Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 757: 757: It's an expert who saved us

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When Nun Nu and Long Er were there, they didn't feel that after they left, Li Nianfan found that there were fewer people in the backyard, and there was still a lot of work to do.

Watering, turning the soil, picking fruit, milking the cow, picking nectar...

"However, I heard that they went to surrender the evil spirits. This is much taller than taking care of the backyard. It would be a shame for them to take care of the backyard."

Li Nianfan thought funny.

At this time, he was sitting on a rock in the backyard, enjoying the scenery of the backyard. Qin Manyun who played the qin was not there, and Situ Qin who was painting was no longer there, suddenly feeling a bit less elegant.

As for the little fox, he was forcibly pulled over to temporarily replace Ryuuji and Nanny.

Her beautiful face was bulging, and she looked a little angry. She was lying on the ground at this time, and she stretched out her hand to milk the cow.

"I knew that I wouldn't be transformed into a human being, and if I became a human, I would be drawn to work. Brother-in-law is too bad!"

While complaining, the little fox cautiously said to the cow: "Sister Niu, I will milk you, don't kick me."

Then, she stretched out her little hand and squeezed it up nervously, and then because of the excessive force, the milk shot out in an instant, hitting her face with a squeeze!


The little fox let out a cry of exclamation, only feeling hot on her face, and then she was irritated. The milk wetted her hair and made her jump on the spot.

The scenery here gave Li Nianfan a panoramic view, and he couldn't help laughing immediately.

But the next moment, he saw the little fox standing still, sticking out his little tongue and licking the milk on his lips, his eyes brightened immediately, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Then he licked it quickly, while dipping the milk on his face with his hand and sending it to his mouth, eating happily.

"Wow, natural milk is also delicious. The taste that my brother-in-law makes is completely different. Each has its own merits."

When Li Nianfan saw this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. He just felt that the picture was too beautiful, and it didn't have a taste.

When the little fox finally squeezed the milk, she was going to Tao Mifeng again, probably seeing her clumsy appearance, the group of bees frolicking around her, teasing her, making her grin and jump her feet with anger.

The little fox grunted his eyes, but suddenly put on a weak look, weak and charming, said: "Bee Bee, let me get some honey and go, thank you."

Suddenly, a faint scent wafted out of the entire backyard, and pink bubbles appeared in the air.

The honey was immediately bewitched, not only stopped teasing the little fox, but even actively helped and took the honey out...

Li Nianfan shook his head bitterly and said, "It's really an eye-opener to use magic tricks to collect honey..."

Daji said to the little fox: "Sister, I have collected honey, and then go to fetch water and water the entire backyard."

"Huh? Still working"

Before the little fox had time to be complacent, he received a violent blow, tears overflowing, and cried, "You abuse me!"

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Okay, after finishing your work, you go to the bottom of the mountain to pick a piece of game and give you some delicious food."


Speaking of this little fox, he was immediately relieved of fatigue, and said happily, "Hehe, brother-in-law is the best!"

Li Nianfan retracted his gaze from the little fox and continued to admire his backyard. At this moment, his brow suddenly wrinkled, staring blankly at the direction of the willow tree by the pond, and his eyes changed suddenly.

He got up and walked over quickly, his expression dignified.

"how so?"

He murmured worriedly.

This willow tree has been growing in the backyard. It not only grows gratifyingly, but also looks very good-looking. The willow branches are like silk, hanging down and moving, and the green leaves are tender and delicate.

However, not long ago, it was fine, why suddenly there was a tendency to wither, the green leaves were yellowing, the branches were weak, and there was a breath of lifelessness.

Daji also worriedly said, "My son, this willow tree is at a critical juncture."

Li Nianfan nodded and sighed: "It is indeed a critical moment of life and death. How could such a serious illness suddenly occur?"

Be... sick?

Daji and Huofeng were taken aback at the same time,

Is this just sickness in the eyes of the son?

Later, I saw Li Nianfan turned and walked towards the inner courtyard, apparently going to fetch things.

Seeing Li Nianfan left, Daji raised his hand to the willow tree.

But seen on the wilting willow tree, faintly visible traces of waves wandering along its branches, rapidly destroying its vitality.

