Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 402: 402

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"Are you cao Bao and Xiao Sheng?"

Li nianfan was slightly stunned and looked at them carefully.

These two people are the direct cause of Zhao Gongming's death. It can be said that they were born to restrain Zhao Gongming.

During the reign of God, Zhao Gongming was holding 24 Sea God beads. It can be said that he was walking horizontally under the sage. He could not hold his head up when he was fighting with dengdeng. On his way to kill dengdeng, he passed by Wuyi Mountain and ran into Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng playing chess.

These two people are just scattered immortals, and their accomplishments are not worth mentioning. However, they are full of treasure money, which is a treasure of merit and virtue. However, they beat down Zhao Gongming's 24 Sea God beads and binding dragon rope, which makes Zhao Gongming lose the two most precious treasures inexplicably, and is in a weak position in an instant.

But I don't want to, in the myth and legend, two "little people" who play a vital role are actually in front of them.

Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng were gazed at by Li nianfan, and their back suddenly became cold and uneasy. They said, "do you know us?"

"I've heard of it. Although I'm a virtuous monarch, I'm just a mortal. You don't have to be so nervous." Li nianfan couldn't help laughing, and then said, "you seem to be Zhao Gongming's men."

In the fairy tales, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng are also included in the list of deities. Interestingly, they became Zhao Gongming's subordinates, which should be to repay the cause and effect of the Fengshen Liangjie period.

Xiao Sheng is the God of attracting treasure, while Cao Bao is the God of Na Zhen. He specializes in the business of Yingxiang and the merchants. He mainly manages the money of ordinary people. He is even a small official in the heavenly palace.

Xiao Shenggong said in a voice: "the emperor said yes, we are the real king of the dragon and tiger Xuantan They are Zhao Gongming's men. "

Li nianfan said curiously, "what about the real king of Xuantan?"

Cao Baodao: "Xuantan Zhenjun was a saint's disciple at that time, and his cultivation was much better than ours. He never returned in the catastrophe."

Li nianfan nodded, but could not help but have some doubts about the original catastrophe.

So many masters died, and even the saints could not escape, and the order was disordered. This is obviously more terrifying than any previous catastrophe.

It's strange.

Li nianfan recollected his thoughts and asked, "were you just managing the worldly wealth?"

"If you return to the emperor, it is." Cao Bao said: "if you hurt others for money, they will be recorded in the karma. Of course, those who make atonement for the scattered wealth can offset part of the karma. At the same time, we will control the fortune and make it on the right track."

Xiao Shengjin said: "in fact, just now we are also taking time off. Unless our personal karma is too special, we don't need to care too much. Please forgive me."

Well, it was working time Watch videos?

Li nianfan laughed, "OK, don't be nervous. I'm not your boss. Just have a look."

In fact, the main task of the God of wealth is to avoid the chaos of the world's wealth, which is the source of chaos. Once the wealth is in chaos, there will be chaos in the world, but be reasonable The work is still easy.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "do a good job and try to pay you wages by the end of the year."

When Li nianfan left, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng took a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat on their forehead silently. Is this the aura of being a big man? It's terrible. We can't breathe in the atmosphere.

But then, Cao Bao was slightly stunned and said, "Xiao Sheng, just that Do you know what the meaning of the salary mentioned by the emperor

Xiao Sheng thought carefully, "pay salary, how does this sound like the feeling of salary in the world?"

"Salary?" Cao Bao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and then his eyes suddenly burst into light. He was excited and said in a voice: "as a saint, what he said is salary, no, it doesn't mean merit Merit? "

"Hiss - that's what you say."

Xiao Sheng's pupil glared, excited to begin to pace in the hall, "we are also in the stability of the earth's fortune, at least some credit ah, 80% is it! Do well, do well, and strive for more merit and virtue at the end of the year! "

"What merit, said the sage, that is salary!"

"Yes, yes, for the sake of wages, work hard and struggle!"


