Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 577: 577

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No, no

Zuo Shi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He could not help praying for the power of heaven.

However, a philosopher once said that the less you want something to happen, the more it will happen.

The world is often so cruel.

And then Here he comes.

The first thing I saw was a bald dog with no hair on his whole body. His red and white skin was exposed, but his face was full of seriousness. The combination of funny and serious added a bit of joy.

However, Zuo Shi couldn't laugh because she felt a huge threat from the dog.

"Who would have come at the right time?"

The green faced old man and another great power of the realm of heaven also found these uninvited guests and looked at them carefully.

However, when you see everything clearly, you can't help but feel a little relieved.

Only the bald dog who is the leader is difficult to deal with. Other people are not in the realm of heaven. Even now they are seriously injured, they are not afraid.

Da Hei walks in chaos. The dog's eyes are like electricity. He is directly locked on the old man with green face. The cold voice says, "I remember your breath. The culprit that night is you!"

The old man frowned and was not afraid. He said with a smile, "ha ha, it's you. The dog's nose is very smart."

Daji and others did not speak, but silently looked at the situation in front of them. When they saw the Taotie, which was chained and hanging in the chaos, their eyes were all frozen.

As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to be coincidental. They didn't expect to come so coincidentally.

Originally, he wanted to catch Taotie, but he just ran into the people of jiemeng. If he came late, Taotie would be caught by the people of jiemeng. If he came earlier, I'm afraid there would be great changes.

Now, Taotie is caught, and the people of jiemeng seem to have suffered heavy losses. This is undoubtedly the best time to appear on the stage.

It's a fantastic start.

Looking at their faces, Zuo Shi seemed to see through what they thought in their hearts. Under the grimace, his eyes showed a trace of fluctuation, and he said tentatively, "don't you think that in this case, you can be our opponent?"

Daji's face was calm, and he said faintly: "originally, we came here for the sake of gluttonous food, but since we happened to meet you, we will destroy you together."

She is just the cultivation of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but she speaks this kind of words to the three great powers in the realm of heaven, and in a natural tone, anyone will feel funny.

In fact, the three members of jiemeng all laughed.

The great power of the realm of heaven disdained to say: "it's up to you? If you want to be a yellow Finch, you have to have the strength to be a yellow finch! Who gave you confidence? "

"Well, you destroyed the stronghold of our alliance in Wanyao City, so that you knew the whereabouts of Taotie and pursued him here."

The green faced old man opened his mouth. His eyes were deep, and he seemed to see through everything. He said: "I admit that I was careless before, because I ignored a very important person, that is the so-called king of merit!"

"If I guess well, the king of merit is just a cover."

As soon as the words came out, the pupils of Daji and others suddenly shrank, showing an incredible look. Although it was only for a moment, it was still noticed by the old man.

He narrowed his eyes and became more complacent. Then he said, "all our plans fall short at the last moment. One time is a coincidence, two times and three times. What's right is the aim! The king of merit and virtue How deep it is

"Even this time, we almost hit the road! I used the pinnacle of the spirit subduing technique to deal with the meritorious monarch. Not only did I not hurt him at all, but also I suffered a lot. I even delayed the deployment of catching Taotie, which resulted in heavy losses in this incident. At this time, you just came here and wanted to Is it also the plan of the king of merit and virtue? "

What he said was speculation, but it was in a very firm tone. The analysis was clear and reasonable.

Daji and other people's faces moved slightly. I didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns in them, but at the same time, there was a sudden in my heart.

It turns out that their actions have always been under the chess game of experts!

If you think about it, it's true.

What's more, when they heard the analysis of the blue faced elders, their hearts showed a trace of fear.

That is to say, if it wasn't for the old man with green face who encountered the counter attack of the master when he used the spirit subduing skill, the loss of jiemeng would not be so great. However, he and others may not be the opponents of jiemeng's people this time, which is really dangerous.

Although he didn't show up in person, he once again protected himself and others!

Powerful, invincible!

Qin Chongshan's heart is more awed of the master, coldly said: "you still have a little brain, such as the master, you can't imagine.""Hahaha, it's a pity that this time he's miscalculated!"

The green faced old man gave a cold smile, looked at five people and said coldly, "although you have more people than us, and we are injured, but You have only one dog in the realm of heaven. Are you still dreaming of taking Taotie from us

"But I'm curious. What do you want to do to capture Taotie?"

Huofeng's whole body has already begun to have the flame to beat, the face is cold to lie a way: "tell you also no harm, Taotie is the food material that my host orders, waiting for us to take back to cook!"


The old man was stunned, and then his face became more ugly. "Do you think I can fool you? It seems that we have to arrest you first, and then ask you a good question! "

Da Hei couldn't wait. He raised his dog's paw and patted the old man straight, "what are you talking about? Just slap it to death

The green faced old man snorted coldly and said to the powerful man in the realm of heaven: "I and Zuo Shi will work together to solve this dog, and the others will give it to you!"

"It's easy!"

The man stared at the five people of Daji, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. Without hesitation, he burst out and raised his hand. A huge empty shadow of his hand floated in the chaos, covering Daji and others.

The palm is folded, like five finger mountain, trying to hold the five people.

He is a great power in the realm of heaven. Although it's just a shadow in the palm of his hand, it's already a small world created by him. In this palm, he is the master. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is equivalent to mole ants, and can be crushed to death at will.

In the palm of his hand, the five of Daji felt the pressure from heaven and earth, just like ordinary people were squeezed out by heaven and earth. Space would crush them. The power of heaven was vast, and heaven's punishment came into the world, annihilating everything.

