Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 449: 449

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In the courtyard.

The group of fire birds are chirping, exchanging egg laying skills and sharing experience with each other. Based on the comprehensive analysis of food, strength and posture, this paper discusses how to quickly produce better eggs.

But at this time, a burst of music into the ear, suddenly let their voice suddenly stopped, one by one as if petrified in general, standing in the same place, brain directly empty.

Daji and others in the inner courtyard were all in a daze. They just felt that with the music, their whole body's magic power calmed down. It seemed that they were wrapped up in endless roads and abandoned all thoughts.

It's very scary.

Between heaven and earth, the road is not to be found. If you want to feel, chance, talent and strength are indispensable. However, at this moment, under this music, the whole world is as quiet as a clear spring, and the road is like a sea, flowing around people, so that people can feel freely.

The most important thing is Your mind will also be calm with the music, abandon the distractions, more conducive to perception.

What kind of fortune is this?

Compared with this, Wudao tea and so-called epiphany are extremely weak. It's the power of the road that pushes you forward.

It's terrible. It's just like hanging.


Daji snorted. Behind her, nine snow-white tails suddenly grew out and surrounded her body. Then, there was a halo around her body. She turned into a snow-white fox.

Behind the fire phoenix also has wings grow out, incarnate into a Phoenix, dragon is also the head of long horns, into a small dragon.

Where the music passes, it seems to open up another space. The power of the road is diffuse, and everything in the space is baptized in essence.

At this time, at the foot of the Luoxian mountains.

Yang Jian followed Da Hei and Xiao Tiangou down the mountain road to the courtyard.

He looked at the big black walking in front of him, and there were still some dreams in his eyes.

Is there such a great person in the world? Is this big black dog really killing a quasi saint? What a crazy world.

Moreover, when he returned to the heavenly palace, he added up his known news with the Jade Emperor, and they had already guessed the fate of the heaven and earth. Finally, they both decided that the world needed to hold the thigh of the master!

"Another world of heaven?" Yang Jian's eyes couldn't help a flash of cold light, "so what? As the God of justice, I protect all living beings in the three realms. How can I be afraid of you? "

In his heart, he must have recovered his thoughts, and then he looked at xiaotiangou, who closely followed Da Hei's steps. Suddenly, there appeared incomparable complexity.

The coquettish manner of Xiaotian dog made him know what a pure licking dog was like.

When I followed myself, why didn't I find that Xiaotian dog could lick it like this? It's just perfect, back to nature!

Don't you think it will hurt my master?

But at this time, Yang Jian's steps slightly, saw a figure in front of him, and immediately met him.

The figure also found Yang Jian and others, especially when he saw Da Hei, his face suddenly straightened, and said respectfully: "Ao Cheng has seen the dog. Is the dog ready to go home?"

Although he was not present when Da Hei patted Zhunsheng to death, he naturally heard Ao Yun mention it. Ao Yun also gained merits, but he didn't miss it.

He didn't doubt it at all. He didn't feel strange any more. He just felt like a big black bull.

Big black high cold nod, indifferent way: "with my little brother's master to visit my master."

Aocheng looked at Xiaotian dog, then fell his eyes on Yang Jian, and immediately said with a smile: "dare to ask, but is Yang Jian the real king of Erlang?"

Yang Jian nodded back, "exactly."

Aocheng zhengse way: "small God East Sea Dragon King Aocheng, met the real king."

Yang Jian waved his hand with a smile, and then looked at Ao Cheng carrying several packages. He couldn't help saying, "Dragon King, you're welcome. What you're carrying is..."

Aocheng said immediately, "it's some special products in my ocean. I just accepted the South China Sea, so I specially brought some seafood from the depth of the South China Sea to taste for senior people."

"To the master?" Yang Jian's eyebrows suddenly pick, the facial expression can't help a stiff, this just think of, oneself seem to have nothing to take.

He never fawns on others, and naturally ignores the way.

Ao adult mature fine, immediately smile way: "true gentleman adult if forgot to take, as I evenly point to you."

"Thank you so much." Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and then promised: "don't worry, I will go to Nanhai in person to hunt more seafood for you in the future."

The corner of Aocheng's mouth smoked, "ha ha, thank you for your kindness, this I don't think so. "

Nothing to say all the way.

Under the leadership of Da Hei, the speed of the team was very fast. Soon, it came to the position of the mountainside.

After more than ten meters, there was a soft melody in my ear.The sound is very light, but the moment they hear it, their whole body will be shocked, just like the evening drum and the morning bell, which makes their brain roar and forget themselves.

"This, this, this is The sound of the road

Yang Jian had goose bumps all over his body. There was only one voice left in his mind. Close to him, close to him, listen!

At this moment, he seems to see the endless road waving to himself, and he himself seems to be a thirsty man, in urgent need of the irrigation of the road.

"Dada dada."

No matter Aocheng, Yangjian or xiaotiangou, their faces show the color of infatuation, and they go to the music.

With the approach, far away, the shadow of a courtyard came into view.

However, in Yang Jian's eyes, the shadow of the courtyard is constantly enlarging, and finally becomes the existence of indomitable, and in the sky, the endless road is roaring like a sea, and then it is engulfed madly towards itself!


There was a carnival in the yard!

