Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 374: 374

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In the palace of heaven.

Purple leaf is still with her second sister, science experts how high.

What he said was a hype. What he said and what he said, what he said and what he did, what he said was the sun and the moon. In his description, an expert was a creator. The so-called catastrophe of heaven and earth is nothing. As long as the expert is willing to say a word casually, the disaster of heaven and earth that understands things will be broken.

The second elder sister was stunned. She once thought that purple leaf was telling a fairy tale, but it was really wonderful. She was reluctant to interrupt.

"Any more oranges?"

The second sister spoke for the sixth time.

Purple leaf is saying rise, had to stop, took out his own pocket No.

She couldn't help but say, "Oh, are you here to listen to the story or to eat oranges?"

"All of them." In order not to let her seven sister sad, she added understanding: "the main thing is to listen to the story of seven sisters of course."

However, a trace of pity flashed through her eyes and her throat flowed slightly.

Purple leaf contented smile, continued: "sit quietly and listen to me, the key is coming, do you know what the master's backyard has? Linggen, it's all spiritual roots! Up to the leaves, down to the earth, all are treasures. Don't say now, in ancient times, they are all plundered by the immortals. The oranges for you to eat are just inferior. "

The second elder sister's mouth opens slightly, exclaimed: "so fierce? Are you sure you're not exaggerating? "

She has been listening and marveling, but What ziye said is really exaggerated. It's not unreal. It's not true.

How can the world accommodate such a powerful person?

"Absolutely no exaggeration!" Purple leaf shakes her head, and then adds: "by the way, I eat there, do you know what is used?"

The second elder sister's eyebrow slightly picks, already had the conjecture, "what? What kind of spiritual treasure is it

"Hehe, Lingbao? Is that all your imagination

Purple leaf Gao Leng's smile, then said: "is the best congenital Lingbao! There's a box of congenitally high-quality products. There's a box of high-quality products. There's a box of high-quality products. There's a box of high-quality people's knives

The second sister was silent for a long time, and suddenly shook her head. "I think it may be your illusion, or you may be talking nonsense."

"It's not an illusion! My head is clear! "

Purple leaf's tone is firm, again way: "golden flame bee, you remember? When we wanted to eat honey from the golden flame bee, we encouraged the gods to dig out the beehives. They were chased by the bees. There were five color gods. Even if the mother wanted to drink milk, they had to exchange them with their babies. They became masters' pets. No matter whether it was honey or milk, you could eat it at will

"So powerful?" The second elder sister always thought that she would not be shocked again, but she still could not help being shocked. "Isn't it claimed that the golden flame bee and the five color God ox could not be taken in?"

Ha ha, there is no such thing as a brain powder

"Oh, second sister, how can you be so calm?"

Purple leaf's mouth pouted up, is my story not enough shock, or my rendering is not brilliant enough, you can't "hiss --" for a while?

She quietly put away the shadow beads, it seems to want to retain the second sister's black history, too difficult.

It's better to be a big sister. If it's her, she should have jumped up at this time. It's not sure that she will be excited and become what kind of image, that is, floating clouds.

"I'm not at ease." The second sister patted her chest, "if there is such a strange person in the world, I'm afraid the pattern of the three realms will be completely changed. I have to go back and tell my wife about it."

"It's just What you're saying is really true? " "I admit that oranges are really good, but This is not enough to make me believe so many ridiculous things you said. It's not a joke

"You don't believe me? I am your seventh sister Purple leaf stares big eyes, suffered great blow, can still be a sister happily?

She suddenly got up, the second elder sister's cool and elegant personality aroused her competitive heart, I must conquer you today!

"You wait! I'm going to call someone! "

Purple leaf said, driving clouds and flying toward the outside of the palace, "you wait, don't go away!"

The second elder sister stood on the stand, looking at her leaving figure, couldn't help laughing and shaking her head.

"This girl is the same as before." She whispered to herself, more intimate in her heart.

So many years, the girl really grew up a lot, but once back to his sister, all the camouflage off, it turned back to the little girl film.

She couldn't help but smile, a smile she had not seen for so many years.

"I'll wait for you, fly slowly and pay attention to safety," she said in a loud voice

Purple leaves fly out of the palace and fly in a direction.Recently, I've been selling leeks with people. I'm familiar with them.

