Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 763: 763: Su Chen: Do you look down on those who pick up dung?

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Everyone was eating and getting close to each other's feelings.

Gradually, Su Chen also let go, and began to tell about his own experience.

Because Jiang Liu and Wang Zun have been so embarrassed, he was not embarrassed to talk in detail, only to say that he was betrayed by a woman, his blood was taken away, and he came here in exile.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but feel sympathy when he heard what he said. No wonder he was moved to tears by giving him some fruit. This buddy has experienced too much and has a glass heart.

But... the encounter is really miserable, the world of cultivating immortals is really intriguing and dangerous!

Thinking about it again, he suddenly discovered that all the coolies under the mountain seemed to be suffering people.

Jiang Liu was chased and killed by others, and he ran for his life so far. He stayed at the foot of the mountain to chop wood. Wang Zun was also victimized by others. He was schizophrenic. He stayed at the foot of the mountain to pick up dung. Now Su Chen is like this again...

It's not easy.

Thinking of this, he said to Su Chen: "Since you chose to pick dung, then props are also essential. I just have a wooden stick here, so I can make a dung-stirring stick for you. Also, the dung bucket will also be for you. Match one."

Su Chen immediately shocked, "Thank you Lord Shengjun."

The wooden stick that Li Nianfan gave him looked plain and restrained, just an ordinary long stick, but when he received it, he clearly felt a fierce and domineering aura from the shit-chucking stick. , It seems that it can rise to the sky at any time and stir the universe.

There is also a dung bucket... also extraordinary!

When he was the young master, he naturally had treasures beside him, but compared with this dung-stirring stick and dung bucket, it was like a firefly and a bright moon, one heaven and one earth.


This is an artifact bestowed on me by an expert!

Really as Master Wang Zun said, even if it is to help an expert pick dung, it will be treated more highly than the saints and sons of any sect, and it can pick out a lot of sky!

I'm proud of picking manure for an expert!

Then, the three Wang Zun thanked Li Nianfan for his hospitality and prepared to stand up and leave.

At this time, Nun Nun raised her small hand, expecting to say: "Brother, brother, I want to go out to play with Long Er."

The Seven Realms had changed a lot, so she naturally wanted to go out and take a look.

"Can't be idle so soon?"

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and then said: "Yes, but do things low-key, pay attention to safety, do you know?"

The girl said excitedly: "Yeah! Brother is the best! Don't worry, my brother, Long Er and I are very powerful and won't be bullied."

Long Er said: "Brother, I want to take the little cow in the backyard to relax. It has never been out. It's so pitiful."

The little cow in the backyard has already mentioned more than once that he wants to go out. After all, he also has a child's disposition and can't stay idle.

"Take the cow out?"

Li Nianfan's heart moved.

Cows have always been kept in the backyard with limited space for activities, and they really need to go out to relax, so that the milk produced will be healthier. I used to be negligent.

He nodded and said, "Let's go, just like that, safety first."

Aside, the little fox beamed his eyes, hugged Li Nianfan and said coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, I want to go out too, I want to go out too!"

Her chest rubbed against Li Nianfan's body. It was so soft that Li Nianfan's body was crisp, and she quickly said, "If you have something to say, don't rub, don't rub!"

The little fox didn't give up, and rubbed harder, "Brother-in-law, please, promise me."


However, a cold drink immediately stunned the little fox.

Daji took out the majesty of her sister and said, "As soon as Nun and Long'er leave, there is no one in the backyard to take care of them. You have to stay to replace them and wait for the cultivation base to get further before you can go out."


The little fox's head was drooping, and he was wronged and succumbed to Daji's lust.

Li Nianfan looked funny, and comforted: "Okay, there are many opportunities, next time I have a chance, I will go out again."

Considering the beauty and simplicity of the little fox, he felt that it was better to go out as little as possible, as it would easily get into trouble.

After all, beauty is a disaster.

Nun Nun and Long Er happily took the cows out of the house.

Together with the three Wang Zun, they descended all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Su Chen's footsteps halted, and suddenly he kneeled to Wang Zun respectfully, and said, "The kid, thank you, Master Wang Zun, for taking in, teaching the supernatural powers of picking dung, and introducing me to the expert, but the kid has not yet reported his grievances. The cultivation base is restored, and I want to go back first. If I survive by luck, I will come back to repay the great kindness of the master and the master!"

