Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 599: 599

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"Others, leave!"

With a slight wave of the old man's hand, the secret space would turn around. Without waiting for xiyingwei and others to make any comments, they would all be excluded.

Then, the picture turns, the ladder disappears, and the old man in white robes appears in front of the crowd.

Jun Jun Taoist and others saluted respectfully together, "I've met the elder."

"If I'm right, you'll have other opportunities, and no less than me!"

The white robed old man's eyes were burning. He looked at all the people, especially on the spade in the hands of the God of food for a period of time. Then he looked at Da Hei, and his eyes were thoughtful.

It's not inferior to you. We think it's better than you

Taoist Jun just thought about it in his heart, nodded and said, "it's really another chance."

The old man in white robe asked, "do you know whose secret place it is?"

"Master, what we meet is not a secret place, but a powerful master." With a pilgrimage in his voice, the God of food devoutly said, "it's this elder who guides me to practice the way of delicious food. Otherwise, I will never pass the test of my elder."

"The living?"

The white robed old man's pupil suddenly widened, surprised and said: "where do you come from?"

The God of food opened his mouth and said, "it's also given by the elder, and there are many similar magic weapons there!"

The old man in white robe stares at the God of food, "are they all chaotic spiritual treasures?"

The God of food nodded

At the same time in the heart also silently added a sentence, there are many more than!

"Living supreme, there is living supreme in my chaos!"

The white robed old man's eyes twinkled with light, and there seemed to be tears twinkling. He was so excited that his shadow trembled. He whispered: "I'm afraid it's more than that! After so many years, we may have reached that point! "

His eyes were bright. He suddenly grabbed the God of food and said with trembling: "is this man a woman?"

Everyone can hear that his tone is full of tension and worship. This kind of emotion, released by him, even infects people. It seems that there is a beautiful woman in front of people's eyes.

It's just——

The God of food shook his head and solemnly said, "it's not a woman, it's a man."


The old man in white froze and exclaimed, "how can it be? Who else but her? "

Taoist Junjun said: "elder, we can also testify that it is not. Can you tell us who the woman you are talking about?"

The old man with white robe frowned, and his eyes were full of reminiscence. He said, "she is the master of all spirits. We call her the master of spirits. She rises in the end and lives forever. She is the invincible woman in the world."

As the old man in white robe fell into the memory, the picture in the secret place also changed. With endless time going back, unconsciously, a river appeared at the foot of the people.

The river is wide and endless. The current is very fast and roars like a wild animal. People feel a very simple breath from the river.

Silent, but enough to annihilate everything, unstoppable, can not violate!

This is the breath of time.

Cloud old stare big eyes, face hard to hide the color of surprise, "this is the long river of years! Are you taking us back to the past? "

The old man in white robe didn't speak. He just looked at the front with deep eyes.

The next moment, people along the river of time upstream, into a piece of time, in the ancient chaos.

At this time, chaos seems to be no different from today's chaos. When people look at the surrounding environment, Chaos Space fluctuates, overflowing with a supreme breath, which is full of dignity and ferocity, which makes people feel awed and shocked.

Then, out of the void came a creature, who was... Not human.

The skin of the whole body is red gold. The body is tall and straight. It is more than ten feet high. It has long purple hair and shawls. Its eyes are purple and blue. It has two pupils inside. It seems that it can penetrate everything!

At the moment of seeing him, the muscles of Taoist Junjun and others were suddenly stretched, as if they had seen a natural enemy, and their hearts were full of hatred and defense.

At the same time, the other side's strong pressure, but also let them feel a little uneasy.

The old man in white robe said, "he is the living creature of the ancient people, who feeds on the monk's magic power and Tao."

There is a baby in the hands of the ancient people. They trample on chaos and pass through one world after another. Finally, after choosing one world, they throw the baby out of their hands and fall into one of them!The baby sank into the earth, in the center of the stars, absorbing the nutrients of the world. As time goes on, the river of time spans 100000 years.

