Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 295: 295

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Some people on the field can't hold back and laugh directly, and the number is not in the minority.

"I can't imagine that the holy land is so stingy. How can you take a piece of steamed bread?"

Xuanyuan Shangxian suddenly felt a sense of achievement, and said: "the bamboo fairy, this is very important. It must involve a lot. It's the best choice to join hands with us. Even, I'd like to offer a spiritual treasure after tomorrow as a reward!"

"Where can you speak? Shut up

Inspired by Xiao Chengfeng's robe, his whole body is extremely sharp, "eat my sword, come on!"


A long sword shot out of his back without any sign. The light was shining all over his body. Thousands of sword Qi converged to kill Xuanyuan Shangxian.


The sword Qi was like a rainbow, forming endless vigorous wind. It swept away with no match, and the tables, chairs and benches around immediately turned into powder, and the fruits on the table were also "puff, puff, puff".

The other twelve golden immortals were still a little confused, and they couldn't help but retreat and said with heartache: "waste, waste

Green cloud son is more distressed, eyes are red, yelled loudly: "to fight out, don't fight here!"

He is also a person on the scene. For this conference, he is extremely well prepared and has brought out all the good things that he can bring out. The hall has been redecorated again. It is full of pomp, which can not withstand such damage.

"Good! It's really hard to do it here. Go out and go out! "

Xiao Chengfeng's whole body is more powerful. The whole person is like a sharp sword out of its scabbard. He raises his hand to the sky and flies up. "Does this hall seem to be a kind of spiritual treasure for accommodation? But the roof is so small that I can't be trapped. Let's see how I can break the sky with one sword! "


The sword is flying into the sky, and the roof of the hall is lifted up.

The whole world was suddenly spacious and bright.

Qingyunzi's eyes showed their desire to crack, and tianlinggai was almost lifted up. His eyes were filled with blood, "my God! You You beast

Ye Liuyun also flew up, surrounded by flames all over his body, and took out a crown from his arms and put it on his head. All of a sudden, the immortal spirit was like a tide, more coquettish spirit, and he cried out: "evil animal, look at the magic weapon!"

Between the waves, the flame turned into a fire dragon. It rose from the sky and covered the sky and rushed to Xuanyuan Shangxian.

Ye Liuyun made Taiyi Jinxian by the law of fire. This flame is different from the ordinary flame, and the temperature has reached an extremely frightening level. Moreover, due to the Enlightenment of the master, the flame law has a feature: Yin and yang are combined, and water is stronger!

There are numerous, complicated and endless rules in the way of cultivating immortals. No matter it is the true fire of Phoenix, the fire of Jinwu, or the true fire of samadhi, although they belong to the same flame, the law of flame is different. Some flames even contain several different laws, and their power is natural and infinite!

To achieve Taiyi Jinxian, we need to constantly understand different laws before we can make progress.

Aocheng is also unwilling to be lonely, "I'll come too. Let's make a quick decision and share the worries for the experts!"

All of a sudden, the four people formed into a group, covering the sky with special effects. The surrounding mountains and rivers were shaking with great earthquake, which was extremely terrifying.

Xuanyuan Shangxian's wrist turned, and a blue square handkerchief flew out of his hand, and slowly rotated in front of him, forming a dark water barrier, with amazing defense.

At the same time, his eyes flashed fiercely and raised his hand to Xiao Chengfeng, who was pretending to be like the wind.

It has to be said that Xiao Chengfeng's ability to pull hatred is too strong. His Sao talk is flying all over the sky, which makes people want to kill him.

At this time, Xiao Chengfeng's sword was flying all over his body, and his powerful sword spirit condensed into the momentum of mountains and rivers. It was like the sky collapsed and chopped down the immortal on Xuanyuan!

His mouth is still full of coquettish words, "my sword, when arbitrary forever! Are you ready to die? "

The sword fell on the Xuanshui barrier, suddenly rippling layers of ripples, and even opened the gap, there are splash.

"I can block my sword. It's hard enough!"


All of a sudden, a bright light flashed suddenly, and the golden trace meandered like a long snake. It was a little faster than the lightning, and even came to Xiao Chengfeng's back without blinking an eye.

Quick, too fast!

The golden light is extremely sharp and terrifying, which makes Xiao Chengfeng's hair stand upside down, and his mouth full of Sao words has to swallow back.

At the critical moment, it is also a flash of light, like a long river across the sky, collided with the golden light.

With the sound of "Dang", they can be separated by touching.

It's a pair of golden scissors and a blue hairpin.

