Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 427: 427

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

All of a sudden, the evil spirit soared into the sky, countless demon clouds blocked the sky, and covered the light in the sky, and galloped towards a direction.

Huge Demon power, straight into the sky, makes the world change color.

Kunpeng demon master stood in the middle of the team, his eyes flashing.

He was thinking about why the people he sent out actually failed.

After thinking about it, I feel that it should be safe.

It's just a dog clan. It can make two big demons of Taiyi Jinxian lose news. Nine Tailed Tianhu is even more outrageous. He not only sent one big Luo Jinxian, but also sent three big demons and many small demons to follow him. He never comes back. Can't he fight? Not at all!

"What rubbish! It's not my plan

Kunpeng couldn't help but scold, "even the dog clan, the declining Nine Tailed Fox and Phoenix can't deal with it. What's the use of them?"

One side of the pig demon immediately said: "master demon, why don't you let me take the lead and kill the nine tail Fox and the dog family first?"

"Well! Do you think it's true that the fox and I are so active in dealing with you

Kun Peng coldly looked at the pig demon and said with a sneer, "it's just a passing thing! Foxes and puppies, I can kill them casually. My goal is Heaven

Pig demon showed a sudden color, "the original is to occupy the palace of heaven, the demon master is really far sighted."

"What occupation? I call it "take it back!"

Kunpeng immediately corrected: "Tiangong is originally a demon court, which belongs to our demon family. Can I call it occupation?"

The pig demon says: "the demon master taught me a lesson."

Kun Peng said calmly: "with your IQ, it's boring to tell you that. Let everyone speed up. Let's take a surprise and don't give the opponent any chance to prepare!"

Immediately, the demon cloud accelerates again, leaving a long string of demon paths in the air.

Half an hour later, the demon cloud entered a valley. The huge shadow cast down and covered the whole valley.

The mighty pressure poured from the demon cloud like a tide, which suppressed many monsters in the valley and made the atmosphere not dare to breathe.

Daji and Huofeng come out of the valley with dignified faces and gaze at the demon cloud. Behind them, many monsters look up at the sky with uneasiness in their eyes.

"What a terrible momentum As for the nigger, "does the bear shrink? Does it take so many people to deal with us? "

Boar essence is also small eyes round stare, uneasy swallowing a mouthful of saliva, "Xiaoqing, finished, this time we will be finished."

Xiaoqing turned into a half man and a half snake, twisting with a long tail behind him, and said, "are you afraid? You see, there is also a pig demon in the demon cloud. It seems that the status is not low. If you recognize a relative, you will take refuge. "

"Afraid? What does my old pig rely on to get from the mortal world to the fairyland? It depends on the support of the demon emperor! " Boar essence suddenly face a positive, "we are from the mortal together to fight up, but the elder! You want me to be related? Is it hard to recognize a son coming back? "

The black bear spirit immediately praised: "well said! Old pig, I'm going to look at you with new eyes. I can't imagine that you can say such standard words. "

Xiaoqing solemnly said: "our three brothers and sisters, following the demon emperor all the way, saw the scenery that they could not see in their whole life, and even tasted the delicious food that they did not even dare to think about. Although it was just leftovers, but It's also a great fortune! Let's go to today, so far What fear of death

At this time, a huge breath of the demon cloud crashed down, with strength and dignity, like the collapse of the sky, bending the trees around the whole valley, and many small demons were directly paralyzed to the ground.

Xiaoqing three face a stagnant, just plucked up the courage suddenly vent.

Xiaoqing couldn't help but said: "if the dog is here, I'll be at ease no matter how many people come."

The boar spirit began to cheer himself up and said, "will the dog do it? I think I will. After all, it's not easy to raise me so fat and strong. There's no reason to make my meat cheaper for outsiders. "

Black bear deeply thought ran nodded, "you say well reasonable, my body of bear meat is also reasonable."

Above the demon cloud.

