Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 762: 762: See the master on the mountain

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Time is like water, and half a month's time passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

Falling fairy mountains.

Wang Zun was instructing Su Chen to pick dung, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, your kid's picking dung has been basically standardized, and it's still hard."

In the past half month, Su Chen has been completely assimilated by Wang Zun, feeding a lot of game diligently every day, and at the same time doing the work of picking dung very carefully.

Once I was thinking about helping Jiang Liu to chop wood, but after trying it a bit, he discovered that his cultivation was not enough to cut wood, and he was even more sure of the extraordinary nature of this mountain.

Compared to the previous time, his breath was more restrained, the vigor on his face was completely gone, he was gone, and he was replaced by a simple coarse cloth, his face was dirty, just like an ordinary farmer.

At the same time, after half a month of polishing, he clearly felt that his injury had improved. The original dominating bloodline had been taken away. Even if he did not die, he would be a half-waste person, and his cultivation level would only retreat and not advance.

However, because of picking up dung, a faint sense of strength in his body was awakening, which made him see hope.

This mountain range is definitely an unimaginable place for the superiors to retreat. I really have the blessing of heaven to be here!

Although the hope is slim, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I must do my best. I want to return to the Su family, I want revenge, and I want to regain my honor!

At this time Jiang Liu came over, put down the arranged firewood, and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Su Chen can rest for a while, and then tell us about the Origin Realm."

"Yes, you can pick manure slowly, there is no need to fight too hard."

Wang Zun also sat down with a smile, acting skillfully.

Obviously, the three people chatted once or twice in their spare time.

Su Chen is a dung-picking madman. If Wang Zun and Jiang Liu often persuade him, he can pick dung day and night. In his opinion, this is cultivation!

Seeing this, Su Chen could only put down the work plan in his hand and leaned in with a wry smile, and then took a deep breath, as if something was brewing.

His face changed for a while before he said solemnly: "I have a childhood sweetheart named Xiao Yanran, originally..."

As soon as he spoke, Wang Zun directly interrupted: "Stop, stop, we are not interested in your relationship history, so please tell us directly about the cultivation situation in the Origin Realm."

Su Chen: "..."

He had to press the sad history of feelings to the bottom of his heart, brewing for a while, and continued to speak: "The biggest difference between the source world and the ancient forbidden zone is the manifestation of the source! In the source world, the source is exposed to the air, so Just like spiritual energy, it can be used for cultivation, but it requires a powerful cultivation base to control it. In the source world, the magical powers that can manipulate the source are called source skills."

Wang Zun analyzed: "It seems that the group of people cut off the origin of the seven realms, used the origin to suppress the unknown gray fog, and maintain the balance of the seal, which made the origin of the seven realms not exist."

Jiang Liu was curious and said, "Essence technique? Do I still need to learn to manipulate the origin?"

Su Chen was choked by this question.

You guys are full, but you don’t know if you are hungry.

He opened the mouth and said: "You follow the expert, even if you are cutting wood and picking dung, it is a kind of supreme practice, you can completely manipulate the origin, where you need to learn the origin skills."

Wang Zun and Jiang Liu nodded suddenly, "That's right, there is an expert standing behind us, the starting point is too high."

They stared at Su Chen and motioned for him to continue.

Su Chen said: "Because the source world is full of the power of the source, the cultivation environment must be higher than here, both the cultivation speed and the upper limit of cultivation will be higher than here, and I am called the master after three steps of the supreme. I am born with a master. Bloodline, but unfortunately loves the wrong person, the **** Xiao Yanran actually..."

"Stop, stop."

Wang Zun hurriedly interrupted, "What's the matter, little brother? It's the relationship history again after going around, saying that we are not interested in your love."

"Sorry, I got too deep into the play."

Su Chen apologized with a bitter face, and continued: "My Su family is also a big family with a face in the Source Realm, and it is located in the Promise Star in the North Sky Star Region of the Source Realm."

Jiang Liu raised his brow and said, "Northern Star Region? How many star regions are there in Source Realm?"

"There are four regions, two seas and one star in the Source Realm. The four regions are the Northern Star Region, the Southern Star Region, the Xiyao Star Region, and the Donghua Star Region. The Second Sea is the Starfall Sea and the Starry Sea. The last one is independent. A star is called Origin Star!"

