Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 496: 496

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Two Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian?

Nu Wa and Yun Shu's face suddenly changed, and their heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

They went out of their way to make sure that there was no ambush behind them. Who would have thought that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was so patient that he didn't show any breath during that time? It was unexpected and careless.

Originally, we could have the upper hand against Tianyuan Taoist, but at this time, the situation suddenly reversed, and there was almost no chance of winning.

The old Taoist of Tian Yuan was sure of everyone's expression. He said in a cold voice: "it's from a broken world. It's amazing that he dares to come to our wasteland. It's commendable."

He couldn't help but look at old Taoist Qingfeng. He doubted that although it was an unexpected joy to come to a broken world, he was still far from old Taoist Qingfeng's treasure of chaotic aura.

"Bold! How dare you destroy the image of Dog King! You're looking for death

Wheezing dog's eyes were about to crack, and showed his teeth to the group of people. His soft hair stood up.

This image is its masterpiece. It has been designed for a long time. It was originally designed to win the favor of Dahei. Who ever thought that it would turn into nothingness soon after it was put out? It's too deceiving!

"Yo hoo, it's rare for a dog to have such a personality. He may not know that he's provoked someone he can't afford!"

Old Taoist Qingfeng laughs. He is angry.

It's really worthy of the lower world. Even a little dog dares to challenge my authority.

As soon as his eyes sank, a mighty breath came out, with the roaring power of heaven, just like the collapse of the sky, pressing toward the roaring dog!

Just a breath is enough to crush the dog to nothing!

Yunshu raises her slender hand, and the mirror in her hand emits a faint light. She covers Xiaotian dog in it to resist the pressure of Qingfeng Laodao.

Tianyuan said in a deep voice, "kill them!"

As soon as the words were heard, the big knife in his hand was suddenly wielded, directly crushing the space and enveloping the people with supreme power.

At this moment, everyone just feels like a boat in the sea. The key is that they can't even raise their hands to resist. They will be annihilated at any time.

In Nu Wa's hand, the lotus lamp emits dense light, and the fire rises to the sky, condensing into a huge colorful lotus. The lotus is burning colorful flame, blooming slowly in this world, forming a huge lotus shield, gorgeous and powerful.

Not only will the awn to resist, lotus flame is with a strong offensive, toward the surrounding rolling!

"Be careful yourself."

Nu Wa left a word, then soared up, dragging the lotus lamp, forcing Taoist priest Tianyuan out of chaos.


Yang Jian, holding a three pointed and two edged sword, played a flower in his hand. As soon as his black cloak unfolded, he rushed straight out. With a stroke of weapons in his hand and a light of crescent moon knife, he swept away towards the other side!

"Don't think too much of yourself!"

The light of the sword was dazzling, but it was easily crushed by the other party. Then, a huge bronze handprint suddenly burst out, with irresistible power, distorted space and bleak night, shooting at Yang Jian!

Around this handprint, there is a powerful force of rules, and the strange breath diffuses, which is enough to tear the sky and the earth!

Yang Jian's face was cold and stern. He raised his three pointed and two edged sword to stab his palm!


Two kinds of mana collide, the stars in the sky are broken, and the aftershocks turn into endless waves, which explode in the sky. Fortunately, it is in the sky. Rao is so, it is still like a terrible thunder, which makes the three worlds shake three times.

Yang Jian's body retreated, his hand holding the weapon trembled slightly, and his face was pale.

However, at this time, there was another huge copper palm in the void, without any sign. It was like thunder!

Yang Jian only had time to put his three pointed two edged sword across his chest.


The palm of his hand pressed on Yang Jian's body and let his mouth spit out a mouthful of blood, but it didn't disperse. Then it fell to the ground like a comet, and the speed was very fast.

In the twinkling of an eye, it broke the sky and hit a star in the space. The whole star burst directly and turned into a meteorite.


Waving the three pointed and two edged sword, Yang Jian cut his palmprint directly. Then he forced himself to rush out again, and the corner of his mouth was still overflowing with blood.

Xiaotian dog's eyes suddenly turned red and roared with concern, "master!"

Yang Jian raised his hand and motioned Xiaotian dog to shut up. He looked at the group of people in yunhuang land with solemn eyes.

"A group of sheep don't know how big the world is. They are still singing and laughing. When they meet us, your happy days are over!"

A bronze bald man walked out slowly, with a bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Yang Jian and shook his head. "Tut Tut, this is just a casual two palms, can't resist it?"

He walked slowly towards Yang Jian step by step.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother's face sank slightly and looked at each other, "friar of flesh! It's almost the level of the twelve Witches of that year. "The vast chaos, three thousand roads, monks countless, Honghuang some, Honghuang no road will appear.

It's a pity that the flood and famine are already broken, and there are problems in development, otherwise there will be no shortage of experts

When the Jade Emperor raised his hand, Haotian tower flew out directly, covered the bronze man, and rushed to the battlefield with a loud shout, "is it really good to bully me?"

The Queen Mother unfolded the picture of mountains and rivers, enveloped many immortals, resisted the aftershocks, and said in a voice: "those with low accomplishments should go quickly, and it's not helpful to stay here. Go and shout for the demon emperor, the mosquito Taoist and the Kunpeng!"

At least all the people from the cloud wasteland are quasi saints. Many star officials are just celestial beings and real immortals. It's not enough to see them. They can't even stop the aftershocks. It's just a burden here.

