Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 429: 429

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Little fox's voice is still a little tender, but no one dares to ignore it. On the contrary, it is like thunder, which makes people feel numb.

The key is that this breath is too terrible. Rao is Kunpeng. They come from the flood and wasteland. They are used to the big scenes, but they still feel a thrill.

Between heaven and earth, even the wind seems to have stopped, how can there be such a powerful and terrible atmosphere?

The only active ones are Daji and Huofeng.

They looked at the little fox's back, looked at each other, and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

At this time the little fox burst out of the breath, they are very familiar with, very familiar with.

This is clearly the breath of playing chess with Li nianfan in siheyuan. I especially remember that when I was in the chess game, I seemed to be fighting against the whole sky. The terrible pressure and endless road between heaven and earth could easily destroy a person's heart of Tao!

When you are in a chess game, you will feel extremely small even if you are a great Luo Jinxian, a quasi saint or even a saint.

Sages can take heaven and earth as chess pieces, but are they not another kind of chess pieces?

The road is changeable, all beings are equal, but they are all ants.

"It's a natural power, a divine idea..."

As soon as Daji's eyes coagulated, he saw the clue immediately.

She looked at the little fox, who was very timid in front of her. Her cold eyes were so hot that her sister broke through her mind for herself.

It's my lovely sister.

She is also a fox. She takes a deep breath, drags her tired body, jumps up slightly, lands on all fours, bends slightly, bounces suddenly, turns into a white shadow, and comes to the pig demon in an instant.

Xuanyin divine water in Xuanshui ring madly submerges into its body, and then begins to freeze rapidly.

At this time, the pig demon had been shocked silly. In the face of the surging momentum, he didn't dare to breathe. He had already been scared to crawl on the ground. The fat pig was shaking desperately, and the original black pigskin was scared white.

It's terrible, brother. Don't kill me.

In this way, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by Daji.

Fire phoenix also wings, fire red phoenix flying, the other end of the big Luo Jinxian realm of the big demon to burn to ashes.

The huge shadow of the fox soon disappeared from people's eyes. In addition to the incomparable horror in people's hearts, everything just seemed to be an illusion.

The ancestor of the river Styx also woke up and raised his eyebrows. He was surprised and said, "is it an illusion? What a terrifying power. "

Kunpeng's eyes were straight at the fox, and the horror in his eyes increased instead of decreasing.

"Shennian, can't be wrong, is the strongest talent of nine tail Tianhu, shennian."

Kunpeng's heart was beating with an incredible look on his face. Of course, he was not afraid of God, but afraid of Just that breath!

Others may not understand the idea, but as the ancestor of the demon master, it is clear.

The first realm of divine thought is very simple, which can affect people's mind. But of course, it can't be the strongest talent. The key lies in the second realm, which is just like that. You can create illusions by reading!

But It doesn't come out of nothing. It doesn't mean that you can be transformed as you want.

Generally speaking, the Nine Tailed Fox's idea is powerful, but naturally it can't affect the existence of Kunpeng's realm. However, I never thought that the little fox could conjure up such a terrible breath, which is so terrible that the quasi Saint would have palpitations!

And it's too difficult, almost impossible to realize the momentum just now!

It can only be said that That little fox often gets along with the person who has this breath, and this person is willing to give the little fox the feeling of this artistic conception, and has the grace of enlightenment to the little fox, so that it can be transformed!

After all It's a saint, even more than a saint!

In other words, there is a big man behind the little fox, and he is a big man with a close relationship!

Combined with the words of the queen mother just now, Kunpeng's lips suddenly become dry, his scalp is almost numb to burst, and a cold sweat appears on his forehead, which makes him panic.

No, no, No. what the queen mother said is true!

The queen mother and Jade Emperor's mouth was slightly open, her face turned red, and her eyes were filled with reverence and excitement.

That was The breath of an expert, yes, it's absolutely the breath of an expert!

From the beginning of knowing Li nianfan, Li nianfan never broke out in front of them except showing his merits and virtues. However, they can recognize the breath. What little fox has just simulated is absolutely the breath of an expert. That's right!

It's so strong!

Obviously, the little fox has experienced the momentum of an expert before he can simulate it.

The scene of the original scuffle, because of the emergence of this breath and all fell into stagnation, even now the breath disappeared, but still lingering in people's minds, let them have a lingering fear.On a hill not far away.

Dahei is standing on a huge rock, and there are still wheezing dogs standing beside him. The mountain wind is blowing, and their fur is shaking.