The hairpin flies back to the purple leaf and inserts into the hair automatically.

The golden scissors fly back to Xuanyuan Shangxian and hover around.

"Good fellow! Almost killed me

Xiao Chengfeng suddenly came back to his senses, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Then his face sank and his attack became more fierce. Sao Hua appeared again, "if you don't let me die, you will make me strong. Face the wind!"In the face of the siege, Xuanyuan Shangxian had a hard time, but he failed. He was angry and defeated immediately and said, "Qingyun son, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to help me yet? "

Qingyun Zi stepped forward and solemnly said, "gentlemen, since Xuanyuan Shangxian has come to me, it is my brothers and friends. If you want to deal with him, you are forcing me to do it!"

At the same time, he called out: "gentlemen, we all work together, and the odds are on our side."

Of the twelve, eight of them are among the five decline of heaven and man. Their life expectancy is not much. If they can not fight, they will not fight. But there are four golden immortals who have good fighting power and are all shining with their eyes.

Cao Songzi was the first one to stand out. "I've seen ye Liuyun unhappy for a long time. Let's rush with me!"

Four people immediately take off, with Xiao Chengfeng and Aocheng began to fight.

These actions were only completed in a short time. At this time, the bamboo fairy could have looked at the donkey meat fire, put his nose to smell it, and then began to put it into his mouth.


Her mouth is totally different from her image, and her mouth is not very big. However, with only one bite, one third of the donkey meat was bitten by her.

"MIA ~ MIA ~ MIA ~"

cherry small mouth with a little grease, shiny, mouth bulging chewing, the more chewing eyes are brighter.

"Well, eat well."

She looked quiet and elegant, but at this time she was completely a foodie, and her eyes were almost heart-shaped.

Only three mouthfuls, a donkey fire was eaten by her, half chewed and half swallowed, which is really surprising.

"Sister purple leaf, or do you know me best? Where did you get this delicious food?" She was not satisfied, while holding out lilac tongue and licking a circle of red lips, while looking at the purple leaves with incomparable expectation, "is there any more, there is still? I want more! "

Damn it, there's something wrong with it!

Just ready to take action, the green cloud son suddenly steps a meal, scalp a hemp, feeling not very good.

Undercover is not enough, this is the scene was instigated one?

"Help us first, and then talk about it in detail." The purple leaf fairy has already started to take off. The hairpin on her head sends out the light of aura and flies out again, just like thunder light. The hairpin has pierced the Xuanshui barrier of Xuanyuan Shangxian.


Just two breathing time, then came a light ring, hairpin in response to the sound!

Ye Liuyun's attack is also in accordance with the situation, the flame is towering, into a huge flame palm, toward the Xuanyuan Shangxian grasp.

"Green cloud son!"

Xuanyuan Shangxian's face has been extremely red, liver and gall to crack, never feel life so difficult, "when do you want to see the drama?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to read it now."

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Green cloud son like a dream to wake up, quickly closed his eyes, turned around.

"You pit!"

Xuanyuan Shangxian vomited blood.

"Poof," the blood flew.

The blue square Patton gave out a dazzling light, and the dark water barrier reappeared. The golden scissors were around him, ready to attack like a poisonous snake. Then he turned and ran.

"Where to go? Look at my leaf

In the hands of Lingzhu, a green leaf appears, just like emerald, shining with dazzling brilliance.

When he raised his hand, the leaf suddenly jumped into the void. When it reappeared, it had turned into a huge green leaf, and wrapped the escaped Xuanyuan Shangxian in it.

They catch up with Ye Xuanyuan again.

All kinds of magic are gorgeous, special effects explode in the air.

Cao Songzi looked at the situation is not right, immediately stopped, face a straight, "sorry to disturb."

The other three also stopped on the spot, full of shame.

"I'm sorry. I've got the wrong person."

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

"Stop fighting. We surrender."

The most difficult one is Xuanyuan Shangxian.

He began to doubt life, and could only utter a last reluctant cry, "I have no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to conspire against me?"

He's too hard.

Originally, I came to the party in a hurry, but there was a wave of publicity. In a flash, the painting style changed.

Changed also changed it, originally our side has a large number of people, not a bit empty, how in a blink of an eye, become their own army fighting alone?

"Because you have offended an expert!"

Ye Liuyun smiles coldly and raises his hand. The flame is towering. In an instant, Xuanyuan Shangxian is wrapped and burned to ashes.

The blue square handkerchief and the golden scissors were bright and dim. They were picked up by purple leaves and held them in their hands. "These two are congenital spiritual treasures, which should be given to the high people as trophies."

