Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 587: 587

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Just out of the pot dumplings, steaming, filled in the courtyard, with the smell of fireworks, people feel more cordial.

The scene was warm.

Just before the dinner, Qin manyun also came back, which made it more lively.

Everyone gathered around a table and enjoyed eating dumplings.

Li nianfan asked curiously, "miss manyun, what's the result of playing piano with others?"

Qin manyun said sincerely immediately: "thanks to the instruction of Mr. Li, manyun won by chance."

"Oh, good thing! Or are you hardworking and gifted

Li nianfan laughs and doesn't feel so surprised. He has confidence in his own piano skills. In addition, he gives Qin manyun a classic score, which is not likely to lose.

Qin manyun looks at Li nianfan's appearance. There is a trace of deep admiration and worship in his beautiful eyes.

Just heard the secret fortune of chaos from Lao Jun, her admiration for Li nianfan directly reached the peak.

Originally, everyone guessed that Li nianfan was a great player in the world, just to add a little fun to life. Everyone just accompanied the master to act and add joy.

At the moment, however, this speculation has ushered in a huge reversal!

It turns out that the master is the supreme! Shouldering the burden of the human race, guarding chaos, for endless life, against the ancient heroes!

Now that he is so approachable, he must be full of deep meaning. He is probably planning for the future. Compared with the world of players, I don't know how many times high-end he is! He is a great man!

And I was lucky enough to get his attention and become a zither boy.

In the future, Qin manyun will be on the road to fight against the ancient people!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel more excited. Her heart surged and her pretty face turned red.

Li nianfan looked at Qin manyun's face change, and he felt that he just asked casually, and she was so excited. It seemed that it was a hard struggle.

Having enough to eat and drink, the work of washing dishes is naturally handed over to Xiaobai, while Li nianfan is comfortable lying on the couch and living a salted fish life.

As for Qin manyun and situ Qin, they focused on the pile of fitness equipment.

He was full of curiosity.

Dahei looked at them and said, "do you want to try? It's very easy to use. "


Qin manyun nodded and carefully stood on the treadmill.

Da Hei stood up and began to choose the mode for her, and then the treadmill began to move.

Qin manyun moves in a hurry.

Originally, she didn't take it too seriously. She thought it was an activity toy of Dahei. After all, in her opinion, the speed of the treadmill is not fast, but It's just running. What's the technical content?

However, with her first step, her pupils suddenly widened, her whole body was tight, and her whole body was working hard.

At this moment, endless pressure suddenly shrouded her whole body, let her even if it is just a small step, all appear incomparable effort.

She was so suspicious that she wanted to stop, but the treadmill didn't allow her, so she ran as hard as she could.

It has to be said that Qin manyun has a good figure with concave and convex shape. As she steps forward, she perfectly shows the advantages of her figure, especially a pair of delicate long legs drive the muscle rhythm of the waist and buttocks, which is pleasing to the eye.

Looking at this scene, Li nianfan immediately said with a good heart: "keep a steady breath, control your pace frequency, running is good for your physical and mental health, don't stop, run more."

Qin manyun heart must, immediately more hard to run up.

Immediately after that, she felt that the blood in her whole body began to flow faster, and a dry heat rose and spread to every corner of her body.


Extremely powerful!

Qin manyun has an illusion that he has endless power at this time!

At the same time, with the body's mana also began to move up.


Just after a moment, the volcano erupted directly, and her accomplishments began to soar at a speed that was too terrible to imagine.

Originally, the strength of Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage, a breath to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, another breath to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian!

Go straight to Zhunsheng!

"This, this is..."

Qin manyun was thrilled, his mind trembled, and almost fell to the ground.

"This treadmill can help me digest my body's accumulation!"

You should know that from the time you meet an expert, from the food you eat to the air you breathe, every minute contains nature. However, no matter how much nature is, what you can absorb is limited.

Because there are too many, it's difficult for anyone to absorb all of them, which leads to the accumulation of most of the strength in the body. Later, some of them will come out of cultivation, but it's too difficult to digest them completely in a short time.However, at the moment, she just followed the treadmill for a few steps, and the power in her body was absorbed directly?!

