Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 578: 578

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In the courtyard.

Calm as always.

Li nianfan's honeymoon trip took a full month and a half.

However, with Xiaobai housekeeper in charge, everything is very orderly. As for the chickens in the yard, as well as the cows and peacocks in the backyard, the performance is also very good.

This is reflected in Whether it's eggs or milk, the production is quite a lot, and even because there are too many, in order to facilitate preservation, Xiaobai also made them into marinated eggs, cakes and fruit yoghurt.

There are also many snacks in stock, which are stored in the refrigerator, making Li nianfan fully feel the warmth and comfort of home.

"Sure enough, it's better to go home! The purpose of traveling is to see different scenery and improve one's vision. But to be honest, it's not enjoyment. On the contrary, it's tiring when all kinds of things happen along the way... "

Lying on the rocking chair, Li nianfan is enjoying the freshly squeezed juice while eating the freshly baked cake. It's just like a holiday. He can't say he's very comfortable.

In addition, there is a long piano sound in the ear, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. It complements the gurgling sound of running water, and virtually greatly improves the force of siheyuan. This is life.

Qin manyun is the one who plays the piano.

Although she is very excited to be able to follow the master, there is also endless pressure, but she dare not slack off at all.

If she doesn't perform well, or if she doesn't make good efforts and encounters the dislike of experts, then the original great fortune will become her own talisman, so she naturally uses all she has and tries her best to show herself.

In front of her, there is a bamboo slip with music scores carved on it. It doesn't look brilliant, but in Qin manyun's eyes, every note on the bamboo slip has a faint light flow and a great road breath flow.

These notes, like the road, have a life, dancing in their own side, so that their control of the piano road by leaps and bounds.

On the other side, situ Qin was standing in front of a stone table in the center, holding a brush and writing with solemn expression.

When she came back to Siheyuan with Li nianfan, Rao Shi Qin manyun had been here before, but in the face of today's changes, she was still shocked, not to mention situ Qin, who almost fainted.

When Li nianfan turned out a music score and a Book of calligraphy from the utility room and let them practice by themselves, they were overwhelmed by excitement, shock, disbelief and other emotions, which almost exploded their brains.

Whether it's music score or calligraphy, it contains Dao Zhili, which is equivalent to Dao inheritance!

I don't know how many times higher it is than the so-called cultivation of skills, formula, magic and so on!

At present, situ Qin still stays in the first page of the calligraphy, copying the vertical stroke carefully!

In her eyes, the thread of this brush is flowing along the road, and she imitates it. It's like getting the personal guidance of the road, which greatly speeds up her own cultivation speed. It's just like practicing calligraphy with great speed.

What's more, she knew that this was just the beginning. At present, it was just a simple stroke, so she felt that it was profound. There were complete words behind it. After listening to the experts, there were poems!

If I can really copy this calligraphy book, then my own realm

Too terrible, I must work hard, absolutely can't live up to the expectations of the experts!

As for the side effect of jiemeng, when she was wandering in the way of calligraphy, her heart was tranquil to the extreme and was suppressed without suspense.

From time to time, Li nianfan looks at Qin manyun who plays the piano and situ Qin who describes it carefully. He can't help but smile, as if he saw his shadow before.

At this time, Xiaobai came out of the backyard and said, "master, those new fruits in the backyard are ripe."


Li nianfan immediately got up from the reclining chair, eyes shining, with a trace of excitement and expectation, "go, I'll go and have a look."

He came to the backyard and looked at the fruits in the garden. When he settled on the clusters of reddish brown and round fruits, he put a smile on his mouth and walked over with a big step.

The branch is luxuriant and leafy, the tree is tall and the trunk is thick.

The bark is thick, rough and slightly cracked, and the wood texture of the trunk is fine and brownish red.

Under the background of many green leaves, the red brown round fruits gathered together, scattered around the whole tree, looking rather dazzling.

"It's really mature."

