Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 584: 584

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This is a touch of piano sound.

It's like a flowing light, turning into the rippling water of the lake, leading to ripples, presenting a wave shape, flowing towards the main stream of the piano!

The speed of the piano sound seems not fast, but everyone can feel that it is all pervasive, just like a sailing boat floating in the ocean. It is impossible to escape the ups and downs of the waves.

"This, this is..."

When Qin manyun's breath appeared, Qin's master was stupid. At that moment, his cultivation seemed to encounter a natural enemy. He didn't hesitate to hibernate. His goose bumps raised and he couldn't stop shaking.

"What kind of zither sound can cause the resonance of the road!"

He couldn't believe it. His eyes were protruding and full of blood. He was frightened, surprised and at a loss. He didn't know what to do.

He watched all this and wanted to resist, but he felt powerless in his heart.

It's too small. He has been conceited all his life, and has been arrogant for countless years. He has never been hit as much as he is today. What's more, he never thought that he was so small.

The speed of the road is not fast. He doesn't worry that the player will break away. He seems to be giving him enough time to think about it and let him feel the despair before death.

This kind of feeling is like the emperor, sentenced a person to death, is on the way of execution, the outcome has long been doomed.

"No way, how can you have such extraordinary power?"

The owner gave out his last obstinate roar. His hands trembled because of fear. He stroked the body and began to play!

He's crazy.

A string of piano music began to rage, regardless of the consequences, wholeheartedly just want to send out their own strongest attack!

At ordinary times, I'm afraid this move will shake the heaven and earth. It will set off a lot of waves in the divine realm, and the vast starry sky will be wiped away and the lives will be destroyed.

However, at this time, he was like a madman without cultivation, playing the piano at random, all the visions were suppressed, and could not cause any waves.

"You, you Behind you is the highest realm of the road? He, he... "

The owner of the piano seems to have thought of something terrible. His voice is not clear, but before he can finish his words, the road rippled like a stream, flowing past him

The piano stops suddenly.

His body and his piano, so in full view, with the passage of the road ripple, leaving no trace, as if never appeared.

If it is not for the public to witness everything from beginning to end, they will even feel that the owner is an illusion.

It's so easy. It's so dreamy.

The master of the piano is just like the chalk on the blackboard which has been wiped off by the blackboard eraser. He has wiped it off lightly

Extremely shocked, everyone's eyes are propped up, even forget to pour cool air, into a statue, repeated in my mind just that scene.

As for the man beside the piano master, he was so shocked that he became dumb. He opened his mouth wide and pointed to the place where the piano master disappeared -

"Abba, Abba..."

Where's my master?

I am so powerful, victorious, bull force noisy master, so inexplicably gone?


I must have been hallucinated!

Nu Wa and others, who are inspired, are the first to come back to their senses. They immediately raise their hands together. The majestic mana suppresses the dog leg of the Qin master and saves the emperor at the same time.

The other side is also a master in Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it's not enough to face the cooperation of Nuwa and others. Moreover, he's on the verge of collapse and has no defense.

Until he was rescued, his eyes were looking at Qin manyun. His eyes were in a trance and he thought he was dreaming.

If it's not a dream, how can we see this kind of terrorist attack in Daluo Jinxian?

The changes in my hometown have become a little subversive

"Lao Jun!"

The jade emperor called Lao Jun, which made him come back.

He looked at the Jade Emperor blankly. His lips trembled. For a moment, countless questions came to his heart. He didn't know where to ask.

The fellow townsman saw the fellow townsman, two tearful, look at each other speechless, only tears thousand lines.

Thousands of words were finally gathered by Taoist Junjun into a sentiment, "just come back, just come back!"

Looking at the Jade Emperor, Lao Jun finally asked the question he cared most about, "Jade Emperor, your accomplishments seem to More than me? "

"No, it seems."

"The Jade Emperor put his hand to show off," he said with a smile

Lao Jun didn't speak, and suddenly he was sad.

I want to swim in the chaos. I've lived and died several times. I rely on that Alchemy skill to give a hand to others and survive in the cracks. But now I'm back, I find that people who stay at home are better than myself?At the beginning, I was a sage. With the passage of time, I became a younger brother in front of my old friends.

When I left Honghuang, what was my plan?!


Lao Jun didn't want his old friend to see his vulnerable side. He reluctantly laughed, looked at Qin manyun in awe, and whispered: "that Who is that

If he was shocked by Qin manyun's talent and wanted to take her as his disciple, now he began to admire himself and had such crazy ideas.

This woman I can't stir it up!

Taoist Jun pretended to be mysterious and said, "she's too big for you to imagine. Let's go and introduce you. Remember to be respectful."

Taishanglaojun did not doubt him, even busy way: "I naturally know the propriety."

He was miserable in the chaos. He had already cultivated the face to face the big man. He didn't want to live until he went around.

Didn't you see that even the invincible owner was directly cool? And the cause of death is too weird. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Chaos world, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, life can not be too inflated.

At this time, Qin manyun herself was in a state of stupidity, and her brain repeatedly only had one sentence: "I just plucked the string, and then I killed a great power in the realm of heaven?"

I'm bursting!

Taoist Junjun did not dare to put on airs in front of Qin manyun. He respectfully said, "manyun fairy, this is the sage of our desolate world, the supreme Laojun."

"The emperor? Nice to meet you. I heard Mr. Li mention you

Qin manyun immediately saluted the emperor. When Li nianfan explained the story of Honghuang, she knew the taboo of several saints.