It's terrible. It's terrible!

This ability is even more precious than the spirit root of chaos!

An expert knows that he has too much strength to absorb, so he is allowed to run on the treadmill, and his strength is improved by leaps and bounds.

It's like being both a milk and a mother. It's very well intentioned!

"Why, what is this?"

Situ Qin naturally didn't know Qin manyun's heart at this time. She was looking at the yoga mat curiously and looking at it, "a mat?"

"That's a yoga mat. The movements of yoga are very interesting. I'll teach you to put one."

Li nianfan was also on a whim and immediately got up and walked over.

"Come on, lie down first."

"Keep your stomach in and your chest out."

"Legs curl outward, waist up, buttocks tight..."

"Yes, a little up."

Li nianfan dragged her body aside to correct her posture.

It has to be said that the body of a man who practices immortals is soft, and he can practice yoga easily. With the help of Li nianfan, he soon put on a wonderful posture.


Situ Qin only felt that her abdomen was suddenly hot, and a stream of heat, like electricity, darted all over her body, making her delicate body tremble slightly.

It's not only the spiritual power of all kinds of spiritual roots that she eats, but also the magic power that she engulfs the Tianyi white tiger, which makes her body fall into chaos, is instantly recovered and quickly integrated with her body!

In the later period of Daluo Jinxian, quasi saint, quasi Saint peak!

Situqin was shocked endlessly. He was short of breath, and his chest was very stiff. "This posture is clearly in line with the road!"

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Li nianfan turned his head, but saw Da Hei's forelimb was grasping on the horizontal bar. He lifted his body and immediately laughed, "yes, Da Hei, it's a good model to do the horizontal bar, and strive to become a muscle dog."


Time is like water. In the twinkling of an eye, three days go by.

The night is deep.

The two figures met at night.

One of them was Zuo Shi, and the other was a thin, middle-aged man with a goatee.

The left envoy said, "Dongying Wei, in the name of the alliance leader, you have something important to tell us."

Among the allies, the leader is the largest, and then is divided into two envoys, four shadow guards in southeast, northwest, collectively known as the six Dharma protectors.

These six people are not only the great power of the realm of heaven, but also the best among them. Their strength is amazing.

In their hands, there will even be powerful people in the realm of heaven, known as the senior members of jiemeng.

"Give it to us?"

Among the six Dharma protectors, they have the same strength and position, so they will compete with each other. No one will agree with each other. They are both strong and arrogant.

Dong Yingwei sneered, "you can't even do a small task well. Not only several senior members have died, but even the right envoys have fallen. I'm very worried about cooperating with you."

The left envoy snorted coldly and said, "this is the order of the alliance leader. You can choose to refuse it. It just happens that I don't want to cooperate with you!"

Dong Yingwei asked, "well, what is the mission of the alliance leader?"

"These are the three things the leader needs." The left envoy sent a piece of paper to Dong Yingwei.

Dongying Wei glanced at it, and was surprised: "Yangshen grass, shenglingquan, bloodthirsty lingmu. The alliance leader wants these three things now. Is there any progress in the experiment?"

The left envoy said, "this is not what we should ask. Act according to the alliance leader's will."

Dong Ying Wei said with a smile, "just let me know the news of these three things. I have a more important thing now."

Zuo Shi's brow couldn't help wrinkling, "what's the matter?"

"A big thing!"

Dongyingwei's eyes show strange, "once this matter is successful, there will be a huge harvest, and the alliance leader will be very happy."

At this time, the left envoy and the East Shadow guard all moved and looked in the same direction.

Dong Ying Wei said with a smile: "Tut, this just mentioned, the main is coming."

In the dark, a young man sat on a black tiger and stepped forward.

It's situ Yu of Yushou sect.

He looked at the East Shadow guard and saluted: "situ Yu has seen the East Shadow guard."

Zuo Shi was surprised and said, "you are actually cooperating with the people of Yushou sect."

