Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 479: 479

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Immediately, black and white impermanence escorted Li nianfan back to earth.

Along the way, Gao Yue was a little relieved. At the same time, she was beautiful and worried.

Li nianfan asked curiously, "Miss Gao, did your father say who killed him?"

Gao Yue shook her head and said in distress: "it's confirmed that it's not a Niu, but I still don't know who it is, but It's obviously for the immortal relics of gaolaozhuang. "

"Is that so?"

Li nianfan raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment. He thought it was time to raise his eyebrows. He said, "Miss Gao, do you have any suspects?"

"The suspect?"

Gao Yue frowned and shook her head: "there are too many people coming here recently. I really can't think of who did it."

Li nianfan suggested: "in fact, as long as the other party's motive is figured out, it's easy to guess."


Let alone Gaoyue, black and white are all muddled.

The speech of an expert is profound, which is very understandable.

Li nianfan continued: "in short, it's good. If you want to kill master Gao, why do you want to do anything more and blame the cow demon? Who is the most beneficial?"

"Who's in the best interest..."

Gao Yue ponders, her eyes show the color of thinking, she was extremely intelligent, at this time was Li nianfan a little, immediately thought a lot.

In a low voice: "what Mr. Li means is The one who killed my father is the one around me? "

Yes, if you are an immortal from the outside world, there is no reason to blame the cow demon. You are not interested in your love and hate entanglement with the cow demon. The most direct result of blaming the cow demon is Break with the Bull Demon!

As for the biggest beneficiary, naturally

Sun Yun!

Gao Yue's mouth was slightly open, and she quickly raised her hand to cover it. Her eyes were wide, and there was an incredible luster in it.

Sun Yun has been courting Gao Yue, and has no cover up. He can see his purpose personally. At the same time, he has expressed his ideas in this aspect in front of master Gao.

However, at that time, Gao Yue only thought about the cow demon, and Sun Yun didn't have a chance.

Gao Yue still felt hard to accept, and said: "no, Mr. Sun, he is the young master of Qingling mountain. He is warm-hearted and has laid down a lot of ambitious cultivators for Gaojia village. My father even advised me to accept him. Why does he want to kill my father?"

Li nianfan continued to mend the knife and said, "Miss Gao, Sun Yun's goal is not only you, but also others. Just because he helps you block other immortals doesn't mean he has no idea."

Gao Yue's face changed slightly. "What does Mr. Li mean is that he is also for immortal relics? This... "

If Li nianfan said these words before, Gao Yue probably didn't believe it, because she always regarded Sun Yun as a good person, and Qingling mountain had been protecting Gao Jiazhuang. How could ordinary people doubt the immortal.

Behind the scenes, the murderer actually came from the demon Become a fairy?

This is also It's so subversive.

Black impermanence said directly: "ha ha, what else do you want to think about? Can you be wrong with what the LORD said? Just listen

White impermanence is also hastily interface, flattery mouth to come, "the Lord's analysis is reasonable, thorough, obviously already see through everything, powerful, really powerful!"

This wave of forced blow made Li nianfan very embarrassed, but he couldn't beat himself in the face. He could only keep silent and seemed enigmatic.

Black and white impermanence realized that this was an opportunity for his own performance, and immediately said: "if your majesty feels worried, we can start to hook out Sun Yun's soul. This man is ambitious, and it's not a pity to die!"

Li nianfan pursed his lips and stopped him immediately. "It's unnecessary. Let's talk about it after we have got the solid evidence."

"To convince people by reason, Lord Shengjun is really the model of our generation!"

"Your Majesty is wise and generous

Black and white impermanence is another flattery. It makes you feel comfortable and smiling.

Fortunately, I've studied hard and made some progress recently. I think Lord Shengjun will be very comfortable.

Unfortunately, it's still in the hard licking stage, and we still need to work hard. When can we lick invisibly, that's great success.

Gao Yue is stunned, confused and cold.

I didn't expect you to be so black and white

At the same time.

In gaojiazhuang.

Sun Yun and others get together. In the front, there is an old man. The old man's face is uncertain, and he looks disappointed.