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"I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it." Laojun immediately waved his hand and said with sincere admiration: "manyun fairy is the proud man. I admire the old man to the extreme after the battle. I saw the impossible miracle in despair, especially the last one. It's impossible to describe. I believe the whole chaos can't be copied!"

"Thank manyun fairy for saving the old man's life. Please accept my obeisance!"

While saying this, Lao Jun bowed respectfully, looking like a modest old man.

"I'm flattered. In fact, the last blow was just the great breath attached to me when Mr. Li taught me." Qin manyun some embarrassed mouth.

Jun Taoist and others suddenly, "it's the means of an expert."

Qin manyun was full of piety and nodded: "yes, before I came here, Mr. Li specially taught me a day's time, and personally played the piano to let me make peace with him. Originally, I thought he was just guiding me, but originally, most of the great road atmosphere attached to me and protected me."

"It's not about protecting you."

Nu Wa shook her head and said firmly: "if you want to be an expert, even if you arrive early, the master will do so, so he specially laid a dark hand on you. He obviously saved us all once again!"

The Jade Emperor thought that she should drink: "empress Nuwa is right."

Listening to the misty clouds, the emperor suddenly felt that he was out of touch with the times. He was not in the same dimension with everyone. He couldn't help asking: "I'm bold to ask, what does man Yun fairy mean?"

Qin manyun said, "it's Mr. Li. I'm very lucky to be a zither player around him."

"Qin "Qin Tong?"

Taishanglaojun's brain boom a blank, can't believe his ears, directly frozen in place.

This woman, who can resist the master's music with a piano, is willing to be a piano boy?

What's more, it's not hard to tell from their conversation that the reason why Qin manyun was able to survive was that the so-called expert had taught her for a day before he came!

The most important thing is that the last terrible attack was also the skill of the expert!

What kind of immortals exist?

I'm so scared when I think about it!

His old face was so shocked that he began to twist. He didn't know what expression to use to reflect his inner state.

He looked at the calm Jade Emperor and others and asked, "you Aren't you shocked? "

Jade Emperor light way: "we have been shocked to get used to, you don't understand the power of the master."

"I really don't understand it. It's beyond my understanding," he said

"By the way, I have a piece of good news to tell you

Yao Mengji suddenly opens his mouth, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Oh? What's the news All of a sudden, everyone was in high spirits.

Lady Yunshu said with a smile, "is it related to the master?"

"Ha ha ha, smart! Man Yun and I came from the master. Naturally, the news is related to the master. "

Yao Mengji smoothed his beard and did his best. Then he said, "before going out, the master gave me something and said it was a reward for us."With these words, the eyes of the Jade Emperor and others suddenly brightened, just like a light bulb, looking forward to the extreme.

The reward from the master is naturally extraordinary. If you look at Yao Mengji's strength at this time, it's not ordinary!

Qin manyun jokingly said: "OK, master, don't play tricks on them. Tell them quickly."

The smile on Yao Mengji's face became bigger and bigger. He raised the convenience bag and said in a big voice like a treasure: "please look! Dangdangdangdang

In a flash, everyone's eyes were attracted in the past, and then the pupils contracted.

Nu Wa took a cold breath and said in a trembling voice: "this, this is..."

"Dumplings, dumplings!"

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen shout together, and their faces are full of ecstasy.

Taoist Junjun was also shocked. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva heavily. He wanted to stick his eyes on the dumplings. "Is this the dumpling?"

Last time, Nu Wa went out with Da Hei to deal with Taotie. Because they wanted to guard the heavenly palace, they couldn't follow them. They were envious of Nu Wa's description of the delicious roast Taotie. Of course, they also heard Nu Wa mention that experts would make Taotie meat into dumplings.

This dumpling Big probability is made of gluttonous meat!

Suddenly hit by this dream surprise, how can you not be excited?


The Jade Emperor's eyes suddenly flashed and said thoughtfully, "if I remember correctly, dumplings are used as a symbol of reunion in the mortal world, right?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone's heart was beating, and immediately thought of the deep meaning contained in them.

"Master, this is We already know that Lao Jun will come back, so that's why we give dumplings to celebrate the reunion? "

"Sure enough, everything is under the control of an expert."

"Ah, how can we get such great favor from the experts?"

They were so moved that they fell into self strategy.

What can I do for you? My master!

The emperor looked around, couldn't help but pursed his lips and said, "that Excuse me, are you exaggerating? It's just a bag of dumplings. It's not as good as... "

I haven't seen you for many years. I never thought that these people's strength has increased a lot, and their ability to flatter is also increasing day by day. They have become experts, and they can blow big things.

"Be careful!"

Taoist Junjun immediately yelled, his face was solemn, and said seriously: "Lao Jun, you are too presumptuous, thanks to you still wandering in chaos for so many years, since you can't understand some things, don't talk nonsense! Don't judge at will

Lao Jun was too weak to speak.

"Lao Jun, you will understand after a while."

The Jade Emperor patted Lao Jun on the shoulder, but his eyes were fixed on the bag of dumplings and said, "hurry up, don't let the master down. Let's eat while it's fresh."

This sentence naturally got the consensus of all people, and went back to the heavenly palace in a group.

Set up a stove, make a fire, boil water, and make dumplings

Then, one by one, holding bowls and chopsticks, around the pot, looking at the pot, looking forward to the dumplings surface.

A group of Xiuxian bigwigs simply put their image behind them, just like children staring at their favorite food, eager to see through, the scene is very funny.

Because of too much saliva, the sound of swallowing saliva is like a symphony

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