They look dignified, and at the same time sacrifice defense magic weapon, to resist the pressure of the sky, as if in the boundless wind and waves, holding up a small sailing boat, struggling to resist the wind and rain.

On the other side, Dahei, alone with his dog, also fought with the left and right envoys.

Da Hei doesn't show any pity for her. The dog's paw is waving. He scratched the left envoy's body everywhere, and his flesh and blood are flying. He is also poked many holes. The fighting is simple and violent, and the collision is constant.

The green faced old man didn't use the spirit subduing skill. He was in a state of underestimation. He didn't even dare to fight with Da Hei. He could only make a detour and harass him, but every attack was also extremely terrible.

It's more surprising than the black's strength.

I can't understand why this big black dog has only taken off his hair, and its combat effectiveness has soared so much?

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Can hair removal make you stronger? Or does this dog have a talent for hair removal?

The only spectator on the scene is Taotie.

It's losing strength, giving up the struggle, and falling into a life of doubt.

I am a grand glutton, a fierce beast in chaos, and a great being walking horizontally.

But now, one wants to take me back as an experiment, the other wants to take me back as a food?

Even fighting for my belonging

When did I become such a bully? What kind of people are they? They are too cruel!

The green faced old man was targeted by Da Hei, and his state was getting worse and worse. He couldn't help urging Da Neng of the realm of heaven: "don't waste time, solve them quickly!"


The man recovers simply, then says coldly: "it's over!"

Between his backhand, he clapped at the crowd again!

Under this palm, wind and rain, thunder and lightning interweave, the power of the five elements is vast, and endless laws roar, like the end of the world, the destruction of heaven and earth, pouring towards the people!

Qin Chongshan, Nu Wa and Bai Chen are all pale. They feel the tremor from their souls and have a feeling of powerlessness in the face of the bright moon.

The realm of the way of heaven is equal to the way of heaven, and they, after all, are just mole ants living under the way of heaven. Although they are only one realm apart, they are very different. It is the limit that they can barely resist.

"You are wrong. My master never miscalculated!"

Daji's face was calm, and he slowly raised his hand, "it's really time to end!"

In her hand, the ring sent out a milky halo, and the strange smell came, which made Daji's momentum soar like a sword, and pierced the blockade of the heavenly realm directly!

It's also a slap!

"Click, click!"

A huge ice giant palm rose from the sky, facing the man!

In this ice giant palm, there is a trace of great power. Its terror is even more terrible than the powerful attack of the heaven realm. Even the surrounding chaotic space seems to be frozen!

"This is The treasure of chaos?! What's more, it also contains the power of the road? "

The man's face changed, and there was a sharp growl in his mouth. I can't believe it.

However, his shock is not over, Huofeng also raised his hand.On her body, the gold jewelry exudes dazzling brilliance, also releases the breath, turns into a golden flame dragon, and goes to the man!

"Another treasure of chaos?"

The man's face was scared and twisted, covered with cold, his scalp almost burst open, and he began to retreat without hesitation!

However, this kind of state attack contains chaos rules, which can not be easily avoided.

Fire and ice, which were originally two completely exclusive elements, melted together at this time, annihilated everything in front of them in a state of destruction, and then shrouded in the great power of the realm of heaven.

In a twinkling, the man was extremely shocked and frightened, dissipated between heaven and earth, leaving no trace.

Qin Chongshan and others were stunned, swallowing: "OK What a magic weapon. "

Nu Wa, who knew the inside story, took a deep breath and exclaimed, "the chaotic treasure made by an expert is really terrible. It's so strong that it's incredible!"

As for the left and right envoys, watching all this happen, they almost glared out their eyes. Their hearts were cold, and they were scared out of their voices.

Green faced old man a blank, immediately cried out his most urgent idea, "run with me!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, it was found that the left envoy had already flickered several times, and his body was jumping and moving at an unprecedented speed. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the depths of chaos without any nostalgia, and his head didn't come back.

He turned helplessly, and saw that the big black dog's face was close to his face, staring at him cruelly.

"I'm cold!" he said

He was really cool. Dahei didn't like tormenting people. He directly crushed the origin of Qingmian old man's life. Since then, a powerful heavenly power has been erased from the world!

In the endless chaos, not many people know that a great war has ended.

Daji said, "let's go. We have to transport the fresh ingredients to the host."

"Yes, that's what the Daji fairy said."

"This gluttonous, let's carry, this kind of rough work I am best at."

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen are busy and should shout out, competing to show themselves.

Whether it's Dahei, Daji or Huofeng, their power refreshes their cognition and gives them the most intuitive feeling. Naturally, they are more awed.

What's more, this time they came, to tell the truth, it was tantamount to holding up the market, and they didn't help. Now it seems that they came to act as porters.

On the other side, the left emissary went all the way in a hurry. He used all the means that he could use. In an instant, he crossed an endless distance and hid in a dense group of stars. Only in this way could he dare to take a breath.

"It's terrible. It's too dangerous. Fortunately, I was on my guard. I was fast enough." Zuo Shi thought happily.

In fact, when the green faced old man began to analyze the extraordinary talents one by one, her heart began to sink gradually, ready to retreat at any time.

Recently, they have experienced so many misfortunes that they have never done anything. Often, changes will happen in an impossible way.

She is different. She thinks it will not be so simple, especially when the old man sets up a flag.

His teammate can be used as a reverse indicator.

She turned out to be right.

When Daji said "my master will never miscalculate", she began to withdraw strategically without hesitation.

"I'm afraid it's very, very simple! I have to go back and report to the leader of the alliance

She murmured, her figure flashed, and disappeared into chaos again.

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