Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 450: 450

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The immortal spirit here is really changing!

Its rich degree has reached an incredible level. Even Yang Jian's realm, if you take a deep breath here, you will feel that the mana in your body is much more stable and refreshing.

If the immortal below Taiyi Jinxian is here, the speed of cultivation can be described as a thousand miles a day. If ordinary people are here, just breathing is enough to wash the essence and cut the marrow. It's just a matter of time before they become immortal.

However This is just the beginning.

At a certain moment, like the sound of breaking through the bottleneck, accompanied by the sound of "Bo", the endless immortal Qi has formed the trend of swallowing, and the sea has gathered together like rivers, reaching a qualitative change!

Can this heaven and earth break through the bottleneck just like human cultivation?

Yang Jian could feel that the world in the courtyard was suddenly different.

Looking up, there is a very clear feeling. Compared with the outside world, the world here seems more profound. Just standing in this world, there is a sense of detachment.

Another aura above immortal Qi!

Yang Jian doesn't know what it should be called, but It's absolutely awesome.

At this moment, not to mention Yang Jian, other people are also stunned on the spot, looking at the world with a kind of shocking eyes.

Obviously everything has not changed, but the feeling But it has changed.

At the same time, in the heavenly palace.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother suddenly opened their eyes during the cultivation period. They had a keen sense of perception and looked at the direction of Gongde Shengjun hall together.

In their perception, there seems to be some incredible changes taking place in the hall of Gongde Shengjun, brewing a very strong breath, which makes them feel frightened and eager at the same time.

The Jade Emperor's face was dignified and asked, "is it hard for your majesty to come back? No, isn't Yang Jian going to visit the mortals? "

They came to Gongde Shengjun hall, but the door was locked. It was obvious that Shengjun didn't come back.

So what is this breath

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother were just confused, but they did not dare to enter without permission.

In the courtyard.

"Wheeze, wheeze -"

all of them, by chance, began to gasp heavily and their eyes were red.

If you can be in such an environment and don't catch more quickly, you will have a hole in your brain!

At the same time, the eyes of Yang Jian and others began to look around involuntarily.

Aocheng's pupil suddenly shrunk, shocked trembling voice: "air purifier, it, it..."

When they looked up, they found that the air purifier, which used to spray Xianqi, no longer spurted Xianqi, but a level higher than Xianqi.

It's impossible to estimate the level of this air purifier if it can emit such aura.

"I've heard about the evolution of the quadrangle of an expert for a long time."

Aocheng pursed and said: "from the original aura to immortal, now it's upgraded again! It seems that the master is in a good mood. On a whim, he has improved the courtyard again... "

He couldn't help looking at the water purifier next to the air purifier. What about this one?

Yang Jian quickly stabilized his mind and looked at other places.

He had already guessed that the song just now would never be so simple.

It's a sea of roads. It's terrible to let the listeners break through a realm and baptize the whole courtyard.

Sure enough, all the things in the siheyuan have risen a step, no matter it's human, demon or magic weapon!

Even the chicken who is laying eggs in the corner of the wall has become the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and the power of blood seems to have evolved at the same time.

At the same time, there are also Daji and Huofeng. Their blood seems to have come a step closer, and they begin to have the air of atavism.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he was, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he was.

It's terrible. No doubt, just like genesis, I witnessed the birth of a miracle with my own eyes.


But at this time, a voice in the backyard sounded.

The voice is not big, but let everyone's heart suddenly jump, then quickly body a tight, heart thumping.

Here we go! Here we go!

Yang Jian, in particular, had never met this big man. He was so nervous at this time that he thought it was the first time for him to subdue demons and demons for so many years.

I dare not breathe.

Li nianfan's voice sounded with a little smile, "Huofeng girl, Nannan, longer, I made a little thing for you. Come and have a look."

On the contrary, Long'er and nan'nan are the most heartless. After a short shock, they are just like a man who has nothing to do with it. They quickly welcome them and happily expect: "brother, what is it?"

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"Two peach wood swords mean to ward off evil spirits and be safe. Although they are not magic weapons, my brother has nothing to give you, either." Li nianfan took out two peach wood swords and handed them to them.Nannan and Long'er took it happily, holding it tightly in their hands and looking at it, "Wow, what a beautiful sword! Thank you, brother!"

Nannan also put the peach sword in front of her nose and smelled it. "It's so fragrant. There's also the smell of peaches. It smells so comfortable."

Although they didn't feel the breath of magic weapon from the sword, they felt a sense of peace and joy in their hands.

