Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 497: 497

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Wheezing dog's departure, no one cares about the cloud world.

It's not worth mentioning.

"All right, almost. It's time to finish!"

The owner of Castle Peak magic weapon is an old man. With a cold smile, he slowly raises his hand and makes a downward pressure. It seems that he is going to suppress Xiao Chengfeng directly!

But at this time, accompanied by a flash of light, Xiao Chengfeng's figure is turned into a little bit of starlight disappeared, then, the starry sky in the void suddenly becomes vast, with a little bit of stars lit up, it seems to enter another piece of starry sky.

"Did I come in time?"

Endless starlight connected with each other, forming a huge Unicorn pattern, standing high and looking down at the people in the cloud world.

"People from the outside world, don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

There was another loud shout, and the stars were shining, forming a huge black dragon. The Dragon swayed and gazed at the crowd.

In the moonlight, Daji and Huofeng with many demons, such as the tide of general, surging, cool to: "everyone into the sky star array, please Nuwa lady presided over the array!"

Kunpeng and the mosquito Taoist also followed. The mosquito Taoist licked his red lips and said, "although I am weak, I am not at my disposal! If you come, you'll pay for the bleeding! "

This time, not only they came, but also many immortal demons and friars came, one by one, to join the star array.

A person, as if lit a star, in the sky on this huge compass, emitting light.

The star array around the sky is just like the stars in the sky. The more people there are, the more powerful they are!

It's a congenital array created by the world itself!

Nu Wa Ning voice of the mouth, "cloud Shu way friend, with me into the array!"


Yun Shuchang breathed a sigh of relief. Her face was pale, and she had been injured.

Although the fighting time is not long, she can't be the opponent of Qingfeng Laodao. Nuwa can use the power of Honghuang world, but she can't. She has been supporting hard all the time.

"With the help of the power of the world?"

Old Taoist Qingfeng and others looked at the stars all over the sky, and their faces were calm, "ha ha, it's a little interesting, but Still pathetically weak. "

Tianyuan Taoist narrowed his eyes, his black knife was full of killing and cutting gas, and he suddenly let go and stabbed at the starry sky above his head!


But at this time, the star light converges, and finally condenses into a virtual shadow of the golden bell. It is the East emperor's bell, which blocks in front of the black knife and rotates slowly!


The black sword collided with the East emperor's bell and made a mighty sound. However, the aftereffect was completely engulfed by the star array of the sky, and the black sword also resisted it!

After that, the starlight flashed again and turned into a giant lotus lamp and a flag.

Both of them burst out bright light at the same time, with powerful flames gushing out. In a twinkling of an eye, the starry sky turned into a terrible flame. The strength of these flames has far exceeded the category of sky fire, with the ultimate flame law, containing the intention of burning everything!

Even if it's just a small flame, it's enough to fall when you touch Daluo Jinxian. Below Daluo Jinxian, it will turn into nothingness when you touch it!

The sea of fire and waves envelop the twelve people in the cloud wasteland world, and the flames are rising to devour everything.

Old Taoist Qingfeng threw the dust in his hand slightly, and immediately pulled the crowd into a circle, forming a defense, blocking the raging sea of fire.

"It's trouble, dying struggle, a waste of time."

Old Taoist Qingfeng shook his head, and then said plainly: "let's do as you like. Just attack the stars with the most effective means. They can't break my defense."

Tianyuan old Taoist said with a smile: "Honghuang? What's the future of a broken world? I'll allow you to be my sword slave, the one who used to use the sword. You can go further in my cloud wilderness. "

A quasi Saint said with a smile: "if Kirin and dragon want to live, they can be our mounts!"

"Shut up! The cloud wasteland is nothing, not even a hair of our wasteland

Xiao Chengfeng hummed coldly, and the stars gathered together to form a dazzling sword. The sword was powerful and powerful, and he stabbed at all the people in the cloud wasteland world!

"Oh, the cloud wasteland?"

The jade emperor also sneered, "a group of frogs at the bottom of the well!"

Others can't help sneering, "the ignorant are fearless!"

"You know nothing about power!"

Their hearts, coincidentally, think of the master.

Mountain is not high, immortal is name, water is not deep, dragon is spirit!

