Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 583: 583

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Outside the sky, next to the Moon Palace.

Qin manyun and the Qin master sat opposite each other across the air, with an ancient Qin in front of them.

This kind of confrontation makes the zither owner feel irritable. He feels insulted. He even confronts with a big Luo Jinxian. If it comes out, I'm afraid he'll have to laugh off the big teeth of all the creatures in the chaos.

So, he is ready to end this argument quickly!

The violinist put his hand on the body of the lute and ran his fingertips over a string. He said in a cold voice, "I'm loosening the string. I hope you won't be shocked into an idiot!"

Qin manyun ignored him and stroked the string.

As soon as the owner's eyes narrowed and gave a cold hum, his fingers suddenly loosened!

"Keng -"

the extreme felling breath is like a runaway wild horse, carrying a frightening momentum to kill Qin manyun.

There was only one sound, but it was crisp and harsh. It was even more domineering than the sound of drums. In the empty air, it seemed that it twisted into a ferocious face and rushed towards Qin manyun!

It is also at this moment that Qin manyun fiddles with the strings.

A gentle movement came out, like the breeze blowing on the face, and even calmed the heart of the people in the heavenly palace. The music was not aggressive at all. It was a self-contained story.

The grimace comes and touches Qin manyun's piano sound, just like dust meets prestige and is blown away in an instant.

Qin sound like water, cool and thorough, slowly flowing, watering the void around.

"How powerful!"

Everyone looked at Qin manyun and exclaimed.

They didn't expect that Qin manyun could really defuse the Qin master's attack, and it was amazing to defuse it in such a plain way.

"It's blocked."

Suspended in the air, Lao Jun's body trembles slightly, showing an incredible look. He looks at Qin manyun as calm as water in surprise, and can't help but give birth to a touch of hope.

"For so many years, I didn't expect that such a talented person had been born in my famine. I don't know who could teach such an excellent disciple."

If it was found that year, it would definitely be received by the door.

The owner's eyebrows suddenly picked, the fierce color in his eyes deeper, and finally began to play the piano seriously.

"Keng, Keng, Keng!"

Two different kinds of Qin sound revolve in the sky, interweave and confront each other, and resound in the ears of people around.

However, it does not make people feel confused. These are two different artistic conceptions, which will not be destroyed by other piano sounds.

A storm began to brew around, Qin Yin with their own way against each other, making the law between heaven and earth are beginning to chaos, between them, forming a vacuum!

Among them, all other laws are excluded, leaving only their Tao fighting for territory.

Then, the vacuum gradually expanded to form a ball, which enveloped the whole moon palace. Here, two different kinds of zither music were moving, which made people hold their breath and feel a burst of depression.

In this case, they do not dare to release their own Tao to be involved, because they have self-knowledge. Once their Tao is not strong enough, they will be destroyed by the music of the zither, and the heart of the Tao will be hurt!

As far as the current situation is concerned, Qin manyun's performance has surpassed that of empress Nuwa and Taoist Junjun. Her piano music does not show any decline, but is always calm and follows her own composition, standing like a mountain, with nothing to shake.

"Is this the way of an expert?"

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen pursed their lips together. They felt deeply shocked. Even the piano children who were cultivated by them were so powerful. It was shocking!

At the same time, they thought of situ Qin, who was from Yushou sect. I'm afraid he would achieve much more than he imagined!

"It seems that there is some weight."

The piano master's face was a little stiff. With a cold smile, the speed of playing the piano with both hands increased abruptly. The sound of the piano also changed from the original deep and sharp turn to the cold killing. In the void, the original intangible Tao began to turn red!

The bloody storm, like a knife, turns into countless faces. This is a thousand troops and horses composed of dead corpses and blood sea, which contains the tremendous killing intention and irresistible momentum. It's creepy.

It was ambush on all sides that he played.

As the name suggests, the tune has entered a high pitched stage. It's still in the battlefield, and the breath of killing comes from all sides, which almost engulfs people. The Qin sound is even more rapid. Although it's a sound, it's hard for people to breathe, and the heartbeat will be confused with the Qin sound.