The star began to decline, the aura withered, and the rhyme of Tao was insufficient. Then, the life span of the whole world was greatly reduced, and the vitality was sucked away by the birth. On the other hand, the baby grew up little by little and became nearly 15 or 16 years old.

Ten thousand years later, the world is no longer alive, hundreds of millions of creatures have not even left residue, reduced to an abandoned star in the vast chaos.

The baby has been close to two meters, out of the abandoned stars, looking for a new world in chaos.

"The ancient clan, devouring the vitality and feeding on the monk's mana and Tao, will bring great calamity once it appears. It is the enemy of all living beings in chaos!"

The old man in white robe emphasized again, with a deep tone and unspeakable hatred.

They all nodded together. Before, they didn't know much about the ancient clan. Now they finally know why it was a catastrophe. This is a group of people who take monks as food!

And chaos, can be seen as a farm!

But at this time, a domineering and holy breath rises, across endless distance, but has the power to suppress the world, in the void, condenses a slender jade hand.

The child was afraid and wanted to avoid, but how could he succeed.

The jade hand took it and immediately annihilated it in the long river.

The next moment, the chaos in the space shock, three ancient people of life out quickly, with a cold extremely murderous, angry toward the woman to kill.

These three ancient people's accomplishments were against the heaven. They could not bear chaos with every move. They were beaten into a big pit, forming a black hole turbulence and annihilating all creatures.

Although the woman couldn't see her face clearly, the moment she saw it, there were two idioms left in one's mind - graceful and graceful, gorgeous!

She is one against three and never loses. She is covered with a layer of glittering white light. She is born like the protagonist between heaven and earth. She is full of great fortune and contains anti worldly cultivation. She not only does not retreat, but even suppresses the three!

Chaos world, a world shaking war broke out.

Taoist Junjun and others witnessed the war from countless years ago. Although they knew that it was none of their business, their hair still stood up uncontrollably, and they felt horrified.

In this kind of war, they don't say to intervene, even if they are close to watch, they can't even bear the aftereffects!

At this time, the woman did not retreat but advanced. She stepped forward and took the initiative to enter the encirclement of the three ancient families. Then her jade hand was raised and a big black flag appeared in her hand!

The flag is unfolding in the wind. It's dark without any pattern, but it makes people feel that there are countless worlds, just like chaos on the other side.

At the moment when the flag appeared, the three ancient clans changed their faces, sacrificed their weapons one after another, and retreated suddenly.

At the same time, the woman held the flag in both hands and began to wave it!

The first dance.

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The road, like water, turned into a wave of terror and spread in all directions. It was cut on the weapons of the three ancient tribes, making their weapons directly annihilated.

Then, the second dance!

One wave does not disperse, one wave rises again, the avenue ripple is like a pair of invisible big hands, crushing everything they touch!

The three ancient clans were frightened, then shattered by this force, and then dissipated.

However, the woman did not stop.

The flag continues to dance, and the sun, the moon and the stars move across the chaos world, releasing a great road rhythm, which is introduced into every corner and brings the chaos sea boiling around chaos!

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

The whole chaos, it seems that nothing else, only the posture of the woman dancing the flag, chaos vibration, began to change!

Chaotic sea was pushed out by her!

Hundred feet, thousand feet, ten thousand feet!

The whole chaos has been expanded by her!

Cloud old mouth of awe, "this is the Lord of all spirits, Spirit Lord!"

"So strong."

The Jade Emperor swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only felt the whole body's blood boiling, a stream of hot blood.

He was lucky to see two great changes in his life!

For the first time, it was the master who led by the endless chaos God thunder, condensed the rain that gave birth to the living beings, and created a god domain!

The second time, that is now, before witnessing endless years, a gorgeous Jedi woman rose against the trend for the sake of the creatures in chaos, holding a big flag, dancing out the endless road and opening up chaos!These are indescribable feats, these are chaotic miracles!

