Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 401: 401

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Li nianfan had to admit that the middle-aged man had a Chinese character face, a sword eyebrow and a starry eye. He was dressed in white and had a bun on his head. Li nianfan had to admit that he was a little bit handsome.

"Incarnation outside the body?"

Li nianfan was slightly stunned. Although the middle-aged man and the Jade Emperor looked completely different, it was obvious that this was a kind of separation technique.

However, looking at the Jade Emperor's pale face, how can I feel that this separation is not so good.

Sun Wukong pull out a few monkey hair can not be separated a lot of it? There is a clear difference.

Ask if you don't understand.

Li nianfan opened his mouth and said, "does it cost a lot to separate the body?"

"I am not an ordinary self. I am separated from a part of the ID, and I am the embodiment of Dara Jinxian realm."

The Jade Emperor, as always, was ready to blow his own trumpet. However, when he thought of the realm of an expert, what was the separation of Da Luo Jinxian? An idea of the master could separate out countless of them. He immediately put his mind right and became modest.

"This separation is a direct separation, inheriting part of the strength of the original, the higher the strength, the greater the impact on the original."

The Jade Emperor stopped and said, "if I directly separate out the spirits, reincarnate and practice step by step, the consumption will be less. However, if I want to cultivate to Daluo Jinxian, I don't know how long it will take. It's too slow. It's unnecessary and meaningless."

Like the Jade Emperor, at the peak of quasi saint, it is already three corpses in one. One of the three corpses can be stripped out. However, the risk of doing so is very high. Once the three corpses are destroyed, the loss will be great.

After being attacked by the ancestor of the river Styx, the temple of heaven is still in its infancy. It is obvious that the Jade Emperor will not expand to take risks on his own. If he does everything in person, it is easy to encounter other people's calculations and cool off.

"I see." Li nianfan nodded.

The Jade Emperor angrily opened his mouth and said: "it's just a vicious Jiao. It's more than enough to use my incarnation to deal with it. Unfortunately, there is no one in the heavenly palace. Otherwise, why should I do it myself?"

He said so, but Li nianfan found that his eyes were shining and shining, and there was an excited heart hidden under his sighing appearance.

Obviously He would like to go out and play.

"The Jade Emperor said to the body:" later you will call Taihua Taoist, follow the process I set for you, go. "

"I will go." Taihua Taoist nodded to them, then got up and flew out of the palace of merit and virtue in silence, without disturbing anyone.

Li nianfan's eyebrows slightly pick, listen to this tone Is there a script?

Sure enough, just after drinking tea for a while, I heard a lot of noise outside.

Then, the giant spirit's rough voice came from outside the south gate.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the South Gate of heaven and leave quickly. Otherwise, don't blame someone for being rude

"I heard that Tiangong was recruiting people. I came here in admiration. What kind of official position can I have?"

Troll God: "ha ha, it's up to you? You want an official position just now? You can pick me up three axes

"You are not my match."

"What are you talking about? How dare you challenge me, oh, ah, ah, watch

Then there was a fight, crackling -

just with this sound, Li nianfan could make up the picture of the giant spirit being beaten.

He looked at each other, and they slowly drifted out of the palace of merit and virtue and came to the South Gate of heaven.

Taoist Taihua carried a long sword behind him. The sword didn't come out of his body. He suppressed the spirit God on the ground with only one hand. His face was light and light, with an indifferent smile.

The giant spirit lies on the ground, still a little at a loss.

Suddenly seeing Li nianfan and the jade emperor coming, he immediately stood up and picked up the axe on the ground, showing a sinister look. "It was my carelessness just now. Let's compare again!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

His eyes were like copper bells, and his originally tall body swelled again, reaching a height of four or five meters. His axe in his hand also became larger and he chopped away at the Taoist priest Taihua!

His axe is strengthened by virtue, and its power is not the same as that of nature. It can easily cut through the shield of the immortal's body, which is extremely amazing.

In today's heavenly palace, I am the only one who can fight. In addition, with the axe given to me by the sage, I am worthy of being the handlebar of the heavenly palace.

As it turns out, the troll thought too much, and with a burst of crackling, he lay down with a black nose and a swollen face.

"King, it's my turn to play. Excuse me."

The Jade Emperor whispered to Li nianfan, and then his face was straight, calm and dignified, and his voice rolled like thunder. He solemnly appeared on the stage and said, "what happened? My heavenly palace is very important to the earth. How can I let you go wild? "

"I'm a Taoist from Taihua. I'd like to see the Jade Emperor."

"What are you doing here?"

Next, the Jade Emperor's operation opened Li nianfan's horizons.

