Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 586: 586

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All of a sudden, everyone showed a look of listening. Taoist Junjun urged: "start talking."

Taishanglaojun finally regained his sense of accomplishment without delay. He said with a heavy face: "in the chaos, there are endless life races. For example, our human race, though naturally weak, has unlimited potential. Growing up, it can change the world, but in fact Terran is not the master of chaos

"The human race is the primate of all things, and its body structure is closest to the main road, so it has unlimited potential. Many creatures will take human beings as the prototype to transform themselves."

Qin Chong Shan's face is not surprised, interface: "however, no one thinks that the Terran can dominate chaos."

Unlimited potential does not mean invincibility.

Chaos is too mysterious and terrible. Who dares to dominate chaos in terms of the current human power?

But Laojun shook his head and said, "what I want to express is that another race dominates chaos."


"Dominating chaos? It's too loud. "

"What race? Demon clan

It's incredible. It's amazing.

If you can really dominate chaos, you can't have no fame at all.

"The name of that race is called the ancient one!" he said

After a pause, he continued: "this kind of clan, like the chaotic fierce beast, is bred from chaos. It is not only inherently powerful, but also has great potential compared with human beings. Since its birth, it is destined to have the ability of vertical and horizontal chaos!"

The Jade Emperor was stunned, "how come I have never heard of it?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it. It's a history of endless years." With emotion in his eyes, Lao Jun's tone was deep and mysterious.

Taoist Junjun immediately urged, "don't give me any pressure, just go on!"

Taishanglaojun looked at Taoist Junjun bitterly, and then said: "in chaos, if you walk along a straight line, you will definitely enter the sea of chaos! In other words, the whole chaos will be surrounded by chaos sea! "

"And chaos sea has a name that few people know. It's called Forbidden zone

"Forbidden zone?"

Everyone's heart is a slight jump, the atmosphere instantly becomes dignified.

They can feel that what taishanglaojun said is true, and I'm afraid it's really extraordinary!

"I heard that from a very old world, too."

"Because there are not many people who can touch the truth, and for countless years, the old world has been erased and a new world has been born, so that fewer and fewer people know it, until almost no one mentions it again," he said

Nu Wa's eyes flashed a hint of thinking, and said: "is the reason why the chaotic sea is called the forbidden area because the ancient people live in the chaotic sea?"

"It's the right word of Nuwa Daoyou!"

The emperor nodded, "according to the information handed down, once the ancient people met the human race, they would fight endlessly, and In the long course of time, the ancient people will walk out of the chaos sea and enter into the chaos war, and human beings have never won, and will be ruthlessly obliterated! This kind of battle is called divine punishment

"Hiss -"

all of us take a cold breath, cool at the bottom of our heart, and shiver all over.

Taoist Jun quickly asked, "do you think this has something to do with an expert?"

Laojun nodded, "thirty million years ago, it was the latest divine punishment. At that time, in the whole chaos, we had nine great powers in the realm of Tao."

At this point, his voice could not help a meal, his eyes showed the color of awe, because of excitement, the tone was trembling.

Other people did not urge, they held their breath, as if back to the magnificent epic 30 million years ago.

The realm of the road is too illusory, too ethereal, there is no record, and no one can imagine what kind of realm it is.

"The realm of Jiuming Avenue!"

The emperor exclaimed and his eyes were blurred. "The nine human races are supreme. They are all extremely arrogant. They are punished by the God of war! That battle widened the chaos sea by three points! And it's the only time that the Terran can fight back and chase the ancient one into the sea of chaos! "

The Jade Emperor urged, "what happened later?"

"Later, who knows?"

Laojun shook his head, "nine Supreme, no one returns."

People's hearts sank, and they immediately stopped talking.

"So Do you think an expert will be one of the top nine Qin manyun covered his mouth with his hand.

The emperor nodded, "I think it's very possible. After all, who else can do such a powerful means besides the nine supremacies? What's more, the nine supremacies are amazing and gorgeous. I don't believe all of them have fallen. "

Taoist Jun's eyes flashed and he guessed: "in this way, I'm afraid that the master has always regarded himself as a mortal. Maybe he has his own deep meaning."Bai Chen opened his mouth and said, "is it to cultivate us to compete with the ancient people that the masters create the realm of God and send out endless creation?"

After digesting the news they just got, they were full of hatred and fear towards the so-called ancient people, and they could not help but feel more awe towards the experts.


At the same time, somewhere deep in chaos.

A huge star.

The left envoy stepped forward and landed directly on the star. Then he walked quickly and came to an ancient palace in a twinkling of an eye.

Entering the palace, the atmosphere was dense. It was clear that there was no one around. However, Zuo Shi felt a thrill. He held his breath and bowed his head. He did not dare to look at it.

When he came to a stone gate, he said in a respectful voice, "I want to see the leader of the alliance. I have something important to report."

There was no movement in the stone gate, but at the next moment, an irresistible force of pulling came from it. Zuo Shi could not even resist, so he was sucked into the stone gate. With his eyes, he entered another world.

Here is an open space, it looks like a dark basement. In the surrounding void, the space is distorted, giving people a sense of illusion. In the air, it is full of the atmosphere of the road, but it is very messy, and they are entangled and repel each other.

Even if she was in it, she felt uncomfortable, not to mention practicing here. She was afraid that she would be possessed in an instant.

In the center, there is a big middle-aged man, wearing black armor. He is so dignified that people dare not look at him.

The left envoy saluted cautiously and said, "alliance leader."

The alliance leader looked at her with no sadness or joy in his voice. "What you told me failed?"

"My subordinates are not good at handling affairs, so please ask the alliance leader for mercy."

Zuo Shi's body trembled slightly, quickly knelt on the ground, and then quickly said: "it's just that this failure is really due to a huge variable, I can't control it."