Su Chen introduced them one by one and said.


Wang Zun and Jiang Liu were keenly aware of the extraordinaryness of the last star.

Not to mention that a star is juxtaposed with the star field, the whole world is called the source world, and this star is also called the source star, there is no foolish fools who don't believe it.

Su Chen opened the mouth and said: "I don't know much about the source shape. I only know that this star is a special existence, and with my strength, I don't even know much about the Northern Sky Star Region. I am really ashamed."

In fact, if it were not because he was the young master of the Su family and had read many ancient books, he would not have known the news.

After all, the entire source world is too big, not to mention that he has only cultivated for a hundred years, even if he has cultivated for 10,000 or 100,000 years, he can't explore it, not to mention that some places involve secrets, which are not accessible to ordinary people.

"Are there many masters in the source world?" Wang Zun asked a key question.

"Very few, one of the few in every star field."

Su Chen spoke without thinking, and at the same time, he obviously thought of his own master bloodline, and his expression was a bit lonely.

Wang Zun stood up, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, pack up and prepare to follow me up the mountain."

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "Go up... up the mountain?"

Over the past half month, Wang Zun has been picking dung up the mountain. Although he was very curious about the expert on the mountain, he knew that he was not qualified, so he did not dare to expect to go up the mountain. But now, let him go up the mountain?

"This, this...you didn't tease me?"

He stared at Wang Zun, his voice trembling, and his heart thumped.

Wang Zun smiled and said, "I will make you funny with this? The expert already knows that I have one more follower, and this time I specifically asked me to bring you along."

Jiang Liu said: "The expert said that today is the day when the kiwifruit is ripe, and he specially invited us to go up the mountain to taste it. Your kid is lucky. This is the unique benefit of our work under the mountain."


Su Chen's brain almost exploded, only to feel a cloud of air rushing toward the heavenly cover, almost suffocating him.

Just one sentence in his mind, "The master let me go up the mountain!"

Whether it's game, pig food, woodcutter or dung picker, they all show the extraordinaryness of the superior, and from daily conversations, you can hear that Wang Zun and Jiang Liu's respect for the superior.

How could he not be excited to meet such a person.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me sooner about such an important thing? I can also clean up!"

Suddenly, Su Chen was agitated, waking up like a dream, and began to organize himself in a rush.

After finally getting ready, Su Chen followed Wang Zun and Jiang Liu to the mountain.

The stone monument at the foot of the mountain was left alone, looking lonely and desolate.

Stele: "I'm a fool, why should I turn into a stele, kiwi fruit, I can't eat it anymore."

Along the way, Su Chen's heart was overwhelmed, and when he saw a courtyard house slowly came into view, his whole body was shocked.

"Silly boy, take it easy."

Wang Zun comforted, and then respectfully knocked on the door.

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Xiaobai opened the door and said to the people: "Dear guests, please come in."

"Thanks a lot."

The three saluted Xiaobai together, and then stepped into the courtyard.

Su Chen was full of anxiety and did not dare to breathe. As soon as he entered the door, his pupils shrank violently.

I just feel that the surrounding air seems to be solidified. This is of course an illusion. The reason is that the original power here is too strong!

If you compare the outside world to a river, then this yard is the sea. This is the source of the source, which flourishes to the outside world!

"Even if you don't practice here, your body will be nourished by the source and become a master!"

He thought he was ready, but when he was in this environment, he was still taken aback.

Even in the source world, there is no decision to find a second place that can be compared with here!

He didn't dare to look around, lowered his head, but stood silently behind Wang Zun.

Li Nianfan saw Su Chen's restraint and smiled and said, "Is this the new little brother?"

Wang Zun immediately said: "Master Huishengjun, his name is Su Chen, and he has never seen much of the world."

Li Nianfan nodded, and he could see that Su Chen was a little introverted.

Su Chen took a deep breath and respectfully said: "Boy Su Chen, I have seen Master Shengjun."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, come and sit down quickly."

Wang Zun and Jiang Liu took Su Chen to a seat.

A dish of cut kiwi fruit has been placed on the table, even in size, reflecting the brilliance.