Two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, ten Zhunsheng!

This is yunhuang's fighting power this time. It's just a part of yunhuang's experts, but For the flood and famine, this kind of combat power has been enough to crush the whole flood and famine!

However, a big axe broke through the empty air and cut straight on Haotian tower, blocking the way.

"Don't go there, your opponent is me!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, the little sheep began to resist!"

"Although the world is not so good, at least there are many resources. It's better for us to divide up the treasure than none."

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This group of people did not rush to the theatre. They usually watched the performance of the people, as if they could crush them to death at any time.

"Who is it? Call someone! We'll wait! Wow, ha ha -- "

while laughing, another person came out, with a proud face, and acted as the opponent of the queen mother.

"Deceiving others too much, even if the blood sprinkles on the sky, I'm not afraid to ride the wind!"

Xiao Chengfeng's face is red, and his eyes are bright. With the sound of "Keng", the sword light comes out of the sheath, and the cold light lights up the night sky. He holds the sword alone with one hand, like a moth to the fire, and rushes towards the group of quasi Saints!

"To die."

With a scornful voice, a momentum like a storm general, toward Xiao Chengfeng pressure!


Without anyone's help, these quasi saint's ideas made Xiao Chengfeng snort. Yuan Shen trembled violently and almost collapsed. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

However, Xiao Chengfeng was still holding the long sword. The point of the sword pointed to the group of people. It seemed to be integrated with the sword. The whole body of the sword was powerful and sharp.

Step up, eyes red, want to continue to step, the sword forward.

"It's rare to have a thorough kendo."

After a light hum, a blue hill flew out and became bigger in the wind. It came to Xiao Chengfeng!

"Get down on your knees!"

Hill has not yet come, a mighty pressure has been added, as if heaven and earth voice, irresistible, let people kneel down!

Xiao Chengfeng puffed out a mouthful of blood, his sword was lax, his eyes were bright, his posture was straight, "kneel NIMA!"

Under the green mountain, Xiao Chengfeng is like a mole ant, falling down straight!

"Brother Xiao, don't panic. I'll help you!"

Ye Liuyun is holding a nine tooth harrow, and his magic power is like a rainbow. He comes to Xiao Chengfeng's side, and the nine tooth harrow swings out against the green hill.

"Whoa, whoa, take my axe!"

With a pair of axes in his hand, the giant also came to his side. His body suddenly swelled and became a giant as high as three feet in an instant.

Three people work together, clench their teeth, supporting the Castle Peak.

"If you don't think much of yourself, I'll give you the honor of slowly feeling death."

Castle Peak's power suddenly increased, little by little, and Xiao Chengfeng felt that the mana was solidified and hard to operate. His whole blood was surging, and they would be pressed into meat cakes at any time.

On the other hand, Yang Jian fought hard with bronze bareheaded men.

Yang Jianxiu's nine turn Xuangong also pays attention to physical cultivation, except that he has just entered Zhunsheng, and his realm is not as good as his opponent's. moreover, his opponent breaks through all kinds of methods and ignores his magic power, so he is always unstoppable with one punch!

"Tie the Dragon rope!"

Yang Jian had a hard fight with the bronze bald head, and a strange light burst out of his third eye. He found the right opportunity, raised his hand, and a golden rope shot out, just like a golden dragon, winding towards the bronze bald head!

Layer by layer, the rope tied the bronze bald head tightly. Yang Jian grabbed the other end of the rope and drew a smile from the corner of his mouth.

But the next moment, with a sneer from the bronze bald head, the body was shocked, and the mana was like the sound of a drum. Unexpectedly, the Dragon binding rope was shaken away, and then Yang Jian was pulled along the rope!

The bronze fist raised abruptly and blasted out at Yang Jian!

As soon as Yang Jian's face changed, his wrist turned over and he grasped the three pointed two edged knife to rush to attack.


The powerful force directly penetrated Yang Jian and then flew out.

"Master!"Xiaotiangou runs and bites his teeth. His eyes are full of bitterness, his mouth is open, but his whole body is condensed into a huge wind Dharma phase, forming a strong storm and roaring towards the bronze bald head!

The bronze bald head just glanced at it lightly, raised his hand at will, and smashed the space to form a dark path. It destroyed the attack of Xiaotian dog directly, and blasted the Xiaotian dog out and directly fell on a star.

Yang Jian coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and his face was pale. He stood up with a three pointed two edged knife and said in a voice: "Xiaotian, you go!"


Xiaotian dog drooped his head and lost his head. Knowing that he couldn't help, he could only show his teeth to the bronze bald head.

But they didn't even look at it. With a step, they attacked Yang Jian again!

Also quasi saint, also can regard as the match, other but mole ant ear, looked disdains looks.

Xiaotian dog took out the dog basin and threw it at Yang Jian. He said hatefully, "master, hold on, I'll call someone!"

I'm going to ask the dog king!

The strength of my dog king is not inferior to that of sage! It will turn the situation around!

At the end of the words, it did not drag the mud and water, reluctantly got up and limped to the fairyland.

The group of quasi saints didn't pay attention to the dog at all, but they laughed when they saw its miserable back.

"The dog said he was going to call? Are you going to call a dog? "

"Slip, slip."

"It's too miserable. This is a typical lost dog who runs away from home."


PS: Thank you for sneaking into the night with the wind! Big man, big man!

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