The strong... Should be like this!

When everyone was intoxicated, the posture of the dancing flag suddenly turned its head and looked in the direction of the people.

Vaguely, people seem to see a pair of eyes.

What kind of eyes are they? They are as clear as water, holy and noble. Even if they are chaotic, they are not as deep as words.

She can see us?!

This pair of eyes, see through the endless river of years, concise endless Avenue, fell on the people.

People's brain boom a blank, the years began to roar, speed up the flow, will bring people out.

In front of the scene dissipated, only the ear, came a sound.

"Come... Find... Me!"

"Go and find her! Did you hear that? The Lord told us to look for her

When the crowd returned, they could hardly calm down. They were like waves, and they were short of breath.

"I knew before I died. How could the Spirit Lord fall?"

The white robed old man exclaimed excitedly, staring at the crowd, "it must be the Spirit Lord is about to be born, there will be a big event, go to find her, you go to find her quickly!"

Cloud old mouth way: "elder, you don't follow us together?"

"I'm just a broken spirit, coexisting with the secret place, and it's about to disappear."

The old man in white robe shook his head, and there was no sadness on his face. With a wave of his hand, a long black sword suddenly shot from the depth of the secret place and suspended in the void.

On the long sword, there is an extreme sense of killing and cutting. Every trace of it contains the most powerful attack. Even the space seems to be unbearable, and there are cracks one after another!

The sword is powerful, just like a black hole, smashing everything near! There's no light coming in!

Kill the treasure!

Kendo is the best weapon!

Looking at the sword, everyone felt a thrill.

On the tip of the long sword, there are a few drops of red blood. A trace of terror emanates from the blood, which is frightening.

"This sword is called the sword of killing! Bred from chaos, it carries the way of killing and cutting, and is accompanied by death. "

Looking at the sword, the old man in white robe showed soft light in his eyes and said: "I have killed two ancient nobles with this sword!"

All of them were shocked and looked at the blood stained on the sword with awe.

With a wave of his hand, the old man in white robe suspended his sword in front of the God of food. "Since you have passed my test, this sword should be given to you naturally. It contains my inheritance of Kendo!"

After a pause, the old man continued: "however, your way of cultivating delicious food is far from my way. In fact, this inheritance is not suitable for you."

The God of food understood and said, "don't worry, master. The younger generation will only go their own way. After going out, they will find a suitable successor for the elder."

It's the master's credit to get this sword. Naturally, he didn't dare to be greedy. He made up his mind to hand in the sword when he went back. As for who the master wanted to pass it on to, it all depends on the master's arrangement.

What's more, what about inheritance? I study with an expert. Isn't he fragrant?

"Thank you very much."

The old man in the white robe smiles and says a word of thanks.

"By the way, this token is our original token. It should be able to help you feel where the Spirit Lord is. This matter must not be delayed. Please take care of it!"

He said very solemnly, sighed: "can help you only these."

People no longer speak, feel a burst of desolation.

"You go." The white robed old man waved freely.

The scene in the secret place once again became the original appearance, a forest, a small wooden house, a few playful animals scurrying, calm and warm.

The old man in white robe turned and entered the wooden house. Then, the secret place began to dissipate slowly like the wind.

All the people's bodies trembled together, then bowed respectfully and said: "farewell, master!"

At this point, outside the secret.

The West shadow Wei is gloomy face, take the person of the boundary alliance to guard in the secret place all around, just wait for the God of food they come out.

"What if they get the supreme inheritance? In the end, all they have is still mineThe West shadow guard's eyes twinkled with cold light, and his whole body's momentum rose to the top. He said in a deep voice: "set up the array for me. Once they come out, kill them the first time!"

The left envoy was shocked to see that she didn't want to stay here. She was afraid and just wanted to run away. However, every time she went to persuade xiyingwei, she got xiyingwei's angry roar, "it's not you who eat shit. Of course you don't understand our pain! Those people must die today! "

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