A hint of juice overflows from the green flesh, and the middle is slightly yellow, with black seeds unique to macaque picks, exuding bursts of fruity aroma.

Li Nianfan made a please gesture, "Come on, taste the first new fruit."

"Master Shengjun, then we are disrespectful."

Wang Zun and Jiang Liu were also welcome and took a piece of kiwi fruit and put them in their mouths.

Naturally, Su Chen didn't dare to refute Li Nianfan's face, and cautiously picked up a piece of kiwi fruit and put it into his mouth.

The moist and cool pulp entered his mouth, with a sweetness in the sourness, and instantly captured Su Chen's taste buds. He couldn't wait to bite slightly with his teeth.

In an instant, the juice was flowing, and the sweet and sour delicacy burst like a volcano in his mouth. This is a classic combination of flavors that made the cells of Su Chen's whole body tremble and screamed.

"This...Is this really the delicacy that the world should have?"

Su Chen questioned himself in his heart, and even felt a burst of dreams.

This kind of delicacy cannot be described at all, and it is enough to sink people.

He has no doubt that if someone who loves food knows, he can agree to anything just for a bite.

Too awesome, is this the world of an expert?

However, the next moment, he only felt that the mana in his whole body seemed to be nourished, and it was growing rapidly, and the power that had been lost was returning!

Even he felt that the foundation he had been pulled out was recovering!

No...no, it's not just delicious!

I'm too shallow!

This is clearly a divine fruit, an unimaginable divine fruit!

Su Chen roared inwardly and got goose bumps all over his body.

He settled down and started to run the mana in his body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The realm he fell into rose like a rocket.

"Crossing the robbery."


"Golden Fairy!"

Just a piece of fruit made his foundation stable and his strength returned to the golden fairy realm!

Su Chen felt the power in his body, and had mixed feelings for a while.

I couldn't help clenching my fist and said to myself: "Su Ming, Xiao Yanran, I really should thank you. If it weren't for you, how could I meet such an expert in a desperate situation, and even learned the magical ability to pick dung, you give me Wait!"

Seeing that Su Chen had only eaten one piece, Li Nianfan sat motionless and couldn't help but said, "Why don't you eat it? It doesn't suit your appetite?"

Su Chen trembled with fright, and quickly said: "No, no, it's because it's so delicious, I'm addicted to it for a while, aftertaste."

"That's good, you can eat more if it tastes good."

Li Nianfan laughed, then remembered something, and said, "By the way, it's your first time here. You probably haven't eaten any other fruits, Xiao Bai, give him another fruit platter."

This sentence directly pierced Su Chen's tear ducts, causing his tears to fall uncontrollably. He stood up helplessly, choked up and said, "Thank you, Lord Shengjun, for your kindness, I really have nothing to pay for. "

Li Nianfan couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he looked at him.

Sure enough, he was an introvert and easily moved. A small fruit plate actually moved him like this. Obviously, the family conditions are not very good, otherwise he would not follow Wang Zun to pick dung.

However, this kind of person also knows more about gratitude, and now he is moved to this point just by giving him some favors, this business is too worthwhile.

Soon, Xiaobai came over with the fruit platter.

Su Chen was tearful, eating fruit silently, every bite was the mountain's kindness to him, and the sea's expectations.

These are all the sacred fruits of the origin, each of which contains different effects, or healing, or nourishing soul, or enlightenment, or increasing mana...

Even in the Origin Realm, the origin fruit tree is the supreme sacred product, a treasure among the sect forces. Behind each origin fruit tree, there is an endless **** storm, and the fruit it bears is even more important for people who are not lucky. eat.

However, there are so many kinds in front of me, even if the entire Source Realm adds up, there is not so many kinds of Origin Sacred Fruit...

"Da Luo Jinxian."

"Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian."

"The realm of heaven!"

His realm of strength has fallen, and now he hardly needs to digest it, he has directly transformed into strength and returned to its peak.

Su Chen survived from desperation, and his confidence was unprecedentedly high.

My heart Peng Bai said: "Although my dominating bloodline is gone, another bloodline is faintly nourished. I can meet an expert and get such a chance against the sky. How can a small dominating bloodline be worthy of this gas? My future achievements must definitely surpass the dominating bloodline, only then can I be worthy of the cultivation of an expert!"

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