, and I will help you kill them all!"

Gu Hui's face showed a struggling color, his eyes changed unceasingly, and he was suffocated to the extreme.

He made a deal with Tian, ​​and he always knew that it was a game in his heart.

However, he is conceited to be able to cope with all variables, and at the same time he has always been guarded against the sky.

but didn't want to, in the end, he still lost.

It’s really not as good as heaven.

At this moment, the figure on the stone stele struggling out, anxiously said: "Seven sisters, hurry up, God is going to be born with the help of Gu Hui's body!"

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the willow tree moved, and the willow branches straddled the space, like a bridge between heaven and earth, piercing through Gu Hui's body in a flash!

This time, the blood stained the branches and dripped to the ground.

The action of the willow tree is not unpleasant. However, just when Gu Hui's life origin was about to be erased, a trace of unknown gray mist suddenly emerged from Gu Hui's body.

The gray mist is like a coat, enveloping Gu Hui, making him immortal and immortal!

He raised his head, his pupils had all turned gray, and a strange smile appeared on his face. It was obviously a mouth, but he made two different voices and said different words.

"What a seventh realm. The layout of my ancient people for countless years has been destroyed in your hands. Since you have forced me to do this, then you can't blame me! You will accompany my ambition to die together!"

"Jie Jie Jie, I really have to thank you for letting me finally find a body that escaped from trouble, but this Gu Hui alone is not enough."

One is the voice of Gu Hui, and the other is cold and merciless, it is the unknown gray mist speaking.

With the division of the Seven Realms, it was permanently banned, and finally found an opportunity before the eternity. Not only did it suppress the battle spirit of the Seven Realms, but it also confuses the ancients and provokes the subsequent Great Calamity of the Seven Realms. All this is in the layout!

The purpose of    is naturally to get yourself out of trouble, and to welcome the deity of heaven in the follow-up!

Nowadays, Gu Hui’s strength is strong, and he bears the origin of the world. It is the most suitable carrier for it, but it can not only restore it to its peak, but also use it to break away from the entanglement with that stone monument!

Gu Hui raised his hand and turned into a sword, slashing at the willow branch that penetrated him!

The willow branches that were hard to hurt by even a world of sacred fire just now were cut off by all of them!

Afterwards, Gu Hui's body slowly vacated, surpassing the void, surrounded by powerful auras. Based on the strength of the original Gu Hui, it was still climbing rapidly, like a master!

Between him and the stele, a trace of gray mist was breaking away from the stele, heading towards Gu Hui's body, allowing more and more unknown gray mist to emerge from Gu Hui's body, and even condensed into a giant in the sky. Gray face.

The endless gray mist shrouded the sky with a haze.

"Never want to run, give me suppression!!"

The stone stele trembles, and the word town on it emits the ultimate **** light, shooting towards the gray fog!

Gu Hui glanced down at the stone tablet, taunting: "Back then, you were able to suppress me at the last minute. Now it is the end of the battle, but it is wishful thinking!"

After speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped out the stone tablet!


The location of the stele was hit with a deep palmprint huge pit. The entire stele was pressed into the ground, and the whole body was like a spider web, with countless cracks.

"Five brothers!"

The branches of the willow tree danced, covering the world, waving towards Gu Hui!

Gu Hui raised a palm again and slapped it out. The powerful force blocked all the willow branches.

He seems to have not done his best yet, and smiled indifferently: "The plan of countless years has been realized once, and the source of all things will be unified, and I will sacrifice my body!"

A layer of strange power began to be enveloped around his body, and then, as the realm passage was twisted, Wang Teng and Si Dekuai also came here from the fourth realm.

Before, they used the method of sacrifice to open the boundary passage of the first realm. After summoning the ancients, they disappeared, but appeared at this moment!

However, the eyes of the three of them did not fluctuate, as if they had lost their minds, and the whole body was also surrounded by gray mist, like wooden people, controlled to walk towards Gu Hui.

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No matter who it is, it can be seen that Gu Hui cannot be allowed to succeed.

Liu Shu, Da Hei and the others shot together, each displaying their magical powers, either to stop the three of Wang Teng, or to directly obliterate the three of them.

However, Gu Hui sneered and waved his hand to block everyone's magical powers!

The next moment, he raised his hand and put his hand on the foreheads of Wang Teng's trio!


A share of the source of power was pulled away from the three of Wang Teng and poured into Gu Hui's body!

Qin Manyun's face changed slightly, and he solemnly said: "He is gathering the origins of the seven realms!"

Wang Zun pondered for a moment, having seen through the whole story, and said in a deep voice: "The so-called sky was suppressed by the stone tablet, and the two were entangled. Tian wanted to use a physical body to separate the seal from the stone tablet, so this cultivated the ancient Hui, at the same time secretly collect the origin in other worlds!"

Situ Qin thoughtfully said: "I boldly guess that the suitable physical body needed for this day will definitely not be ordinary. The high probability is to integrate the origins of all walks of life into one. That's why such a big game has been set!"

Jiang Liu sighed and said: "An ancient clan can be regarded as a super clan, and Gu Hui is even more amazing and beautiful, but in the end it is just a chess piece, after all, it is a wedding dress for others."