"I implore Master to agree."

After he finished speaking, he immediately started to kowtow, but was blocked by Wang Zun.

Impatiently waved his hand and said: "Okay, the big man should have revenge. What kind of mother-in-law and mother-in-law behave? If you want to leave, hurry up, I am waiting for you to come back to repay your gratitude!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Su Chen was very grateful. He did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he glanced at the dung bucket and shit-chucking stick in his hand, and said: "The dung picking artifact given by the expert cannot be dusted. Before leaving, please let me use it with Master. Pick a **** together!"

Source world.

"Drive, drive"


The two little girls are riding on a cow together, looking around happily.

The cow was also screaming with excitement, striding all four hoofs.

And beside them, there was a simple-dressed teenager with a wooden barrel in one hand and a long stick in the other.

They are naturally a group of children.

Now that the seven realms are connected, although the second realm will take a long time to recover, they can't stop them naturally, and they have directly crossed the second realm and entered the source realm.

Then, under the leadership of Su Chen, he came to the Promise Star in the North Sky Star Territory.

Long'er raised his hand, surrounded by the aura of Origin, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It is the Origin Realm. The cultivation environment here is also great. Nourished by the Origin, the children born here are placed in the Seven Realms. It's just an inexperienced wizard!"

Nuan nodded and said: "Yes, fortunately, we have a brother, who gives us delicious food every day, so the talent will not be worse than the genius of the source world."

Su Chen couldn't help but twitched, and said, "Hehe, the two fairies are humble."

He complained madly in his heart.

Can you not be so Versailles? Too humble!

Follow an expert and eat the Origin Sacred Fruit every day. How can this be compared to the Origin Realm?

Don't talk about you, even if a pig has a treatment, the talent will definitely get rid of the so-called genius eight streets in the source world...

Although he didn't know the cultivation bases of Nun Nun and Long Er, since he followed an expert, it was absolutely beyond imagination in terms of talent alone.

The girl curiously asked: "By the way, how does Daoist Su Chen plan to take revenge?"

Su Chen said: "The front is a deserted city, which belongs to the scope of my Su family. I plan to investigate the situation of Su family first."

Everyone was walking and talking, and from time to time, the monks of the Source Realm could be seen passing by, and it was not much different from the Seven Realms.

Not long after, a city in the distance poked its head from the horizon, and it was a deserted city.

This city is just as its name, relatively desolate. According to Su Chen, this is the most fringe city of the Su family, and it is close to the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range, where monsters are often chaotic, and the conditions are the worst in all aspects.

The trio quickened their pace, and before they could even enter the city, they heard an incredible exclamation from the city wall.

"Little Lord?!"

A guard flew down directly, and after seeing Su Chen's face clearly, he shouted in surprise: "It's really the young master!"

"What? Young Master?!"

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"Three years, the young master is finally back!"

"Hahaha, I know that Young Master will not die!"

"Go and inform Master Baoda!"

The six guards on the city wall flew down together and surrounded Su Chen excitedly.

Su Chen looked at them in surprise, and then said: "Are you... my guard?"

"Yes, young master, I used to help you guard the door."

"I am guarding the Young Master's Mansion."

"Young Master, now Su Ming has become the new Young Master, and we have also been dispatched here."

"Since the young master has returned, the position of the young master should naturally return to the original owner!"

Everyone is emotional when you say a word to him.

Hearing their conversation, Su Chen's face couldn't help but sink, his hands clenched fists tightly.

Sure enough, Su Ming not only robbed me of my master bloodline, but now he also robbed me of the position of young master!

"Young Master, Young Master!"

At this time, a figure rushed out of the Tianhuang City and came directly to Su Chen, staring at Su Chen firmly, with tears in his eyes.

Then he knelt down and said: "Subordinate Bao Da, see Young Master!"

Su Chen quickly helped him up, and said excitedly: "Bao Da, you and I grew up together, knowing my temper, there is no need to salute."

Bao Da said guilty: "Young Master, I was not good at the beginning, I should have been with you three years ago!"

"I won't talk about it in advance."

