Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 761: 761: Young Master Su

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"Ding jingle bells"

The sound of digging the pavement sounded again.

Aroused the resonance of the seven worlds!

This time, even in a dusty chaotic sea, the chaotic turbulence of the avenue began to boil, like a heavy fog, revealing a brand new world.

What is hidden here is the second realm that is cut off by the battle spirit!

At this time, a path is manifested, and it is also connected to the second world!

Within the second boundary.


This place is even more deadly than the original Third Realm, and it has been destroyed to the extreme.

If the previous realms were streams, then the second realm at this time is the smelly water ditch, there is no smelly water ditch where any fish can survive!

There is no anger, no aura, not even stars, even the cultivation base of the Great Dao Sovereign, can't survive in this kind of environment!

Because here, his spiritual power will overflow, and the source of life will be dim, unable to get the slightest nourishment.

At that time, the people of the source world entered the second world, releasing an unknown gray mist, and fought to the death with the seven world war spirits.

Even if you didn't witness that war with your own eyes, it was enough to imagine the tragic situation at that time. As a result, the entire Second Realm fell apart, everything was annihilated, and the world was irreversibly destroyed!

And in the end, the battle spirit of the seven realms directly cut off the second realm, which is tantamount to cutting off the source of the second realm, making it completely a dead realm.

In the ensuing countless years, the group of people in the Source Realm also removed all the valuable things in the Second Realm, and then abandoned it here.

At this time, in the sky above this realm, an illusory path emerged, becoming the only light source of this realm, exuding shining brilliance.

At the same time, there was a hint of crisp voice echoing.

Under the gleam of light, I discovered that a figure was actually floating in the dark void.

This figure looks like a young man, his face is pale as paper, like a grass about to wither, his vitality is already weak to the extreme.

He wore a brocade suit with jade inlays and engraved formation patterns on it. At first glance, he was not a common product, but because of the long-lasting aura, it had been transformed into a common product, without a trace of aura.

"Su Chen, I will accept your master bloodline unceremoniously, hahaha"

"Brother Chen, I have never loved you. I approached you just to let Brother Ming get your master bloodline. You love me so much, so you won't blame me."

"Sister Yanran, don't talk nonsense with him, throw him into the ancient forbidden area, where the silence is enough to make his bones dead!"

"Congratulations to Brother Chen for gaining the dominating bloodline. From now on, you will be the natural dominator, and you can definitely become the pinnacle powerhouse in the Source Realm."

"It's all thanks to a fool like Su Chen. In order to thank you for your blood, I might as well tell you a secret, Yanran won't let you touch her, but I have been playing with her for three years, hahaha..."

"Brother Ming, you hate it"

The boy's brows were frowned, and the images repeated in his mind, making his face more and more ugly.


He opened his eyes abruptly and roared sharply.

Only then did he realize that his voice was hoarse to the extreme, and he couldn't say anything.

"No, I can't die!"

"I'm going to kill the adulterers**!"

"My supreme blood, and my young master position, can't just be so cheap to them, I can't die, I want to live!"

"It's just... who can save me?"

The hatred he had just mentioned was instantly extinguished, his eyes were filled with despair and sorrow, tears rolled down, extremely frustrated.

This is simply desperate.

No solution!

"Ding jingle bells"

At this time, a crisp sound suddenly came into his ears, making him slightly startled.

Only then discovered that a road phantom appeared above the void, scattered with brilliance.

"That must be a way of life!"

He seemed to have grabbed the last straw, and crawled towards the phantom with all his strength.

"Even if there is only a glimmer of life, I have to try it!"

He growled and leaned forward by all means, even spontaneously igniting the blood of his heart, just to move himself forward a bit!

It's getting closer and closer.

Can someone help me?

He entered the road phantom, only feeling a moment of dizziness, in a trance, shuttled through the endless time and space, and fainted.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a mountain range and endless forests.

Around him, familiar auras surround him, filling his body.

"Is this the world after death?"

Su Chen muttered to himself. He lay on the ground and adjusted his breath for a long time before he could barely stand up.