Hate iron not steel way: "cloud son, you let father down too much! It's just a calf demon. I can't do this little thing well? "

Sun Yun said bitterly: "Dad, I don't want to either. Who ever thought that someone was stirring up in the middle of the way and came up with a theory of separating the male and female from the femaleOriginally, according to the plan, Niu Yao should have become a ghost for death. Then he took the opportunity to appease Gao Yue's injured heart. He was gentle and considerate in his sweet words, and got the beauty back. From then on, he became Gao's son-in-law.

As for the immortal remains of the Gao family, once he becomes the son-in-law of the Gao family, are you afraid that he will not find the immortal remains? It's a good way to have the best of both worlds.

Unfortunately It's very sad that the plot didn't go according to the script.

The old man scolded angrily: "waste! It's all rubbish! You can make mistakes if you find a horn. What's the use of me

The people were so frightened that they did not dare to speak.

The old man sighed and said anxiously, "once the cow demon is proved innocent, then our suspicion will be great!"

"Master, Niuyao is still in custody, or let me go Click One of them made a sign to kill his head.

"Click your head! Now it's time to kill the cow demon, isn't it

The old man was very disappointed with his apprentice's intelligence quotient. He shook his head and said, "this plan doesn't work. I have to think of another plan. According to the information I got, Zhu Bajie must have left something in Gao Laozhuang. But generally, the quickest way to force him to do it is Kill gaojiazhuang! However, this plan is very relevant and needs to be considered in the long run! "

Sun yunhen said: "it's the brothers and sisters who are bad at my good deeds. We must not let them go!"

The old man suddenly moved his heart and said, "by the way, do you think that brother and sister have chance?"

Sun Yun nodded and said: "absolutely not wrong! It's not a small chance for a little Sanxian to enter the golden elixir period or even above at such a young age

The old man's eyes flashed cold, "that can't be let go anyway!"

Just at this time, a disciple came in a hurry and knocked on the door.

The old man frowned, "what's the matter?"

The disciple said immediately, "report back to the patriarch, the little girl went out alone, and went out of the gaojiazhuang, and was wandering outside."

"Oh? What do you say! That's good news. "

With a cold smile, the old man said casually, "send two disciples of Yuanying realm over. Remember, I want you to do a good job of not knowing what you are doing, and be safe!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Immediately, two people volunteered, "this matter is simple, it won't take much time, you wait here, we'll come!"

Voice did not fall, can't wait to escape light, fly out.

At this time, the girl had come to a mountain forest twenty miles away from gaojiazhuang.

The terrain here is undulating, with several low hills and few people.

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She was sitting on a big stone, shaking her little feet, and said, "why hasn't anyone come to Qingling mountain? Did I fail in fishing again?"

"Why? Wait, the fish seems to have taken the bait. "

The girl's eyes look to the distant sky, the corner of her mouth can't help but evoke a smile, waiting quietly.

After a while, the two men arrived as scheduled. They were two middle-aged people. When they saw the girl, their eyes lit up and they looked down at her.

One of them sneered: "little girl, I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. There are wild mountains and mountains here, and you are alone. You dare to play here!"

She looked at them innocently, blinked her innocent eyes and asked, "why, do you want to rob me?"

"Robbery? Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha... "

They laughed wildly together, and their eyes were full of banter, "you're right! We are very interested in your chance. If you give it up, maybe you can save your life! "

The girl turned her eyes and said with a smile, "well, let's play a game. If you can catch up with me, I'll tell you."

"The little girl is dying and still wants to play. OK, I'll help you."

One of them cold mouth, disdain way: "run, you run!"

"Hee hee, come and chase me!"

With a laugh, a cloud appeared at her feet and flew out in one direction.


The two middle-aged people didn't want to think about it. They were like wolves smelling meat. Their eyes were green and they were chasing after each other.

However, with the chase, they suddenly found that the speed of the girl was not much slower than them, and it was very difficult to catch up.

The key is to let them break out, and always keep them in a near distance, which is very intriguing.

One of the middle-aged people frowned and looked at her carefully. His heart beat faster and his scalp became numb. He almost glared out his eyes.

The companion couldn't help wondering, "what are you doing?"

"She, she, she!"

The middle-aged man's lips were trembling and his speech was not sharp. It was as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world. He was about to be scared and cry. "She was driving like It's the cloudDriving cloud, this is only after becoming immortal.

