Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 297: 297

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Moon tea heart crazy trembling, quickly closed his eyes, eyes closed ten, silently recited a Buddhist name.

Her back, but has been soaked in cold sweat, the brain as if by a heavy hammer hammer hammer in general, "hum" sound, suddenly wake up, scared.

If it wasn't for Mr. Li's words, I just Almost possessed.

With a long sigh, she said, "it's my obsession."

"It's not too late to know."

Li nianfan laughed, pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Buddhists should never forget their original intention. Buddhists can never be a place for mutual protection and concealment of evil and filth! What's more, we should remember that since Buddha stresses cause and effect, we can't ignore the cause and effect of others, and we can't oppress others! "

In fact, these sects are most likely to go astray, and their doctrines are right. However, when they develop, they gradually become selfish and tend to change their flavor.

Buddhism, it can be said, is very unpleasant.

Because Buddhism has a little bit of disgusting people, that is, good people, can be said to be the king of meddling.

When the evil doers do evil, people want revenge, but Buddhism comes out, saying that if you put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha, you should persuade others to put down their hatred.

It's really unbearable.

Once we lose our original mind and produce obsession, and take it out of context, the doctrine we rely on becomes an accomplice of hypocrisy!

"Mr. Li, I understand. I will pay attention to it."

Li nianfan nodded, so that he could grow healthily.

Meng Junliang suddenly stood up, bowed respectfully to Li nianfan, and said, "Mr. Li, I'm going to preach in the world, educate the people, spread the talents of Mr. Li to every corner of the world, and cultivate more talents."

"That's a good thing." Li nianfan laughed and then said, "but don't say it's my talent. I'm not so great."

The gentleman is modest, perhaps this is flattering.

Meng Junliang continued: "but I found that there are many ways involved between heaven and earth, and I don't know where to start."

"Ha ha ha, that's easy to do."

Li nianfan immediately laughed. His eyes were shining. He did not pretend to think of a cableway: "we can set up different disciplines such as language, number, materialization and so on."

I didn't expect to be able to promote these to the immortal world. I'm still a little excited. The children here will be grateful to me.

"What is language number, discipline?"

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang looked at Li nianfan blankly, with a large number of question marks on their heads.

Ah, our understanding is not enough. We can't understand a word. It's too profound.

"Cough, this is actually very simple."

Li nianfan sorted it out and said, "in fact, we can use the method of classification and induction. These are nothing more than literature, medicine, martial arts, etc. people have their own strengths. Classes can be set up according to the subjects. We can also carry out examinations similar to the literature and martial arts examinations. Every three years, we will conduct an assessment to select the most outstanding talents."

In this way, it is easy to understand a lot. In a word, it is the imperial examination system.

At the same time, Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang showed a look of sudden enlightenment, and their faces were red with excitement.

An expert is an expert. The original incomparably disordered things are summed up in an instant.

However, Li nianfan continued: "passing the literary examination shows that there is a certain talent for governing the world, and you can enter the imperial court. If you pass the military test, you will have the ability to lead the army, which can be like a battlefield. Naturally, I don't need to say more about other things."

What Li nianfan said is very simple, but it is a general idea.

But sometimes, it is a train of thought that is crucial. Otherwise, you don't even know where to go.

Meng Junliang immediately got up and admired him more than ever. He said, "Sir, you are a great talent. I have been taught!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Zhou Yunwu was even more excited than Meng Junliang. He bowed deeply, and his eyes were full of tears. He almost trembled: "in this way, we can protect the prosperity of our people for generations! Sir, I can't express it in words. Please accept me! "

This matter is directly related to the inheritance of human beings and the prosperity of the human race. It is a law of long life, and its value is not lower than that of the compendium of Materia Medica!

Li nianfan quickly waved his hand and said, "it's just a little thing. It's not necessary."

Meng Junliang proposed: "Sir, just said literature and medicine, then I might as well call the place where these things are taught as a school."

Li nianfan immediately said with a smile, "that's a good name, yes!"