The Taoists in Taihua and the Jade Emperor speak each other's words, which are full of commercial practices. One praises the heaven court and the Jade Emperor, and the other praises the accomplishments and character of Taoists in Taihua.Li nianfan looked at the Jade Emperor and the Taoists in Taihua, and found that they were not embarrassed. On the contrary, they seemed to be getting better.


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He boasted that he was able to reach this level. I feel ashamed that I am inferior to him, and I have increased my knowledge.

It should be called Business boasts.

He vaguely knew what the Jade Emperor had been doing after being sealed for so many years. This technology, without a period of precipitation, was obviously unable to do it.

Finally, the Taoists in Taihua finally got to the point and said, "please allow me to join the heavenly palace to quell the turmoil in the three realms."


The Jade Emperor drank with approval, "I need a Taoist priest in heaven! Taoist Taihua comes forward to listen to the seal! "

"I'm here!"

"Now the sea is in front of us. For the time being, you will be the king of Taihua in the heavenly palace. He will lead three thousand heavenly generals to calm down. When the sea trouble is recovered, another reward will be granted."

As soon as the Jade Emperor lifted his wrist, he took out the three foot green peak, and said in a loud voice, "this sword is named Tianyang. It was baptized by the essence of the sun. Today, I will give it to you to eliminate the demons and protect the way and eradicate the chaos."

The Taoist priest in Taihua was moved to tears and said, "thank you for your trust. I will do my best and die!"

This wave of oboe singing, it makes people feel numb.

All the gods and immortals can see the clue. It's a strange thing to think about. Although we don't know that Taoists in Taihua are the incarnation of the Jade Emperor, they directly put a label on the Taoists of Taihua as a back door.

Except for trolls.

He was holding two axes and half lying on the ground, scratching his head, a question mark at one end.

What's the situation?

Just a wave of each other, then the new comer can lead the army to war?

What should I do as a porter?

But listen to the Jade Emperor said: "Juling God, you are the assistant general, assist Taihua Daojun to act."

"The last general Take orders

Gradually, all the immortal families scattered. Only the spirit God was hit hard. He went to practice hard and prepared to find the field. In the battlefield, I want to build up my fighting skills and become a handlebar!

Li nianfan had nothing to do with it. Then he remembered that he had been staying in the heavenly palace, but he had not gone to see how the immortal ruled the world. He was suddenly curious and prepared to have a good look at it.

He didn't have any purpose. He just walked along the corridor and looked at the names of the fairies. If he was interested, he was ready to go in and visit.

Li nianfan walked on the white clouds in the breeze. Looking at the hall of wealth in front of him, Li nianfan couldn't help smiling and walked in.

The hall of God of wealth is very large, even there is no boy guarding the door. The interior is very open. This is the current state of most fairylands.

Keep going inside, there are two people in the hall pointing at a mirror, and talking from time to time.

The two men, dressed in orange, with a gold ingot on the back and a gold coin on the front, could wear such old-fashioned clothes that Li nianfan never expected.

He held back his smile, did not make a sound, and no longer raised his legs. Instead, he raised clouds under his feet and slowly leaned towards him in a floating way.

He wants to try the effect of mind calming armor. According to the Jade Emperor, this tranquilizing armor has the effect of hiding breath in addition to defense. Li nianfan would like to know how strong this effect is.

When he floated around the two people for three times, he had to admit that this mind fixing a Cattle criticism!

I am a mortal, so close to the immortal, floating around, unexpectedly have not been found?

Cow force, artifact, magic armor!

However, it is also possible that these two people watch TV too much. Li nianfan silently places her eyes on the mirror, only to see that the contents in the mirror seem to be mortal.

The protagonist of the picture is a middle-aged man with a cynical attitude and a trace of evil in his eyes, walking on the street.

In passing another middle-aged man, the two collided, and then walked the other side's purse empty handed.

"Ha ha, again, the eighteenth time!"

One of the people in the old-fashioned clothes burst out a laugh and seemed very excited.

Another person quickly picked up a brush and scratched it on his tongue. Then he quickly wrote down, "the total amount of stolen silver is 22.28 yuan. Write it down quickly. It's estimated that you can't be an adult in the next life."

"Well, he's lucky. If he's killed by stealing silver, he's going to hell!"

"Come on, there's a change in the money on the other side. Let's change channels."

These two people both eyes shine, appear to be very engaged, actually still did not see Li nianfan on one side.


Li nianfan had to expose himself.

They were shocked. When their eyes fell on Li nianfan's body, their faces changed even more. Their bodies almost softened. They were stunned for a moment. They all shivered and said in a hurry: "the little gods Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, please meet the Lord of merit and virtue."Their hearts were so tense that their limbs were cold.

Such a big person, how suddenly came to my little god of wealth to inspect, also did not let us prepare for a moment, too much exciting.

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