Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 428: 428

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Kun Peng's face was gloomy and he was in a bad mood.

Suddenly found that the development of things are not in accordance with its script, this sense of gap, almost drove it crazy.

First, the men sent out failed to destroy the dog clan and the Nine Tailed Tianhu clan. Second, the Dragon King of the South China Sea and the Qilin clan didn't know what they were thinking, so they didn't come to the war. Moreover, it seems that the heavenly palace is ready to attack even if it's already here.

Why does this happen? Which link is wrong?

I'm a Kunpeng demon master. I've been calculating from the beginning to the present. I'm not missing anything. If I can pick up the cheap, I'll pick up the cheap. Otherwise, I won't live to the present. However, how come the world has become weaker and there are more variables?

All calculations and all omissions?

Kunpeng quickly shook his head and didn't think about it any more, otherwise he would be unstable.

His eyes a cold, low way: "although I am surrounded by some stupid pigs, but I make up for you, still more than enough to deal with."

At the end of the speech, he raised his hand, and a white stone pagoda appeared in his hand. Then he raised his hand, and the pagoda turned into streamer and flew to the pig demon.

"This is the four elephant pagoda. It has the ability to suppress visions. Take it and quickly suppress the demon rebellion!"

"Yes, master demon."

The pig demon took over the four elephant pagoda, and his mouth suddenly showed a ferocious smile. He entered the battlefield again. From the ground, the flaming flag rose up in the sky and stood on the sky. The endless flame, like a flood, vented and went straight to Daji and others. Then, the four elephant pagoda came out, dropped from the sky and suppressed!

The Queen Mother's face suddenly changed, "four elephant tower how also in your hand?"

Kun Peng laughs and complacently says: "for so many years, I have been hiding in the North Sea. I have not been born easily and avoided all kinds of robberies. Why do you say that?"

Of course, it's a leak.

"Kunpeng, let the pig stop. The Nine Tailed Fox and the Phoenix can't move!" she said

"You're bluffing me, just two Taiyi golden immortals. Why can't you move?" Kunpeng does not think of a smile, a hand, fan Tianyin expanded again, a bit towards the queen mother hit!

On the other side.

When the pig demon laughs, he controls the flames all over the sky to surround Daji and others. On the flames, there are four elephant towers crashing down.

The tower is a few feet high, not big, but as it falls, there are many visions around the tower. It is also accompanied by the scene of fire and geomantic omen. It falls down with a tremendous momentum!

With a wave of Daji's hand, the handkerchief flew out and laid a barrier in the air.


The four elephant pagoda bombarded the barrier, and the square handkerchief was in danger. Daji's face was white.

It's a magic weapon to fight against.

Under one blow, Daji's mana wastage was huge, and the magic weapon gradually lost its luster.

I can't stand it.

As soon as she clenched her teeth, the Demon power of her whole body gushed out like a tide. With a move, the golden gourd appeared in her hand, emitting a halo, and went to the pig demon.

The spirit of the flag suddenly enveloped the audience, making all the demons in the audience jump wildly, showing the color of shock and awe.

"Zhaoyao gourd is in her hands. No wonder she dares to call herself the demon king!" Kun Peng's eyes twinkled with cold light, "it seems that she can't stay any more!"

It was not originally refined by Nu Wa, but now it has become a gourd again. It seems that the Jedi Tiantong really makes many spiritual things go back to their origin.

The pig demon was illuminated by the golden light, and suddenly the whole person was in a trance. He felt the call and gave birth to a sense of submission. It seemed that the gourd was born with the command that all the demons in the world could only do.

Yuanshen was almost sucked in.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a little hairy fox appear in front of him. The pink bubbles began to float around him, and the atmosphere suddenly became beautiful.

It's tongue can't help sticking out, saliva DC, peep pig brother phase, "Wow, what a beautiful little fox..."

Two successive absences can only be regarded as lightning, but it is crucial!