The first place she came to was this black shop.

At this time, in the black shop.

Ma Yunming's hand is holding an old and worn-out something similar to a scroll, while stroking his beard, while looking at it carefully.

The outside of this scroll is already a little unbearable, covered with dust, and some wrinkles, and the light is introverted. It can't be described as ordinary, to some extent, it can be called garbage.

"Boss, I only got this scroll after risking my life in an ancient secret place. Although it looks shabby, it is actually inviolable by water and fire, and can't be damaged by any means at all!"

In front of Ma Yunming, standing in front of a couple, the man is an old man, is opening his mouth to boast his baby, "this is bound to be a treasure, even if it is Jinxian, can't open this scroll!"

Ma Yunming tried, but he couldn't open the scroll. He didn't respond to the mana.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, showing the light, and said: "good, can be worth ten leeks!"

"Is there any mistake, only ten?" "The old man was not happy," this is absolutely the ancient treasure, you have a good look

"Ancient treasure?" Ma Yunming sneered, "who can use it? I've seen a lot of this stuff. Even if it's a treasure from ancient times, it's probably impossible to use it. Since it can't be used, what's the difference between it and garbage? If you don't want to change it, you can keep it in your hand and compare its life with this magic weapon. "

"This Do you want to go up again? " The old man said: "two more leeks, make a friend."


At this time, purple leaf burst in and said, "Ma Daoyou, leek is not sold, come with me!"

"OK." Ma Yunming did not say a word, immediately nodded, obviously to his own positioning is very clear.

"Boss, don't, why don't you sell it all of a sudden?" The couple was in a hurry, "ten on ten, let's change."

"For what? Let me see. " Purple leaf eyebrow slightly a pick, took that scroll, looked up and down, "this what rotten thing? Five leeks at most. We'll leave if we don't change them. "

The couple looked at each other, and the woman gave the old man a hand. Finally, they could only gnash their teeth and nod, "change!"

After coming out of the black shop, Ma Yunming's eyes flashed a trace of deep thought. Then he felt a sudden enlightenment. He couldn't help admiring him and said, "seven princesses, how can you think of this move? It's just a business genius! I've been running a shop all my life. If I compare it with you, I'm not a beginner. "

He exclaimed in his heart that he had learned it. He would use this move more often in the future. It is absolutely a magic skill to bargain!

"What is this? I'm really busy. " Purple leaf opens a way: "take the leek, go to fight some monsters, I want to treat my second elder sister well, this wave takes you, let you see what is nature."

"Nature?" A little doubt flashed on Ma Yunming's face.

After getting along with the people for so long, he also realized that these people seemed to be the subordinates of a big man. No, he said that the subordinates were flattering them. They should be said to be the licking dogs of the big men.

All day long, the high person's cry, from time to time also jumped out a sentence: all for the master.

I don't know where this master is.

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However, to be able to take such Linggen leek, as well as oranges, honey and other things, I think it is absolutely unusual.

Soon, purple leaf and ten thousand anxious, Pei an and Gu Xirou to call on.

"Purple leaf fairy, what can I do for you so late?" Pei an asked.

"Here comes my second sister. What's the hot pot seasoning for you? Take it to let my second sister know more." Purple leaf already some can't wait, "hurry up, don't delay."

All the people were in a state of rage and went straight to the heavenly palace.

"Second sister, I'm back!"

Purple leaf see his second sister is still in the old place, eyes a bright, quickly fly over, "bang bang dangdangdangdang" put down the pots and pans.

The second sister laughed, "what do you want to cook for me?"

Purple leaf smile, "almost, I hope the second elder sister and so on can still maintain this elegant."

The second sister looked behind her, "they are..."

Three people even busy way: "poor way Peian, poor road Ma Yunming, little girl Gu Xirou, have seen the second princess."

"My name is orange clothes. I've met all Taoist friends." Orange ordered to the crowd.

Purple leaf urges a way: "Pei Daoyou, take out chafing dish seasoning quickly."

"All right."

Pei an reluctantly took out the hot pot bottom material.

