Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 576: 576

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The old man also did not know whether it was because of the injury or the attack of anger, and directly ejected a mouthful of blood.

The pupil almost stares out, full of blood.

"No way! How could that be? Why on earth is this? "

His view of the world has been impacted, his brain is blank and on the verge of collapse.

It's weird!

There is something strange about this virtuous king!

He suddenly woke up, and his whole body was excited. The Tianling cover was about to explode, and a chill came over his whole body, which made him very uneasy.

At this time, he found that his body was still burning, charred into charcoal, a deep pain straight to the forehead, let his face twitch.

This is his own curse. The damage caused by this kind of witchcraft can't be reversed even if he is in the realm of heaven. The pain is equivalent to that of ordinary people being burned. Even if he is immortal, he is seriously injured.

"Come on Come on

He weakly waved, forehead is full of sweat, hoarse way: "come to put out the fire for me."

"Yes, your excellency."

Other people do not dare to neglect, for a time, all kinds of water magic rushed to the sky, sweeping away towards the old man!

However, this flame is obviously not an ordinary flame, and it is difficult to put out for a while.

While enduring the impact of magic, the green faced old man tried to control the fire by pinching the decision.

Just as we all worked together, unfortunately, Zuo Shi came back in a hurry.

And incomparably nervous and dignified exclaimed: "gluttonous come, hurry to set up!"

She had a face mask on her face. She could not see her face, but her chest was puffing and panting. It was obvious that she had done a lot to seduce Taotie.

It's coming here in a hurry.

The faces of the people changed dramatically, and they almost said in one voice: "don't come here!"

The green faced old man was also flustered and exclaimed, "you lead Taotie to other places first. I need to slow down. Don't come here!"

What a shame!

Not only have we not made any preparations, but our combat effectiveness has been seriously damaged. How can we fight?

Bad luck!

Bad luck!

The left envoy's face was Su, his eyes were twinkling, with a trace of anger.

Is it easy for me to work hard to bring Taotie here?

I thought it was time to harvest. You people who didn't do anything asked me to leave without supporting me?

It's too much!

And where else can I go? It's gluttonous!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help speeding up and shouting, "aren't you preparing? Hurry up, I'm coming


Behind her, a huge shadow came quickly and came down!

Although it did not form a strong destructive force, it was like a heavy hammer that hit people's hearts and made them breathless.


The old man spewed out a mouthful of blood again, his blue face turned white, his lips trembled, and he was too depressed.

At first glance, he thought that he had come to the wrong place, and his mind was a bit broken.

I saw that the group of people in jiemeng were surrounded by the old man with green face, one by one working hard to spray water towards the old man with green face.

The old man with green face is lying flat, with a flame beating all over his body. The whole person has become coke, with a burning smell.

What is this doing?

What about the arrangement?

Playing with water one by one? And the green faced old man, burning himself?

Why didn't I find this team so unreliable before?


Smelling the scorched smell, the Taotie behind seemed to be more excited. With a roar, he showed his figure.

It's a monster with four eyes, black skin, long neck and four feet. It has a pair of long horns on its head. It's surrounded by cold air. Most of them are bluish white, and their mouths are surprisingly large. It's like a big one growing in a huge body. It's dozens of feet long without face.

Its mouth opened, and a powerful force of swallowing came to the crowd. It had just started to exert its power, and its place had turned into a dark vortex, like a black hole, sucking everything around it.

The power of terror makes everyone's face change greatly.

The nearest left emissary scolded him and drew the magic formula in his hand. He quickened his speed by three points again. As soon as he twisted his body, he had already crossed the red star and was still running back.

Other people are also unwilling to show weakness, have used their means to escape backward.

Even the old man with a blue face, his heart sank. He looked at the flame in some parts of his body that had not been extinguished. His eyes were fierce. He raised his knife, waved it and cut it!

Then he began to run back with his charred and incomplete body.As for the red star, it was drawn by the power of phagocytosis and flew to Taotie.

