Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 340: 340

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"Naihe bridge, it's Naihe bridge!"

Looking at the bridge, Meng Po was so excited that her lips were trembling. She could not help but walk past.

Naihe bridge is a very simple bridge in the shape of an arch bridge, but there are no handrails on both sides of the bridge. It is because of the lack of handrails that people on the bridge have to be careful and dare not push and push. Once it falls, it will float and sink again in the yellow spring.

Meng Po walked slowly, but saw in the front of the Naihe bridge, the stone tablet which was originally buried in the soil, actually slowly appeared at this time, on which were printed two blood red and ancient handwriting -- Naihe!

Her eyes blurred, bent body, slowly step on the bridge.

Standing at the top of the arch bridge, you can see the whole yellow spring.

As soon as you have a good look at the yellow spring water and recall the past, it's time to drink a bowl of Mengpo soup on the road.

This golden light is like the warm sunshine in winter, which makes the dilapidated Prefecture slowly recover its vitality.

Many ghost poor see this scene, are involuntarily shed tears, hugged the head to cry.

Hei Wuchang stammered: "Granny, the golden light is Qi Air transport. "

Yes, luck! My fortune is back Meng Po was filled with emotion.

, "mother-in-law, I have found out that these merits come from Town God's Temple,"

's white eyes are filled with incomparable excitement. He said, "it's a tall man who wrote inscriptions on Town God's Temple. It is high men who set up Town God's Temple so that the heavenly way is recognized.

"Yes, I have!"

Meng Po's tears were overflowing with laughter, and her joy was expressed in her words, "in the last moment of the collapse, I was lucky in my Prefecture, but I was helped by a real nobleman!"

At the last moment when the golden light is about to disperse, it is shining on the two stone carvings at the gate of the underground mansion.

"Hua Hua Hua Hua!"

Cracks began to appear in the stone carving, and then pieces of gravel began to fall, which actually revealed a horse's face and a cow's head.

Soon, their eyes blinked slightly, as if full of confusion.

Black and white impermanence is excited to fly past immediately, mouth way: "ox head, horse face!"

"Old black, old white?"

The bull's head and horse's face were all stunned. His pupils were wide eyed. He seemed to have a big dream. He rubbed his eyes together, "what's going on? What happened, I remember, we It seems to be sealed forever. "

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Tears twinkled in the bull's head and horse's face, which was frightening.

At the thought that they will be sealed forever, it is false to say that they are not afraid. However, they endure the fear and face it calmly. Seal it!

Now it's back to normal. In retrospect, it's still scared to cry.

White impermanence a embrace ox head horse face, excited way: "ha ha, come back, come back good."

"Welcome back, but now the local government is full of waste. We are worried. Do you have to be busy when you come back, ha ha..." Black impermanence also says with a smile.

At the same time, the bull's head and horse's face grinned at the same time: "a hundred wastes waiting for prosperity? We like it


before Town God's Temple, Li Nianfan took up his pen.

In winter, the wind is freezing and piercing, blowing all the people's hair. The couplets are placed on the table, and they are also swinging slowly with the wind.

The calligraphy is very light, but it is incomparably stable. It seems that the wind does not dare to blow it away.

Li nianfan looked up and down, then nodded with satisfaction and said, "I'm a little nervous to inscribe the City God. You think this word How about it? "

Luo Huang blurted out without thinking, "good words, good right! Mr. Li is a great talent

"People in the world can write this word, only Mr. a person's ear, only with this word, sir should be handed down for thousands of years!"

"The talent of Mr. Zhang is the blessing of the people and the country."

People also know the weight of the horse, and did not shoot some fancy horses, but this is really from the heart, so that Li nianfan can not help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, I don't have that much in mind even if it's passed on forever."

"Mr. Li's mood is really embarrassing."

"It's better to be ashamed than to be inferior to yourself."

When they got the chance, they were flattered again.

Luo Huang and Zhou Yunwu each carefully picked up a copy of calligraphy, and respectfully unfolded it to the public.

"Eight hundred Li Lake mountain is the year of the painting, 100000 fireworks all return to this building."

Many people read it in silence and burst into endless cheers.

The charm of poetry lies in that it can convey a kind of artistic conception. Even if there is no culture, you can still feel the power of poetry.

This antithetical couplet, only instantly aroused the resonance of all people, all marveled at Li nianfan's talent.

"Li Gong son is alive and well, I want to say, if this Town God's Temple is to Li Gong son, that is the glory of our fallen city.""Yes, that's right! Who can have the virtue and ability of Mr. Li? I'm at ease when he is a city god

"Kneel down and ask Mr. Li to be the City God."