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang can't wait. Their faces are eager to try. They want to go back and set up a school.

At present, the territory of the Xia Dynasty is not large, so it is easy to manage. The prototype of the school can be built quickly. This will be the spark in the future of the Terran!


Meng Junliang was silent for a long time, but he opened his mouth again. His eyes were deep. He took a deep breath and asked his deepest question, "dare you ask me, why do you want to preach in the world?"Li nianfan was slightly stunned.

He could hear Meng Junliang's meaning.

It is not why in a narrow sense, but in the spiritual level.

Just as others ask why you want to be a teacher, make money and cultivate more talents, you can answer.

This guy is on the edge again. He seems to like to pursue spiritual things.

Li nianfan did not answer directly, but pondered for a long time. Suddenly, a trace of emotion came into his heart and said, "little Daji, help me prepare paper and pen."

"Yes, sir."

Soon, the paper and pen were placed in front of Li nianfan, Daji cleverly began to grind ink.

Li nianfan picked up his pen, looked at the white paper in front of him, raised his hand and smoothed it. Then he took a long sigh of relief.


The tip of the pen is drawn on the white paper. The brush is not heavy, but it is very powerful.

Elegant between, word by word jump to the paper.


With his writing, there is an inexplicable breath coming, the whole world seems to be still, mountains and rivers, the sun and moon, everything, become the background, only he is a person, leaving the world and independent!

When the wind stopped, the leaves did not tremble, the quicksand did not fly any more. Everything around was instinctively quiet, for fear of disturbing Li nianfan's slightest trace.

It's so quiet that you can even hear Li nianfan's writing voice.

Moon tea hands together, motionless, Meng Junliang staring, eyes are full of blood, eager to stare out, Zhou Yunwu held his breath, fists clenched.

Daji and Huofeng are also watching without blinking.

They suddenly felt that they had become the pen in Li nianfan's hand and were flying on the paper with it.

They know that they are about to witness a masterpiece!

When Li nianfan stopped writing, they came to their senses and quickly put their eyes on the paper.

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"For the heaven and the earth, for the living people, for the sage to inherit the unique learning, for the world to open peace."


Everyone felt that their scalp was going to explode, their brains were blank, and they had lost the ability to think. They were all these 24 words repeatedly, and they were brainwashed.

I don't know if it's an illusion. They seem to see the dense light of the calligraphy. They seem to see the glow all over the sky, and there are countless imaginary shadows of scholars and scholars emerging above the void, bending down and bowing together!

They still did not dare to speak or even breathe. They were deeply immersed in this artistic conception and were afraid of disturbing this group of scholars.

Just to see this post, they feel their mood has been rapidly improved, the whole person is detached, enough to face any test, not afraid of any temptation!

Is this the realm of an expert?

No, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

However, just the tip of the iceberg is enough for us to worship and benefit for life!

Meng Junliang's eyes were tearful, and he wanted to kneel down on the spot and kowtow.

This Be the word of the sage!

This is not a simple answer to his question, but to be convinced, from the inside to the outside let him be convinced!

Li nianfan asked with a smile, "how about it?"

"Sir, the students have been taught." Meng Junliang bowed deeply for five seconds before he got up.

He looked at the copy of the copybook. In his eyes, the eager light was hard to hide. He said in a trembling voice, "can this copy of calligraphy be given to students?"

"Of course No way. " Li nianfan changed his words in a hurry.

It suddenly occurred to him that the couplet on his door was gone, and that the forced grid of the copybook could be filled. Even if it was not hung at the door, it would be a good decoration in the yard.

Meng Junliang sighed and lost: "it's the students who are abrupt."

Li nianfan opened his mouth and said, "master Meng, you have seen the words in the calligraphy. With your literary talent, why do you pretend to do it yourself? You can write one by yourself."

Meng Junliang's heart moved slightly.

It turns out that the husband is not not not to me, but to mention me!

Yes, why should I fake someone else's hand? One day, I can understand the true meaning of it, and do it completely, and then write it out by myself!