Li nianfan took out the red gourd and said, "miss Huofeng, I think this gourd matches you very well. Do you want it?"

Huo Feng's eyes suddenly brightened and raised her hand to take it

Daji had won the golden gourd before, but she didn't feel aggrieved. However, the fox in her arms had straight eyes, nine tails standing high, and forelimbs standing up. Looking at Li nianfan, she was full of expectation.

Li nianfan suddenly a Leng, oneself missed to calculate a, careless.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, his face remained unchanged, and he said with a smile: "little fox, this drum shaker is for you. It's still voice controlled. It can change its voice. It's interesting."

"Creak, creak!"

The little fox immediately excitedly took over the drum and shook it with his little paw, which made him very happy.

Its idea can directly affect the mind of Tao, and this drum has a similar effect. The two complement each other and are very suitable for it.

Li nianfan looked at the fox so happy, immediately laughed, the child is easy to fool.

On one side, Aocheng and others looked straight, envious to no avail.

It's so cool to follow an expert. It's not only the sound of the road, but also the gift of congenital Lingbao, just like a toy. It's really irritating to compare people.

Yang Jian even began to doubt life. I have been practicing Taoism for so many years, and I have gone through a lot of hardships. How much effort have I made for a magic weapon? What is my plan?

At the end of the day, it's better to lick somebody.

I have to practice licking if I don't do it!

His eyes fall on Xiaotian dog. It can lick it very well. Let's learn from it first.

"Woof, woof, woof."

Dahei ran to Li nianfan, stretching his tongue and wagging his tail from side to side, "master, my gift?"

"Ohhh, Dahei, do you know how to come back?"

Li nianfan patted it on the dog's head, "who let you wave outside, you don't have your share."

When he finished, he looked into the yard and found that there were guests coming. He was stunned and said, "I didn't expect that there were guests coming. When did you come, Mr. Ao? Did you hear the music just now? "

Aocheng's heart was slightly stirred, and he did not dare to hide it. He said, "listen When you hear that, please come here uninvited. Please don't blame your majesty. "

Li nianfan waved his hand with a smile, embarrassed and said: "it's not strange, but I just improvised, the tune is not fixed, the notes part, playing a random, please don't laugh."

It's just like singing at home by yourself and being suddenly heard by your friends. It's embarrassing.

Playing the tune indiscriminately?

Yang Jian and others felt numb when they heard that they couldn't breathe smoothly. Suddenly they felt like a waste.

Can we have a good talk? Can we stop hitting people like this?

Well, maybe this is where the fun of the master lies. As long as it can make the master happy, isn't it a blow? Come on, I'm rubbish. Who am I afraid of?

Yang Jian immediately arched his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Shengjun is joking. Although the song was just improvised, it is as loud as the breeze. It makes people forget their troubles, but it is also a rare masterpiece. It really makes people forget to return and has a lingering sound."

On one side, Ao Cheng couldn't help looking at Yang Jian.

Damn, this guy said he would not flatter others when he was on the road. Please help him a lot. Unexpectedly, he was a hidden master. His licking skill was so perfect that people couldn't catch up with him.

Before ridiculous oneself also believed really, careless.

Li nianfan looked at Yang Jian's eyebrows and Xiaotian dog. He had already guessed something in his heart. He couldn't help fretting in his heart and asked: "dare you ask Shangxian..."

Yang Jian immediately bowed his hand and said, "little God Yang Jian, I'd like to meet your majesty."

"It turned out to be Erlang Zhenjun. It's disrespectful."

Li nianfan was really excited. Unexpectedly, he met the legendary Erlang God. This is definitely the most famous character in the fairy tale. Whether it's journey to the West or Baolian lantern, it's half a protagonist, which is impressive.

Now he's in front of him, saluting himself and laughing.

This feeling It's really relaxing!

He looked at a man and a dog, and suddenly said with a smile: "Erlang Zhenjun, you and xiaotiangou should have done something extraordinary, right?"

Yang Jian nodded and said, "I was trapped before, but recently I was able to get out of it and get rid of some hazards."

Speaking of this, Yang Jian couldn't help thinking of the bowl of soup. As expected, everything was under the master's control."I see. It's no wonder you have merit. Congratulations to Erlang Zhenjun."

As he spoke, a dazzling golden light emerged from Li nianfan's body. The golden light was like a tide, forming a flowing water around Li nianfan's body.

Then, under the gaze of Yang Jian and xiaotiangou, who were stunned and breathless, they turned into a trickle and slowly flowed towards them.

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