In terms of size, this star is much bigger than Taotie. However, under the power of swallowing, it turns into a small one. It is swallowed by Taotie without any ripple.

Zuo Shi's face was hard to see the extreme, and he almost collapsed and asked, "what did you do?"

"What about those who agreed to set up the array?"

"What's the point of catching Taotie directly?"

Without any preparation, the difficulty of arrest has been raised several levels. How to play?

"The king of merit and virtue is not very simple. My art of tranquilization has no influence on him. There must be a big secret behind him! No wonder everything went wrong when I met him. It turned out that it was not a coincidence, but that everything I had was in her calculation! This person It's terrible

The green faced old man often injures himself, but he doesn't care about his blackened body. He wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth, and says: "I'm afraid we have to report this matter to the alliance leader before making a decision."

The left envoy sipped his mouth, "let's solve the crisis in front of us first."

She looked back with a lingering fear, but saw that the black hole of gluttonous was thinking of people's rapid movement, the speed was surprisingly fast.

Moreover, the suction is getting stronger and stronger, which makes people panic.

"Although Taotie is strong, we are strong enough to deal with it this time."

The green faced old man looked at Taotie with deep eyes, forced to take a breath and raised his hand to the running Taotie.

"The art of lifeblood, I'll connect again!"

A mighty law came, rippling in the chaos, turning into a gray, if not silk thread, connecting him with Taotie.

"Get ready to fight! Do it together

The green faced old man opened his mouth with a voice of congealing. Then he looked down at his charred body, and a trace of cruel color flashed in his eyes again.

Anyway, it's burnt, so it's OK to cut it!

He gritted his teeth, raised the knife, Shua again, cut off a piece of his own meat!


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Taotie was affected and gave out a painful roar. The black hole disappeared and appeared to be in shape, trembling slightly.

In its body, inexplicably out of a wound, gurgling blood.

"Die for me!"

Its four eyes turned red, just like cannonballs pounding at the crowd!

The mountain like body cuts through the chaos, leaving a deep space crack along the way. This collision seems to destroy everything in front!

Under the grimace mask, Zuo Shi's eyes are dignified. She holds a white millstone in her hand and waves her hand to Taotie.

The millstone rises in the wind, and also turns into tens of feet, and goes towards the gluttonous suppression!


The millstone fell on Taotie's body, which suddenly produced a violent shaking, but it stopped Taotie's body for a short time!

The other members of jiemeng also immediately entered the fighting state. They quickly came to Taotie, pinched the formula together, and suddenly lifted a series of chains from behind.

"Jingle, jingle!"

The voice of the iron rope interweaves and exudes the prestige of infiltrating people. Like a sharp sword, it stabs Taotie from all directions!

Taotie's body shakes slightly, opens his mouth wide and sucks.

One of the chains is just like noodles. Together with the people of jiemeng, they are sucked into the stomach of Taotie and see the world again in a twinkling of an eye.

"Hiss -"

other people's eyes widened with fear, and at the first time, they took back their chains.

With the roar of glutton, the powerful suction rises again and turns into a black hole, swallowing endless chaos!

The first is the millstone that originally suppressed it. In a moment, the brilliance is dim. Although we are trying our best to resist, it won't be long before we are swallowed by glutton!

The so-called magic weapon is just food for Taotie.

Zuo Shi's face slightly changed, and he quickly pointed to the black hole across the air!

Huge fingers fell from the sky and pressed on the black hole, which made the black hole's phagocytosis stop for a moment. She took the opportunity to recall the millstone and feel the aura of its phagocytosis.

All the people have to resist the horror.

"At the critical moment, it's up to me!"

The green faced old man laughs. The knife in his hand emits light. He raises his hand without hesitation and cuts to himself again!

"I cut, I cut, I cut!"

In the twinkling of an eye, he cut off his three pieces of meat. Instead of feeling pain, he stared at Taotie excitedly with abnormal eyes.