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!" All of you, stop talking to me

Zhou Yunwu and the emperor of Luo were also startled and yelled: "wanton! Don't be rude

Bold, dignified person is a city god can compare? The death skills of these people are appalling!

Li nianfan's face is also a little embarrassed. This group of people are really out of good intentions. But the City God can only be taken when he is dead. If he kneels down to beg me to die, isn't it equal to kneeling and begging me to die.

Moved to return moved, but it is really some pit.

He coughed gently and said, "cough, forget it, the villagers are not bad hearted."

Meng Junliang antithetical couplet: "Sir, I have this pair of couplets mounted and placed on the pillars of Town God's Temple."

Luo Huang nodded in a hurry, "yes, yes, be careful. The grade must be high. I'd better ask the immortal to do it."

Li nianfan said with a smile, "look at it. I'm just in time for it. I have to go."

The crowd immediately said, "I'll see you off."

in Town God's Temple, black and white impermanence with a ghost of the shadow slowly emerged, together with Li houfan's back, respectfully bowed.

Li nianfan didn't leave the immortal city, but went to the east of the city to see the old locust tree.

I haven't seen it for such a long time. However, the growth speed of the old locust tree is beyond Li nianfan's imagination. Actually, it has grown more than one person's height. Moreover, the old tree trunk that was half dead at the bottom of the tree has gradually fallen off and replaced by a new trunk.

The straight growth of branches, and ordinary trees, now although it is winter, but there is still a little green leaves, a thin layer of snow on the branches.

Li nianfan was not surprised, and said with a smile: "old tree, long time no see, worthy of becoming fine, can grow leaves in winter."

"Hua Hua Hua Hua."

Branches shake, the layer of snow on the tree will fly with it, as if the goddess scattered flowers, slowly flying and circling among people, but added a bit of romantic and aesthetic atmosphere.

This is certainly not a coincidence.

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"Old tree, you are very skinny." Li nianfan smiles and pats on the old locust tree. If she comes with her sister, she may be the best wingman.

After a few simple greetings with the old locust tree, Li nianfan left.

It's right to visit these old friends after a long trip.

The Dragon son lowered his head, tooted his mouth, and whispered, "brother, we won't have to go back now?"

She felt that she had just come out, and she didn't play much at all. It was like wandering around casually, which was not interesting at all.

, too, nodded and said, "yes, it's so lively and fun in Town God's Temple. Let's go over."

"Town God's Temple must be unable to go there."

Li nianfan raised her hands and rubbed the little heads of Nannan and Long'er respectively. "I just made a show there. If I continue to stay there, it will only embarrass both parties. On the contrary, it is the best choice to leave directly. In this way, I can maintain my image."

Nannan and Long'er seem to understand each other, and they are not happy.

Li nianfan suddenly said, "but it's still early today. It's better to go to Jingyue lake and enjoy the lake scenery in winter."

Now it has become a group of cloud people. It is very fast, and the time is much more abundant than walking on foot.

"Good, good." Naturally, Nan Nan and Long'er nodded their heads in a hurry.

The Dragon son is the eye bead son Gulu a turn, open a way: "elder brother, or by the way to my house to have a look?"

"Your home?"

Li nianfan's eyes brightened and thought it was a good idea. "Where is your home?"

"My home is not far from Jingyue lake, just under the sea floor at the mouth of the sea." "My home is beautiful and fun. Go and go," she said

Li nianfan's interest suddenly became stronger and said, "is the sea bottom? It's really good, but I'm afraid that merit has no effect on avoiding water. "

"Brother, it's easy to avoid water, but it's not worth money to avoid water drops."

Long'er was so happy that he was so excited that he urged him to go to my house as soon as possible.

Li nianfan looked at Daji and asked, "what do you think of xiaodaji?"

"I listen to you." Daji put the bracelet between Li nianfan's arms, leaning against Li nianfan, and the meaning of "husband singing and women following" was fully displayed.

"Ha ha ha, then go and enjoy the underwater world!" Li nianfan laughs, and a golden cloud rises at his feet and flies towards Jingyue lake.

In just a few minutes, we reached the lake.

In addition to some ice and snow accumulated by the lake, there is no change in the whole Jingyue lake. The huge lake is still calm, and there is no frost. Only when the wind blows, the lake will wrinkle a layer of ripples.Long er's hand takes out a nearly transparent blue bead. With her Dharma formula, the bead immediately emits a halo, floating in the void, slowly rotating, and sinking into the water.