The road that can't be traced is presented in front of my eyes!

These roads are too rich, just like a big sun, stinging Yang Jian's eyes, making his blood surge and his mana concussion.

His whole body, the third eye opened to the biggest, 89 Xuan Gong involuntarily operation, a layer of golden glory appeared, set off his body more tall.

On one side, Aocheng had already shown the real dragon, but he didn't dare to cross the river and sea, just like a snake, lying on the ground, listening quietly.

I don't know how long, maybe only a few minutes, maybe a century long, the music gradually stopped, the world returned to peace.

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Yang Jian and AO Cheng came back to their senses, but they were unwilling to wake up. The voice in their ears seemed to be still ringing.

Aocheng regained his human form, but his pupils suddenly shrank and said in a trembling voice: "I My realm

He turned out to be just the later stage of Taiyi Jinxian, but now Da Luo Jinxian!

Just listening to a piece of music, you will cross the threshold of Da Luo Tian and enter the realm of Da Luo Jinxian?!

What Aocheng has is not surprise, but fright.

It's beyond his understanding. It's impossible.

As soon as you enter the great Luotian, you are beyond the three realms and not in the five elements. Since then, you can enjoy the privilege of immortality and live with heaven and earth. This is a qualitative change and a transformation of life.

How can the dream of Da Luotian come true? Even when breaking through, I didn't feel at all, it was just like a dream.

"I I also broke through... " Yang Jian spoke in a dull tone.

"Hiss -"

Ao Cheng took a cold breath and looked at Yang Jian in horror, from the original shock to extreme shock.

If his breakthrough is already against the sky, then Yang Jian's breakthrough is totally unthinkable.

What's the breakthrough of Da Luo Jinxian?

Quasi saint!

This is a quasi saint! Under the so-called sage are mole ants. Although there is a quasi word in front of quasi saint, there is also a saint word after all!

What kind of leap is this?

It's terrible. Just thinking about it makes people feel numb.

The most important thing is that Yang Jian's major is the eight nine Xuan Gong, and his major is the body, which makes it more difficult to enter the quasi saint!

Ao Cheng's mouth was trembling, his teeth trembled and said, "Guo Is that true? "

This is a good thing, but such a good thing, good enough to make people feel scared.

Yang Jian closed his eyes and realized it. He controlled his trembling body and nodded solemnly: "really

At this time, Xiaotian dog opened his mouth, and his tone was also startled, "master, I have also broken through the Da Luo Tian, and now I am a dog in the Da Luo Jinxian realm."


Peerless master!

Rao is that they have been psychologically prepared for a long time, but such opportunities still set off a storm in their hearts, and it is the kind that goes deep into the bone marrow and will never be forgotten.

What kind of music was that? Divine joy? Xianle? It's too low to describe!

Yang Jian took a deep breath and said, "this is the one who lives in the yard Are you an expert? "

Aocheng swallowed a mouthful of water and nodded.

He didn't expect that when he came to visit him, he had such a huge fortune. His head was a little dizzy, both excited and nervous.

Big black dog face a calm, said: "OK, this is nothing to make a fuss, the owner will occasionally feel, improvise to do something, the road will flow out with his deep feelings, in the world, carve the rhythm of the road, you are lucky, catch up."

"Feel it, improvise it?"

Yang Jian and others feel a little confused. Can such a big hand be improvised? If you're serious, what's the point?Aocheng's scalp was about to explode, so he said, "well, dog Mr. dog, does an expert always do this? "

"Only occasionally, not many times a year. It's just a matter of luck."

"I really miss the past. At that time, every time the host's interest came, I would break through a new level. But now I can't do it. I just want to grow a little bit."

Oh, shit!

Yang Jian and others almost vomited blood.

You follow your master. You're invincible. Do you know that?

And what's your state now? That's the dog saint! If you can increase your strength a little bit, it will be extremely adverse No, it's a blast, okay?

Old Versailles.

Envy, envy and hate!

I'm afraid no one believes that it can make all the listeners break through a big realm, or even ignore the bottleneck.

What's the use of repairing this immortal? I really want to listen to music with an expert

Big black urged: "OK, don't be shocked, knock on the door."

"Oh, yes, sir." Ao Cheng nodded busily, then calmed his mind, stepped forward slowly and knocked three times respectfully.

"Is your majesty at home? The little god Aocheng came to see you. "


Xiaobai opened the door and said, "please come in, big black dog. You still know how to come back."

"Xiaobai, long time no see." Dahei said hello, then "whoosh" into the courtyard, back to his home, of course, not outside.

Aocheng is very respectful to small white arch hand, this just entered the house.

In Siheyuan, Daji and Huofeng have gathered their inner shock and joy and become elegant and noble again.

In that music, they have also broken through Da Luotian and become Da luojinxian, while Nannan and longer have also made progress.

Entering the siheyuan, Yang Jian only felt that he had entered another world. On the sky, the sea like road mark still existed.

In the void, there are countless immortal spirits coming together like tides, forming a vortex of immortal spirits, which gradually gives him a feeling that his body seems to be stained with dew and a little damp.

Of course, it's not ordinary dew, but the liquid formed by the excessive concentration of immortal Qi, and He had a feeling that these immortal Qi seemed to be changing as well!

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