Only then discovered that not far away, there was a stone stele with the four characters "Luo Xianshan Mountain" engraved on it. The handwriting was dragon and phoenix dancing, vigorous and powerful, and a sacred and unpredictable aura came upon his face.

"This, who engraved this, just looking at it, I actually gave birth to endless sentiment, faintly resonating with the Dao and the origin, even if I have never felt this way in the enlightened mountain of the clan!"

Su Chen's eyes widened and his heart roared.

Although his cultivation base was abolished, his vision was still there, and he could see the extraordinaryness of the stele at a glance.

"No, there is also the environment here... the avenue is rich, and the original source aura is full. This is obviously not an ordinary place! Did I come to a secret place in the source world? But, shouldn't I be in the ancient forbidden zone?"

Su Chen's heart thumped and thumped, and the blood flow all over his body accelerated, which was both panic and agitated.

I was worried because I couldn't see the depth here, and I was excited because he didn't seem to have to die, and he seemed to have come to an extraordinary place.

"Luoxian Mountain Range, does this name mean something?"

He took a deep breath and looked nervously at the mountain, pressing harder on the ground, and couldn't wait to fly up the mountain.

However, when he just took off, he fell straight down, face to the ground, and fell a dog to eat shit.

His face was deformed by the cement road, and two lines of nosebleeds flowed down.

"Forbidden air?!"

"Yes, there is something extraordinary here, I actually tried to fly to the mountain, this is a great offense to the seniors, I'm so stupid!"

He didn't have time to wipe off his nosebleed, but immediately knelt on his knees and kowtowed his head at the mountain to apologize.

After three ringing, he stood up again and walked towards the mountain religiously step by step.

After a while, a roar of beasts came into his ears, and after walking around, he saw a group of monsters gathering there.

In the middle of the monster beast, a tall man standing was picking excrement from the big pit.

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"The aura on these monsters is so strong, even much stronger than when I was at my peak, they can be used as a leader in the Origin Realm!"

Su Chen's brain shook suddenly, feeling extremely shocked, and looked at Wang Zun again, only to realize that he couldn't feel the slightest breath from him, and he couldn't see through.

He respectfully saluted: "Junior Su Chen, meet senior."

Wang Zun didn't look at him, but said indifferently: "What do you do so far away, come over and help me stir the pit."

Stir the cesspit?

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment.

If it were placed in the past, he would never look straight, or even feel nauseous just hearing it.

However, his experience sharpened his xinxing, and at the same time, he wanted to seize all opportunities to change his fate.


He agreed, raised his leg and walked up, and soon came to the cesspit.

Suddenly, a strong smell hit his face, rushing straight into his nose, making his mind go blank and dizzy.

Just when he was about to try his best to hold his breath, the dry power in his body suddenly started to work, and even the injuries in his body showed signs of improvement.

"This... this dung smell actually has healing properties!"

He opened his mouth in amazement, only to feel a wave of heat in his heart rushing straight into his forehead.

What kind of fetish are these feces? !

Unbelievable and appalling!

"Hurry up, follow me to stir the cesspool."

Wang Zun's urging voice pulled him back to reality.

Su Chen was agitated, and immediately stirred it with a dung fork without thinking.

However, with the agitation, he clearly felt a strange breath coming from all directions, nourishing his body, and it was more effective than any cultivation method!

Where is this picking dung, it is clearly cultivating!

What's more, he is practicing an unparalleled technique, incredibly powerful!

He had a feeling that if he had followed Wang Zun to pick dung before, I am afraid that his achievements would be too big!

An expert, a properly hidden expert.

I can foresee it, this is a good fortune that I dare not even dream of!

He immediately stopped the action in his hand, knelt down to Wang Zun with a puff, and kept kowtow, saying excitedly: "Senior, this junior was victimized by a treacherous man and is in a desperate situation. Thanks to senior for helping him to take the junior out of the abyss. I was rescued from the middle. The juniors shouldn't be greedy, but the grievances were not reported. They courageously implore the seniors to accept me as a disciple!"

Wang Zun hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense. It is not me who saves you, but an existence beyond imagination! If it weren't for the fate of a superior person, I would not bother to talk to you and give you a chance. ."