Kun Peng was condescending, with a disdainful smile and a light look, and said calmly, "that Nine Tailed sky fox has some skills. It can gather so many demons, but it's not enough to worry that it's a mob! As the ancestor of the demon clan, I think Nine Tailed Tianhu and Huofeng are also the best of the demon clan. I can give them a chance

"Master demon, I understand!"

The pig demon immediately understood the meaning of Kunpeng, stepped forward and said in a loud voice: "Kunpeng is the ancestor of our demon family. Now the demon emperor is uncertain, Kunpeng is the right choice for the demon emperor. Nine Tailed Tianhu and Huofeng, you two demons are also the kings of the demon family. Don't make mistakes. Kunpeng's ancestor is very kind and willing to give you a chance. Don't you put down your weapons and surrender quickly?"Daji's face was cold. He looked at the sky and said, "impossible! If you want to fight, fight! "

"Oh, goodbye then."

Slowly toward the valley of Kun Peng, there is no clap.


In a flash, a mighty pressure fell on the top of all the monsters in the valley, and the devastating atmosphere burst out. Before it came, the top of the mountain in the valley would be turned into powder without any sound, and it was completely annihilated!

This breath is invisible and immaterial, but it appears in people's hearts, and makes them panic. The Demon power is furious, as if it will be annihilated at the next moment.

At this time, a picture scroll suddenly appeared on the top of Daji's head, and then the picture scroll slowly spread out, with the image of mountains and lakes evolved, floating on the void, turning the breath of Kunpeng demon master into invisible.

"The picture of mountains and rivers and the country?"

Kunpeng demon master's eyes were shining, but his face did not change at all. When he raised his hand, there was a golden seal lying on the palm of his hand. With Kunpeng's raising his hand, the seal swelled in the wind. In a twinkling of an eye, it became the size of a hill. It was clearly visible that the word "turning the sky" was printed on the bottom of the seal!

"Boom boom!"

As soon as the golden seal came out, the void seemed unable to bear its weight and began to burst.

With the fall of the seal, there is a strong pressure toward the bottom, even if far away, still make people feel difficult to breathe, seems to collapse every day.


The golden seal struck the world evolved from the map of mountains and rivers, and immediately annihilated the images.

However, it is a brand-new world. The mountains are high and the earth is thick. It is like a vast world, and it continues to resist the attack of Dayin.

Kunpeng raised his hand, fan Tianyin flew back to his hand and said coldly, "queen mother, do you think I can't recognize your breath when you hide?"

"Dada dada!"

With the sound of a horse's hoof, three heavenly horses with snow-white wings come from afar. They have one horn on their heads and a golden chariot behind them. As they move forward, there is a flow of colorful brilliance in the rear of the chariot, which is noble and spectacular.

Inside the carriage, the voice of the queen mother came out faintly, "Kunpeng Taoist friends are so inspiring, what are you going to do?"

"Kun Peng sneered," I demon clan's matter, is the heavenly palace also ready to manage? "

The Jade Emperor walked out of the carriage with a smile and said, "ha ha, Kunpeng is joking. I went out with the queen mother to relax. It happened that I met this matter, so I was curious to take care of it."

Kunpeng looked at the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, his eyes gradually narrowed.


I believe you, I am a pig!

Will the Jade Emperor and the queen mother leave the palace at will?

And what's behind you? What do you do with so many armed generals?

His mind changed sharply, the current situation is very obvious, Tiangong is obviously out against himself.

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This shouldn't be ah, their actions are very hidden just right, know is also their own people, how can Tiangong come? Moreover, even the Jade Emperor and the queen mother are here. This degree of attention is really beyond people's understanding.

What's more, although I plan to attack Tiangong, I haven't put it into action yet. At present, I just come to attack Jiuwei Tianhu, so Tiangong can't wait to come out?

What's going on? How can I not understand?

It's not normal. It's not normal.

