Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 296: 296

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In the courtyard.

Li nianfan sneezed and rubbed his nose.

What's the situation?

It should not be a cold. Xiuxianjie has fresh air, pleasant climate, and innocuous food. It seems that he has not had a cold for a long time.

Isn't it that you've been missed?

However, it should not be a bad thing to think of. After all, I have been making friends with people all the way, and I seldom have any grudges.

What's more, he is just a common mortal. What's the trouble?

Reading this, he laughed and continued to pick up the plane to do his own carpentry work.

In front of him lay a twig, which he was carefully planing.

The ground was covered with debris, all curly, one by one, extremely regular.

Daji in a side pain way: "young master, do you want to have a rest, or teach me?"

"Hahaha, it's not a woman's job." Li nianfan couldn't help laughing.

In my mind, I can't help but come up with the picture of Daji planing wood with a plane. It's really a joy. The impact is very strong, and I don't know how to laugh.

Li nianfan continued: "it's just to do some benches and wooden tables, small things."

The quadrangle is really big. Even if there are more Huofeng, longer and Nannan, they don't feel crowded at all, but the tables, chairs and benches are not enough, especially as Li nianfan gets to know more and more friends.

These people are all good thighs. Can't people come and stand?

Daji raised his hand and carefully wiped the sweat beads for Li nianfan. He said, "you have been doing this for a long time. Would you like to accompany Daji to play chess?"

"No, I'm thinking about a new game. It's going to be very interesting." Li nianfan laughed, and then joked, "it turns out that xiaodaji is bored and wants me to accompany him."

"OK, let's go out and change and hunt by the way."

Li nianfan fixed the tone and then said to Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, put the sawdust on the ground well. I have great use."

Xiaodaji immediately began to happily pack up, ready to go out.

The fire phoenix also turns into a little red bird and falls on Li nianfan's shoulder. Big black also follows up.

Li nianfan took his bow and arrow and walked out of the gate of the courtyard.

Inadvertently, I saw a banner hanging at the door.

"I've come from the earth, and I've come here to find a long life."

Suddenly I feel a little low.

It used to be OK, but now there are a lot of immortals here. When I look at this couplet, I feel like I'm in secondary two.

It's going to be eliminated before you know it.

"Tear it

Li nianfan tore up this couplet. It's not rare. Write a new one later.

The crowd marched into the woods.

Compared with the past, the atmosphere of the forest can be more dignified.

Li nianfan couldn't help but say, "xiaodaji, in the future, you have to look at the dragon and the baby girl, as well as the little fox. Don't play too much and run into the woods. I always feel that it's not peaceful."

Last time I saw the donkey demon in Luoxian City, Li nianfan already had this feeling.

A monster stormed the city with great fanfare, which had never appeared before. Fortunately, there were immortals present at that time. Otherwise, the consequences would be really unthinkable.

But this can also be seen from the side of the donkey demon, I'm afraid it is not low. When did the demon with strong cultivation begin to appear around here?

In short, it's better to be cautious.

Da Ji looked around and nodded, "I know, childe."

At the same time.

At the foot of the Luoxian mountains.

Meng Junliang accompanied Zhou Yunwu to the foot of the mountain.

Zhou Yunwu opened his mouth and asked, "military master, we didn't bring anything last time. This time we won a great victory, all depends on Mr. Zhang's merits. Is it really good for us to bring only such things?"

Meng Junliang said: "sincerity is the most important thing to visit you. Now the weather turns cold and the clothes are warm. This is what you need most. Other things, too vulgar, are insults to you."

Zhou Yunwu still felt a little ashamed and said, "Alas, my king's ability is limited. It seems that you and other people are limited. These clothes should be made of the fur of the fairyland demon. I can't help you too much."

Meng Junliang said: "sincerity to the line, the king now most need to do, is to calm this troubled times, for the Sir share the worry!"

"By the way, what's the matter with the military division going up the mountain this time?" Zhou Yunwu has a wonderful way.

Meng Junliang said bluntly: "when preaching, I suddenly feel confused and want to come here to ask for advice."

While speaking, the two have arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

However, a woman in a cassock has already stood at the door, hands together, quietly waiting.

Zhou Yunwu quickly put his hands together, "I have seen the moon tea Bodhisattva.""Amitabha, it turns out to be the emperor." The moon tea Bodhisattva's face was calm, and then said, "I have seen the emperor."

When the master was not at home, the three men stood quietly at the door waiting, without any impatience on their faces.

When he was silent, the moon tea Bodhisattva suddenly looked at Zhou Yunwu and said, "dare to ask how the emperor views Buddhism."

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Zhou Yunwu said with a smile: "subdue demons and demons, and help others to be good. Naturally, it is excellent."

Yueta asked, "has the emperor ever thought of establishing Buddhism as a national religion, carrying forward Buddhism, and letting everyone turn to Buddhism?"

