Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 480: 480

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Li nianfan's heart can't help but jump, "where is that?"

Gao Yue sipped her mouth and said, "we Gaojia have been in gaojiazhuang for generations. We are familiar with every plant here. There are few unusual places, just We often go to that place. If there are treasures, we should have found them long ago. "

Li nianfan couldn't help urging: "Miss Gao, just tell me where it is. Don't delay."

He felt speechless for a while. What are you doing? You can't speak for a long time. Don't be assassinated suddenly when you really want to speak. Then NIMA will be bloody.

This is a big taboo to tell secrets!

Fortunately, Gao Yue gave Li nianfan face and said, "it's my ancestral hall."

"Ancestral temple?" Li nianfan's brow a pick, nodded, feel really have very can.

Zhu Bajie likes Miss Gao, and Miss Gao is naturally the ancestor of the Gao family. It's perfectly reasonable to leave something in the ancestral temple.

White impermanence also came to interest, opening a way: "Miss Gao, take us to have a look."

"Good! Shangxian, please follow me

Gao Yue nodded, then took the people out of the room and walked toward the back hall of Gao's family.

To Li nianfan's surprise, the ancestral hall of the Gao family was built underground. When they came to the back hall, they turned into a room and found that there was a passage in the room, which led directly to the underground.

Black impermanence can't help but say: "so, your ancestral temple is really unusual."

Gao Yue said, "it's always like this. We don't think it's different, and nothing unusual has ever happened."

It was not deep underground. After walking along the stone steps for a while, they came to a place similar to a cellar.

Gaoyue light on the familiar road lights up the whole cellar.

The area here is not large, it can be said that it is narrow. There are stone walls on all sides, and there is only a low table in the middle, on which there is a censer for worship.

As for the contents of the offering, they were all stunned.

But on the wall right in front of the low table, there is a picture of a woman in a long skirt with enchanting posture. From Li nianfan's point of view, this picture tends to be scribbled, and it is obvious that it has been for some years.

But the woman in the picture should be a graceful beauty.

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "is this woman Gao Cuilan?"

Gao Cuilan is the daughter-in-law of Zhu Bajie.

"I guess so."

Gao Yue nodded, then said: "ancestral temple is so big, things are these, not like a place to treasure."

"The walls are smooth, and they don't look like they have dark squares."

Black and white impermanence frowned and began to look around. At the same time, he was still casting his magic and carefully exploring along the wall, but he still didn't feel anything abnormal.

"If you really want to leave something, I'm afraid it's difficult to find it by ordinary means."

Bai Wuchang analyzed: "moreover, Lingbao also has the ability to collect breath, which can avoid perception."

After all, Zhu Bajie was Marshal Tianpeng, and finally he was appointed as the emissary of the pure altar. His strength is very strong, which can't be underestimated.

Li nianfan looked around, pondered for a moment, and thought, "will there be any incantation, or just call his name directly, for example - Ruyi golden cudgel, stick to come!"


As his voice just fell, the whole gaojiazhuang was shocked. Although it was only for a moment, everyone felt the great movement. Many people were even more unstable and fell to the ground.

Black and white impermanence look at each other, the eyes are showing unexpected look.

Come on, come on!

The master must be too troublesome, so he spoke directly!


Between heaven and earth, a strange rhythm began to emerge, as for the ancestral hall.

All around the walls were shining with golden light. A breeze blew by, and the portrait slowly fell onto the low table. Then, the wall began to fall off. The dazzling golden light was like a pearl in the dust. Suddenly, the dust came out and burst out.

Under the golden light, the long golden stick standing in the wall slowly appears in the eyes of the public. This kind of picture makes Li nianfan's ears, involuntarily ring the BGM which belongs to the great sage of Qi Tian.

Next to the long golden stick, there is a nine tooth harrow. Although its shape is old-fashioned, it also has a brilliant flash.


Dazzling light broke through the ground, straight into the sky, forming a golden pillar, almost to dye the sky golden.

Black and white impermanent face suddenly changed, quickly raised a wave, quickly to suppress the vision.

Rao is so, just that moment, still let countless people see that vision, suddenly let the whole gaojiazhuang caused a sensation.

The ancestor of Qingling mountain suddenly burst out a dazzling light in his eyes. His face turned red and he was very excited."Born, it's definitely Yibao! There are secrets in Gao Laozhuang

He had to get excited.

If it's the dinghaishen needle and the nine tooth harrow, it's going to be a success!

These two, the nine tooth harrow is the postnatal treasure made by Taishang Laojun, and the golden cudgel is also tainted with the merits and virtues of Dayu when he was managing the water!

Not to mention for ordinary immortal, that is to say for Da Luo Jinxian, they are all treasures that can be taken out!

Sun Yun's eyes were red and he couldn't wait to say, "Dad, why is the vision gone? Let's do it quickly! "

The old man sneered, "don't worry. The more time it is, the more stable it is. Anyway, it's in gaojiazhuang. It's like searching for something!"

In the ancestral hall.

Li nianfan was stunned for a moment. He was surprised. Then he jokingly said, "I can't imagine that it's so simple. It's worthy of Lingbao. It turns out that you only need to call your name to automatically appear."