Xiao took advantage of the wind to defend his sword. His long sword was like a rainbow. It crossed the heaven and the earth. The Qi of thousands of swords condensed to a little. The cold light came in the twinkling of an eye!

Because of the merit blessing, the sword quickly broke through the magic shield of the pig demon and stabbed it in the throat!

Huofeng also raised her hand and tied up the immortal rope like a snake. She was bound to the pig demon.

Both ways!

At the critical moment, the cold hair of the pig demon's whole body is standing upright, awake in the limit, and the body suddenly falls to one side.


The sword flashed away and pierced its shoulder, cutting its right arm!

It screamed, and immediately showed the fierce light. The Demon power was like the sea, and the flame flag from the ground gave out a dazzling halo. The sea of fire directly engulfed the immortal rope, making it lose its aura."Why don't you bully me? Die for me

When he was angry, he let out a pig cry. His eyes were red and fierce. He showed his original shape, but he was a wild boar with dark tusks. His tusks were shining cold, fat and big.


It dashed out, saw a flash of black light, and rushed to Xiao Chengfeng. Its tusks were no worse than the ordinary Lingbao, and ran against his chest!

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were red, and his whole body was full of magic power! Come on, sword

The long sword is back in hand, and the sword Qi vibrates in all directions, just like a curtain of light, falling down against the pig demon!

He knows the current situation, and his three men are not the opponents of the pig demon, but there is a trade-off. Obviously, Daji and Huofeng can't do any damage, so they can only give up.

For the sake of an expert, it's profitable to sacrifice me!


When the sword collided with the pig demon, Xiao Chengfeng immediately flew out like a shell. His mana was lax and his breath was weak to the extreme. With a bang, the whole person was embedded in a mountain in the distance and smashed a deep hole.

Pig demon's right eye, a ferocious wound appeared, from top to bottom, blood gushing.

The power of Gongde Lingbao is obvious at this moment. If this sword is the most valuable of Gongde, the pig and demon dare not take it and avoid it directly.

"How dare you hurt me? Bold

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The pig demon became more and more furious, ignoring his wound, and turned to sprint in the direction of Daji.

At the same time, from the ground flame light flag and four elephant pagoda has also pushed Daji and Huofeng to the extreme.

"Sister!" The little fox shrank behind Daji, so scared that the fox's face changed, but it was more anxious.

The pig demon is powerful, and the terror of Da Luo Jinxian is obvious at this moment. There are thousands of rules and halos around it, which disturb the rules of this area. It's like the force of heaven and earth pressing against the individual. It's extremely terrifying and irresistible.

In addition, with the help of two Lingbao, the general Taiyi Jinxian had already been turned into powder.

Although Daji and Huofeng are only the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, they are often baptized by the law with Li nianfan. It can be said that there are many adventures all around, which can barely resist for a moment.

If the demon's eyes were pale, I would be disappointed.

She slowly raised her hand, and the game console appeared in her hand. Then she stretched out her slender hand and wiped it on the game console.

All of a sudden, thousands of halos rise from the foot!


She didn't think it was enough. She even spewed blood directly from her mouth. Her magic power soared abnormally, and the extreme light burst out on the game console. There were thousands of shadows around her. With the ice turning into an icy path, the endless killing array surged towards the pig demon.

There are also countless defensive arrays, emerging around, resisting the fire and the four elephant pagoda.

At the same time, one of the nine wagging tails behind her was directly cut off!

The little fox covered his mouth with two small claws, and his eyes widened. Tears rolled down and he was at a loss and said, "sister! I How can I help you? "

It constantly wants to release the mind again, but it has lost its effect on the pig demon. Wuwuwu, I'm so weak. If only I were very strong.

Huofeng also has a heavy complexion. A fiery red flame lotus condenses on the palm of her hand. As she spurts out a mouthful of blood towards it, the flame lotus rotates rapidly and turns into gold refining in a twinkling of an eye.

Refining shape is also constantly changing, actually incarnated into a three legged gold.

The golden three legged fire of gold and ebony is still obtained from Li nianfan's painting of gold and ebony in those years, and the fire phoenix has been refining its rules.