Out of the temple of wealth, Li nianfan went to other fairies and gradually got to know the work of the gods.

The existence of the heavenly palace is mainly to avoid the disorder of the three realms. All the immortals are not in charge of major and minor matters. Of course, you can also manage them if you want to, depending on your mood. The main responsibility of

is to make timely adjustments in order to prevent a catastrophe when there is a wrong direction. It is still very idle in normal circumstances, and when there is an uncontrollable situation, it is the hand to hand that should be sent to the troops.

At the same time, the Moon Palace.

A young girl holding a pile of red wool in her hand is staring at her eyes and splitting them one by one.

There are more than ten threads in this pile of red thread. They are almost twisted.

The girl's eyes are full of blood, a pair of about to collapse.

"Dead knot, dead knot, dead knot again! What is the situation? "With her mouth pursed, she was ready to cry without tears, and sighed, "what has the world experienced so many years? Is it so complicated? Please, let me seal it again. "

It was disassembled for a while. Instead of being straightened out, it turned into a hemp ball

"He loves her, she loves him, he loves her and her Ah - let me die

The girl threw the hemp ball and broke down completely. She turned her head and looked at the old man sitting at the door.

The old man, who was wearing a pamphlet with little red hair, was in a brown brow.

"the poor old man looked at me and said," sorry, master... "

The old man turned his head and looked at the hemp ball in the girl's hand. The corner of his mouth took a puff. Then he raised his hand and waved it. A pair of golden scissors fell in front of the girl. "It's hopeless. Cut it."

"Get it!"

The girl excitedly picked up the scissors. She was in a good mood and felt the world was clean.

However, before she could take a long breath of relief, two of the clay figurines in the group of complex feelings quickly ran out of two red lines, and then quickly tied together.

"After cutting through the mess, is true love so fast?" The girl's eyes were slightly bright, but when her eyes fell on the two clay figurines, her pupils suddenly shrank and raised her hand to cover her mouth.

She calmed her mind, picked up one of the clay figurines, felt the lumps of the clay figurine with confirmation, and then picked up another clay figurine, touched it, and had pimples

"These two They all have pimples

The girl covered her mouth with her eyes complicated and unbelievable, but more than that Faint excitement.

"Changed. The world has changed too much."

There was a tremor in her voice, which seemed to be caused by excitement. "Master, what can I do with this situation?"

"You need to ask, cut."

"Cut? Where to cut it? "

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"Cut the thread. Where else do you want to cut?"

"Oh..." The girl seemed disappointed.

The old man scratched his head, and suddenly found that several hair fell off. His eyes immediately turned red. He said angrily, "cut it quickly, and go to hell with me after cutting it!"

The girl was stunned, "master, what are you going to do in the hell?"

"Look for the theory of bull's head and horse's face! What a bully! They are trying to make me bald

As he spoke, he took the girl and ran to the door. However, as soon as he got to the door, he ran into Li nianfan.

"Saint Your majesty

The pupil of the old man shrinks abruptly, and then he quickly bows his hand and salutes: "the little God, the moon old, sees the Lord."

Xiao Luo also saluted with it, "Xiao Luo meets the emperor."

Li nianfan returned the salute and said with a smile, "Yuelao, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Ah, your majesty, you are here at the right time. You can make a comment on it. Is it not true that the local government has done this

Yuelao was full of resentment. He handed Li nianfan the pamphlet in his hand and complained: "love robberies can't be set up so easily. They write down two words of love robbery casually, and the problem is directly kicked to me. What can I do?"

When Li nianfan opened the book, he saw that there was a paragraph written on it: Although there were many calamities in the ninth world, the love road was rough, and the obstruction was like a natural moat, but the ending was satisfactory.


Why is this familiar?

Is it yunyiyi and jiese monk?

"You see, you see." The old man of the month was grieved and indignant: "it's a natural moat to obstruct, but the ending is still satisfactory. Isn't this self contradictory? The key For a love robbery like this, I will prepare for them for the ninth life! I don't have enough hair. "

"That Sorry. " Li nianfan pondered for a moment and apologized: "if there is no accident, these two people are my friends. I asked the local government to take care of them."