Li nianfan licked his lips, but he couldn't wait any longer. He flew to a piece of fruit and picked it.

The appearance of the fruit is rough, and there are intricate lines on it. It is no doubt that litchi is one of Li nianfan's favorite fruits.

Compared with previous litchi, this litchi gave Li nianfan the most intuitive feeling, that is big.It's really big. It's at least twice the size. It's very appetizing.

Use your hand to gently peel off the fiery red hard shell on the top. In order to protect the inner membrane, you should not rush this step. Gradually, a layer of almost transparent, snow-white pulp suddenly emerges, with charming luster and a small amount of juice flowing.

Seeing such a scene, Li nianfan was more careful, even afraid to exert himself, for fear of crushing the jade like flesh.

From the top to the bottom, the shell is gradually removed, and the plump snow-white skin shows the bottom of the eye, just like a pure white jade, soft, white and elastic, which makes people love it.

If the fingers accidentally force, pierced the pulp that layer of "invisible" membrane, natural pure juice will flow out along the cracks of the membrane.

This is like the most beautiful natural crafts, exuding an attractive atmosphere.

Litchi is worthy of the "fruit king". There are many poems about it, which shows its popularity.

Li nianfan can't wait to open his mouth and wrap the snow-white pulp. First he feels a little cool, then he bites it gently, and a small mouthful of pulp falls into his mouth with the juice.

With the biting open, the juice inside began to emerge like a river breaking a dike. Without hesitation, Li nianfan poked out his tongue, licked the spilled juice along the crack, closed his eyes, and felt its sweetness and fragrance with his heart.

A little sucking, not willing to miss it bit by bit.

The unique aroma of litchi and the cool feeling of fruit juice instantly occupied the mouth, which made Li nianfan quite enjoy. Especially the soft pulp rolled in his mouth. The taste was so good that it exploded. When he bit it, it was full of elasticity and broke again to overflow the juice.

Taste and taste are the best choice, people can't stop.

Unknowingly, a litchi belly, leaving only a nail under the big nucleus, it can be said that the meat is small, properly is the best litchi.

Li nianfan licked his lips, endless aftertaste, forced to endure not to continue to eat the second, but began to pick quickly.

This is the magic of litchi. After one litchi enters your mouth, you can't help but want to eat the second and the third one Until the stomach can no longer hold so far.

But in fact, it's not the best way to eat now. It's better to soak litchi in water to make litchi cool. At that time, the taste is the peak.

After picking a lot of lychees, Li nianfan set his eyes on the cherries and longans not far away, and began to pick them.

At this time, he is like a fruit farmer who is harvesting fruits, full of a sense of achievement.

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While picking it, Li nianfan can't help feeling, "it's really useful for me to raise Da Hei so big."

These new fruits were brought by Da Hei last time. I don't know where they came from. In a word, Li nianfan was very satisfied.

When Li nianfan was picking the fruits, a piece of auspicious clouds came from the distant sky. It was Daji and others.

Accompanying Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen are carrying a glutton, a face of tension, after all, the next visit is the residence of the master!

When the Luoxian mountains came into their eyes, inexplicably, a mighty pressure fell on them, so that they did not dare to look directly at the mountains.

Looking at the Luoxian mountains from afar, there seems to be a flow of Taoist rhymes in the clouds surrounding the mountains. At first glance, the layout and structure of the mountains are very common, but if you have a detailed understanding, it seems to contain the rhythm of heaven and earth, full of strange colors.

It is worthy of being the residence of an expert, which can be described in four words - unfathomable.

They descended at the foot of the mountain and then began to climb on foot.

Along the way, there are tall trees, lush grass and trees. From time to time, there are spiritual fountains overflowing between the plains. Looking at the whole divine realm, it can be regarded as one of the best places in the world.

This is the central area when the flood and wasteland turned into the divine realm. Naturally, the rich level of aura is enough to be described by frequent visions and the tide of aura.

