Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 373: 373

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Purple leaf stands in the hall, eyes eager to look around, like a child, in helpless time suddenly heard the news from his family.

"Second sister, you must be there. Come out and see me."

Purple leaf's voice is very light, but with a firm determination, "when I return to the heavenly palace, I found that everything here is too familiar. Whether it is the sisters or other gods, they still maintain their previous appearance of performing their duties, and the posture when they were sealed is obviously not like this. You adjusted it, right?"

There was still silence around.

"The tables, chairs and benches, and the layout of the heavenly palace, everything around us is the same as before. There are also our sister's hobbies. The elder sister plays the piano and the fourth elder sister plays the flute. Only you know them well. Put them in the most happy appearance before."

Purple leaf slowly said, she did not know the second sister is still in, more like to say to herself, "I put the hair secretly on the doorframe, is you clean it, I know it is you, in words, it is very difficult to come out to meet?"

Her voice just fell, but her face suddenly coagulated. Then she turned into purple leaf grass and disappeared in the same place. When she reappeared, she was already on a stand above the eaves of the seven immortals palace.

Standing here, a woman in an orange dress, her cold face has shed two lines of tears. There is a ribbon around the dress, like a tail, rippling against the night wind, making her look like she is going to go back at any time.

Compared with purple leaves, she seems more mature and dignified, cool and elegant.

Purple leaf's face suddenly appears happy color, surprised way: "second elder sister!"

The second elder sister looked at the purple leaves, with doting in her eyes, and said in a soft voice, "sister seven, you have really grown up a lot, and you know how to play with me."

"Second sister, since you are not sealed, why don't you go to me?" Purple leaves wronged looking at the second sister, eyes full of questions.

The second sister shook her head and sighed: "fool, what can we do when we meet? And I'm lucky that I can visit Tiangong occasionally. It's impossible to communicate with the outside world. I'm afraid meeting with the outside world will cause unnecessary trouble. "

"Where have you lived for so many years?" purple leaf continued

The second sister hesitated for a moment and said, "in fact I'm with my mother. "

"Is she still there?" Purple leaf is extremely surprised, and then even busy way: "no, I don't mean that, I mean the Niang is still alive? It's not right. I'm... "

"Well, I know what you mean."

The second elder sister shook her head and laughed, and then said, "the mother and the Jade Emperor were the children around Daozu at that time. At any rate, they were very kind. Naturally, they could not do anything, so they were banned."

Ziye bit her lips and said, "I saw the Empress Dowager. I know a lot about the catastrophe. Daozuhe..."

"Well, there seems to be something else about it. Don't talk about it casually." The second elder sister interrupted: "my noumenon is forgetting worry grass. My mother specially saved me and took it with me. It's also the meaning of forgetting worry. She obviously doesn't want to take care of this matter."

"What's the secret?"

"I don't know, but I heard my mother say that the general trend of heaven and earth changed suddenly, and Daozu was also forced to do so."

Purple leaf didn't tangle with the above problems, but said: "second sister, let's think of a way together. With the empress, it's estimated that it won't be long before we can restore the heavenly palace."

Her eyes were bright, her face was excited, and there was something called hope in her voice.

"It's too naive. It's not easy to talk about it?" The second sister shook her head bitterly, and then said, "but you can actually untie the seal of the heavenly palace. I'm really surprised. How can you do it?"

"Second sister, do you know that today's prefectures have been improved, because we have met an expert."

"The hell is perfect?" The second elder sister's brow slightly frowned, "that is really unexpected."

Purple leaf is a sharp talk, just like a child who gives treasure to her elders. She says mysteriously, "second sister, do you stay with your mother, but do you still have flat peaches to eat?"

The second elder sister shook her head and couldn't help rolling her eyes to purple leaf, "do you think it's still before? Many innate spiritual roots have returned to chaos. Why, are you greedy? "

Purple leaf in the eyes of the smile more, "I often have spiritual roots to eat, should be your greedy just right."

"I think you eat in your dream every day," she said

"Hee hee hee, here you are."

Purple leaf's eyes all smile curved, suddenly took out an orange, to the second elder sister's front one.

"What is this, orange?"

The second elder sister's eyebrow slightly picks, from purple leaf's hand to take over, afterward in the eye exudes the surprised look, "this orange You won't tell me it's Linggen, will you

She peeled off the orange peel, but found that the inside of the orange crystal like jade, meridians are not complex at all, the size of each petal is also the same, such sales, far more than those in the palace of heaven before.

"How can an orange grow like this?" The second sister felt that her knowledge had increased.