Dahei takes a look at the long hair of Xiaotian dog, and immediately raises his eyebrows. There is a trace of displeasure in the dog's eyes.

This guy's hair is long. Standing together and putting on a pose seems to steal my limelight.

Immediately, he said, "my God, your hair is very good."

"Where, where." Xiaotian dog was a little proud of his modesty. The next moment he woke up and quickly pressed down his dog hair. He didn't put on his shape and fell on the ground. "Dog King, your hair is the only one in ten thousand. I'm ashamed and embarrassed to stand."

When the fox was growing up, he said, "I don't want to be a big dog, but I don't want to be a big dog

"Woo -"

the little fox uttered a low voice, and suddenly spread his body, as if he had collapsed. His limbs spread out, and he directly fell on the ground, forming a big character. Behind him, the nine tails were the same. A wave broke out, and he was still standing high before, but now he was soft and drooping.

Daji reluctantly changed back to human form, and lovingly held the fox in his arms, caressing its hair.

The Jade Emperor laughed, from the original face of iron green, into a high spirited, sneer: "Kunpeng demon master, still continue?"

Today, Kunpeng demon Division has directly damaged two big demons in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. It is very important that the war situation turns around in an instant, and the war can still be fought. But at this time, Kunpeng has no intention to fight again.

He thought all over his head, is it true what the queen mother said? Is there an expert behind the fox?

I've been cautious all my life. What should I do? Is it cool?

Kunpeng looked at the queen mother, wanted to confirm whether it was true, but some did not dare, hesitated.

Looking at Kunpeng's uneasy appearance, the queen mother immediately saw through his mind, and did not forget to add a fire. She sneered: "Kunpeng, do it yourself."

Kun Peng's eyes sank, he hummed coldly and said, "today is your lucky day. The whole army is retreating!"

Immediately, he did not stay any longer. He took the lead to become a streamer and disappeared in the sky.

The netherworld ancestor's face is gloomy, is also unwilling cold hum a, turn into blood light to escape, "give me wait!"

A big war, actually rely on a only true fairy realm of small fox to calm down.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother rushed to Daji, showing concern, "how is the injury? Is it serious? "

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As they spoke, they prepared to take out the fairy grass.

However, when they saw Daji and others take out oranges, apples and other Linggen fairy fruits, they immediately stopped their actions in embarrassment.

Well, I'm a poor man, and I won't make a fool of myself.

The queen mother said, "hurry up, Xiao Tian will still be embedded in that cave. Hurry up and dig it out."

After a while, Xiao Chengfeng was carried out by two heavenly soldiers, but he looked very miserable.

Xianli is lax, his body is covered with dust, his hair is messy, like weeds scattered on his face, his face is as pale as paper, and his breath is extremely unstable.

The immortal has a body without dirt. The mud should have fallen off automatically, but it didn't, which means that Xiao Chengfeng's immortal body has been greatly damaged. Even if he doesn't die, he will probably be useless.

Ye Liuyun saw that Xiao Chengfeng looked like this. He quickly took out an orange and handed it to him. His voice was a little choked, "old Xiao, you..."

Ao Cheng also came over, his eyes sad.

They have known each other for a long time. Along the way, they worked together to solve the problems of the experts and formed a great friendship.

Now it's hard to see my old friend hurt like this.

"I'm good, aren't I?" Xiao Chengfeng squeezed out a smile, raised his hand difficultly, pointed to the pig demon that had been frozen into ice, and said with complacency, "what if the pig demon is a great Luo Jinxian? I had a hard fight with it. I was seriously injured, but it died. Hahaha, I can't help it. I'm so powerful. Don't worship me. "

"Yes, you killed the pig demon." Ye Liuyun swallowed his tears, and also squeezed out a smile, nodding and stuffing a whole orange into Xiao Chengfeng's mouth.

Xiao Chengfeng's mouth was full and juicy. He scolded, "will you feed people? Are you going to choke me? "

Daji looked at the mess all over the ground, with a trace of bitterness on his face. He said weakly, "we lost this battle. The price is too painful."

In this battle, she gave up one tail and suffered great losses. She was even more seriously injured. Without thousands of years of training, she could not come back. Huofeng was not much better. Countless monsters died and were seriously injured in the battle and had no power to fight again.

It's good to have the help of the heavenly palace. Otherwise, there's no room to fight back.On the other hand, Kunpeng's demon master was undamaged. Although he was defeated, he could not hurt his muscles and bones at all.