It turns out that my husband's expectations of me are so high!

He immediately had an impulse to cry and said solemnly: "Sir, students understand! I will live up to your expectations

Li nianfan was a little embarrassed. He didn't know what he understood. He could only cope with it: "ha ha, it's good to understand."

Zhou Yunwu bowed his hands and said, "thank you for your advice today. I have benefited a lot. I have been harassing you for a long time. I'm leaving now. If you have any need, I'll die for the whole Xia Dynasty."

Li nianfan replied: "the king of Zhou is polite. Take a long walk."

Moon tea is also hands together, to Li nianfan bow bow ceremony, "Li childe, farewell."


Zhou Yunwu three people walk out of the courtyard, but their faces are still full of emotion.As if by the general edification, the spiritual level of the whole person has been sublimated.

Even yueta suddenly felt that his so-called spread of Buddhism was a little low-end. No wonder young master Li could wake me up casually and let me get rid of obsession. His realm was no longer high.

This is the real man!

In the courtyard, Li nianfan watched them leave, and did not politely leave them for dinner.

Just went out hunting, mainly to play, so did not hit any big guy, but two little rabbits, meat is not much, let him eat is not beautiful.

"It's better to keep the delicious rabbit meat and enjoy it."

Li nianfan smiles and goes to the reclining chair to enjoy himself. He says, "Xiaobai, go to deal with the two rabbit meat and eat the braised rabbit meat. By the way, don't waste the rabbit head. Make it spicy and have fun eating it."


As the sun sets, the sun slowly converges, and the night comes quietly.

It's still Nanshan.

Nanshan, shrouded in the night, looks like a sleeping beast from afar. It will hurt people at any time.

However, at this time in the Nanshan mountains.

All the monsters were crawling on the ground, shivering.

They are all kneeling, facing in one direction.

In their direction, there are more and more monsters. Up to the center, there is a cave.

Around the cave, all the monsters in the form of flowering arranged around, kneeling facing the cave.

Weak and helpless.

"Dada Da Da!"

With a heavy footfall, the demons could not help but hold their breath and buried their heads deeper.

Not long, a huge figure slowly out of the cave.

In the moonlight, a huge shadow cast down, covering all around, but it is a huge monster with a Tauren body!

The horn of the ox is like two curved moons, standing high and shining with terrible cold light.

"Waste, really waste!"

Among the ox heads, the buzzing voice came, full of disdain, "I never thought that the monsters in the world actually degenerated to such a level. Not only did the demon emperor become a demon, but even people did not dare to eat it. Did you not eat vegetarian instead?"

Beside the ox demon, there was also a big blue wolf. The hair was shining in the moonlight and poured down like a stream of water. It was a good fur.

The wolf demon smiles and says: "big brother, isn't this just good? The more unbearable the mortal monsters are, the more we display the stage! It's just a matter of turning hands to be king and hegemony! "

Cow demon deeply thought ran nodded, "yes, we go down to the earth is really right, in the mortal, can be unscrupulous!"

The opening of Xianfan's road has given many monsters who are not satisfied in the fairyland a chance to descend to the earth, from a weak chicken to a overlord.

The cow demon continued to raise the voice of the urn and said, "although these monsters are not very good, I have no choice now. I will take them as my subordinates."

"Big brother, I heard a very interesting thing from the mouths of these monsters." The green Wolf stopped and continued: "in this neighborhood, there are nine tail sky foxes."

"Jiuwei Tianhu?" The cow demon's eyes were staring like a copper bell, and the light was shining inside. He even said, "the Nine Tailed heavenly fox is the first imperial concubine among the demons. Only the demon emperor is qualified to marry the peerless beautiful demon!"

Green Wolf nodded, "yes, it is the nine Tianhu!"

"Where is it? What are you waiting for? Hurry over and grab me to marry you

The cow demon was a little impatient, and looked at all the demons around him, and roared: "who knows, please stand up for me quickly!"

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