I'm not as good as yunhuang, I'm broken, but There is a great master in my flood and famine. He can take a fancy to my flood and famine, which is my blessing. As long as he is in my flood and famine one day, my flood and famine will not be weaker than any other world!You are the waste of clouds! Want to compete with us? What are you proud of?

Pooh, it's shameless!

All the people in yunhuang world frown.

Naturally, they can hear that Hong Huang's words are not for the sake of face, but from the heart, which is a kind of sincere pride and pride.

They said they couldn't figure it out. You're all like this. What else can NIMA be proud of? Brainwashed?

It's like a billionaire asking the poor to work in his family, but the poor say You are a poor man.

It's ridiculous. It's hard to understand.

Yun Shu is also silly. If it's not the wrong occasion, she wants to ask Nu Wa where your inexplicable sense of superiority comes from, and it's not easy to be so uniform from top to bottom.

"Oh, it's ridiculous!"

Tianyuan old Taoist became angry and killed all over his body. "Unexpectedly, Honghuang is not only weak, but also a group of people who are blind and arrogant. Hahaha, it makes people laugh!"

"Well, then Let's clean it up! "


The magic power of the twelve people in the cloud wasteland world is magnificent, and the magic weapon is shining in the sky. The majestic momentum distorts the starry sky. For a moment, the halo is like a tide, and the sky is full of hype!


"Hold on, master!"

Xiaotian dog limps at his fastest speed and comes to Goushan. When he sees the big black standing on the top of the mountain and looking up at the starry sky, his eyes are suddenly hot, as if he saw his relatives, and tears are pouring in.

"King, please make the decision for me!"

Xiao Tian dog came to Da Hei in front of him in tears. He fell down on the ground and made his hair tremble.

"I saw everything."

There was no sadness or joy in the tone of his voice, but there was a trace of coldness in his dark eyes. Although there was no momentum to speak of, but But let the wheezing dog feel a chill.

Da Hei is not like the two Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian of Qingfeng Laodao. When he wants to live, the world changes color.

On the contrary, there is no breath, but it is this that makes the wheezing dog feel more afraid, just like the calm before the storm.

He had never seen a king like this.

This is the first time for the king to show his anger

Dahei said, "Xiaotian, I've just been thinking about how to deal with these people. What do you think?"

Originally, he saw the stars in the sky with dog patterns, showing a happy smile, and was ready to enjoy it. The next moment, it turned into ashes

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Where are the stars? This is my black face!

From that moment on, he was thinking about what to do with these people.

Xiaotian dog said in a low voice: "big, king, there are two people who are Hunyuan big Luo Jinxian..."

"Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian?"

Dahei shook his head and said calmly, "what's that? I didn't get it. I only know that they have offended me and will pay for it! "

"Let's go, I'll take you back to the place!"

At the end of the speech, the dog's paw was raised, and the single paw raised the wheezing dog. He stepped on the void, and his figure directly crossed the sky.

At the same time.

The sky is beyond the sky.

On the big array of stars in the sky, there are many stars, emitting bursts of brilliance. The endless starlight splashes down and turns into a powerful magic attack, crushing the twelve people in the cloud wasteland world!

All the people in yunhuang world are in a big battle. They seem to be alone. However, no one is in a panic. As soon as the magic formula is introduced, many magic weapons emerge one after another, and the bright light comes out one after another.

Yunhuang world has a natural advantage. The number of magic weapons bred is much more than Honghuang world. These quasi saints can do at least one congenital treasure!

This is hard to imagine in the flood and famine time.

Whether it's cultivation or magic weapon, this is not what the number of people can make up for.


At a certain moment, with a roar, a strong sense of killing and felling came out like a landslide and tsunami. A dark blade was so deep that it was frightening, as if it could devour everything. With many killing and felling offensives, it was like a huge wave engulfing the land during the tsunami. It covered the whole starry sky and engulfed many stars at a very fast speed!


The starry sky is broken, everything is like a dream bubble, gone with the wind, Daji and others show their birth shape, all pale, mouth spouting a mouthful of blood.