The classmate's whole body was excited. He just got involved in the chase. For a moment, he didn't notice it. He turned his head and looked at it. Suddenly, he became cold and took a breath.

This little girl is not Jindan, not Yuanying, but immortal?!

This, this How could that be! How could that be!

We ran after an immortal for a long time?

It's cold. We're going to be cold!

Their brains were blank, and there was only one word left in their minds - run!

However, as soon as they turned around, they found that their daughter did not know when she had appeared behind them and was looking at them with a smile.

"Boring! Why don't you chase me? "

"The villain has eyes and doesn't know fairies. Fairies spare their lives. Fairies spare their lives!"

The other calmed down a little and knew that it was useless to ask for mercy. He said in a trembling voice: "misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! Fairy, we are the disciples of Qingling mountain, and our ancestors are also immortal. Now we have entered the heavenly palace and become the patrolling soldiers. We are our own people, fairy. "

"Heavenly palace? Take a mere heavenly soldier and crush me? "

The girl turned her lips, looked at her little palm, and said with a smile, "since you don't chase me, let's play another game. If you can catch me, let you go!"

Voice down, she is already gently raised her hand, and then gently floated forward, horizontal push away!


It's like a torrential rain. In front of us, the powerful mana storm is like a bulldozer. It passes by, and all the places it passes are turned into powder.

Even the mountain not far away was pushed across and erased directly!

"Oh, too much force, and damage to the environment."

The girl spat out her tongue. "Fortunately, my brother didn't see it. I ran away. I ran away..."

Half an hour later.

The Lord of Qingling mountain personally appeared at the scene of the incident, looking at the mess everywhere, his face was gloomy.

"It seems that there is a master behind the little girl. Maybe she has become an immortal! The purpose of coming here is probably for the remains of Zhu Bajie! "

The old man's eyes twinkled, and his brain ran at full speed. "It seems that this matter must be reported to Shizu!"


In Li nianfan's room.

"Is it really Qingling mountain's disciples who attacked you?"

Gao Yue took a deep breath and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing: "I didn't expect that they would do this kind of business!"

"The disguise on the surface is just to win people's trust and better achieve the goal."

This kind of hypocrite, Li nianfan already saw strange, he looked at the girl in surprise, frowned and said: "are you sure the ancestor of Qingling mountain has become a heavenly soldier?"

The girl nodded, "absolutely not."

This is difficult.

Otherwise, everything has to be done backstage.

If you do it by yourself and don't say hello to the Jade Emperor, it means you don't give the Jade Emperor face. Although Tianbing is nothing, it is also a God's throne, representing the face of heaven.

Li nianfan pondered: "I don't know if the old ancestor has been involved in the gaojiazhuang incident."

"No matter whether he is involved or not, this guy must at least carry a sin of teaching his apprentice to be disadvantageous! Lord Shengjun doesn't have to think about the feelings of the heavenly palace. I, Lao Hei, will go to find out who the ancestor of Lingshan is and directly hook up his soul! "

Black impermanence roll up sleeve, already can't wait to want to express oneself.

Damn, it's exciting to be able to share the worries for the experts. That's the value of my existence!

"No, I have to go to heaven to get angry about it."

Naturally, Li nianfan didn't want to be estranged from the bigwigs because of a small matter. He had to be careful about everything and said, "besides, we have to find a way to determine whether it has anything to do with the ancestors of Qingling mountain. We can't blame the good people."

"To convince people by reason and to consider carefully, the Lord is really a model of our generation!"

"Your Majesty is wise and generous

Black and white impermanence is another blow.

Gao Yue sighed, and her pretty face was full of bitterness. "I didn't expect that the immortal relics of Gao's family had caused so much trouble that even the immortal would covet them."

Bai Changchang said, "Miss Gao, you don't know. If you have a sea god needle or a nine tooth harrow, they are all high-class treasures. Even we dare not neglect them."

Gao Yue stares big eyes, this just intuitively realizes, the importance of this treasure.

She hesitated for a moment and said to Li nianfan, "Mr. Li, my father told me that if there are immortal relics in the Gao family, the most likely place is there..."

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