The powerful Tao began to boil and roll in the void. Even the onlookers were infected, and a chill appeared in their hearts.

"It's worthy of being the master of Qin. The control of Qin Dao is really strong!"

"If it's me, I'm afraid my Tao will collapse in such a situation!""I can't take manyun fairy, so I'm so angry that I'm going to crush people with my deep way?"

"The most important thing is that he still uses our score!"

They could not help whispering, and then turned their eyes to Qin manyun, with deep concern.

In the other side's aggressive music, Qin manyun is easy to lose his own rhythm, and his heart will be destroyed.

The strong man beside the piano master laughed with disdain, "just the light of the candle, dare to compete with the master's bright moon?"

He had no doubt that the next moment, Qin manyun would be annihilated under the master's piano.

However, under the gaze of the public, Qin manyun is still playing the piano as before. Her long white dress is like a nine day Xuan girl. She sits in the sky of the Moon Palace and can't feel everything outside. She is completely integrated into the music!

At the moment before she played the piano, she reviewed all of Li nianfan's teachings: "playing the piano requires full devotion. The sound of the piano is the key to convey emotions. You must be clear about what you want to express. Only in this way can you keep your heart. When you play your piano, he will be strong, the wind will blow the hills, and the moon will shine on the river!"

The terrible army roared around Qin manyun, encircling her as if she would be cut to pieces in the next moment.

However, around Qin manyun, the sound of Qin's zither is like a wave of water, flowing slowly. It turns into a barrier around her, no matter how many troops clamor, but it can't enter at all.

Even when people were looking at Qin manyun, his uneasy heart calmed down slowly.

The man beside the master suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world. "How can this be possible?"

He couldn't help looking at the owner. When he saw the red in the owner's eyes, his mind was booming and his brain was blank.

He is very clear, only when his master is very serious, his eyes will release red light!

In other words, the owner of his family is very serious at this time, and even has anger in his heart. He wants to suppress his opponent very much, but Can't do it!

This It's incredible!

The other party is just Da Luo Jinxian!

The man's inner world view was upset, and he couldn't help feeling cold.

As for the taishanglaojun who was hung by him, he was already confused with his mouth slightly open.

Strange woman, really strange woman!

The Jade Emperor's group are so powerful that they can find such strange women!

"No way, how can that be?"

The owner of the zither is no longer proud just before. His eyes are red and his voice is crazy. "How can you compete with my Tao just by yourself? How can you just defend and attack? You have the ability to attack! Qin is used to kill people

At ordinary times, he will not be so easily gaffed, but now the situation, he can not accept!

The opponent is just a little girl, and the strength is only big Luo Jinxian. In my eyes, even mole ants are not included. It should have been a small transparent role.

She's blocking herself?

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How can one's own way be inferior to others?

What is it that I have practiced for endless years? Compared with her, don't I become a waste?

He is in chaos. The higher his vision is, the greater the blow he will get at this time. He is arrogant and can't accept this situation.

"Keng, Keng, Keng!"

But at this time, Qin manyun's music suddenly changed.

If the piano sound before was calm, tactful and peaceful, now, under the calm, it seems to be covered with a layer of dark clouds, with dull thunder.

This is the feeling that a mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building.

And then, the sound began to be sharp.

Different from the cavalry, it is low-key, but sharp and can penetrate everything.

Yao Mengji's heart slightly jumps, and he can't help clenching his fist nervously, "manyun, she Are you really fighting back? "

Everyone felt the change of the music, and was affected by the music. A tense atmosphere began to diffuse, and the whole body was covered with goose bumps.

Guangling San.

This song is about Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin.

The quiet and dreary before the Qin Dynasty, as well as the tense and indomitable before the Qin Dynasty are vividly reflected.

Qin manyun's first stage of dormancy has passed, and the second stage is to draw the sword!

"Fight back, how dare you fight back? What are you doing? "

The master's hands have turned into shadows, dancing on the guqin, which is not true at all. What he plays is not just a piece of music, but all kinds of music scores he has mastered. He is extremely overbearing!