Su Chen waved his hand, and then solemnly introduced: "Come on, let me introduce to you, these two are Fairy Nun Nun and Fairy Long Er, and this one is Senior Cow, so hurry up and salute!"

Two kids and a cow?

Bao Da and others are all dumbfounded.

However, when they saw that Su Chen said the matter seriously, they couldn't neglect, they could only suppress the doubts in their hearts and salute respectfully.

Then Bao Da asked, "Young Master, where have you been in the past three years? We all thought you were harmed."

Su Chen sighed and said: "I was indeed harmed by someone, and even the dominant blood was taken away by Su Ming."


"The Domination Bloodline was drawn?"

"It's no wonder that Su Ming's talent suddenly became so defying. It turned out that it turned out to be..."

"It's over, it's all over."

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. They originally expected Su Chen to come back and take them to fly a wave. This wish seemed to be shattered.

"Xiao Yanran, that bitch, and Su Ming, this beast, it's waste that Young Master trusted them so much back then!"

Bao Da's eyes were about to split, and he shouted angrily, then looked at Su Chen worriedly and said, "Young Master, you must have had a hard time these three years?"

"It was really bitter in the front, but fortunately, in the end, the bitterness came to me."

Su Chen's eyes were filled with memories, and finally smiled and proudly said: "I got a great fortune!"

Bauda exulted: "What is it?"

Su Chen paused and said: "Pick manure!"


Picking manure?

Baoda was dumbfounded.

The guards were dumbfounded.

Some onlookers were also dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe their ears and thought they had been illusioned.

At this moment, they suddenly noticed that a faint smell came from Su Chen...

Bao Da's face was a little distorted, and he couldn't accept it: "Young... Young Master, can you say it again?"

"What is your expression, do you look down on picking up shit?"

Su Chen raised his brows slightly, and raised his hands and said, "You see, the shit-chucking stick and the dung bucket in my hand are all incalculable artifacts. Now I have been reborn, and I am not what it used to be! "

Everyone looked at Su Chen boasting, but their expressions became heavier.

Bao Da and the other guards looked at each other and shook their heads silently.


It seems that the young master’s bloodline is taken away, and the position of the young master is seized again. In the end, he can’t withstand this blow, he is crazy...

He has even begun to have hypothesis, and picking feces can be said to be invincible.

"Uuuuu...Young Master!"

Some sensitive guards could no longer control themselves, and started crying.

Think about what a young talented young master was, vigorous, brilliant and glorious, and look at it now, he is a lunatic all over the cloth, holding a dung bucket, shouting and picking dung.

How can these contrasts be acceptable to their subordinates.

"Why are you crying? You look down on me?"

Su Chen was anxious, and immediately shouted: "These two fairies by my side and this senior cow can testify for me!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bao Da's sympathy became even greater.

Just pick the dung yourself.

The two little girls are also called fairies.

The cow is called the predecessor of the cow.

It can be seen that the young master's hypothesis has reached a very serious point.

What has he experienced in the past three years to become like this?

Bao Da took a deep breath, controlled his emotions with difficulty, and said with red eyes, "Young Master, in the past three years...you have suffered!"

Su Chen stared at him and asked, "Baoda, don't you believe me?"

"Believe! I naturally believe in Young Master!"

Bao Da nodded without hesitation, and then said: "I was displaced when I was young, and I was favored by my son. I named myself Bao Da. I vowed to repay my son for the rest of my life. I believe in whatever the son says!"

After a pause, he said again: "The return of the son is not easy, so quickly follow me into the city to pick up the dust, and these two little girls...fairies and cows...senior, please come with me too."

Immediately, Bao Da took her daughter and others into the city.

The other guards looked at Su Chen's back and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, sighing.

"The world is unpredictable. What a demeanor the young master was, no one would have thought that he would fall here."

"Originally, I thought that the young master would return, not to mention regaining the position of the young master, we can at least get out of this ghost place, now it seems hope is slim."

"Okay, the young master will always be our master! At the beginning we did not receive the favor of the young master, but now the young master is suffering, we shouldn't talk about it behind our backs!"

"Yes, stand guard."

"Recently, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is very unstable, and the young master is here again. Raise your spirits and protect the young master!"

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