With the entry of the beads, the originally calm water of the lake slowly separated towards both sides, forming a vacuum zone with a radius of five meters.

"Brother, let's go!" With a wave of excitement, the Dragon immediately controlled dunguang to jump into the water.

Li nianfan smiles and follows.

After entering the water, Li nianfan looked at the underwater world, and suddenly had the feeling that he had seen the underwater world at the bottom of the aquarium in his previous life. Of course, the feeling here is much better.

The water of Jingyue lake is extremely clear. Entering the bottom of the lake is the most vivid interpretation. Except for the occasional waves, it is almost the same as that outside. Looking up, the whole underwater world seems to be bright.

This beauty is quite different from that on shore, and even touches Li nianfan's heart slightly.

With the deepening, various types of fish began to appear, colorful, different sizes, around the curious wandering around the circle, then quickly fled.

You can also see the soil and rocks laid under the water, green water grass in the soil, with the water waves and sway.

Li nianfan couldn't help but come to the edge of the vacuum zone and stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, a cold feeling spread all over the body along the hand, and the water waves seemed to have life in general, flowing around the palm.

Li nianfan quickly retracted his hand and covered his clothes to keep warm. "It's really cold."

At this time, his eyes a meal, fell in a soil, excited way: "hairy crab?"

Daji very tacit a wave, that quiet shrink in the soil of the hairy crab is a circle of water to wrap, slowly pulled to the people's eyes.

The two holding up the forceps looked at the crowd.

"Oh, what a fat hairy crab Li nianfan's eyes were brighter, and he couldn't help licking his lips. "This season's hairy crab is the best time to taste."

The Dragon son is eyebrow tiny frown, "this also can eat? It's not as good as my seafood. "

"You don't understand that. The key of hairy crab is its tender and fragrant meat. In terms of delicious food, it's really unique! Wait a minute. I'll let you be the first one to eat crabs

Li nianfan looked forward to it, and then said, "how can I forget the hairy crab! Now I suddenly think of it, but I feel more and more greedy

"Childe, there is another one over there." Daji said, raising his hand is another move, easy to catch another.

"Well done!"

Li nianfan said with a smile: "don't rush to go, grab more and take them. Since you are going to be a guest at Long'er's house, it's certainly unreasonable to have empty hands. This hairy crab will be taken as a delicacy. I don't think aolao will refuse it."


At the same time, Donghai dragon palace.

In the hall stood an old man with messy hair.

The old man had a pair of dragon horns on his head, but one of them was half broken. The whole man was pale and worried.

Ao Cheng walked quickly. Seeing the old man, he suddenly changed his face. "Brother Yun, how did you get this look?"

"Brother Cheng, Aoyu, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, has betrayed the dragon people for a long time. I am fighting for the last breath to let you be careful!"

Ao Yun grabs Ao Cheng with grief. He coughs and spits out a mouthful of blood. He takes a deep breath and says excitedly: "now our dragon clan, the Beihai dragon clan, has been exterminated in the catastrophe, but the Nanhai dragon clan is colluding with the demon clan, causing the whole dragon family to suffer serious damage in the catastrophe! Now I can't. the dragon clan can only rely on you

Ao Cheng's face sank, "Ao Yu betrayed the dragon clan?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Ao Yun was almost paralyzed. He pulled Ao Cheng and said hoarsely, "I'm sure I can't live. You should be more careful."

Just then, a big carp swam quickly with its tail wagging.

"Urgent report, urgent report!"

"What's the matter?"

"The princess said that an expert was coming to visit. She specially asked me to inform me to be ready."

Ao Yun repeatedly waved his hand in one side, "send away, quickly send away, did not see our brothers are reminiscent of the past? This is the last moment of my life. Will brother Cheng be disturbed? It's no use coming! "

"Are you going to be a guest?"

However, Aocheng suddenly got up and widened his eyes. His face was full of excitement and uneasiness.

"Ready! You have to be prepared! " He began to pace quickly in the hall. He suddenly looked up at Ao Yun, who was already in a state of confusion. He said, "Brother Yun, it's really a bad day today. If you can't help me, why don't you give me another leg up and leave first?"


Ao Yun spurts out a mouthful of blood again, and points to Ao Cheng tremblingly. He can hardly believe his ears. He is obviously hit hard.

Tragically betrayed, desperate down to go to old friends, but got such treatment.The world is getting worse and worse. People are not old-fashioned!

He could not help but feel sad and said with tears: "changed, you have changed!"

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