Huo Feng solemnly said: "What have they encountered? Even God Liu is on the verge of life and death."

Daji opened his mouth and said: "The power of the unknown is wandering. This is the breath of the sky. Could it be that they have met the real sky?"

It wouldn't help if Daji and Huofeng were able to hurt the willow tree like this.

Huo Feng smiled and said: "No matter what it is, the son obviously has a way to deal with it. In the eyes of the son, there is no problem that cannot be solved."

Daji nodded, and whispered to the willow tree: "Hold on..."

Not long after, Li Nianfan had already returned to the backyard, with an extra thing in his hand, which was a syringe.

"People who are sick need to be given a nutrient solution. Similarly, if plants have such an acute disease, they must also be given a shot of plant nutrient solution as soon as possible."

Li Nianfan saw the doubts of Daji and Huofeng, and explained with a smile.

Then, he didn't delay, but touched the willow tree, found a suitable place, and said, "It hurts when I insert it, bear with me, let me get a shot."

Then he inserted the needle into the willow tree and pushed it a little bit.

This is different from giving people an injection.

Giving injections to people quickly pushes in the nutrient solution, but giving injections to trees will slow down a lot and push it a little bit inward.

At the same time, in the first world.

This world has been completely flooded with unknown gray mist. The endless gray mist has flowed around for air currents, and every space has become gray, making it difficult for the naked eye to see the surrounding scenes.

In the endless gray mist, a faint green light loomed, becoming the only embellishment.

Endless terrifying power rushed to this green madly from all directions, wanting to tear it up and annihilate it!

The willow branches fluttered, being shattered at a terrible speed, and at the same time, growing at the same speed.

Destruction and rebirth have reached their extremes, and two completely different forces are engaged in a life-and-death confrontation.

But anyone can tell that the willow branches are in an extremely difficult situation, surrounded by dangers.

Under the shelter of the willow tree, the children and the others gritted their teeth, and looked at the willow tree that was against the power of destruction with tears in their eyes. They clenched their fists and almost squeezed blood.

Nuan's eyes were red, and she said in grief: "Sister Liu, how can I help you?"

Long Er called out, "Brother, brother, come and save us."

On the other side, on the stone tablet, **** big words madly left tears of blood, dyeing the whole stone tablet red, and shouting in sorrow, "Seventh Sister, you leave me! If you want to die, let the fifth brother die in front of you. !!!"

The willow tree stands between the heaven and the earth, without words.

With his body resisting the storm that destroys the world, the huge torso has more and more wounds, and it seems that it will collapse at any time.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

"The era of the Seven Realms Battle Soul is over!"

Gu Hui laughed, and the endless gray mist turned into a huge grimace, making a roar, above the sky, toward the willow tree suppression!


The strong pressure caused cracks in the huge trunk of the willow tree!

"Do not"

The stele was furious, and it was about to soar into the sky with endless blood.

However, a willow branch caught him.

The stele was taken aback for a moment, surprised and delighted, "Seven... Seven Sisters?"

It looked at the willow tree expectantly, but saw that the fractured part of the willow tree was full of endless vitality, just like a volcanic eruption, with rich greenery spurting out, with boundless vitality.

The crack is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the branches of the willow tree were madly mad at an incredible speed, and in a flash, they appeared like hair.

If you compare the number of branches at this moment to normal hair volume, then it was half-bald before.

In addition to the number, the vitality of the branches is not the same, even in the power of destruction, they will no longer break, even the green leaves are only trembling without scars!


The willow branches grow wildly and grow longer.

In a blink of an eye, a green ocean was created here, endless willow branches and the sky dancing in the sky, stirring the unknown gray fog.

"This... how is this possible?!"

Gu Hui almost stared his eyes out, looking at the willow tree that suddenly exploded, thinking that he was dreaming.

"Why can its vitality soar so much in an instant? And how can this power suddenly increase?"

Gu Hui asked himself, even if it called itself a sky, he was at a loss at this time and found a blind spot in knowledge.

This is totally unreasonable.

"I'm afraid it's a secret method of burning potential."

In the end, it found a reason for Willow and sneered: "How long can you support this way? Die to me!"

The unidentified gray mist rolled, making a howling sound in the entire first realm, turning into a whirlwind and engulfing the willow tree, trying to break it.