Slowly tear off a piece of orange, elegant into his mouth, chewing is also light pursed mouth.With a gentle bite, the plump and juicy orange seems to break the seal in general, suddenly darting out countless juice, splashing to every corner of her mouth.

As a result, a golden juice quietly overflowed from the corner of her mouth, but she had no time to wipe it.

Because a sweet and sour taste pervaded her mouth and burst, the wonderful taste and sour sweet taste stimulate her taste buds, so that she temporarily lost the ability to think.

"Well, really What a Linggen? And how can it be so delicious? " She widened her eyes, did not continue to put oranges into her mouth, but gently pursed her lips, as if to savor.

Even if it was flat peach, it was a congenital spiritual root, but in terms of delicious, it was a thousand miles away from the orange.

To put it bluntly, she is so big that she has never eaten such delicious food, which refreshes her understanding of delicious food.

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Ziye has been watching her. Her mind is the quietest and her character is always cool and elegant. She had expected to see her gaffe and record it with a photo bead as a black history in the future A little disappointed.

But can let always graceful second elder sister be like this, also suffice to show this orange strong.

The second elder sister looked at the shadow bead that ziye took out in her hand, and quickly put out her tongue to lick the orange juice at the corner of her mouth. She was alert and said, "what do you want to do?"

"Nothing. I just want to see if the shadow bead is broken." Purple leaf complexion is calm, calm will take up the shadow bead.

"The orange Is it from the man of your mouth? "

"That's right." Purple leaf nodded, and then excitedly said: "second sister, that expert is really super powerful, you can't imagine how powerful, I feel as long as you serve him well, what you want can have what!"

Serve him well? What do you want?

The second elder sister looked at the purple leaf's vision suddenly some to change, "this orange is not you to wait on him to exchange?"

Purple leaf nods.

"It's hard on you."

The second elder sister touched the purple leaf's head pitifully, feeling a little sad.

The seven fairies are not the real daughter of the queen mother, but they are also the adoptive daughters. Once upon a time, they were also the pronouns of beauty, elegance and goddess.

Now, the youngest seven sisters are actually reduced to Fallen for an orange.

Although it is said that This orange is really a rare treasure.

Thinking like this, she put another orange in her mouth.

"By the way, I remember that there are two big Luo Jinxian guarding the heavenly palace. I didn't embarrass you?"

"What's more, they say I'm a remnant of the heavenly palace and want to catch me." Purple leaf then said with a smile: "but was set off fireworks to blow up."

Second elder sister slightly a Leng, "fireworks? What magic weapon is that? "

Purple leaf opens a way: "you listen to me slowly tell you..."

At the same time.

South China Sea.

Ao Feng twists the dragon body and faces eagerly. Soon he swam to the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea, and then turns into a human figure and continues to move in.

In the Dragon Palace, gathered many people, one of them wearing a long black shirt standing in the middle, is holding a meeting.

Seeing Ao Feng come back, he showed a smile and asked urgently, "is the wind coming back? Is everything going well? "

"Why? Where are the elders with you? "

Ao Feng facial expression is heavy painful way: "father, this time the situation has changed, the elder may not come back."

Everyone frowned and said in disbelief, "what's going on?"

Ao Feng said: "Ao Yun didn't die because of the dragon eating Gu. It didn't affect the overall situation, but I didn't expect that at the last moment, some Taiyi Jinxian intervened, and even the sea eye had problems and didn't spray water! "

The old man frowned and asked the most critical question, "has the dragon soul bead come back?"

Ao Feng took out the dragon soul bead and said with a smile, "bring it back!"

"That's good." The old man showed a smile, then sighed and said in a deep voice: "this is also my negligence. More people should be sent. Recently, the situation has changed, and even the demon lord of the demon clan has died!"

They were all shocked and couldn't believe it and said, "the devil is dead? This Is the information accurate? "

This is Dara Jinxian, and it's not an ordinary one. It's probably the peak.

"How did you die?" Some people ask questions.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea shook his head. "The cause of death is unknown. It is said that the demon lord just sat in the demon world, and then he died suddenly. At present, the two magic envoys who watch the door of the demon lord have been controlled."

"Can there be such a death in the world?"

"Did you take it too hard and commit suicide?"

"Who can do such a thing without the help of a saint?"

"Well, if you die, you're dead. There's no need to talk about it too much!" The Dragon King spoke and solemnly said: "now there are many unknown variables, so we should be cautious in the future."Everyone nodded.

Ao Feng moved his mind and said, "Dad, I heard Ao Cheng say that the ancestor of the dragon clan is still alive. Should we pay attention to it?"

"Oh, ridiculous!"

The Dragon King of the South China Sea shook his head and sneered, "are you a pig? Believe it all? "

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