Zhu Bajie's operation is Sao. Who would have thought that everyone was very considerate, but it turned out that they only needed to call Lingbao's name.

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Black and white impermanence, can't help but secretly smile.

It's a piece of cake.

This is also a Lingbao for you. If you call someone else, you will never give him a bird if you break your throat.

White impermanence light cough, and then said: "unexpectedly, Ruyi golden cudgel was also left here, that's no wonder."

Ruyi golden cudgel contains merits and virtues. Under such merits and virtues, it can naturally ensure the peace of gaojiazhuang.

"Brother, is this Ruyi golden cudgel?"

The girl hurried to the past, small eyes have become bright, marveled at the golden cudgel, also stretched out a small hand to touch.

Li nianfan also slowly leaned over and looked at the magic weapon.

Although he has seen a lot of the world and touched a lot of treasures, some of them are more than the golden cudgel Looking at the golden cudgel, still full of emotion.

After all, the name of this magic soldier is too loud, which makes his mood excited and complicated.

Naturally, the girl was very curious and expected: "brother, can I go and have a try?"

Li nianfan nodded with a smile and said, "yes, the Ruyi golden cudgel weighs 13500 Jin. Take it easy."

"Hee hee, weight is not a problem!"

The girl immediately smiles excitedly, and her little foot slowly takes a step forward. Then she raises her hand to hold the golden cudgel. With a sound of Jiao hum, she takes the golden cudgel down.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

She threw it casually, only feeling that she could not stop taking advantage of it. She was full of joy and said, "great, great!"

Li nianfan looked at the girl's appearance and couldn't help feeling a move.

He remembers that when she first stepped into the cultivation of immortals, she used an axe. She seemed to like heavy weapons very much, and she was not interested in magic weapons such as flying swords. The golden cudgel was very suitable for her. No wonder she was so happy.

Li nianfan was still selfish. He said in secret: leave the golden cudgel to my daughter It's still very good.

But at this time, the girl had put down the golden cudgel, referring to the description in the journey to the west, and said: "coarser, coarser, better!"

Li nianfan

But see, the golden cudgel should sound swell, height unchanged, instantly thick into a bucket.

Li nianfan felt numb and could not help asking, "what are you doing, girl?"

The girl said, "I'll try. If it gets bigger and higher, it's not good to poke it through here."

Li nianfan looked at the mud on his head, and the brain circuit seemed to be all right.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "well, the news just now must have caused a sensation to the outside world. I'm afraid it's not a small trouble."

Black and white impermanence casual way: "a group of mobs just, holy Lord don't worry, to the outside two brothers, soon can be done."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "I know it's hard for you two adults, but I think we can just take this opportunity to try the group of people in qinglingshan. Before that, we have to ask two adults to help us

Black and white impermanence heard that it can help Shengjun, immediately a spirit, eyes shine, positive way: "Shengjun, just say it!"

Li nianfan said in a low voice: "we can, like this, like that..."

After a while of discussion, black and white impermanence took orders. Li nianfan, Nannan and Gao Yue came out of ancestral hall and returned to Gao's house as if nothing had happened.

As expected, the Gao family was already in a mess.

Whether it is in the light or hidden in the dark, all appear, the light in the sky constantly flash, wantonly searching.

Seeing Gao Yue's appearance, countless eyes immediately gathered on her, and someone said eagerly: "Miss Gao, what happened to the previous vision? Can you give us an explanation?"


Sun Yun, a fierce drinker, came at a gallop. His face was cold, his demeanor was elegant, his temperament was outstanding, and he was overbearing: "gaojiazhuang is under the protection of Qingling mountain. Why should I explain to you?"Qingling mountain has the name of an immortal. It's so famous that it immediately frightens everyone.

With a smile on his face, Sun Yun comes to Gao Yue's face. He glances at Li nianfan and his daughter around Gao Yue vaguely. There is a trace of gloom in his eyes.

Just now these two people have been accompanied by Gao Yue?

Is that chance already

He took a deep breath and said with concern, "moon, are you ok?"

With Li nianfan's reminder, Gao Yue suddenly feels that Sun Yun is full of hypocrisy. She frowns slightly and says, "it's OK. Thank you for your concern."

Sun Yun continued: "moon, where did you go just now? I'm so worried. "

According to the script set by Li nianfan, Gao Yue said, "just now I got my father's Tuomeng and knew something about the Gao family. At the same time, I also knew that it wasn't a Niu who killed him. I asked Mr. Sun to let a Niu go. I have decided to marry him as my wife!"


Sun Yun's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at Gao Yue in disbelief. No matter how hard he was to hide his mood, his face was changing, and his face was uncertain.

Gao Yue said in a soft voice, "please make it perfect."

"Ha ha, OK, I'll help you!"

Sun Yun laughed twice, turned his head, but his eyes were full of haze, and said in a low voice: "bring up the cow demon!"

Soon, a cattle was brought up, the injury did not recover much, still maintain the original shape, appears to be a little weak.


Without any sign, the sword flashed and blood burst out!

A Niu screamed, a piece of meat had been cut from his body and fell to the ground.

Sun Yun was holding a long sword and his eyes flashed with cold light. He sneered: "Gao Yue, I have no time to play with you! Give the treasure, or I'll make your sweetheart into braised beef noodles! "

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