Ye Liuyun can't help but say: "there are two pieces of innate spiritual treasure, this guy's wealth is really high."The fighting subsided and the scene returned to calm.

Qingyunzi and others are stupefied in situ, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, the head melon seeds are still a bit buzzing, at a loss.

This is Taiyi Jinxian, the top fighting power in the fairyland. He died like this.

It's incredible. I'm afraid no one believes it.

How did a good exchange meeting of top monks suddenly become this appearance?

It's cold before it starts.

These undercover agents are too fierce.

Green cloud son weak mouth way: "cough, actually I think we can talk about, fight kill more bad."

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your mind."

Purple leaves slowly fell from the void, and said: "don't worry, we don't want to kill at will. I'll give you a piece of advice on the matter of high people! You can't imagine how powerful an expert is. If you don't want to die, don't disturb or try anything. Otherwise, you don't know how to die

Ye Liuyun said coldly: "yes, Xuanyuan Shangxian is the best example! Don't talk about temptation. Let me tell you so, master Do not insult

The crowd looked at each other.

As soon as the boy bit his teeth, he slowly stepped forward and said, "Ma Yu, I've seen the purple leaf fairy. What can I do for you

Green cloud son quickly interface way: "yes, purple leaf fairy, can you tell us what you want to do, we can do it according to our ability."

Purple leaf's eyes twinkled slightly, pondered for a moment, then said: "in fact, you have just guessed that the master really wants to go against the sky! But Xuanyuan Shangxian was the first to reject it. "

Everyone was surprised, "really against the weather? What's the master

"Nature is for the common people in the world!"

Purple leaf's eyes with reverence, incomparably awed way: "please do not use your narrow ideas to measure the high man! When you come to the master's stage, even your mood has become extraordinary and refined. If you feel the hardships of the world, you should go against the heaven and seek happiness for all the people in the world! "

Ma daotong's face suddenly ruddy, hurriedly excited way: "purple leaf fairy, if it is so, please take me one!"

Even one of them asked me to take it

The five decline of heaven and man is the sword of Damocles hanging on the head of every immortal. Sooner or later, some people take the lead in the charge, with their thighs on their side. Naturally, they are willing to fight with each other and fight against the sky together.

"Well, things against the weather need to be considered in the long run, more people can also better serve the high people." Purple leaf nodded, and then said: "I might as well tell you that the ancient legend of the heavenly palace does exist, I was once a member of the heavenly palace!"

Lingzhu nodded at one side, "I can testify that I used to go to Tiangong to play."

All of them took a cold breath and their faces changed.

For the so-called holy land and more understanding, it is really handed down from ancient times.

Ziye said: "from time to time, the master will recite the temple of heaven and look back on his face. Obviously, he wants to revive the ancient times. Therefore, our primary goal at present is to rebuild the heavenly palace, let the experts visit and give them a surprise!"

"Go against the sky. I'm afraid the road ahead is not easy." Qingyunzi was a little worried.

"No, it's still a death! Anyway, I only have more than 100 years left in my life. The opportunity is right in front of me. I'm not afraid of anything! "

Ma daotong laughed and then looked forward to saying, "ziye fairy, since you were a servant in Tiangong before, I will do it with you! If Tiangong is rebuilt, is Pantao real? Can I find a position in Tiangong then? It's not very demanding. It's OK to be a guard. "

"I'm the same. Just give me an organization."

"It depends on the meaning of the master. If you behave well, you will certainly not treat you badly."

Purple leaf light mouth, and then took out an orange, mouth way: "flat peach naturally also have, this orange in the eyes of the expert, but is used to entertain guests of the most common fruit, you each a petal, share it."

People watched with open eyes an orange divided into a petal.

At first, I didn't care, but when the orange entered, the pupil was suddenly widened.

"This Is this really an orange

"Spirit root, this is the spirit root of heaven and earth!"

"I don't think I should be able to eat this kind of food in my lifetime."

"Do you think of this as a fruit? What are those fairy fruits we treasure? Rubbish? "

"Well? What are you doing? Can you take the orange peel? Put it down for me

"The one who sees has a share. This is a gift from an expert. In order to be fair and just, I have to share it with everyone."

Purple leaf is smiling and excited.

Originally, this party was intended to be aimed at high-level people. In an instant, I was rebellious by myself. Not only that, I also called on you to help the master set up a small goal against the heaven. I think the master will be very satisfied.PS: it's the end of the month unconsciously, and this book has been written for nearly four months. Thank you for your long-term support!

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