Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 339: 339

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Luo Huang was a little uneasy. He explained at the first time and said, "Mr. Li, we don't know that you have come back, so we didn't invite you."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "I really just came back soon, but I just happened to catch up with him. The emperor doesn't have to feel guilty."

The emperor of Luo put down his heart, but his face was still red and he wanted to slap himself in the face.

even if we know that the high person is not at home, but on the eve of setting up Town God's Temple, we must go and have a look again.

"Yes, sir."

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang saluted Li nianfan at the same time.

The two of them were extremely excited. They stood upright and bowed a 90 degree bow.

One is a generation of emperors, the other is a contemporary Confucian, but he keeps a deep awe of Li nianfan. This is not pretending, but from the heart.

Zhou Yunwu excitedly said: "Sir, on behalf of the people of the country, thank you!"

Meng Junliang also spoke at the same time, "Sir, on behalf of all the bachelors, thank you!"

two of them are now in the position of mortals, and naturally they have been asked to dream by the local government. Moreover, they are still in the black and white impermanence. They know that Town God's Temple is built by a high person.

When it comes to the experts, the first thing they think of is Mr. Li. So they asked him specifically and got the answer that was really Mr. Li!

immediately reached the peak of his admiration for Li's son, and the most important thing is that the establishment of Town God's Temple has great advantages to Zhou Yunwu or Meng Junliang.

One is to let ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment, and the other is to give hope to contemporary Confucians.

Once the great Confucians are well governed, loved and worshipped by the people, they may be recognized by the local government after their death and become the local city god. What a thing to look forward to.

in short, Town God's Temple is a bridge between mortals and local governments. It is a win-win situation.

Li nianfan waved his hand. "Well, you don't have to thank me. I'm just offering you an idea."

Emperor Luo even said, "Sir, you are here at the right time. It's the whole Luoxian city that you come here to inscribe the inscription, which is popular expectation."

Just now, people were still discussing who should write the inscription. This is a big event, not only about mortals, but also about communicating with the ghosts and gods of the earth.

In fact, no matter who wrote the inscription, their hearts were not satisfied. They seemed to be discussing, but actually they were entangled with each other.

Meng Junliang handed the pen to Li nianfan and said, "Mr. Li, I'll sharpen the ink for you."

Li nianfan didn't refuse to write. In his present position, he was really qualified to write. He took over the pen and stood aside. The

plaque has antithetical couplet, but actually it is a couplet in Town God's Temple.

Don't underestimate this couplet. This is the real appearance of the City God. It must have profound meaning. It should not only include the human world, but also connect with the local government.

Words are better than words.

Li Nianfan looked at Town God's Temple behind him and looked up at the crowd below.

There were a large number of people on the scene, including three floors inside and three outside. However, they all consciously quieted down and looked at Li nianfan one by one.

Li nianfan took a deep breath and looked up at the distant world.

But see the snow in the distance, connected with the heaven and earth, farther away, I don't know what happened to the mirror like Jingyue lake.

This place is high enough to overlook the lake and landscape in the distance, that is, the City God. At night, it is illuminated by thousands of lights, so it has the responsibility to petition for the people.

Just write it!

The paper was ready and spread out in front of the table.

Li nianfan wrote slowly.

Because it is more formal, the technique is not fast. The handwriting is only slightly scrawled, which is neat. However, there is a peculiar charm in it. People can't help but immerse themselves in it.

The people under the stage can't see the words. What they see is Li nianfan. They only feel that he is elegant and elegant. He seems to be wrapped in a layer of light onlookers, full of the meaning of holiness. The City God has become its background, which makes people feel like worshiping him.

On the stage, Meng Junliang and others were staring at the copybook, only feeling that every word was alive, representing a will.

Meng Junliang, in particular, is not the first time he has seen Li nianfan write. He takes Li nianfan as his ultimate pursuit. However, every time he sees Li nianfan writing, he has different feelings in his heart. He is ashamed of himself and inferior to himself.

Can I achieve such a miracle in my life? Even if I can only write one word in this life!

"Eight hundred Li Lake mountain is the year of the painting, 100000 fireworks all return to this building."

The last word Yes!


Suddenly, there are ripples between heaven and earth. It seems that some rules are being forced to change. A mighty heavenly power suddenly falls down and even solidifies the space here.Ordinary people only feel a sense of suffocation, but the immortal cultivator is the whole body hair upside down, scared.

They see the sky at the same time, at the same time, their bodies shake and their eyes widen.

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, however, saw a dazzling golden light falling from the sky, not only from where it was, but also very fast, and it hit Town God's Temple in a straight way.

just enveloped the whole Town God's Temple in a flash. The original color seemed to have been plated with gold, dazzling and dazzling.