Old Taoist Qingfeng said casually, "kill me!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Tianyuan old Taoist frowned and showed his displeasure. With a cold hum, he raised his hand and waved a knife at will.

It's like stepping on a group of ants.

The dark blade is full of the way of killing. It's like reaping wheat. It locks the people and pulls them away!If these people are erased, the world can basically say goodbye

In the face of this blow, Daji and others clenched their teeth, without the slightest fear on their faces. Their eyes were as calm as water, and the only one they had was a trace of regret.

We have done the best we can, even if we live or die, it's a proper death, and we don't feel ashamed to be an expert.

The only regret is that I can't do anything for an expert any more. Those two fish haven't been offered yet. I'm sorry!

No one spoke. Just as he was waiting to die, a dog's paw suddenly came out from one side

In front of the black awn gently a pat, suddenly, the entire awn will be turned into nothingness.

"Who gives you the right to kill in my territory?"

The color of the night, big black walked out slowly with cat's step, the moonlight sprinkled a layer of brilliance on its dog's hair, glittering and swaying with the wind.

"One "Dogs?"

The people in yunhuang world were stunned and looked at the Xiaotian dog beside Da Hei. Suddenly, they looked strange.

It's a dog.

Can I have it delivered?

A lot of people in the flood and famine saw Da Hei, but they looked happy one after another. They were excited and said, "it's the dog!"

Yunshu has been confused. At this moment, she fully feels As expected, I am not a person of the same world with Honghuang people.

There are many brain circuits that she can't understand.

First of all, Hong Huang people's inexplicable pride and superiority. Now they are so excited to see a dog, even with Worship.

The world of Nuwa Daoyou seems to be It's not normal.

As soon as Dahei came out, he became the focus of the game. Xiaotiangou accompanied him. Although he was embarrassed, he also held his head high and looked down.

"Who hurt my little brother like this?" Dahei said

"It's Uncle Ben!"

Bronze bald funny looking at big black, hook hook fingers, "big black dog, how drop?"? Come and find a place for my little brother? "

Big black slowly toward him, mouth calm way: "from broken limbs, kneel down to learn dog barking, can forgive you not to die."

"Oh, I'm so scared."

Bronze bareheaded smile, and then suddenly look ferocious, "dog thing, you are talking crazy, give me die!"

As soon as his voice fell, his body arched, and his fist suddenly bombarded Da Hei. His body became invisible, and his fist came to Da Hei in an instant.

However, before his fist touched Da Hei, Da Hei's dog paw didn't know when it appeared on his head, and then he slapped it down!


The bronze bald head didn't fall, but it was in the same place, like an electric fan, turning up and down for hundreds of turns, with its head buzzing and its paint falling off.

Then he was thrown by Da Hei, in front of Xiaotian dog, "let your anger out!"

"The dog..."

Is Hong Huang the dog saint?

All the people in yunhuang world frown and look at Da Hei's eyes. They are on guard.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help reminding him: "be careful, uncle dog, that's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Big black is still no sad no happy, dog eyes calmly looking at the people in the cloud world, said: "just in the void of the dog pattern, who is destroyed?"

Old Taoist Qingfeng and old Taoist Tianyuan looked at each other. Then, old Taoist Qingfeng said with a cool smile, "it's me. If I don't like it, I will destroy it. What's your dissatisfaction?"

Voice just fell, his hands of the dust has been thrown out, the thin dust into thousands of the most terrible silk thread, enough to tear the sky!

At the same time, Tianyuan old Taoist's killing power also burst out, and the big black knife cut down on the big black!

"It's just a little dog. How dare you come here? We don't have time to waste your time, just annihilate it! "

Such a close distance, two Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian at the same time, no one can react, the destructive power is amazing, the way to kill makes the night condensed a face of death!

Even, it's no longer magic power, but magic weapon directly fell heavily on Da Hei's body!

When the crowd came back, the dust and the black knife had fallen on Da Hei.

All the people in the wasteland have a mouth open. They just want to make a exclamation, but they find that the situation seems wrong and take it back.

No don't worry?

How is that possible?!

Old Taoist Qingfeng and old Taoist Tianyuan have a blank brain. They even think that there is a bug in the world. They still keep the posture of attack and turn into statues

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