Of course, Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen are obviously not in the mood to appreciate it. At this time, they are full of anxiety. Step by step, their steps are a little heavy, just like a pilgrimage, heading up the mountain.

In the endless tension, a courtyard came into view.

Daji said softly, "here we are."

Simple two words, but let Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen's heart began to plop, plop up, can't help but rely on deep breathing to calm down.


As Daji and Huofeng opened the door of the courtyard, Dahei took the lead to enter, and others entered one after another.

They didn't see Li nianfan, only Qin manyun and situ Qin. They stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

Xiao Bai's eyes fell on Da Hei and said, "Da Hei, you without hair, I think you should change your name, and Welcome home. In the future, you can have more kinds of dog food. "

Qin manyun and situ Qin saluted to Daji and Huofeng, "I've seen Daji fairy, Huofeng fairy."Daji and Huofeng nodded slightly and said curiously, "where's the master?"

Situ Qin respectfully said: "the Lord Shengjun is picking fruit in the backyard."

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen are in the moment of entering the courtyard, the whole body violently trembles, then does not move, into a statue.

To tell the truth, they think they have made enough psychological preparation. After all, they have seen the heroism of an expert, but When I came to the residence of an expert, my brain still exploded and almost cracked.

It's not a matter of preparation, it's beyond their imagination!

Originally, the limit of their brain's imagination was only the tenth level. However, it was found here that the master was in the 100th level, which directly crushed their world view. It was restrained without screaming.

Chaos aura, here is a world full of chaos Aura!

What's more, the gurgling water is actually a river made of chaotic spring, and then everything in the yard, the firewood in that corner, should emit the smell of chaotic Linggen. Yes, there are also all kinds of sundries in the yard, down to tables, chairs and benches, up to refrigerators and rockeries, no doubt exception, at least chaotic Lingbao level!

What is the concept of chaos Lingbao? It is enough to make the same level invincible, and even possible to face the things that are beyond the level!

Take Daji and Huofeng as an example, they are just the realm of Hunyuan, but they can kill the realm of heaven with the help of chaos, which is enough to show the importance of magic weapons.

Qin Chongshan's lips trembled and could not help chattering, "is this an ideal country?"

It's like a child's dream. He wants a roof made of candy, juice as a river, chocolate as a beam, and snacks as soon as he opens his mouth

Every cultivator, no, every cultivator has a dream, that is to have a courtyard like this

At this time, Bai Chen and Qin Chongshan seem to see their dream child and want to shed tears

Even they have such an idea, this life can see such a tall scene, this life no regrets!

Bai Chen's eyes were blurred and he whispered to himself, "here Is it the end of the road? "

After a long time, they recovered a little and looked at Qin manyun and situ Qin.

Especially in situ Qin's body for a moment, mainly because situ Qin's appearance is a little strange.

Half human, half white tiger, eye-catching.

Situ Qin saluted and said, "I've met two predecessors

"The emperor of beasts?"

"Are you situ Qin?"

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen speak at the same time, and their tone is full of surprise.

Some time ago, situqin, the princess of Yushou sect, was captured by jiemeng. Yushou sect tried to find out with the help of the whole clan. This was quite a stir. I didn't expect to meet her here.

Situ Qin opened his mouth and said, "I'm lucky that I was saved by an expert, and then I can get out of the bitter sea."

"I see."

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen nodded at the same time. Inadvertently, they caught a glimpse of the brush in situ Qin's hand.

Suddenly eyes straight, shortness of breath.

A heat wave straight to the brain, let Bai Chen's tongue start to knot, "you, you, you this..."

Situ Qin said: "I have the courage to learn calligraphy from the master. This is a gift from the master."

Learning calligraphy with an expert?!

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen took a cold breath, and their eyes turned purple with envy, and their whole body trembled.

When he noticed the calligraphy in front of situ Qin, his brain exploded and his hair stood up.


Really good envy!

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