Su Chen's heart jumped suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

Listening to Wang Zun's tone, there is actually a terrifying existence here, and it is not what I can think of to be so respected by Wang Zun.

Moreover, the reason why Wang Zun allowed himself to pick manure was because of the face of existence.

Wang Zun smiled and said, "Okay, I just have a shortage of manpower here. Would you like to follow me to pick up dung?"

The reason why he did this was indeed because of Li Nianfan's face.

The expert opened the road of the seven realms and even connected the second realm. With such a large handwriting, only Su Chen can cross the road to the Luoxian Mountain Range. It can be seen that this person has a fate.

It's a pity not to pick manure.

Su Chen was overjoyed and said quickly: "Yes, the younger generation is willing!"

Wang Zun smiled and said, "Very good. Next, I will tell you the precautions for picking dung. Also, we are picking dung for the superior. We must not be sloppy, let alone make the dung less!"

Su Chen's scalp numb, so what kind of existence is it that can make Wang Zun willing to pick manure for him, and he dare not do it in his dreams!

If you can pick up dung for this class of experts, maybe you can really return to the top, and you have to take revenge!

at the same time.

The boundary passages between the seven realms have all dissipated. Since then, the seven realms have been connected and merged into a big world, but they are still habitually divided into seven regions.

Many monks have discovered that the chaotic sea area surrounding the Seven Realms is also becoming thinner. It seems that a brand new path has appeared, which can walk out of the chaotic sea area and lead to an unknown world...

And that unknown world is the source world!

Above the source realm, there is the Su clan, which has been inherited from ancient times, with continuous inheritance and noble blood.

This day is the most lively time for the Su clan.

Entertain guests from all over the world and witness the birth of Su's new Young Master.

"Hey, it's really a shame that the last young master of the Su family is in charge of the bloodline, but he has become the realm of the heavenly realm for a hundred years.

"I still remember how glorious and crazy it was when it was detected that Su Chen was dominating the bloodline. The Su family held a banquet for three months, and the wine and fruit were uninterrupted!"

"That's the rule of the bloodline! The rule is high, but you can control the fate of people!"

"No one would have thought that Su Chen would disappear strangely."

"It's not uncommon for geniuses to fall on roads. Su Chen's talent is against the sky. It is not uncommon to be stared at by someone with a heart. The Su Family's loss is too great."

All the monks talked in private, full of sorrow.

Gradually speaking from the previous young master to the newly appointed young master.

"But the Su family deserves to be an ancient clan. Without Su Chen, another Su Ming came out. This kind of luck is simply eye-catching!"

"Su Ming, as the name suggests, is a blockbuster. After Su Chen disappeared, his talent was only stronger than Su Chen!"

"In fact, Su Ming has always been very strong. After all, he is the **** of the sky, but he can see through all the Taoism in the world, but he has been suppressed by Su Chen, which is not noticeable."

At this moment, an old man stood in the void and said loudly: "The ceremony for the succession of the young master begins!"

Then, under the gaze of everyone, a young man walked away from the sky, came to the high platform, and scanned everyone present.

His eyes are pitch black, like black holes, but everyone who looks at him has the illusion of being seen through, and he is in awe.

Then the ceremony began.

Finally, the old man announced, "Since everyone has no objections, then I declare that from this moment on, Su Ming will be the young master of my Su family!"

"I object!"

But at this moment, a burst of shouts rang through the audience, and a middle-aged man ran out, his face flushed, and with terrible anger, he shouted: "My son is the young master of the Su family!"

He stared at everyone in the Su family and hissed: "My father and son have made great military exploits for the Su family. What does it mean to establish a new Young Master here?!"

The old man said lightly: "Su Linfeng, we can feel the pain of losing your child, but we have been looking for three years and still have no clues. Only then did we decide to establish a new young master first, and then let the new young master find out. reason."

Su Ming smiled and said: "Uncle Su, when I become the new Young Master, even if I have searched the entire Origin Realm, I will definitely ask Su Chen for an explanation!"

Su Linfeng immediately said excitedly: "You fart, Chen'er's disappearance is absolutely inseparable from you!"


"Come on, press Su Linfeng into the dungeon to make him sober!"

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