Zhou Yunwu opened his mouth and said, "the moon tea Bodhisattva, once an expert gave me a copybook with the words" man will conquer heaven ". From that day on, I said," I didn't worship heaven and earth in Xia Dynasty, and I put people first. "

Moon tea continued: "in fact, the emperor and I Buddha and predestined."

Meng Junliang's face sank and his eyes were like a knife. He stood up and said coldly, "moon tea, you have passed!"

"Sand and sand."

At this time, there was a sound of foot walking in the woods. Li nianfan came over with two rabbits in his hand.

Three people immediately face dew respectfully, Gong voice way: "Li childe, Da Ji girl."

Li nianfan said with a smile, "it's you. What are you doing outside? Come in and have a seat. "


Opening the door, Li nianfan immediately asked Xiaobai to pour milk for everyone.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "I have heard that. Congratulations to King Zhou on his great victory."

Zhou Yunwu got up in a hurry and said sincerely, "this is the blessing of my husband. I came here specially to thank you."

At the end of the speech, he put the things he brought on the table, some uneasy way: "a little bit careful, please don't dislike it."

"Oh, Ho, the golden hat mink fur! You are very kind! "

Li nianfan suddenly showed her joy. Recently, it was late autumn. She was going to go shopping in Luoxian city. Unexpectedly, someone sent it.

Jinmao minqiu, which I have only seen in books in the past life, I dare not even think about it. But now it is placed in a complete set in front of me. Moreover, the material is absolutely excellent fur.

It's soft and shiny. It's a warm and comfortable luxury to feel in your hand.

The workmanship is also very good, obviously has expended the big thought.


"Sir, if you like it, just like it." Zhou Yunwu breathed a sigh of relief and responded happily.

At this time, Xiaobai held a tray and brought up the milk. Li nianfan immediately said, "if you have anything to say, wait a minute. First, drink a cup of hot milk to get rid of the cold."

Thank you very much Month tea three people hastily respectfully hand over.

The cup is a transparent glass, the sun for the cup body plating a layer of pure light, pure white milk lying quietly in the cup, steaming a trace of heat.

On the surface of the milk, there is a thin film of milk floating on it.

A light drink, suddenly filled with milk fragrance, hot milk across the throat, as if soaking in a hot spring in general, people can't help but fight a shiver, instantly removed the chill of the whole body.

At the same time, a force poured into the four limbs, making people full of strength.

People carefully taste, lips and teeth, aftertaste infinite, heart full of emotion.

What is happiness, can occasionally come here to rub a meal, drink a glass of water, that is happiness!

Li nianfan asked with a smile, "how does it taste?"

Zhou Yunwu sincerely said: "it's smooth but not sticky. The milk is mellow and mellow. It's sweet and delicious. It's really the best food in the world. Sir, the food here is really unforgettable."

Li nianfan laughed, "you have taste! This is only preliminary, and there will be yogurt, strawberry yogurt and so on. If you want to eat, you can come here at any time. "

Thank you very much All of them were moved. They could not repay Mr. Zhang's kindness in any case.

"I don't have many good things here, but there are plenty of delicious food. Don't mention it."

Li nianfan waved his hand, looked at the moon tea Bodhisattva, and said with a smile, "I also heard about Buddhism in Luoxian city. Is it OK to spread Buddhism?"

"Thank you very much for your concern. The Dharma is broad and profound and contains the principles of heaven and earth, which can benefit all living beings."

Moon tea's incomparable admiration, pause, frown and open a way: "just, boundless Buddhism, but not everyone is convinced, want to degree all living beings, it is too far away."

"To turn all beings into beings?"

Li nianfan frowned.

What's the situation? You're going to transform all living beings? Do you have to go to Dharma if you don't believe in Buddhism?

This guy seems to have gone awry. I have to break it for her.

"That's not true."

"If all beings live and work in peace and contentment, peace and happiness, why should Buddha come here?" he asked

However, yueta said: "to live and work in peace and contentment is only an illusion. It is eternal happiness to be converted to Buddha."

"It's ridiculous!"

Li nianfan retorted rudely, and then asked, "what is Buddha?"The moon tea Buddha power is profound, and without thinking, "the one who makes the transition is the Buddha, and the one who is transferred can also become Buddha."

"This is a big mistake!" Li nianfan shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Moon tea is puzzled.

Li nianfan looked at the moon tea and said, "all beings are Buddhas."

Moon tea hands together, eyes revealed a trace of deep thinking, but still do not understand, "please Li childe to solve."

"Buddha is in the heart! Just as the Buddha guides people to be good, but there is goodness in the heart of all living beings, and this good is Buddha! However, it does not mean that if there is goodness in your heart, you should enter the Buddha! "

Li nianfan continued: "Buddha, the one who should measure the degree and the one who is willing to do it. This is the reason. If the strength of all living beings in the world is strong, how is it different from the devil?"

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