Good luck!

It's a good luck!

Just as the emperor was established at that time, Confucianism and Taoism were established at that time, and Buddhism was spread at that time. This time It's the city god!

The towering Qi was like a tidal current, rippling all around, and the whole Luoxian city was covered with gold. Naturally, ordinary people could not see such a vision. However, the practitioners on the spot were suffocating at the same time and almost fainted.

I actually witnessed this magnificent scene which is hard to be seen for ten thousand years!

At the same time, in hell.

Mencius stood in the hall, black and white impermanence on both sides, there are many ghost errands are busy, door to door to give people dreams.

With the book of life and death in her hand, she put the book on the high hall of the hall and said, "the book of life and death has the effect of judging life and death, just like a guide. Now it's back to the underworld, which makes it much easier to arrest souls in the future."

Hei Wuchang said: "it's a pity that there are still not enough people in the hell. Even if we know the time of death, we just don't have enough hands to send them."

Meng Po sighed and said, "what's the effect of dreaming?"

"mother-in-law, many places in the world have begun to establish Town God's Temple, but... The city god incident is unprecedented... "

White impermanence pause for a moment, this just bitter way: "now we seem to There is no right to set up. "

If it had been the prefectures in the past, the City God could still do it. It only needed to give officials and responsibilities, and then it could operate slowly. But now, the local government has been disintegrated, and many responsibilities have naturally been taken back. Even if you want to establish a City God, you can't give it corresponding recognition.

In this way, it will make the City God more playful.

Take a simple example. In the past, the local government was an institution recognized by the way of heaven with authority, but now, obviously, it is no longer possible. It has become a kind of folk sectarian nature, which is related to the problem of whether there is a system or not.

After all, since the City God has been established, it is necessary for ghosts to sit on the earth.

Since it is not recognized, the City God's stewardship is not really a ghost. It is not suitable to stay in the world for a long time.

At this time, the whole hell is a shock!

A golden ray of light fell on the underground without any sign. The golden light was extremely strong and spread to every corner of the prefecture. The light was like lotus growing step by step, which made great changes in the whole Prefecture.

The life and death book on the high platform was illuminated by the golden light. The originally dark self turned into gold gradually. Beside it, the brush also floated slowly, and the tip of the brush turned from black to gold!

The golden light continued to shine and began to spread from the hall to the rest of the underworld.

"Hua Hua Hua Hua!"

In addition to the river Styx, there was a sound of water in the underworld.

The current is rapid, as if there are waves, slapping waves, again and again, bombarding in people's ears.

The familiar sound made many ghosts shake their whole body. It seems that the soul is separated from the body, and his face is full of surprise and joy, which turns into a statue.

White impermanence some incoherent, trembling voice way: "grandma Mother in law, then It was The voice of the netherworld

"It's the yellow spring. It's definitely the sound of the yellow spring water!" Meng Po was more excited than everyone else, her eyes were full of tears, "old lady, I have listened to the water of the yellow spring for countless years. I can't be wrong. The spring has started to flow again!"

She walked quickly towards the outskirts of the underworld.

Now, the yellow spring, as the golden spring, will start to pour out.

Huangquan is what people call Jiuquan, which is the destination of the dead.

After death, the soul will be led to the yellow spring for a temporary stay, along the other side of the flower lead to reincarnation, but after the catastrophe, the yellow spring water died, the soul turned into the fierce river of hell.

Many ghost errands stand by the yellow spring and look at the surging yellow spring water with blurred eyes. Suddenly, they have a dreamlike feeling, like It's all back.

At the same time, the yellow spring water, a row of withered black flowers, only the remaining rhizome of flowers, the same glow birth machine, let after one after another in full bloom.

Flowers on the other side!

The red flowers on the other side of the fire, like the blood stained setting sun, began to bloom one by one along the way, unfolding with the earth as the scroll.

"Flowers bloom on the other side, flowers bloom on the other side; flowers bloom without leaves, leaves grow without flowers; flowers and leaves grow and cherish each other, never see." Meng Po whispered, "beautiful, too beautiful!""Boom, boom!"

Above the yellow spring, not far away, the broken bridge began to roar, it seems that there is a rainbow hanging high, the broken gravel is like the reversal of time, began a little bit of re connected!

PS: this kind of writing is completely different from the upgrade of fighting monsters and the flow of pretending to be forced to hit the face. I don't have any routines that can be used for reference. I can only think about it by myself, so I often carve.

In order not to disappoint readers, every time I finish a link, I will think about the next link very carefully, the feeling of Calvin It's really bad. I don't want to describe it as too much. Fortunately, I've kept the update stable.

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