Taotie's body is struggling and blood is surging.It's fierce and powerful. It rises up without reservation, which solidifies the space. It's tyrannical. It's a flash, swallowing a member of the League again!

This time, in addition to the left and right envoys, there was also another great power in the realm of heaven, and five great powers in the realm of Hunyuan, Luo and Jinxian.

Now, it is the direct loss of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

"How dare you eat people?"

The old man's face was more cruel. He held the knife hard and made a long cut on his thigh slowly and forcefully.

While gnashing teeth, while also with a sick smile.

He enjoyed the moment of psychics very much. Although he had to hurt himself, he had a happy feeling of controlling other people's lives.

At this time, other people's lives in their own hands, looking at the helpless despair of others, this is the supremacy of the spirit of ah!

Especially seeing the pain of Taotie, the old man with green face was even more smiling, "hahaha, it's not easy!"

The other members of jiemeng looked at the old man with a little respect in their heart.

I really didn't expect that the meat on the old man's body was burnt, and he even used it to cut the meat without blinking.

Seems to be cutting very hard.

Hard, too hard.

It's cruel to yourself.

Taotie's injury is not light, but it also inspires its ferocity. Layers of mighty laws surround his body, condensing the light of the five elements. It seems that there are mountains and rivers around him, and the vast world manifests itself.

It has engulfed the origin of the world, and its power has already surpassed the great power of the vast majority of the realm of heaven. Even if it just rubs a side, it is enough to annihilate any Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The people of jiemeng keep a distance from Taotie. The chain is like countless python, trying to limit Taotie's action, but it has little effect.

Originally, if we had prepared early to lead Taotie into the urn, then the five Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would still have a great role in the array.

Now there is no array to protect them. There is no big difference between these five people and cannon fodder. Two of them died soon.

As for the power of Zuo Shi and another heavenly realm, it's not easy.

Taotie is naturally capable of swallowing all things in the world. It has rough skin and thick flesh, strong strength, amazing speed and no weakness at all.

If you use a magic weapon, you are likely to be swallowed by it. As for the general attack on it, it is difficult to cause damage to it. Therefore, even if the jiemeng wants to capture it, it is carefully planned and prepared.

Unfortunately, great changes have taken place in the original plan

Nowadays, only green faced elders can do harm to Taotie by cutting meat.

The mighty force collides, the halo is full of light, and the intense roar is made in the chaos. The endless mana rippling open area, even the stars thousands of kilometers away are annihilated and turned into vermilion.

The aftereffects of terror distort the chaos.

Since then, all the five Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian have been destroyed, and even half of his body has been swallowed up several times. If he had not been able to survive, he would have died.

"Zuo Shi, when are you going to hide yourself?"

The green faced old man yelled out, but his voice was full of unspeakable fatigue. His lips were white, and he said sadly, "I have no meat to cut!"

"I know!"

The left envoy just faintly answered, his hands raised, but a long sword with red light appeared in front of him.

The sword, in fact, should be said to be light, red light!

It contains the extreme destruction of red, and even the crackling sound of thunder and lightning. The smell of terror makes people numb.

The left envoy raised his hand and pointed to Taotie. With a swish of red light, he turned it into tens of feet long and pierced Taotie directly, as if he had been nailed to death in chaos!

From a distance, in the endless chaos, a huge fierce beast was broken through by a long string of blood red awns, and the surrounding formation of annihilation was spectacular.


Another great power in the realm of heaven is to strike while the iron is hot. A heavy chain flies out, twines on Taotie and binds him up.

The hard fight has come to an end.

The strength of Taotie's struggle is not big, and it is not enough for fear.

"Ha ha, when everything is stable, I know that everything is still under my control."

The old man with green face smiles. He is already very weak. The injury on his body is shocking and hard to describe.

Had it not been for the strong vitality of the realm of heaven, I would have died a hundred and eighty times.

Just a breath of relief, the left envoy listened to his words, his heart could not help mentioning again, and felt an unknown.

Okay, what's your flat?

Then, her heart began to thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thumpwww.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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