Yuhuozong took the same path of cultivating with monsters, and the monks were closely related to monsters. This special relationship was also the object that jiemeng liked to capture, which was conducive to making a breakthrough in their experiments.

Therefore, yuzhuzong and jiemeng should never die when they meet.

"He is not an ordinary disciple of the Royal beast sect. Before long, he will be the little master of the Royal beast sect!"Dong Yingwei's words made Zuo Shi's heart jump slightly, which shocked him even more.

If this is the case, then Is it not like the back garden of our own family that the future alliance wants to catch the disciples of Yushou sect?

This is really extraordinary.

She asked directly, "how could he cooperate with you?"

"It's easy!"

East Shadow Wei smile, quite complacent, "he has opinions on the people of the Royal beast clan, and I can help him, mutual benefit."

Stunned, this is technology.

Dongyingwei secretly beats himself. Zuo Shi has just lost his mission. At this time, when he sees his great achievements, he will feel inferior.

Situ Yu said, "I want to control the Royal beast sect. Once it's done, all the people in the main line of the Royal beast sect can be handed over to your alliance and be dealt with by you."

Dong Ying Wei said that situ Yu was trustworthy and said, "she is the daughter of the master of the Royal beast sect. Situ Qin was betrayed by him and was captured by us."

Zuo Shi took a deep breath and said: "the inside information of Yushou sect is not small. There are not only friars in the realm of heaven, but also goblins in the realm of heaven. The key is that the cooperation between the two will be stronger. What are you going to do?"

Dong Yingwei did not answer, but looked at situ Yu.

Situ Yu said with a smile: "two elders, things are not complicated. Now situ Qin has been abolished, and the position of the little master of the Royal beast sect is vacant. The first step is to let the younger generation become the little master, and the second step is to find an opportunity to let the master of the Royal beast sect disappear. Then it is basically successful."

Before that, situ Qin had crushed situ Yu perfectly in all aspects, and he was the rightful little patriarch. Therefore, even if situ Yu was unwilling, he had nothing to do.

But now, situqin is finished. As long as situyu becomes the little master, and then the real master disappears, then situyu can be directly in charge of the Royal beast sect.

Relying on the powerful external force of jiemeng, coupled with internal problems, even the most powerful force will collapse in a short time.

East Shadow Wei strange smile two, direct way: "you need us how to help you?"

Situ Yu said: "if you want to be a little master, there are many obstacles, but you only need to meet two conditions. No matter whether they want to or not, you can only let me be a little master!"

After a pause, he took a sneak look at Dong Ying Wei and said, "it's just that these two conditions are more difficult."

Dong Yingwei saw through his little intention, "you don't have to try, just say it!"

Situ Yu said: "the first condition is to make the strength of black tiger and me further! Especially black tiger, if blood can go further, then no matter talent or strength are impeccable, let others have nothing to say

Dongyingwei's face remains unchanged, "the second condition!"

"The second condition is..."

Situ Yu clenched his teeth. "Our royal beast sect is based on the divine realm, and there is a supreme elder guarding it. We need to let the black tiger get the approval of that supreme elder's own monster!"

This condition It's hard!

Elder Taishang is undoubtedly a great power in the realm of heaven, and as a demon beast of his own life, his strength is quite natural.

Whether these monsters will recognize the black tiger is totally out of control.

And since situ Yu took it out, it means that this monster probably doesn't approve of black tiger. If you want to change this monster, it's even more difficult than killing it.

Dong Yingwei didn't speak, and the scene fell into silence for a moment.

Situ Yuchun is also gambling. The gambling league can help itself to become a little master.

"Ha ha, since it's mutual benefit, we'll help you if you're busy!"

Finally, Dong Yingwei opened his mouth. He raised his hand, and two boxes appeared in his hand, which he threw to situ Yu.

"This is also the test result of our jiemeng. One box can be used to improve the strength, and another box is called Tongxin Dan. You can make the monster eat this pill together with the blood of the black tiger, and it will have a good impression on the black tiger in three days."

Dong Yingwei's eyes flashed slightly and threw a pill to situ Yu again. "To be on the safe side, let it take it with this pill!"

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