Alliance leader indifferent way: "detailed say again."

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Immediately, Zuo Shi said carefully what he had done since the Xia Dynasty.

After that, there was no sound in the whole hall, and the silence was terrible.

Cold sweat drips down from the left envoy's forehead. It is as tense as a year.

I don't know how long it took to hear the leader speak slowly, "it's an old friend."

He didn't use questions.

Zuo Shi was afraid to speak.

But listen to the tone of the leader with memories, continue to say: "30 million years ago, my strength is similar to you."

"At that time, divine punishment came, and the powerful people in the world fought together against the ancient people. I don't know what the battle of divine punishment was like before, but I'm sure that the war of 30 million years was definitely the most fierce one!"

He said to himself, "because each of the nine supremacies of that war was so amazing that it was enough to illuminate the whole chaos and make the ancient people feel embarrassed as never before!"

"In that war, the whole chaos was shaking and destroying everywhere. Countless worlds were wiped away. The blood of the ancient people was like rain. I followed the supreme steps and rushed all the way into the chaos sea."

Zuo Shi was silent. She wanted to urge her, but she could not

The leader of the alliance fell into his own memory, with a strange light in his eyes, and continued: "however, the forbidden area is the forbidden area. Although we made the ancient people pay a heavy price, we also suffered a devastating blow. The ancient people are too strong, and they still have big killers!"

"Fortunately, I didn't die after the war, but I'm dying, too. "

"Fortunately, four of them are not far away. Their injuries are so serious that they are dying, which means they are dead."

"I climbed over Swallow them


Zuo Shi's pupil suddenly shrunk to the size of a needle and thread. His delicate body trembled wildly, and his brain was blank.

The news is so creepy.

She felt that she had heard something she shouldn't have heard at all. Her life was coming to an end.

Alliance leader light way: "don't be afraid, know this matter nothing."

However, the more he said that, the more frightened Zuo Shi was.

"I knew that when they were so amazing and gorgeous, there must be some people who would not die and could wake up from the years."

The leader laughed, "unfortunately, I'm in a special situation now, otherwise I really want to see this old friend!"

The left envoy shivered and said: "League Alliance leader, I, what shall we do next? "

The leader of the alliance said, "if you can avoid the conflict, you should avoid it first. In addition, since the right envoy is dead, I will send new people to join you. Try to find three things for me first!"


On the other side, Yushou sect.

On a hillside, an elegant young man stood facing the wind. Next to him was a black tiger with black wings on its back. Its two sharp tusks were cut from the upper jaw to the lower jaw, and its pupils were orange. It looked extremely ferocious.The young man stroked a black tiger, his brow wrinkled slightly, and said coldly: "so, those old people still don't agree?"

Not far away, the middle-aged man with Chinese character face nodded unsightly, "those old people refused our proposal on the ground that it was very important to change shaozong."


The boy snorted, "they really don't want to die. Although situ Qin didn't die, he has become half human and half demon. What can he expect?"

The middle-aged man said: "yu'er, it's not urgent. They can only delay it for a while. Situ Qin is obviously abandoned. You are the only one who is the name of the little Lord!"

Situ Yu sneered, "Dad, they are afraid that we will be powerful, so they dare not let me be the little Lord! But In the near future, I will make them kneel down and beg me to be the little Lord! "

The middle-aged man also showed a fierce look, slightly unwilling to say: "jiemeng is happy to boast that he is safe. We specially revealed situ Qin's whereabouts to them, so that they could easily capture people, and finally let situ Qin escape. It really makes people laugh!"

Situ Yu asked: "Dad, I heard that situ Qin was disheartened and hit hard. He went to study calligraphy directly. Is the news true?"

"It's true."

"That's nothing to worry about." Situ Yu laughed easily, then licked his tongue and said: "however, situ Qin's body has the blood of Tianyi white tiger, which is a great tonic for my black tiger. We have to find a way to lead her to eat it!"


In the courtyard.

"Wheezing, wheezing -"

Dahei is sweating on the treadmill. He sticks out his long tongue and gasps heavily, but the dog's eyes are full of seriousness.

It's a model in the field of fitness.

Beside, there are many other fitness equipment, very complete.

Li nianfan lifted the lid of the pot, looked at the smoke rising in the pot, and said with a smile: "the dumplings are ripe. Xiaodaji and Huofeng, hurry to the bowl."

"By the way, and big black, you can also give me pause for a while, and bite the dog basin to come over, it's important to eat."

He urged to Dahei.

After this silly dog came back, he didn't know what to do, so he insisted on calling himself to exercise, to keep fit, and let himself move out the fitness equipment, and then entered the fitness state without a stop.

The appearance of sweating made Li nianfan speechless.

He can vaguely guess that Dahei must still be worried about what happened last time. His dog hair was gone and he was almost taken away. If he didn't happen to be saved by himself, now he would be a pot of dog meat. No, it's a piece of poop.

It should be strong if it is so stimulated.

It's just Its brain is stimulated so that it may have problems. If it wants to become stronger, it should go to practice. What's the matter of running to its own side to keep fit?

In the past, it was most afraid of fitness. It was forced by itself. Now it is positive, but it can be useful?

Considering that he couldn't stimulate Da Hei again, Li nianfan let it go.

Hearing Li nianfan's voice, Dahei immediately jumped down from the treadmill and ran over with a dog basin in his mouth. "Master, give me more dumplings. I need nutrition to keep fit."

In the past, Da Hei didn't practice hard. He just wanted to be a carefree dog. Now he has a goal. He wants to become stronger and find a place!

In a word, it's the alliance with the world! We are not easy to bully!

"You are not polite at all."

Li nianfan laughed and filled it directly, "can I get less of you? It's not enough for Xiaobai to give you more. "

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