The hearts of the people are getting heavier and heavier, shocked by the calculations of the sky, but at the same time worried about their strength.

The three of Wang Teng gathered the origins of the fourth and fifth realms respectively, and then counted the origins of the first, third, and seventh realms that existed in Gu Hui's body, and they have gathered the origins of the five realms in one!

Heaven’s power rushes through his body, gathering the origins of the five realms, and Gu Hui’s physical body has a slight miracle, which can let more unknown gray fog into his body, becoming the so-called best container of the sky!

A wave of air blasted out from him, and he didn't see any actions, but he had already blocked all the offensives of Willow.

"Hahaha, I can finally return to the Seven Realms! I'm back, I'm completely back, and only wait for me to integrate the Seven Realms, the heaven will remain that day!"

Gu Hui looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. It had been as a heaven for too long and too long. He only dared to use the ancient clan to spread the gray fog in the seven realms. He carefully planned to disturb the seven realms and collect the origin. Now it can finally make its debut.

"You from the seventh realm, I will show you the power of the sky! And you war spirits, you have an aura that disgusts me. If it weren't for your predecessor, this world will always be with me. Under the shroud of the ghost! The soul should not be left, let me die completely!"

The voice fell, and Gu Hui raised his hand and pointed at the willow tree.

Suddenly, the monstrous power turned into a whirlwind and swept forward, and the willow branches were all shattered wherever they passed!

This is an unspeakable force, the real master, dominating the universe with a single thought, and the avenue will change with his will!

His strength has long been different, he directly crossed the barrier and became the master of the avenue!

This realm, even if the Seven Realms Battle Soul was at its peak, would not dare to touch its edge, let alone now.


Soon, this force descended on the willow tree and passed by!

The willow tree is full of brilliance, all the leaves are not destroyed, the sky is flying, the willow branches are broken, and the trunk is riddled with holes.

At this moment, the willow tree is like an ordinary tree in the storm. It is ravaged by the storm and will be destroyed by the storm at any time.

"Seven sisters, take your people first!"

At this time, the stone tablet suddenly rushed out of the pit, and the red writing on it shot out the ultimate red glow. At the same time, it seemed that the red ink was flowing, overflowing the stone tablet, and it looked very strange!

Under the endless red light, with a forward-looking momentum, I want to suppress Gu Hui with my own body!

"Let’s help Sister Liu, too!"

Ryu'er's eyes were firm, and he took out the ladles without fear, and began to display his magical powers.

囡囡's small face was full of stern colors, and pointed to Gu Hui and said, "Even if it's the sky, I'm the **** swallowing magic power, I just swallowed you!"

Then, the devouring power of her whole body exploded and turned into a black hole, absorbing Gu Hui’s attacks frantically regardless of the consequences.

Situ Qin is swaying the brush in his hand, his face is full of murderous intent, his eyes are as bright as stars, wild grass, domineering, and killing!

"God obeys me, God prospers, and God rebelled against me and called it dead!"

A line of poem, arrogance is very, earth-shaking, like an endless war book, soaring into the sky!


The sound of the piano is like a rainbow, starting from Qin Manyun’s fingertips, turning into a golden horse and iron horse, endless and unyielding spiritual desire to fight against the sky!

"You have been defeated before the ages, but now you are only defeated again!"

Wang Zun has a dung bucket in his left hand and a dung fork in his right, walking away!

At this moment, they are rebelling against God, but they have burst out of unprecedented potential.

"One tone is bigger than one, but it is tantamount to wanting to die faster!"

Gu Hui said coldly. He just raised his hand with a finger, but now he raised his palm and pushed it horizontally!

Every action of his is very simple, but the power is terrifying to the extreme, it seems that between breathing and breathing, it can determine the birth and death of the world!

"Boom boom boom!"

The palm has not yet fallen, endless pressure has already come, just like ordinary people facing the sky, the pressure is almost making the body burst!

The palm fell, and the terrifying storm was overwhelming, and the sky and the earth were all twisted, and life and death turned upside down.

Such power made them feel extremely small, and all their magical powers were useless, and there was no way to resist them, just waiting for death with their hands.

At the very moment.

Suddenly, willow branches appeared beside the people, turning them into the last barrier, shrouding them and shielding them from wind and rain.

At the same time, there was a willow branch that came to the stele and also wrapped it.

The willow tree's body still has the energetic brilliance, and it continues to expand. In a blink of an eye, the rhizome has fallen to the ground, rooted on the ground, and then the body turned into a big tree standing upright on the ground!

Huge trees stand up to the sky, although they are willows, they have the will, and they can also shelter from wind and rain!

"Sister Liu!"

"Senior Willow God!"

"Seven Sisters!"

囡囡 and others as well as the stone tablet exclaimed at the same time, they covered their mouths, tears rolled in their eyes, and the stone tablet was dripping blood!

They couldn't imagine what a terrible attack Willow faced, and they couldn't even bear to look at it, for fear of seeing a miserable scene full of holes.

at the same time.


Li Nianfan is taking care of the backyard with Daji, Huofeng and the little fox...

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