However, the willow tree remained unmoved, the willow branches continued to strengthen, Kazuki determined the universe and suppressed all the light and ignorance of destruction!

Gradually, the green light became thicker and thicker, like a desperate world, suddenly illuminated by a touch of dawn, and then brighter and brighter!

The green light is soft, but with an unstoppable power, it constantly disperses the power of the unknown, and has the upper hand.

Situ Qin's eyes lit up slightly, and he said excitedly: "Shen Liu suddenly became so strong."

Qin Manyun opened his mouth and said: "It must be the young man who made the move. With such an incredible method, only the young man in the world can have it."

Wang Zun laughed and said, "Hahaha, if an expert makes a move, then this wave will be stabilized. I was just ready to rush out and desperately."

Da Hei let out a long sigh of relief, "The dog's life is saved."

"No, how can you still have more energy, and it's getting stronger and stronger!"

Gu Hui became more and more shocked, and his heart was astonished to the extreme.

Isn't it burning potential? Where does its power come from? Is it possible to become stronger out of thin air?

Hang up!

This is definitely a hangup!

"Who actually intervened in this matter? Only those people in the Source Realm before the division of the realm were able to escape from the control of the sky, but they could not appear in the Seven Realms at all?"

Gu Hui kept guessing, feeling the more and more powerful force in the willow tree and trembling a little.

At this time, several willow branches burst into the sky, like a curtain between the sky and the earth, hanging upside down and swinging.

Afterwards, he shot towards Gu Hui!

"I don't believe you have become so strong, I am invincible!"

Gu Hui's eyes sank, and he roared wildly, facing the willow branches, raising his hand and clenching his fist into a shocking blow, wanting to smash the sky!

The two forces stood in a stalemate for a moment, and the willow branches swayed slightly, piercing through all obstacles, came to Gu Hui, and penetrated it!


There was a painful look on Gu Hui's face. He was hung in the void by the willow branches.

Between the sky and the earth, an unknown gray mist rolled and began to become chaotic.

The rest of the willow branches shook, purifying the gray mist, and quickly regaining the clarity of the world.

Nuan cheered and said: "Win... I won, Sister Liu won!"

The stone tablet quickly came to Liu Shu's side and said: "Seventh Sister, are you okay?"

Willow opened the mouth and said: "It's okay, wipe out the sky first."

"Hahaha, erase me?"

As if he heard a funny joke, Gu Hui couldn't help but laughed, and mocked: "Even if the group of people divides the seven realms, there is no way to erase me. A war spirit in your area, you can't help but say something. Erase me? It laughs me to death."

Everyone frowned slightly.

The willow tree did not speak, but the endless willow branches swarmed towards Gu Hui.

However, the corner of Gu Hui's mouth raised a joking smile, and his body exploded directly without warning, turning into countless pieces of meat and dust scattered everywhere.

"I will be immortal. This time I can only say that I am trying my best. When I gather all my strength, I will come back and kill you!"

There was the sound of the sky swirling in the void, and then the space fluctuated like a water current, rippling layers of ripples, and it was clear that the sky had left.

The girl wrinkled her face and cursed: "What a difficult thing!"

Wang Zun said: "Since it is known as the sky, I am afraid that it is really the ancient ruler. It is above all living beings and it is naturally difficult to deal with."

Jiang Flu said: "Before the eternal age, the seven worlds could be sealed, and such a large handwriting, thinking about it, makes people fascinated."

Everyone couldn't help but look at the stele and willow trees, admiring them.

The battle spirit of the seven realms was transformed by the immortal will of the people of heaven, and was born to protect the peace of the seven realms, which is enough to prove how powerful those people were at the beginning.

"Seven sister, I heard that your body was taken away by the people of the seventh realm and turned into ashes. How did you recover? And what happened just now?"

The stone stele turned into an image, excited, and at the same time there were many big doubts.

"My body was indeed made into ashes, but it was an expert to save me. If it weren't for this, my strength would not be able to recover so quickly. As for just now...the same expert saved me."

The branches of the willow tree swayed slowly, as if a slender lady, softly said: "The expert gave me a shot in my body, and injected an unimaginable amount of nutrition."

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