"Whew -"

the golden crow, like a little golden sun, rushes towards the pig demon!

The flag of fire from the ground enveloped the pig demon, surrounded by strange flames, broke through the array under Daji's cloth, and came with a crazy attack!

Seeing such a tragic scene, the queen mother and the Jade Emperor suddenly stared at each other and gasped with fright.

"You're done!" Looking at Kun Peng, the queen mother said in a voice: "now let the pig stop, and then kneel down to make amends. Maybe you can leave a whole body."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kun Peng was stunned for a moment. He couldn't believe his ears. He sneered and said, "do you think this kind of irrelevant words can affect my heart? What a naive idea. "

The queen mother said in a deep voice: "I'll tell you the truth about this situation. Behind the Nine Tailed Tianhu and Huofeng, there's a great master. You can't make trouble at all. Stop it now!"

"The great master? Kunpeng is me

Kunpeng demon master laughs, "it's hard to be a saint. I Kunpeng have seen the world. If I am a saint, I'll wait until I show up!""The distant mother is above the sage! I won't make fun of such a thing. Anyway, you should stop the pig first

"Ha? It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous! Can't afford to lose? "

Kun Peng sneered and said, "are you insulting my IQ for such a low-level lie? Wait, I'll see if the so-called expert will do it. "

"Click, click!"

The pig demon roars forward and smashes the frozen path into pieces layer by layer along the way. From the ground, the flame light flag sprays out a flame to compete with the fire of Jinwu. In the roar, the Demon power is more powerful. The four elephant tower smashes the shield layer by layer and slowly presses it toward Daji and Huofeng!

"Boom boom!"

There are more and more visions on the four elephant pagoda, with the incarnation of mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and the roaring of dragons and tigers. With the support of strong mana, Daji is becoming more and more difficult.

The pig demon's eyes twinkled with excitement. There was already a flame burning in his eyes. "Suppress it for me!"


The thousands of defensive array in the void is like a broken mirror, which instantly turns into nothingness. The remaining potential of the four elephant pagoda is not reduced. The space is distorted because of the extrusion. All the aura is instantly drained at this moment and becomes a vacuum zone.

Daji's face became more and more pale. Together with Huofeng, he became a fox and a Phoenix.

The Jade Emperor and others see that their eyes are ready to crack and their limbs are cold. They want to rush to the rescue, but they have been restrained and lack of skills.

Ye Liuyun, they are also desperate to rush here, and their eyes are red.

It's better to wait for someone to die than to have an accident with Daji. When the master is disappointed, it will come to an end

I can't think of it. It's terrible!

Watching the four elephant tower getting closer and closer to Daji, their mentality exploded instantly, and their hair almost stood up.

"Those who don't know are fearless, those who don't know are fearless. Kunpeng, do you know that you are a stupid pig, and you have made a terrible disaster!"

The Jade Emperor is even more regardless of the image of the abuse.

He is the most urgent of all. After all, the master himself told him to take care of Daji. Now there is an accident. Can I live? I'm getting cold!

"How dare you scold me?" Kun Peng's face sank and he said coldly, "I want to die! What about your so-called expert? Where are you? You have the ability to let him out! "

At this time, abrupt, a cautious breath suddenly emerged.

It's just a breath, but it makes everyone's heart jump.

Following the breath, the little fox stood in front of Daji, with tears on his face, and his hair was fried because of fear, but his eyes were full of firmness, staring at the pig demon, and his nine tails swayed constantly.

It is just a fox spirit who has just entered the real immortal, but at this time, there seems to be some terrible power in the body waking up.

Then, its body actually grew bigger and bigger, as if it had been magnified countless times, breaking through the sky. At the same time, a strong and extreme breath emerged from its body.

This breath is too strong, even beyond the understanding of Kunpeng. It seems that even heaven and earth are trampled under their feet. At this moment, everyone in the audience, including Zhunsheng, dare not move at all.

"Don't hurt your sister!"

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