Yuelao suddenly turned into a statue, silly, motionless.

His mouth is breathing cold, toothache, cold heart, brain shell to explode.

What did I just say? What am I doing? Do I want to be cool?

"Then what."

Yuelao's voice was full of crying. He was almost frightened to cry and said in a trembling voice: "I suddenly feel that this paragraph is well written and well written! As a lunar elder, I have been looking for this kind of challenge. It's not love robbery. It's my strong point. Such challenging content is interesting and interesting. I'm already excited. I'll have a good idea. Don't worry about it. It's a good thing to do. "

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing and said, "Yuelao, you don't have to be like this, and I'm not a man who is forced to do so."

"What makes a man difficult?" Yuelao's lips were trembling. He was careful that his liver was shaking. He even said, "how can it be? It's not difficult at all. I'm so happy. I'm so happy to do it. "Li nianfan said: "Yuelao, I have some ideas about this love robbery. You can refer to it."

Yuelao did not think of the cableway: "the Lord, please say, the God will listen to me."

"Master, let's invite the emperor to sit in first."

On the other side, Xiaoluo whispered a warning. She could not help looking at Li nianfan secretly. She saw that his face was always wearing a friendly smile. She did not know why her master was so afraid of him. She was so handsome.

"Yes, yes, yes, look at my brain." The old man woke up and nodded, "the Lord, please, please."

"That's a nuisance."

Li nianfan stepped into the palace of the moon. His eyes could not help but cast aside the pile of clay figurines and red lines. He had some thoughts, but was temporarily suppressed.

Xiao Luo had already trotted and made a cup of tea for Li nianfan.

Li nianfan said: "Yuelao, love robbery really needs technical content. I have a few love stories here, hoping to help you."

Month old sincere way: "ask the emperor to teach me."

He couldn't carry his hair.

"The first story," Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

Immediately, Li nianfan told the famous love stories in his previous life, such as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Xu Xian and Bai Niang Zi, and the romance of the west chamber.

Basically, they are short stories. They are not complicated, but love and hate are in place.

From the beginning to the end, one side of the small tears did not stop, kept sobbing, as for the moon The smile on his face did not disappear.

Even with a brush in his hand and taking notes, he said excitedly, "OK, these stories are wonderful! Xiaoluo, don't just cry. Write it down. Write it down. These are precious materials that can be used in practice in the future, so that more people can pursue love. "

Li nianfan's heart moved slightly, and suddenly felt a little strange. Later These sad and beautiful love stories are not born because of me, and then passed on?

"The emperor is really a great talent. Every one of these stories is touching enough to be a good story and has helped me a lot in the old moon palace."

Yuelao's words do not flatter, is really from the heart of admiration and gratitude, with these templates, the future can be much easier.

Master, this is too powerful, even love stories are portrayed so deeply, it is simply too God, this world can still have problems to him?

Li nianfan said with a smile: "my friend's matter has Lao Yuelao to worry about."

"Don't worry about it. I'll arrange it myself and give them an unforgettable experience."

In a flash, it was the day of the expedition.

Li nianfan was not idle. Naturally, he was going to see the grand scene of "heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals" subduing demons.

On that day, at the gate of Nantianmen, there were three thousand soldiers and generals.

Although some of them have not yet become immortals in order to gather the number of people, they still can't make up 3000 people in three days.

But The Jade Emperor's operation once again opened Li nianfan's horizons.

It's a way to get close to 3000 people.

It's very coquettish.

The Taihua Taoist who leads the team is the incarnation of the Jade Emperor. Most of the heavenly soldiers behind him are the Jade Emperor's scattered bean soldiers. This activity is basically equivalent to that the Jade Emperor is singing a monologue.

In order to protect the face of Tiangong, he also made great efforts.

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