However, this kind of hegemony was directly ignored by Qin manyun.

Jing Ke It's the king of Qin!With a burst of harsh music, like the sharpest sword, it can pierce everything.


However, the string broke suddenly and the sound stopped suddenly!

Time seems to be standing still at this moment.

The owner sat there, motionless, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Not only he himself can't believe it, but all the others can't believe it. Although he has been looking forward to the miracle, it's really unbelievable when the miracle really happens!

The man beside the owner of the zither stepped back three steps in disbelief, unable to digest his inner shock.

Defeat Lost?

The owner of the lute travels in chaos and talks with others. He has lost many of his best friends. He has been with him for too long and forgets that the owner of the lute You'll lose, too!

What's more, he lost to a little girl with mediocre accomplishments.

If this news spreads, I'm afraid the whole chaos will be overturned!

Qin manyun looked at the Qin master and said: "Qin music is not used to kill people, but to bring people emotion."

This is the first sentence that Li nianfan taught her when she first taught her to play the piano.

It's not just her that she was, but all the practitioners of Qin would think that Qin Yin is a tool of enlightenment and a weapon for fighting with others.

However, Li nianfan told her that playing the piano is a kind of entertainment, a medium that can influence people and bring about emotional changes.

In a simple word, it seems that she was awakened to the top of her mind!

It was at that moment that she realized.

Out of a real piano road!

Qin manyun's words shocked the owner's whole body, widened his pupils and whispered: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it! I didn't have a little girl to see it through. "

He couldn't help thinking of the vague memory of countless years ago.

At that time, I just began to learn the piano. I liked to listen to my own pop-up voice and let others praise my own music.

However, his pursuit has changed since he defeated his opponent with his own zither and killed the first person with his own zither.

He always wanted to pursue the power of the piano sound, and regarded it as his weapon, but ignored its most essential role, even regarded it as a joke.

"Daoyou, can you release people?" The voice of Taoist Jun interrupted the master's thoughts.

He raised his head, his eyes twinkled slightly, looked at Qin manyun and said, "what music are you playing?"


"Another Divine Song."

The master exclaimed, and his eyes showed a feeling called fiery. He said excitedly, "how can you get three divine songs with your accomplishments? And you, just like da Luo Jinxian, no matter how talented you are, you shouldn't have such an understanding of Qin Tao. Tell me, what chance have you got? "

Everyone's face sank at the same time, "willing to accept defeat, do you want to go back?"

"Ha ha ha, are you willing to accept defeat? This is based on equal strength! You weak people are naive. "

The Qin master sneered, and he looked at Qin manyun coldly. The killing intention in his eyes almost turned to the essence, and the breath of terror burst up, "I have gained a lot in this competition! But How dare you beat me? That's the price of death! "

As soon as the voice fell, he slowly raised his hand, just like raising his foot and stepping on an ant, just a little touch on the string!


This time, it's not about the Tao, it's about the power of heaven!

Not to mention Qin manyun, no one on the scene can resist, all together, it is difficult to resist!

Space annihilates, the breath of death suppresses people's limbs and blood stops flowing.

"Stop it


They are unwilling, angry and despairing. Their whole body mana surges. They give everything they have to try to block the attack.

Taishanglaojun watched helplessly and began to struggle hard. His eyes were red and his lips were trembling, leaving two lines of tears directly.

It's too hard. With the temperament of the owner, it's impossible for them to resist this blow.

But at this time, a torrential breath burst up without any sign. The breath is too sacred. It is as big as a river, so people can't feel the edge, but it's not overbearing. It's like the wind blowing on the face, and it's easy to block the player's attack.

All of them were in a daze. When they looked up, they saw Qin manyun's whole body, distorted in space, surrounded by a stream of Avenue breath, as if they had put a coat on her.

These roads flow, and finally converge at Qin manyun's fingertips, making her involuntarily raise her hand, which is also a simple touch along the string!

"Keng -"

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