Kun Peng lowered his doubts and said in a low voice: "although I don't know why, these still don't affect my plan. Now that I'm here, I'll solve them together!"

The Jade Emperor sneered, "how, Kunpeng Daoyou are going to eat with us?"

"Why not?" Suddenly, a voice rang out and a blood red light came. The figure of the ancestor of the blood sea slowly appeared in front of the people. Behind him, he followed a group of Shura. They were all murderous and full of murderous and tyrannical atmosphere.

The old ancestor of Blood Sea laughed wildly, "Jade Emperor, last time I let you go, this time the heavenly palace will completely disappear between heaven and earth!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Take advantage of this opportunity to wipe them out at one stroke!" As soon as the voice fell, the Fantian seal in Kunpeng's hand flew out and hit the queen mother.

With a wave of the Queen Mother's hand, she immediately envelops herself with the picture of mountains, rivers, and countries. One by one, the world evolves and forms a defense. At the same time, she pinches a magic formula, and a hairpin on her head flies out and stabs Kunpeng!

Ha ha, my defense is better than yours

Kunpeng complacent smile, a golden light from his body, covering his whole body, forming a golden bell shape.


A bell rings, although not heavy, but there is a sense of grandeur and atmosphere into everyone's ears, the void ripples, it seems to get the resonance of heaven and earth!

The hairpin of the queen mother hit the golden light, but it was easily bounced back and couldn't be broken."Donghuang bell!" After a while, the Jade Emperor's whereabouts were unknown

With a complacent smile, Kun Peng said: "Donghuang bell, the most precious thing in the world, defense first! Even if it can block the saint's blow, I'll stand and let you fight. You still can't hurt me at all! "

At the same time, Yuan Tu and a Bi, the ancestors of the Styx River, also turned into Li Mang and came to kill the Jade Emperor!

The Jade Emperor thought that Haotian pagoda Dang was suspended above his head. In his hand, he picked up the Tianyang sword and resisted Yuantu and abi.

"Why?" The old master of the river Styx frowned and began to wonder.

Even if the sword in the Jade Emperor's hand turns into a spiritual treasure, how can I feel that his cultivation is stronger than last time, and so is the queen mother, who seems to be more comfortable in controlling the rules of heaven and earth.

It's not like that in the last fight.

He gathered his mind and suddenly became dignified.

The power of the four quasi saints is so great. Just a breath is enough to annihilate the world around them. If they are allowed to do so, the fairyland and even the mortal world will collapse directly.

At that time, because of fighting with each other, the three groups of dragon, Phoenix and unicorn broke up the world and created boundless karma, which led to the decline of the three groups.

Naturally, the four of the jade emperor did not dare to create more cause and effect. In the fight, they all tore up the void and wandered in the chaotic world. Although it seemed that they were fighting in front of them, under the law of space, the aftereffects of their every blow were actually transferred into the chaotic void. Otherwise, this area might turn into nothingness in an instant.

As for the others, they are already fighting together.

For a moment, Lingbao and fajue burst in the air, and all kinds of magic surged into the sky. The valley was in ruins, submerged by the sea of fire and water, and all the flowers and trees disappeared.

Although with Tiangong's joining, Daji's disadvantage is still obvious, because of the lack of Daluo Jinxian!

On the other hand, there are three big Luo Jinxian!

"Don't panic, Daji fairy. Let's come!"

But Ao Cheng and AO Yun came to support, and a large group of shrimps and crabs were behind them.

In this way, at least no longer suffer in quantity.

"Give me the bull!" In LV Yue's hand, the gray pestilence clock shakes slightly, and suddenly makes strange sounds. A small demon around is dazed. The gray pestilence poison is like a fog, and it is enveloped by a Bull Demon in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Hum!" The Bull Demon snorted coldly. There were two huge water waves in his nose, which directly engulfed the gray fog. Holding a long stick Lingbao, he attacked LV Yue!