In his heart, he refused. This is the hot pot seasoning given by an expert. Even for such a long time, he was not willing to take it out to eat. Just watching every day can make his heart feel a burst of satisfaction.

Oh, well, these are two princesses, and In the minds of high people, the position is 80% higher than oneself.At least You can eat with me. No.

Set up a pot, catch fire, and do it in one go.

"Seven sisters, this is..."

Orange clothes looking at the bottom of the pot oil red oil red soup, the United States eyes can not help wrinkling up, feel this kind of food, some violence, can eat?

"Hot pot, super delicious hot pot!" Purple leaf swallowed a mouthful of saliva, staring at the bottom of the pot, "this base material is given to us by experts, absolutely let you can't stop."

"Hot pot? This is it? "

At the beginning, orange didn't think that he would like to eat it. He felt that these people were poisoned by the so-called expert.

But As the bottom of the pot gradually boils, "gudu gudu" is bubbling with bubbles. When an indescribable fragrance drifts into her nose, she has to admit that the saliva in her mouth It's going to spill over.

Ma Yunming's eyes would like to protrude, staring at the bottom of the pot. Obviously, he was easily conquered by the fragrance, "this hot pot Gudong, how to eat it? Do you have a spoon? Do you want to drink it

"Eat it hot, follow me, and you'll eat it soon." Purple leaves pick up a piece of meat, put it into the bottom of the pot, and his mouth is exclamation, "ah, except for the bottom of the pot, no matter the material or food, we are very different from the experts."

The meat roll of the master is so beautiful. If you look at your side, it will be too sloppy.

It's easy to do something in the hands of an expert. When it's your turn to really do it, it's hard.

Maybe this is Tao.

People learn from each other.

Soon, the first wave of delicious food is ready.

Ma Yunming stretched his neck and couldn't wait to clip a piece of meat. The meat was stained with red oil and flowed along. How to see how to have appetite.

At the moment of being put into his mouth, Ma Yunming's mouth chewed a few times, his pupil suddenly widened, and his whole face was stiff.

This, this

What's in your mouth?

Can food taste so good?

Unbelievable, suspicious of life!

He felt that his mouth had been filled with fragrance, and his pores were open. The slight spicy taste stimulated the tongue coating, which was a kind of taste that he had never enjoyed.

Not only delicious, but also more like a fusion of all kinds of delicious!

What a hot pot, what a bottom!

It's a pot of stew, but it tastes It's really the ultimate enjoyment.

His mouth scrawled chew a few times, then can't wait to swallow down, feel the delicious food from his throat slip, fall into his own power, good cool!

Then, he got up quickly, picked up the second piece of meat and put it into his mouth.

Delicious, delicious!

His eyes were hot and he wanted to cry. He felt that his life was complete.

Master, you are really the best!

I, Ma Yunming, have been lucky in dog excrement. I can only get this kind of chance and eat such miraculous things as hotpot.

Orange clothes can not withstand the temptation of the fragrance, the same clip a piece of meat slowly eat.

In fact, she is still a little repellent to this kind of red oil. She always feels that this kind of eating method is not elegant enough.

But When the meat was imported, she was shocked. The taste of hot pot soup mixed with the flavor of meat itself began to interweave in the mouth. With chewing, the taste was improved to the best.


The word appears in orange's mind.

The long road of cultivating immortals will eventually become boring. Unconsciously, with a higher vision, the enjoyment will become more and more remote. Although we live a long time, but What's the fun.

However, the sudden intrusion of this hot pot really added a heavy color to her boring life, which made her cheek blush and almost groan.

Glancing at the direction of purple leaves, the shadow bead is secretly placed beside it

This seven sisters It's good to hold back!

Orange looks at the bottom of the pot again.

"Goo Goo" bubbles rolling, red oil flowing.

The initial feeling of rejection has disappeared, but now how to look at it, it is how to feel delicious.

Her face did not change, but in fact, the movement of her hands had quickened, the chewing speed of her mouth was also increasing, and she was very anxious.

Can't help, the people around even stand up, fishing in the pot, he is really too much to lose.

"Seven younger sister, you are such a big person. You are a princess. What's the standard of such an image! You see, there is so much meat in the bowl. Don't you put the meat down quickly? "

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