Huofeng voice comfort way: "the strength of the gap is too big, this is no way to do things."

Daji sighed, eyes red, "I just feel sorry for the master."

The queen mother advised: "girl Daji, Kunpeng demon master is the ancestor of the demon family after all. It's great that you can do this step. Now it's better to recover quickly."

The jade emperor also nodded and said with concern: "yes, it's better to recover the injury, and kill Kunpeng sooner or later!"

Daji, pale, nodded to the Jade Emperor and others, bowed himself and said gratefully, "thank you for your help this time."

"You are welcome, Miss Daji. This is what we should do." The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother repeatedly waved their hands to stop them. They did not dare to make a show. They said, "we are grateful to the experts for their great kindness. It's just a small matter. It's not worth mentioning. Miss Daji is trying to kill us."

Because Li nianfan claimed to be a mortal and did not give them any chance to thank him. Naturally, he transferred the awe and gratitude to Daji.

The queen mother asked, "what's the plan of Daji girl next?"

Daji pondered for a moment and said, "naturally, I'm going to heal the mortal."

The Jade Emperor's heart moved and said immediately: "the Lord Shengjun has already returned to the world from the heavenly palace. Why don't we escort you back and visit him by the way."

"Thank you."

They went back to the mountain with the Jade Emperor.

On the way, the Jade Emperor finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and said: "dare to ask girl Daji, is the breath just revealed by your sister "The master's?"

"Well, sort of."

Daji nodded, rubbed the fox in his arms with a smile, and said, "your performance this time is really good. How can it suddenly break out?"

Little fox has gradually recovered some strength, rubbed in Daji's arms, complacently said: "hee hee, I just don't want to see my sister have an accident, and then in a hurry, it's like that, isn't it?"

Dajisi was not stingy of her praise, and said: "fierce, natural fierce, can simulate the master's breath, tell my sister, how do you do it?"

Little fox opened his eyes wide and began to recall, "I saw that my sister was in danger, so I thought, if only I were very strong, then I thought about the power of Dahei, and about my sister and the Lord When the master plays chess, the power overflowing from the chessboard. At that time, I tried my best to imagine that if only I could have their power so powerful, then I could protect my sister. "

"And then That's it... "

Daji nodded, "sure enough, I realized that it was the breath of the master's chess game."

The Jade Emperor was silly and said, "the breath is just Play chess? "

The little fox nodded and boasted in fear: "yes, the master's chess is too profound. I am immersed in it and dare not move. It feels like All the power of heaven and earth is gathered. It's boundless, and it's super terrifying. It turns out that everyone is afraid of this kind of pressure. Hee hee... "

"Si -"

this sentence, like thunder, let the Jade Emperor and the queen mother take a breath together, and then petrified on the spot.

Originally, they thought that such a powerful atmosphere was probably revealed by a certain outburst of momentum of an expert, but now they found that it was a big mistake!

Such a terrible atmosphere is just the power of heaven and earth contained in the chess game.

What kind of realm is this?

How strong is the real momentum of the master?

I thought I was close to knowing the strength of an expert. Then I found that it was just the tip of the iceberg!

It's just -

unimaginable. It's so terrible. My scalp is numb!

On the other side.

With the end of the battle, a group of demons have withdrawn.

However, as the defeated side, most of them are not willing.

A rhinoceros spirit with sharp horns on his nose and forehead patted his thigh and said: "it's really bad luck. He was cheated by the illusion of a little fox spirit. Although it calms everyone, it's fake after all. What's so terrible? Kunpeng's ancestors are really afraid of what, retreat what? Keep going! I think we can win completely! "

He is the one who survived among the three great demons in the realm of great Luo Jinxian. His skin is rough and hard. He holds a mace and his eyes are shining.

There is a small demon interface: "xiaoxiaoxiaoqi, maybe the demon master is too cautious."

At this time, a gold carving demon flew quickly, "report to the king, not far away found two dog demon figure."

"Oh? "Dog demon?"

Rhinoceros essence suddenly eyes a bright, face dew cold color, said: "ha ha, the dog family is also the demon family rebellious, now that you see it, you can easily solve, take me past, just hungry after the war, stew a pot of dog soup warm stomach is also excellent."PS: it's the last day of this month, and there are double monthly tickets. Please don't waste your monthly tickets. Please kneel down and ask for them.

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