Ye Liuyun, Ao Yun, Ao Cheng and LAN Er join hands to deal with another big demon in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

Xiao Chengfeng, Daji and Huofeng deal with the pig demon.

The pig demon looks a little naive, but its strength is extremely terrible. With a red flag on its back, it sways in the wind, and its body swells a bit, becoming a three meter high pig demon!

Daji took off the Xuanshui ring on his wrist, raised his hand and led it. Xuanyin water immediately wrapped the pig demon in it like waves. Then the water solidified into ice, but it was movable ice!

Xuanyin holy water is cold and corrosive. After it turns into ice, the strong cold air forms fog. These fog are very corrosive and float into the air, making a zizizi sound.

Ice is like a white python, biting at the pig demon!

The pig demon raised his hand, and the red flag immediately rose in the air behind him. Then it stood up in front of him and showed up in the wind. Suddenly, a huge sea of fire burst out. These flames were very special, beating, and seemed to have life.

Touch with the ice, just a breath of time, the ice began to melt into water, followed by Xuanyin water directly evaporated in the flame, disappeared!

The fire is fierce and it's coming to Daji!

Fire Phoenix's eyes coagulate, behind the wings incite, Phoenix really cremate into a huge fire phoenix, and the flame hit together, however, Phoenix really fire also appeared signs of ablation.

Xiao Chengfeng's face sank and he couldn't help saying, "this flame is so strange!"

"Ha ha ha, old pig, I'm a flag of flame from the ground. I can confuse Yin and Yang, reverse the five elements and prevent all kinds of methods from invading! Kunpeng Laozu specially gave it to me, that is to make this battle beautiful! "

The pig demon laughs, the flag shows, the fire is surging up, into a fire dragon, roaring at the crowd, "just three Taiyi Jinxian, in my eyes, but mole ant ear!"

"My sword is not inferior to your flag!" Xiao Chengfeng's sword came out of his hand and turned into a light. He went straight into the fire. He cut a path from the fire and came straight to the pig demon.

The pig demon raised his hand and waved the flag to block the long sword, but his eyes flashed? But it's a long way off. "With a sneer, the flag in his hand danced wildly, and the endless flame began to fly like a snake. There were many fireballs flying towards the three of Daji, just like countless meteorites falling down and surrounded them.

These flames are so terrible that they can only reverse the five elements. The common formula falls on them and is burned directly like paper. The temperature is no less than the real fire of Phoenix, and its destructive power is amazing.

For a time, Daji three people can only be tired to deal with, embarrassed.

On the other hand, the battle of the four quasi saints is more and more fierce, and the magic power is overflowing. Even if the afterwave is transferred, the place where it is located is constantly cracked by the powerful pressure, and the afterwave transferred to chaos doesn't know how many broken stars have been smashed.

However, each of the four of them has a defense treasure, and each of them also has an attack treasure. At such a level, it's too difficult to tell the difference between them. It's just a little embarrassing for each other.

As soon as Kunpeng's eyes swept away, he saw that his own side had the upper hand, but his face was not so good.

Originally, his plan was foolproof. First, he didn't know why it was leaked, which made Tiangong and others so well prepared. Second, when he thought of Nanhai dragon clan and Qilin clan, his heart was convulsed and he scolded stupid people.

If at this time there are two groups of them to join, does it need to say more about the victory or defeat? Even the heavenly palace is empty. They can attack the heavenly palace at this time, but it's as simple as searching for things.

It's not going to be as hard as it is now.

"Stupid pig, stupid pig!" The more Kunpeng Laozu thought about it, the more angry he was. He couldn't help yelling and yelling. Pig teammates, pig teammates!

The pig demon, who was still waving the flag of flame light from the ground, suddenly stopped, then stopped and flew to Kunpeng demon master, "demon master, you call me?"

Kunpeng was so stupid that he almost choked, "what are you doing here? Don't you give them a chance to breathe? Don't go and kill them! Why are there so many stupid pigs around me

"Yes, yes, I'm a pig."

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